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Ed and Kitty Shotgun Wedding

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College student seduces his girlfriend gets her pregnant.
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I had applied for admission to an out of state college after my second year at our local community college. When I received my acceptance to the college I began to prepare to enroll there in the fall semester. I had briefly visited the campus earlier but, I really did not know my way around the university and even the small city that the college was located in, not to mention that I did not know anyone else there either.

During my first week of classes I quickly made many new acquaintances and many new friends. One of my new friends was Joel who had just enrolled in the college as well. Joel and I had many of the same classes together since we were enrolled in the same major discipline of study. Of course, since neither Joel nor I lived in the dorms and we were not residents of a fraternity, one of our most pressing needs was to find a place to get a good, tasty and wholesome meal each day.

We found a small cafeteria just off campus that catered to the students of the university. Both Joel and I found the meals to be very good with a nice variety and the cost was very reasonable compared to other cafeterias and restaurants further off of campus. Consequently, we very often ate our evening meals at that small cafeteria and most often we ate there nearly daily.

Joel and I had become regulars at the cafeteria and we began to recognize the waiters and they us. We recognized the waitresses and the staff some of whom were fellow students at the college, as well. One particular person was the cashier that took the payment for our meals. The cashier was a pretty, young blue eyed girl about 5 ft.-4 in. tall with shoulder length shining blond hair whose name tag said that her name was Kitty. She had a very sweet personality and we flirted with each other every time I came to her cash register to pay for my meal.

Of course, I couldn't help but flirt with Kitty in return for when she flirted with me since I thought that she was very cute and very sweet. We soon began to form a friendship that developed into the beginnings of an amorous relationship. Kitty was kind of slim but, not skinny with a very pretty face, bright, sparkling blue eyes and somewhat small breasts which I guessed were maybe 34B.

We enjoyed talking with each other each day and it was really obvious even from our limited conversations that she was very intelligent, too. I had asked her to go out with me several times but, each time she had to decline because she had to work at the cafeteria. Then one weekend when I asked her to go out with me she accepted. After giving me her home address and phone number she told me I could pick her up at her home that Friday evening.

Kitty still lived with her parents after graduating from high school and it was not far from the room where I lived and it was within easy walking distance. Going to college in the late '50s I could not afford a car and I did not own or have access to a car. I had to walk everywhere I went. I walked the few blocks to her home and then we walked to the movie theater downtown.

We enjoyed being with each other at the movies and after the movie when I took her home I told her, "I would like to take you to the movies again this coming weekend if you don't have to work, Kitty."

She replied, "I would love to go out with you again if I'm free that night and I really liked going to the movie with you tonight, too, Ed."

Then she confirmed my invitation for the movie date again for the next week. Before leaving I told her, "I really had a good time with you tonight, Kitty and I'm looking forward to seeing you again next weekend." as I took her into my arms, I kissed her and then I left her home and walked on back home to my room.

I continued to date Kitty as time and studies would permit me to do so and we became fast amorous friends. I was even invited to her home to meet her parents and her older married sister on occasion. Those invitations generally included Sunday dinner as well. On special occasions I took Kitty to the school dances which she really liked and to some of the football and basketball games, as well.

After one of the movies I took her out for a late after movie burger as we were both hungry. Following that, I invited her to come to my room with me. Kitty was a little reluctant but finally she did consent to be alone with me in my room.

I asked her, "Do you like to drink beer?"

And she responded, "Yes I do." with a twinkle in her eyes.

Then I told her, "I have some beer in my fridge in my room and we each can have one or two if you would like."

She thought a moment and then said, "Ok, Ed. Let's go."

When we got to my room I invited her to have a seat and I would get us both a beer. I returned with a beer for each of us and sat beside her and we talked as we enjoyed our beer. Before long, we began to passionately kiss and hug one another and then I got up to go get us each another beer. When we finished our second beer we began to kiss one another even more passionately as I reached over and fondled her soft breasts. She did not object to my loving advances and my gently touching and squeezing her soft breasts.

I started to remove her blouse and she softly whispered to me that she didn't think that we should be doing that but, she did not stop me from continuing. After removing her blouse I kissed her again passionately and I kissed her cheeks and her neck.

