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Early Works - Gay Mode

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Seven friends find themselve in a study that pushes their limits.
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To whoever reads this story :

Firstly, please be warned that this is one of myearlier works.

This means that although I don't give laundry-list descriptions, I do describe the characters in detail at times. ... Sorry. m(_ _)m

(Originally this was the third story in a compilation of themed quick stories, each of which matched a certain literotica category. The compilation itself was based in a world where drugs were commonly used for mind control, sexual pleasure etc.)

Secondly,italics are used to indicate thoughts, and bold is used to indicate emphasis.

Finally, this story contains a whole bunch of husbands, one college student, and a lot of men pleasuring each other in various ways.


Ysoi's Early Works - Gay Mode

18/September/2054 ~20:00Hrs.

Part 01...

Nathan blushes. Looks down at the transparent grey stim-tube into which his cock has been inserted, held in place by straps locked about his hips. It squeezes him gently, vibrating quietly about his length; pulsing from one end to the other. His swollen knob and his balls beneath are the only visible evidence that it is not in fact a woman's strap-on. It feels strange. Embarrassing. Good nevertheless. As if Julie were wanking him gently whilst running her tongue from base to tip. Her insistence on avoiding the leaking and glistening tip at once frustrating but also erotic.

When will she arrive? He had expected her to be waiting with the other women. Had expected to serve both her and her friends in this, his first impregnation orgy. Had looked forward to seeing her in ecstasy with no care as to who gave it to her or who she chose to go with. What did it matter so long as she was happy? He had only wanted to please her.

But now? The air is as warm and damp as he had been told to expect; but where he had anticipated the wonderful fragrances of aroused women and their assorted perfumes, there is instead nothing but the scent of freshly-washed men and equally cleansed but now damply glistening cocks. The scent of male pre-cum mixed with just the slightest fragrance of sperm. Where is she? Why isn't she there already?

He had looked forward to feasting his eyes upon not just her gorgeous body but those of his friend's lovers as well; but instead he finds that both she and they are nowhere to be seen. That the tired, panda-eyed university student who stands by the only door and who had strapped the stim-tube about his hips is the only woman to be seen. Janet wasn't it? She's short, delicate and still pretty despite her tired and unkempt appearance; but she's also off-limits, a spectator rather than a participant, and so his attention turns to the board that stands beside her.

"An Observational Experiment into the Adaptability of Male Sexual Behaviour."

Is there some kind of trick behind the words? Is there something that they hadn't spotted behind the innocent facade? It had seemed like a chance too good to miss. Just an hour of their time in exchange for a night in the relative luxury of a VIP lounge; a chance for the whole department to indulge in an orgy of love with their own partners and lust with each other's. He'd found both the images and their accompanying questions oddly unsettling though, for he had recalled emotions and feelings that he'd thought that he'd grown out of; and the absence of any women meant that there was nothing to push those memories from his mind.

How many times has he seen his friends naked? How many times has he joined them and their wives in bed, or invited them into his and Julie's? He has seen them in passion and ecstasy, has seen them pissing and cumming and shown them as much as he has seen; and it seems easier to count the nights when Julie and himself have slept alone together than do the opposite. It makes sense therefore, that he should have no problem seeing them stood as he is now, but he feels both embarrassed and awkward regardless; and he sees the same emotions upon them. All uncertain. Many blushing. Hundreds of them in an endless sea about himself.

In reality he sees just five men besides himself, but the wall-screens are powered down and unlit; and so it seems as if he stands in the middle of an infinite landscape of masculinity. As if he stands in the midst of a forest of innumerable cocks. They range from as short and thin as Tom's to as long as David's and as fat as Harry's, and they cover the whole range of what might be considered healthy and normal. They jut forward and upward without exception. They bob up and down and twitch as they strain towards women who are still inexplicably absent; and also, equally without exception, the quietly buzzing, high-tech codpieces cover their length from pubic hair to swollen and glistening helmet.

Alex, Dave, Eric, Harry, Tom. No sign of the jerk or his sycophantic buddy. No sign of the women who would normally by now be busy stroking themselves impatiently between their thighs, if not already fucking each other senseless.

