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Duskwood Dilemma

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Jaina has a sticky run-in with a clan of ogres.
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A request featuring Jaina Proudmoore from WoW and some ogres.


It'd been years since Jaina had set foot in Duskwood, and now, stumbling over a root and nearly colliding with a tree, the reason for that was abundantly clear.

"One little miscalculation and I'm up to my shoulders in weeds!"

Huffing and blowing a strand of honey-blonde hair out of her face, she hiked up her skirt and navigated herself out of the copse of forest she'd accidentally teleported herself into. Dense and dark, she tripped a few more times before breaching the brush. Beyond the vegetation that she crawled out of extended a flat plain interspersed with bushes and illuminated by moonlight. Beyond that, a cliffside perfect for scouting out her location.

In a blink she stood atop it, aided by the magic that had gotten her into this predicament in the first place. And for what, some upstart ogres causing trouble? Wasn't that a job better suited for the militia rather than an archmage?

Really living up to the accusations of being a pushover, she thought.

Sighing, she scanned the horizon, searching for any unnatural light or sign of human habitation. Treetops bathed in the light of the moon extended as far as the eyes could see, broken up only occasionally by a patch of naked land. To her right, the river that split Duskwood and Elwynn Forest in half. To her left, more trees.

Finding nothing, she closed her eyes and pursued a different method of search, letting the cool air brush her skin and the silence of nature calm her. This high up, it would be easy to locate even the small town of Darkshire using less conventional means.

Like tentacular feelers her mind extended outwards in every direction, searching for an overabundance of mana or any slight aberration to indicate the presence of magic users or magical contraptions that would signify civilization.

Nothing... nothing... still nothing...

There you are!

For a split second the air reverberated violently, and then she was gone. Destination: Darkshire. Mission: freeze some ogres.


Some might describe Darkshire as a small, pleasant town. The kind where you could live a quiet life away from the discord of a city like Stormwind. Others, like her, would describe it as creepy. A few hundred people lived there but you wouldn't know it given what little light shined from the houses and what few people roamed the streets. The trees? Still there, except now their wicked fingers cast hideous shadows that reached even the inside of the mayor's finely furnished mansion.

"Lady Proudmoore, we're honored by your presence and so grateful you showed up to help us."

Just by looking at him it was clear to her that Mayor Ebonlocke's gratitude went beyond the mere formality that their difference in station required. Relief showed on his face clear as day, and it was apparent from the weariness of his eyes that he hadn't been sleeping very well.

"I'm happy to be of help, Mayor," she said, shooting him a reassuring smile. "How are the injured? Have there been any casualties?"

"No casualties. As for the injured..." He looked down at his twiddling thumbs as if unable to meet her gaze. "They are very strange."

Her brow furrowed upon noting the edge in his voice. "Strange? Do you need a healer? If you'd like, I can retrieve a priest within half an hour at most."

"No, no," he said, waving a hand and meeting her gaze again. "We've had local priestesses look them over, but there's nothing physically wrong with them."

"I don't understand. Were they not attacked by ogres?"

"Oh yes, the Splinter Fist attacked them alright, they just weren't precisely wounded in the traditional sense."

Before she could question him further, Mayor Ebonlocke stood up. "Follow me and I'll show you."

He led her out of the mansion and onto the cobbled streets. A crowd had gathered outside as if hearing of her arrival. Men and women stared, courteous and controlled, whispering to one another, but with visible hope in their eyes and demeanor. Despite her initial grievances and the misfire of her teleportation spell that landed her in weeds and thickets and earned her more than a few scratches, seeing these people dispelled any doubts she'd had over coming here.

"This way," the mayor said.

Circumventing the crowd, Ebonlocke guided them into a building outfitted as an infirmary. A number of healers were gathered round, flipping through tomes and hovering over a woman lying upon a bed far too large for her.

"This is the latest victim, Sarah Ladimore. One of our Night Watchmen."

He spoke in a hushed whisper, and though the woman couldn't hear, Sarah looked at them from across the room, a pleasant smile on her face as she ignored the priestess tending to her.

"She seems... fine," Jaina said. But as she spoke a sense of unease took hold of her. Something about Sarah Ladimore was off, though she knew not what.