From there I kissed the top of her breasts above her bra. Kitty whispered to me, "I like what you are doing, Ed." and with that I was encouraged to continue. I gently reached behind her and unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt.

Again she softly said, "Ed, we really should not be doing this." but, she still did not stop me from continuing with what I was doing with her.

Standing up I took her hand and helped her to her feet and helped her slide her skirt over her hips and let it fall to the floor then she easily stepped out of it. I let her unbutton my shirt and remove it. She pulled my trousers down and off of me and I stepped out of them. With her standing there in her bra and panties and me in my briefs I pulled her to me, put my arms around her and held her close to my chest as we kissed each other passionately. She returned my kiss just as passionately and I could tell that Kitty had become very much aroused by my amorous attentions to her.

Reaching around behind her back I unclasped her bra, removed it and laid it with our other clothes. Then I immediately pulled her to me to feel her hot breasts pressed firmly against my bare chest and kissed her and then I kissed each of her breasts sucking briefly on each one of her hard, pink, little nipples.

Kitty cooed softly to me, "I like that more and more as you suck on each one of my nipples, Baby." Her arousal became more evident with her faster and somewhat labored breathing.

I reached down to feel between her legs and found that the gusset of her panties had become very wet. With her help I began to slowly pull her panties down and off of her hips to the floor for her to step out of them. I asked her to remove my briefs and she did as I requested. When she did that I reached over to pick up my trousers and pulled a condom package out or my pocket and then I led her over to my bed.

Gently laying her down on the bed I opened the condom package and handed it to her. She pulled the condom out of the package and rolled the condom onto my hard dick. I then laid down over the top of her with my hard dick pressed against her pussy and I began to kiss her and I asked her, "Can I put my hard penis into your warm, wet vagina, Honey?" She nodded yes barely able to speak as her breathing was heavy and somewhat erratic.

Then she breathlessly said to me, "Please be slow and gentle and be careful with me, Ed, I have never done this before. I'm still a virgin, Honey."

I explained that since she was a virgin, "Your first time is going to be somewhat painful for a few moments at the start and maybe with some light bleeding as your hymen is ruptured but, the pain would soon quickly subside."

She said, "Yes I know about that as my older sister has told me about the pain and how it would happen."

I then got up on my knees between her thighs and put the tip of my condom covered dick inside the inner petals of her pussy at the opening to her pussy. I moved it from the top to the bottom to spread her natural vaginal lubrication around and onto the condom covering my dick.

I asked her if she was ready for me to enter her vagina and she whispered yes as I began to slowly press my dick into her hot, wet pussy. I pushed a short way into her pussy and I felt the obstruction that I recognized as her hymen.

I briefly paused and I was watching her face as I told her, "I'm about to make one swift thrust into your vagina, Baby, and you should likely feel the pain of your hymen being broken."

Watching her face and with one quick thrust I felt her hymen break as I achieved full penetration into her really tight pussy. Kitty's face distorted with pain and she squealed loudly as her hymen had been ruptured. Once I had achieved full penetration I paused to let the pain her of her broken hymen begin to subside and to let her pussy adjust to the size and presence of my hard dick.

Then I leaned over and softly asked her, "Are you still hurting from my penis entering your vagina, Kitty?"

She whispered, "No, it has eased off and now I want you to continue stroking into and out of me and make us both cum, Ok, Ed?"

I began to stroke into and out of her pussy slowly and fully.

Kitty then whispered to me, "Please stroke me harder and faster and make us both cum, Ed."

I continued stroking slowly in and out of her and I saw that her facial expression had changed from one of pain to a slight smile. I increased my speed of stroking and within moments she was breathing heavily and erratically and moaning with each breath, "I love what we are doing and I'm about to cum, Baby. Don't stop stroking me, Honey"

Very shortly she squealed loudly that she was cumming and with a few more strokes I reached my orgasm, too. I thought to myself, "I sure wish that I didn't have to have this condom on."

After our orgasms I leaned down with my condom covered hard dick still inside her, I pulled her into my arms, held her closely and kissed her tenderly.

