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DWB The Sequel

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E.W. pays me back. With a little help from her friends.
52.3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/11/2021
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Hello again.

This is, I suppose, some kind of Harem story.

If DWB was a deep dive into an individual celebrity story, then this is its unnecessarily bloated sequel. The only thing to say really is that I hope it makes sense; the logistics of detailing the actions of up to seven people at any one time, is challenging, to say the least.

As prior, no offense intended to anyone concerned. Apologies if needed. Otherwise, may I just again say that this all comes from a place of admiration and respect, albeit wholly misguided!

Enjoy, if this is what you're into.


DWB. The Sequel. Dirtier-er, Weirder-er, Better-er?

Following the events surrounding our 18th birthdays, M and I continued on our dirtier, weirder, better journey as best as one could having climbed so high, and sunk so low, so incredibly quickly.

I am writing this time some years after those events took place. Some of you might have imagined some kind of happily, DWB ever after scenario, which is adorable and cute, but just not the reality of how things work out for two 18-year-olds in this day and age.

Instead, we, in the years that have passed (three if you must know) saw other people, as we well should have, and we were faithful to our respective partners in that time (at least I was anyway, I can't speak for M, but I would strongly imagine so). But there were also times when neither of us were with anyone, and therefore, would 'catch-up' in the best possible way, meaning every possible way we and our dirty and weird little minds could conjure up, and down, and in, and out...

Right now, as best as I am aware, we are both single. And I must admit that, despite a few suggestive approaches from my end, I had been gently rebuffed, the reason for which apparently it was not necessary for me to know. C'est la vie I forced myself to think, burying my vague sense of hurt at M's ongoing distance and radio silence.

But given the simple fact that you are reading this sentence of course means that that parlous state of (non) affairs did not last. For long.

Because, one day, out of the blue, I received a rather fancy looking letter in the mail (I had long since moved out from her family home, as had she).

The letter was an invitation. To her latest premiere. Along with another one about some hotel afterparty with a keycard enclosed. A handwritten note from M acknowledged that she knew this type of thing wasn't my kind of thing, but it implored me to come in a way that made good and sure to make me feel as if I could say no. It read thusly:

My dear B,

It feels like such a long time since we last had the opportunity to connect. I've been away overseas for what feels like forever and even though I've been back for a little while now, I've just been so busy that I've barely had time to scratch myself! And I must apologise for any communications that I have failed to respond to, so very sorry.

However, that ends now. Or soon anyway.

I would like you to attend the premiere of my new little film! It's not going to break any box office records, but I am quite proud of this one I must admit, and it would mean the world to me if you could come and see it at its European premiere.

I know you really don't go in for this type of thing, it being a Black-tie sort of affair. But I think you will enjoy yourself if you come. And there is a little afterparty gathering that you should definitely come to as well! Please!

If you are otherwise engaged then so be it. But I would just say that it would make me, and hopefully you, very happy if you did.

Say Hi to your mum for me.

Love M.

Now, I didn't like dressing up, or going places where I don't know anyone, but there was something in her tone that meant I just knew that would mean a lot to her if I said yes, and because she was who she was, and because I would do anything for her, of course I was going to go.

Weirdly, there was no way to RSVP. And so I stuck the invite on my fridge, and gamely set about trying to think of absolutely anything else. For three fucking weeks!

Time passed excruciatingly slowly, until:

On this particular Saturday night, I found myself, dressed up to the nines, and feeling perfectly out of place, in attending the (London) premiere of her new film. Now for those that are unaware there's two levels of attendees to a red-carpet event such as these; those that are famous, wealthy or important enough to go on said carpet, and the rest of us, who were ushered in through another, altogether less impressive, entrance entirely.

The film, if anyone cares to know, was set in the American Deep South, a studio Indi flick, the kind where famous actors take a pay cut in return for being able to show off their acting chops, and I am happy to say, that in this particular case our M did a more than serviceable job of both the accent, and not looking entirely out of place as a poor, beleaguered woman of the South in the 1930s. There was even a scene where she sang along to one of those bands with jugs and washboards, which she managed to pull off admirably. All in all, I have to say that I genuinely enjoyed it. She was right though, it probably wasn't going to make a billion dollars in box office bank.