"They all seem fine on the outside, My Lady. Their mind is where the problem lies."

"We suspect mind control." One of the priestesses joined them, a young woman so fresh-faced that she looked as if she were still studying magic. Turning to Jaina, she did a curtsy and smiled. "Susan Mercy. Pleased to meet you, Lady Proudmoore."

Mind control? That didn't seem likely to her. Some sort of mild suggestion magic perhaps, but not full-blown mind control. The way Sarah was behaving, dazed as if in a dream and outright happy, didn't fit, and she'd never heard of ogres utilizing such advanced magic. It was possible that the trolls in the south taught them, but that was a stretch and she could detect nothing of the sort emanating from the injured woman.

"Pardon me, but I don't believe it's mind control she suffers from. Tell me, what exactly happened to her?"

The mayor fidgeted nervously with his tie. Susan gave him a reassuring look and touched his arm with her hand.

"She was raped."

"As was my daughter," Ebonlocke said, strangling his tie now and visibly struggling to remain calm.

"Goodness... I'm sorry to hear that, Mayor." Jaina glanced over at the supposedly mind controlled woman, studying her and again trying to detect any hint of magic ailing her.

Nothing. But Sarah did smile back.

"I've never heard of ogres doing such a thing," Jaina murmured. Determined, she turned back to the priestess. "How many victims?"

"Nine in total, but three this month."

"They kidnapped Sarah here and my daughter Althea while they were out patrolling," Mayor Ebonlocke said. "Since then we've had to tighten our patrols and send them out in groups of four... And that's after we already tightened them last month into patrols of three after they kidnapped Watchers Keefer and Bukouris!" He ran a hand through his dark, disheveled hair. "We don't have many female watchmen, but they've taken just about all of them at some point or another."

"And they all display the same behavior as Sarah," Susan said. "They come back with scrapes or bruises at worst and deny any rape occurred. Some of them try to go back to the ogres, but when we stop them they lash out at us. Often physically."

Jaina's eyes narrowed in thought. 'Strange' didn't quite cut this case.

"Kidnapped, assaulted, and sent back with their personalities different, possibly altered." she chewed on her lip, glossing through a catalog of spells and local artifacts in her mind.

"Now you see why I wanted you specifically," Ebonlocke said.

She nodded. "Yes, I do. And I'll do my best to solve this before anyone else gets hurt."

"Do you have any idea as to what's wrong with them?" Susan asked.

"Nothing concrete, but before I go out tomorrow I'd like to talk to Sarah, if that's okay."

Pleased, the mayor smiled and finally let go of his tie. "Certainly. While you do that I'll round up some men to go with you tomorrow."

"No need for that, Mayor. I can handle myself."

"I don't doubt your abilities Lady Proudmoore, but surely a small entourage would be worth taking?"

"I appreciate your concern, but no. I don't want to put your men in any unnecessary danger. I'm perfectly capable on my own."

"As you wish," he said, and then nodded towards Susan who smiled and gestured towards the bed that Sarah Ladimore rested on.

"Let's talk to our patient, shall we?"


Little could be gleaned from her conversation with Sarah Ladimore other than the woman's extreme insistence on returning to the ogres and her utter denial of mind altering magic of any kind. The other victims Jaina talked to said much the same, and at times became belligerent under questioning.

She hadn't expected to learn very much without confronting the ogres directly, but the strangeness of it all concerned her. Could it be that they had come to enjoy their captivity?

Highly unlikely, but there was no use pondering such things right now.

The Splinter Fist ogres inhabited a valley situated near the border rife with a system of caves festooned within the mountains. Typically they stayed within their territory and didn't cause a whole lot of trouble, and as such the cost of venturing into their caves and rooting them out had been deemed as too high to bother with. If an understanding couldn't be met however, that might just change.

A hop, skip and a jump later and her teleportation took her deep inside of their territory at the foot of a small hill that led up to the gaping mouth of a cave. Flags, wooden structures and stolen supplies littered the area. The air smelled of smoke. Clouds blotted out the sun. And all around, looking very surprised, were about half a dozen ogres.

They didn't move except to look at her. Curious, but not hostile.

"Do you have a chief?" she called.

No response.

"A lord? A warmaster? Some kind of leader?"