Could it be that they had failed the scientists' questions in some way? That they had detected some anomaly within their characters? Something that made them unsuitable for an impregnation orgy? He swallows. Feels dizzy with fear at the thought that he might not be worthy of his beautiful wife. Glances at where he knows unseen cameras gaze at those who stand within the room. At the staff who no doubt watch everything that their cold, glass eyes record. He knows that he's not perfect. That he's too weak. That despite his wife's adoration and insistence that he never change, his face and long blonde hair make him look slightly feminine.

The letter said that it was an experiment in human sexuality, didn't it? That after the questions they would be expected to indulge in a night of condom and contraceptive free sex. Could they have they decided that their experiment would go better with the far more masculine Tod and Jackson? Or perhaps that the women would be better off without their sperm?

He has no confidence to tell himself that it's not possible, but he glances at the men who stand about him and he cannot believe that they too could have failed such an exam. They are all kind men, all polite or reasonably so; but who could question their worth as a male? Who could doubt that David was one of the most selfless men alive, or that for all of his youth, Alex had the kind of physique that was made for statues? Who could deny that any children sired by them would not only be genetically sound, but also well-loved and looked after?


He gives a start of surprise.

"Hi, Eric." he swallows. Turns to where his toned and redheaded friend stands to his side. "It... It's not what I was expecting..."

"Yeah. Same here." his friend pauses; his normally ashen skin touched by scarlet at the cheeks. His breathing uneven and his eyes a touch unfocused despite the calmness with which he speaks. "Those questions were pretty weird, weren't they."

Just for an instant Nathan wonders anxiously what is wrong with his friend. Just for a single instant he fails to recognise the symptoms that the other presents, and then he blushes. Glances down without meaning to.

Fuck, he's big.

His friend is close to cumming. He looks upward hurriedly. Tries to forget the trickle of thin, pale white fluid that dribbles out of his friend's plump helmet. To ignore the way that his friend's cock had thrust almost directly up at him as if ready to launch its sperm towards his face in a manner mimicking the films and photos that he had been shown.

Oh fuck...I don't lean that way!

"Y-yeah... I... I..." he stutters. Swallows. Shudders as the insistent vibration about his manhood causes a blob of sperm to bubble up and out of him, then prays that it won't take him all the way. That it won't make him spray his seed across the handsome man who stands before him. "I thought you'd done some of these studies before... Is it... Is it normally like this afterwards?.."

"Just men?" Eric grins. Shakes his head. "No way. Normally it's just fill out the surveys, get into the room and start shagging. Could be the girls are answering questions as well, but I thought this one was a men-only study..."

"And... And, uh... And these things?.."

He gestures without thinking. Sees the pink upon his friend's face darken to scarlet as he glances down. Sees him swallow then shake his head.

"Definitelynot normal!"


Silence. He realizes that Eric is still staring at his erection. That his gaze is moving across it. That rather than change the subject or laugh off his friend's attention; his own gaze has moved to Eric's far longer and slightly fatter manhood. He remembers the photos that the university-girl had shown him. Remembers films of men sucking other men to climax, of men accepting each other's sperm across their faces. How many of the men from the photos could maintain their composure whilst deep-throating that wonderful -

Wonderful?! I don't lean that way!..

He swallows. Banishes the thought hurriedly. Knows that his friend doesn't leanthat way either. Even during their threesomes with Julie or Sara; even when one of them thrust into a woman's arse whilst the other thrust into her pussy; they'd thought only of the beautiful woman between them, hadn't they? He licks his suddenly dry lips. Remembers the way in which Eric's cock never failed to slide along his own on its way into Julie or Sara. The way in which Eric would sometimes surprise him by lapping not just at his wife's sodden pussy, but also at Nathan's rigid cock half-buried within it; laughing that he had right of way by virtue of marriage. The way in which Sara had giggled that her husband was wanking him as he helped her to thrust her buttocks upon his shaft. The grin that Eric had given when he thanked him for returning the favour, their seed mingling in lines upon her firm, caramel-coloured buttocks.