Anyway, once over, I found myself walking through the lobby of one of the fanciest hotels in London, again feeling decidedly out of place and ill-fitting in my new suit, and trying in vain to look as if I belonged there as I tried to find my way to the elevator to find the suite number on the keycard.

The lift, having demanded that I insert my card into it, promptly went all the way to the top floor, and opened straight into what was clearly the private lobby. This was the penthouse it seemed. It clearly took up the whole floor.

And. No one was there. Weird.

I got out my phone and texted M.

'Hi M. It's B. So I'm here I think. There's no one else here though?!'

A moment passed and my phone buzzed.

'B! You came! I'm just coming now. There in a sec.' Was all it said.

I wandered about awkwardly in the opulent setting.

And, after a minute or two...


The door opened to reveal M standing within. She was wearing a gorgeous black dress, with a high split up one leg. Simple. Elegant. Resplendent.

And now, all of a sudden the fancy setting seemed apt. M transcended it. She smiled when she saw me, looking like an awkward not quite man, trying but not quite able to pull off his Bond-wannabe attire.

And her, giving me that funny, wonderful, knowing smile.

'B! You found it alright then?!' She said gliding up to me and giving me a hug.

She stepped back and looked down at me and my duds.

'You look good B! You should dress up more often.' She said earnestly.

'I feel pretty silly M. Where is everyone?' I asked.

'Coming. They'll be here soon. So we need to get ready.' She replied urgently.

'Ready?' I asked, more confused than ever.

'Yes ready.' She replied, but gave forth no more clarification. 'Come on, here, open this.'

She handed me a champagne bottle from the nearby ice bucket.

'I have to arrange a few things.' And with that she trotted off and into an adjoining room.

I looked at the bottle I held in my hand. It was French of course, and I fancied it was the most expensive bottle of booze I'd ever held.

'Shouldn't you be doing press or something?' I called out to her. 'You were great by the way!'

'Yes I should! But I'm not! I told the producers I'd make it up to them! And thanks!' She shouted back.

She came back in dragging a carry-on bag on wheels, which she placed near the bar and then looked about the room, sizing it up, nodding approvingly.

She took a chair and shifted it somewhat, and then shifted it again, looking up and about at things I was not aware of, considering it all. She then located a couple of remotes and began playing with them. Music, lights etc. A concealed projection screen lowered itself from a wall.

'What's that for?' I asked.

'Who knows B.' She replied dismissively. 'I'm just getting my bearings for the night.'

'Ok.' I said, wondering...'So are you the host or something?'

'I am.' She said simply, with more than a smidgen of pride leaking out if I didn't know any better.

'You didn't mention that.' I said, weirdly miffed at not knowing. I might also have been miffed at not having seen or heard from her in months, but pride dictated that I kept that to myself.

'Didn't I? Oh well sorry about that. It's just a little gathering B. Nothing to be intimidated by.'

'Intimidated? Why would I be intimidated?'

'Hmm. No, well, you wouldn't. I just mean relax is all. Have some of that champagne, and give me some too!'

I poured out two glasses of champagne. She came over and took one from my hand.

'Cheers.' She said, beaming. 'To what lays ahead.'

'Cheers.' I replied, raising my eyebrows in a 'I don't know what the hell I'm doing here but ok' kind of way.

'Now B. There's something I need you to do for me.'

'Serve the champagne?' I asked, honestly thinking that would be the most appropriate role for me.

'What? No! God B I didn't bring you here tonight to be the waiter!' She reassured me, before adding; 'although that would be fun actually...would you consider going topless?!'

'Not funny M.' I replied sternly, I was too uncomfortable to see the humour in my awkwardness.

'Ok ok. Geez.' She responded. 'Relax! Just drink your Champagne.'

Hers was already empty and she topped me up generously.

'So the others will be here in a few minutes so I want you to wait in the other room.'

'Which one?' I asked looking around at the multiple doors.

'That one.' She replied, pointing to where she'd retrieved her bag from.

'But why do I need to hide in there?' I groaned.

'Because B. I'm going to give a little speech. It's for one of my non-acting positions.'