The ogres exchanged glances, then one shrugged and pointed a finger towards the cave.

Murmuring the words to a minor protection spell, she trekked up to the mouth of the cave and went inside its dark, dimly lit recesses.

The cave was excessively large, with a tall ceiling and such a wide, spacious area that it gave no room for question as to how a race of giants could live in such a place. Inside were another half-dozen or so ogres loitering about.

She repeated herself to this new group of ogres, and their gaze led her to one that had been sitting down. He stood up as she approached him, and she made sure to keep a safe enough distance not only from him, but the rest of the ogres as well. Shielding spell or not, there was no need to make things easier for them should they turn violent.

"I'm chieftain," he rumbled. "Name, ZZarc' Vul."

She could have guessed his position amongst the clan by his size alone. With arms like trees and a body rippling with both muscle and fat, he was the biggest of the ogres inside or outside the cave.

"My name is Jaina Proudmoore. I'm here to discuss the horrible crimes your people are committing."

"Crimes?" The chieftain looked offended at the prospect. "Nothing we did. No harm, no violence."

"You've been kidnapping and raping the women of Darkshire. I realize you don't understand humanity's laws, but if you don't stop, and if you don't turn over the perpetrators to us, I'll have to resort to violence."

"You?" Not possible."

Jaina sighed. "I've studied under the best mages on Azeroth, I assure you I can destroy all of you if you don't comply. But please, I have no desire for any sort of bloodshed."

Zzarc shook his head. "You're famous mage. I know you. But your magic not work here."

As he said this, he did something she would have never expected him to do had she been given a hundred years to guess: he removed his loincloth and freed the beast within.

Astonished beyond words, she stood there gawking for a long handful of seconds, eyes wide and mouth ajar before she finally composed herself enough to speak, her voice quiet as a mouse.


The ogre chieftain's fat cock hung between his legs like something out of a nightmare, immensely thick and perversely long. The way he displayed it taunted her, angered her, made the grip she held on her staff tighten.

The route of pacifism didn't seem possible at this point, but perhaps if she took out their leader the rest would comply with her demands. A solid idea, however she encountered a slight problem when she raised her hand and summoned a smoldering ball of fire.

It wasn't smoldering and there was no fire. The spell didn't work. Surprised, but with the quick-thinking reflexes required of one who frequented the battlefield, she tried again, and when that didn't work tried frost, then arcane, then what little nature and dark magic she knew. None of it worked, and neither did teleportation.

"See?" he said flatly.

She looked up, eyes darting left and right as a contingent of ogres surrounded her, cocks out and similarly nightmarish in size. Hulking blue and tan beasts with only one possible purpose in mind.

An anti-magic field? Or perhaps arcane nullifier contraptions hidden about the area? It didn't matter. She should have noticed earlier when she'd invoked her protection magic, but there was no time to contemplate things, nor would it do her any good right now. Without magic there was very little she could do except try to escape on foot. The odds of that were abysmal, but she had to try; and if that didn't work she'd have no choice other than to go along with whatever twisted measures they came up with.

Backing away slowly, she tried to distract them through conversation, asking them how they'd prevented her magic casting, but neither the chieftain nor his underlings responded. She made it the short journey out of the cave, but when she turned more ogres were there waiting for her.

"We lack females," ZZarc said, his voice booming out over the valley as he stepped out of the cave. "We do not harm. Never killed, never hurt. But need females for bigger family, and humans best. You, look most best."

"Bigger family?" They intended to breed more ogres from their victims? A shiver ran up her spine. A nervous bead of sweat rolled down her temple. Her robe felt hot and constraining. "That's absurd."

He ignored her and continued. "They like it. That's why they come back. You..." He was jerking at his cock now, making long, obscene, back and forth gestures with his hand as he nurtured his length to full. "You most pretty of all. Very sexy. Big breasts and gold hair."

Embarrassed over the ogres' open masturbatory display and shamefully flattered over ZZarc' Vul's compliments, her ivory cheeks flushed red.

Surrounded. There could be no escape from them now, and without her magic she had no means of fighting them off. Although she was loath to admit it, the outcome had already been decided the moment she set foot in that cave. One question remained, however: how best to get through the ordeal they would inevitably put her through? These ogres were larger and stronger than tauren. A woman of her size resisting them was about as pointless as a cat trying to fight off a kodo beast.