It had all been nothing but mischievous fun, hadn't it? It had always been purely heterosexual, hadn't it? There couldn't have been any desire for him behind it, could there? But what if there had been, though?

What if secretly Eric had always wanted to return to those long summer holidays that they had sworn to keep to themselves, to forget and move on from? To the carefree days of their youth when it had been nothing unusual for them to watch each other climax over a copy of penthouse? To compete as to who could cum the most times, or who could shoot his seed the furthest? To race to spray their sperm across a digestive as if competing in a game of soggy biscuit, only to laugh and share it afterwards. He feels his head swim at the thought.

No. Not Eric. He's so tall. So strong. So insatiable when it comes to his wife. Fuck, they've finished many a night wanking off to movies of her with other women once she's retired to bed in exhaustion. There's no possibility that he could lean that way!

But himself?

He stares at his friend's throbbing and jutting cock, oblivious to the time that has passed. Why is it that it fascinates him so strongly now? Why is it that he wonders whether Eric's sperm tastes as wildly forbidden as it did all those years ago? That he thought of Eric during the not just unexpected but vaguely disturbing questions that they had been asked during the pre-admittance survey?

And what if Eric had been asked those same questions, and thought of him?

"I... I, uh... They asked if I would... If for Julie's sake I would..."

He flushes. Fuck, he can't say it. Can't bring himself to admit it. He looks up, hoping for understanding; and when Eric looks up as if sensing his anxiety, their eyes meet and his friend nods his head ever-so-slightly.

"Me too. For Sara's sake."

"M-My own... And someone else's... I said... I said I would swallow... For Julie..."

"Yeah. I said I'd do it as well..."

He feels his face burn. Feels not just a touch of comprehension, but a touch of relief as well. Sees a nervous smile upon his friend's lips for the first time. Feels the vibrations about his cock subside so that they don't cause the sudden stiffening of his cock to lead to its natural conclusion. He gasps and bites his lips. Closes his eyes for just a moment and sees a look of interest and something else upon Eric's face when he opens them once more.

Something? Yes. Acceptance. Willing acceptance.

Oh fuck... Do you want me to do this, Julie?..

"Then... Then this... You think they want us to..."

"Honestly, I don't see why they'd care. I've never heard of anything like this before. It's not as if they can't get any number of guys to fuck and suck each other senseless..." Eric pauses. Looks about himself at the men with whom they stand. At the defiant interest and anticipation that has in part replaced the earlier uncertainty. "Tod isn't here though... Nor Jackson..."

"Then they've got rid of two homophobic jerks..."

"Yeah!.." Eric laughs. Shakes his head. "I can't believe it, but..."

"Everyone here said yeah?.. At least in return for something..."

"Yeah. I think the girls are probably going to have their fun without us tonight."

"And us?.."

Us. It hangs in the air.Us, as in them and the men, orus as in just them? They both blush. Glance away from each other. See hundreds of men stood in pairs; blushing or laughing, their cocks erect and thrusting wetly towards each other regardless.

"For Julie and Sara?.."

Nathan. His voice a whisper. He's helpless to stop himself from glancing up and down the man who has been his friend since childhood. His eyes catching Eric's once more as he tries to look upwards hastily. His heart skipping a beat at the sight of his friend's tongue between his lips, of his eyes anxious but attentive. Willing to see how far they will be forced to go.

Only for them?.. Not just because it'shim?..

"I... I'd swallow... Even if -"

The door opens then closes behind William, and with the entry of their friend, the lights start to dim and fade to nothing.

Part 02...

"Firstly... Uh, gentlemen?.. Here please?"

Her voice is little more than a whisper. She coughs. Raises a hand and waits for the greetings and chatter to stop, then steps away from the wall against which she had pressed herself. "Um... Firstly, I... I want to thank all of you for taking part in this... Ah... Um, hold on a bit, I'll just... Uh, computer? Please activate screens?.."

"Activating Screens. No signal selected."

A disembodied voice fills the room as the wall-screens flicker then come to life. Lit but blank. Their soft glow only a partial replacement for the lights that have switched off. The men suddenly only seven instead of hundreds; in almost total darkness rather than fully lit. She smiles nervously, as if proud that she has achieved some small victory; then pulls on a pair of thick-lensed spectacles before lifting her gaze towards them.