I'd lost track of how many other things M concerned herself with. Brand ambassador, champion of some worthy cause etc.

'Ok. But why does that mean I need to hide back there?' I asked.

'Because I need you to be...well. A prop, I guess.'

'A prop!' I replied in mild offense.

'Yes, I just need you to be up there with me while I deliver my speech.' She said, gesturing to what I now realised was a little make-shift stage in front of the lounge area.

'Don't worry you don't need to do anything. Just sit there. Even you can do that B. Come on this means a lot to me!' She said imploringly. Adorably.

I groaned. 'Ok fine. And here I thought you actually wanted to see me. It's been a while M.'

'Yes I know B and I'm sorry for that. But I promise I will make it up to. Tonight even, if the evening all goes to plan.'

I decided not to ask what plan she was referring to and instead sighed in resignation to my plight.

'Great! Thanks B, you're the best! Here take this.' She handed me the bottle of champagne and ushered me into the other room. It was a grandiose bedroom. En suite with spa, the whole deal.

'I'll come get you when it's time.' She said, and with that she closed the door.

'Well. This is fucking weird.' I thought to myself, sitting on the bed with a glass of champagne in one hand and the bottle in the other. Should I read anything into being in the bedroom I wondered, but had no way of knowing if what she had said was true or not. Maybe she would suddenly call out 'Action' in a moment or two and come in and have her wicked way with me?! My suit clad cock twitched at the thought.

But then I heard voices. Muffled voices. Not loud or clear enough to make out what they were saying, other than the usual din you hear when people say their greetings.

A champagne cork popped. Glasses clinked.

A few minutes passed when I remembered that I'd left my phone on the bar. Fuck.

And so around ten more minutes passed with me sitting on that bed, getting more and more bored, slowly draining my glass and then the remainder of the bottle. I was getting the hot flushed feeling that champagne gives you when it starts to kick in.

I wondered if I shouldn't use the en suite bathroom while I had the chance.

The voices quietened down, and then only one could heard. It must have been M.

I got up and pressed my ear against the door, trying to make something, anything out.

I couldn't make out any complete sentences, but did think I'd caught a phrase or two;

'Rest assured.; and

'No one outside this..' This what...room?!

Quiet again, and then, I sensed footsteps, coming this way. I quickly returned to the bed and tried to sit as though I'd been doing so the whole time. Casual-like. Almost certainly failing in my attempt.

The door opened and M stepped in, quickly closing it behind her.

'Hey.' She whispered, coming over and sitting on the bed next to me.

'Ok B. We're ready.'

'Ready for what..?'

'For our performance.' She replied, seeming a bit giddy, possibly because of the champagne. But also possibly something else.

'Performance?' I protested. 'I thought I just had to sit there! Like a prop. No. Whatever it is I don't want to....'

'No B. Sorry that was...imprecise of me. What I meant to say is my performance. You just have to sit there.'


'And...maybe answer a few questions. I'll do the rest!' She replied dismissively.

'What questions M?!' I hissed, trying not to be overheard.

'Nothing you have answered to me before I assure you. You don't need to remember any lines or anything.'

'M?!' I pleaded, now properly terrified, despite all her reassurances.

'Oh don't worry it will be fine! Cheers!' She said and clinked my glass with hers before downing it and getting up, and then pulling me up as well. She pushed my reluctant, weakly resisting form towards the door.

'Oh I almost forgot!' She said, and produced a Sleep mask from god knows where and tried to put it over my head. I stopped her. Obviously.

'What the fuck is that for?' I asked, in a measured and perfectly reasonable tone.

'It's part of the show B. Come on I don't have time to argue with you B. Come on please. Do this. Please. For meeeee...?!'

She said it in the best, most endearing way she could...bright eyed, pleading. Undeniable.

'For fucks sake.' I said, relenting, yet again.

'You owe me one.' I insisted.

'I do. And you know I'm good for it.' She replied with a wink as she drew the mask over my eyes. My world went dark. In more ways than one.

She opened the door and led me slowly out into the main room, around the lounge and I thought to the chair she'd set up earlier. She then gently pushed down on my shoulders indicating for me to sit.

'Ok. Here's my performance partner for this evening. Everyone please meet Will. Will has very generously agreed to give up his precious time to be with us all here tonight.'