Terrible as it was, playing along seemed to be the best course of action. Given their stated objective of bolstering their so-called family, a spell or contraceptive potion could take care of the rest later.

"Fine," she said. "If a mate is what you want, then I'll gladly fill that role. Who is first?"

ZZarc thumped his chest with a fist. "ZZarc' Vul leader. I put baby in you."

"Naturally," she muttered, eyeing his cock and frowning. Could that thing even fit?

Given Sarah Ladimore and the other women, I guess it can.

"Now strip, then we begin."

Squashing her anxiety, she committed herself to pleasing this ogre in a way that would best suit her and, hopefully, more quickly allow her release. A bit of teasing and just maybe it would lead to a faster orgasm on his part.

She wasn't very experienced or knowledgeable in the ways of exciting men, but she did her best to give the ogres a show, stripping in a manner that she hoped was sensual, starting with her shoulder pads and then slowly and deliberately shedding her corset.

Thrusting out her chest and removing her bra, she let her breasts inch out, slowly, slowly, until releasing them and allowing them to flop out in their full, abundant glory, pale and pink and deliciously plump. Although her movements were clumsy, Zzarc and the rest of the ogres watched, captivated and absentmindedly stroking themselves to her while others hollered their appreciation for her body.

Devoid of her corset, she was naked from the waist up and, turning, she displayed her backside to the chieftain as she peeled off her skirt, revealing the delicious swell of her ass. Two abundant half-moons that could no doubt provide enough cushion even for an ogre.

Swallowing both her pride and her reservations, she stalked over to ZZarc' Vul, hips swaying, the sun highlighting her blonde hair and the fullness of her womanly curves. She stopped in front of him then, his great height towering over her small human body. Huge and sturdy over small and frail.

As she sank onto her knees before him upon the grass, he appeared even more ridiculously large, even more grotesque; and his cock, no less impressive in size, struck out from his body like a massive warhammer. The impossibly thick shaft pulsed with veins while the head flared out in a cushiony fist awaiting her ministrations.

Daunted and uncertain, she nevertheless threw her doubts aside and curled her fingers around his shaft, both hands clutching tightly and looking altogether too small for such an immense cock. It expelled heat like a furnace, warming her hands and inflaming her spirit. For a moment she couldn't help but marvel at its size, but then a reminder of her situation compelled her forward and moved her hands to action.

In one long stroke she marched her hands finger by finger up the length of his cock until they met at his tip. She repeated herself, squeezing and wringing him until an oozing glob of pre-cum dribbled out from his slit like paste from a tube, coating her fingers and making the return trip back down to the base of his shaft all the easier.

"Good," he said. "But faster."

Setting her jaw and shifting her shoulders, Jaina leaned into her work, breasts jiggling ever so slightly as she picked up speed, slicking her hands up and down the biggest cock she'd ever seen, felt, imagined or heard of. A surging river-like torrent of pre-cum flowed from the ogre's monstrous tip, rolling over and under and between her fingers, lubing up his cock until it was entirely coated in a shining layer of salty, sticky pre-cum, a portent of what was to come.

The rapid, wet squelching of liquid squeezing between her hands, as well as the ogre's rumbled groans, became the only noise within their little corner of the valley. More and more she became accustomed to his bulk filling her hands and her technique changed as her confidence grew. One hand took to rubbing and twisting up and down his shaft, while her other hand tended to his cushiony tip, massaging and coaxing out a seemingly unending stream of pre-cum between her fingers.

"How's that, big guy?" she asked, what little muscles she had in her arm visibly straining as she jerked his cock.

"Suck," he said.

"What? Oh."

Keeping her hands firmly affixed to his shaft, she tentatively leaned forward, trying her best not to grimace as she wrapped her lips around the gruesomely thick head of his cock. It was a struggle just to fit it inside of her mouth, her lips stretching thin and wide, her tongue recoiling from the touch of the ogre's prick against it. With some difficulty, and to her mild surprise, she managed to fit the entire bulge of his fat cockhead into her mouth, lips tightly hugging the flared underside of his tip.

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