And then she blushes for the first time.

"Oh God."

She gives a little squawk, looking downward immediately; then removes her spectacles before hiding herself behind a sheet of papers.

"Please... Please wait a bit..."

"We will, Janet."

Dave. He's not only their friend, but also both their boss and the oldest of them all. They stand in silence whilst the student calms her nerves; too eager to find out what is happening to do anything else; and in the absence of their voices the gentle buzzing of the contraptions about their cocks draws their attention to the cause of their uneven breathing. They wait for her to continue; but they do so knowing that just as they cannot help glancing at their companions' wetly gleaming glans, so their companions glance at theirs as well.

"Uh, sorry... Um... Thank you... Um... I... I'll just read the briefing if, uh, if that's okay..."

"Go on."

"Thank you, uh... Thank you David. Everyone."

"You're welcome."

"Just take your time."

The men respond as one; their voices calm and understanding despite their desire to find out what is happening; but they grin at each other at the same time. Raise their eyebrows and nod their heads in silent appreciation; wondering what the diminutive student might look like undressed, or how she might react to the attention of their wives.

"Thank you..." her voice is, if possible, even quieter; and she keeps her eyes downward. "Um... Well... You have no doubt noticed that there are fewer of you stood here than sat within the waiting room. It says. Um... Those of you who are here are here because you have not only passed a psychological test with flying colours, but you because you have also been found to possess a devotion to your wives that is admirable. Those who are absent did not possess those qualities, and will not be offered the same opportunity as yourselves... Activate video - Ah... Um, Computer? Activate video feeds, please?"

"Activating Pre Assigned Video Feeds..."

The walls light up at her words, and regardless of their composure before the lights had started to dim, the seven men offer a chorus of awe and wonder at what they see. Their wives make love both playfully and passionately all about them; giggling in mischief and crying out in ecstasy; their cries drowning out those of the men. They are a tangle of shining faces and naked bodies; of splayed or clutching limbs; of thrusting fingers and toys; of lips that kiss and tongues that lick. They do so so wildly and with such abandon that not one of the men can feel confident that he knows exactly what his wife is doing or with whom; but they grin in delight and laugh in awe anyway.

"Holy fuck!.."

The young student's whisper; caught so perfectly within a brief lull in the sounds of passion and ecstasy that the men cannot help but laugh despite themselves. She buries her head once more, lifting the papers so high that they see her chin and the swell of her tiny breasts below; then giggles before shaking her head and carrying on hurriedly.

"Um... Computer, please reduce volume to level 1!.. Ah... Sorry about that..." she giggles again, and she makes no sign of being aware of how many of her audience vow silently to get her if not into their marital bed, then at least into their wife's arms. "Um... Anyway... These are the women that you love, and for whom you have all stated that you would step outside of your comfortable sexuality. It says. You have all stated that you would masturbate another man, or perform oral sex upon him, or even swallow his semen; and in exchange for group demonstrations of such we will bestow rewards of suitable value upon those who make love about you."

The seven men flush as one, some wincing as well; but she shows the same lack of observational skills by carrying on regardless.

"No doubt you have some concerns as to why we would want to witness such things given how easily we could ask the same of homosexual men, or even pay actors to perform your roles. Please therefore be aware that whilst the required demonstrations are sexual in nature, we are interested in you on a personal level, and it is your attitude towards this exercise that we will be testing."

"Um... As a demonstration of what we desire from you, and as an offering of goodwill to yourselves; we will upgrade your lover's entry rights to unlimited for a period of one year; and in exchange your first task is to do nothing more than allow yourself to ejaculate at least once across a companion's penis..." she pauses then. Swallows then lowers her papers a fraction to look at them with scarlet cheeks before hiding once more. "To make this even easier upon yourselves, you will find junction tubes within the cabinet. These will attach to the stim-tubes that have already been fitted to you and can, unlike the aforementioned, be set to stimulate you to climax rather than to hold back."

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