'Hi Will.' Someone said, somewhat sarcastically, with a giggle. It was a woman's voice. Fuck.

'So just by way of introduction this is a little something I have in store for you all, somewhat of a one-woman play, no two-hander!'

'Anyway, this has not been rehearsed and in fact will be largely improvised. In essence I hope that it will serve as somewhat of a one-woman play that represents us all.'

'And so, if you will forgive the indulgence, I would like to perform it for you all now.'

A little clap coursed through the small crowd. I tried to guess how many were there....five? Ten? I couldn't be sure.

'Ok lights!' M said, I think to herself really as she was the one with the remotes...?!

Either way, despite my mask I could see a beam of light hit me that would have been blinding had I not been, well, blindfolded.

'Good evening. I am Emma Watson, principally known as an actress, but like many of you here tonight I make it my business to pursue other interests as well, this being somewhat of a combination of the two I suppose.'

She was nervous. I could tell. That made me feel better somehow. Whether it should have done is another matter entirely.

'I have brought you all here this evening to meet Will. Will is just an average run of the mill guy. Will, is, he would tell you and I would also confirm, A Nice Guy. A Gent. A Solid Bloke. There's no reason for anyone to harbour any ill-will towards Will here, please excuse the pun. And that's the thing. It could really be anyone up here with me tonight. Will, aside from being not horrible, is not actually relevant.'

She paused for effect, while I tried to figure out if I was being insulted in front of a room full of strangers. She went on;

'What is relevant however is me. And I suppose how I, because of who I am, relate to Will.'

'Now, I'm sure you'll all agree, that Will is not an unattractive specimen. Perhaps not quite movie star level good looks, but Will should be able to garner some reasonable level of attention from the opposite sex, such that there's no reason to think that Will, will ever be at risk at 'missing out' on the type of sensual relations that we all would like to have as part of our adult lives.'

I squirmed in my seat a little. Feeling judged. Very judged.

'In short. Will will do alright for himself. In fact he may very have done so already. Good for Will.'

M moved from her mark and walked around my chair. And she took one of my arms, and then the other and gently cajoled them behind the back of the chair. I felt the cool touch of metal clasping around my wrists. She was trying to restrain me! I went to squirm my hands free but she held them firm and whispered to me under her breath.

'Just go with it.'

Well, against my better judgement I relented and allowed my hands to be cuffed behind the back of the chair. Fuck it. I was stuck.

'Furthermore,' M went on, ever so casually.

'I can assure you, on very good authority, namely my own, that Will does not suffer from the epidemic of misogyny that remains so sadly prevalent, even to this day. Will here, doesn't get upset and make foolish utterances about 'Not all men', and nor does he think that the cause of equality for women is somehow already all sorted. In short, he is not an idiot.'

A few in the crowd tittered a bit at this. I just blushed.

'But despite all of this. Will is still...a male. A heterosexual cis male as we say nowadays. And as such he does not always necessarily think about things with his head. There's another brain of sorts, a head, lower down...

Oh fuck where was this going now?! I twisted in my seat in discomfort at having M refer to my 'other brain', in front of godonlyknows who.

Again M's hand drifted across my shoulder in reassurance. It did not work.

'I think you all know the one to which I refer....'

'Now of course we all know that 'other brain' in a man's body. One that can overwhelm and over-ride every single positive and well-meaning thought that Will's upper brain is capable of.'

'But why take my word for it when we can ask our little test subject for ourselves?'

I subtly began testing the strength of my bonds.

M stood I think in front of me and turned to address me directly.

'Will. Thank you for volunteering for this. I will try to keep this brief.'

'Would you agree with my characterisation of you thus far?'

She sounded like a prosecutor in trial for a crime I was as yet unaware of.

'I guess.' I replied, trying my best to convey how unimpressed I was with my situation.

'Fairly typical male. No particular opinions or preferences that would mark you out from the crowd?'

'I...I don't think so no.' I replied cautiously, hoping like hell she wasn't going to spill the beans on my, our, perversity. Somehow I already knew I wouldn't be that lucky.

'Very good.' She said, seemingly contented. And then, she switched it up.

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