She said, "Even though it was my first time I loved it and I want to do it again with you, Baby."

I told her, "I loved it, too, and I very much want to make love with you again on our next date." Continuing I asked her, "Can we go out again next week, Sweetie?"

"She replied, "Yes, I'm ready to go out again with you on our next date. And I want to make love with you again this coming weekend, Honey."

After resting a while we each got dressed and I walked her home even though she whispered to me that it was a little difficult to walk as she was somewhat sore between her legs.

I told her, "I hope it'll wear off quickly with all of the walking that we are doing."

Kitty replied, "I think that it will as my sister told me that it should." When we arrived at Kitty's home

I hugged her, kissed her and told her, "I very much enjoyed having you with me tonight and I can't wait to see you again, Kitty, good night." Then I left to walk back to my room.

The following weekend I took Kitty to the movies again. Then we went to get a burger after the movie. We walked back to my room and we prepared to make love as we had done the week before. We sat and drank a couple of beers each and talked.

I asked her how she felt and she said, "I'm still just a little bit sore but it is not painful. I still want to make love with you again tonight, anyway."

We made love that night and we both reached our orgasms as we did previously. Kitty told me, "This time it has been even better than it was the last time we made love as there was barely any pain for me tonight, Ed."

Kitty and I continued to go out with one another occasionally to various activities during the time that I was in school at the university. Of course, we would end up making love with one another, too, after we went out. In the last semester of my last year before I was to graduate from the university I took Kitty back to my room to make love with her. While we were making love she loudly exclaimed that she was about to cum. I pulled my dick almost all of the way out of her and quickly slammed it back into her to full penetration.

She said, "I'm cumming, Ed. Don't stop, Honey, until I'm through cumming." That was when I felt something go snap just as we both had reached our orgasm and I was shooting my hot cum inside the condom in her pussy.

When I pulled my dick out of her pussy I found out that the damn condom (Back in the '50s they were called rubbers at that time) had broken completely spilling its contents, my full load of cum, totally inside her pussy.

I told her what had happened and she said, "Oh shit no, Ed. I'm in the middle of my cycle and I'm scared to death that I'm going to get pregnant because of that."

I thought, "Holy shit, my ass is grass and hers probably is, too, if she does get pregnant." I told her, "Maybe you won't get pregnant, Kitty, depending on just exactly where you are in your cycle."

Nearly two months later Kitty contacted me, "Ed, I've missed my period and I expect to miss my next one, too, in a few days. I'm really afraid that you have gotten me pregnant, Ed. Missing one period is a strong indication that I'm pregnant but missing two periods is almost proof positive that I am pregnant."

I told her, "When you have missed your second period then we're going to have to tell your parents and then tell my parents, as well."

"If I am pregnant, man, my parents are really going to be extremely pissed and I don't know what we are going to have to do then. They are probably going to insist that we get married."

I replied, "That ain't the half of it, Honey. My parents are going to be just as pissed or worse and I know that they are going to tell me under no uncertain terms that we have to get married."

Two weeks later Kitty got hold of me and said, "Ed, I have missed my second period and I think that I'm beginning to have morning sickness, too."

I told Kitty, "We're going to have to tell your parents, Honey."

Kitty replied "You need to come over to my house tomorrow night so we can tell my parents that we think that I'm pregnant. I know that my parents are really not going to be happy with either one us in the least."

"I know because my parents are going to feel the same way as your parents feel. Our asses are grass and they are the lawn mower."

The next night I walked over to Kitty's house where Kitty met me at the door. She brought me into the house and asked me to sit down on the couch. Then she called her parents into the room and we told her parents that Kitty thought she was pregnant.

When we told her parents, they were not happy and they asked us "What the hell did you two think you were doing? Had you not thought of the possible consequences of what you were doing? Didn't we raise you better than that, Kitty? And didn't you parents raise you better than that, Ed?"

Kitty was crying and said, "Yes, we had taken precaution to prevent it from happening but it failed."

Her parents singled me out for additional criticism, "We thought you were a nice boy and you would not do anything like that to our daughter and to our family." Then they asked me, "Have you told your parents yet, young man?"

I responded, "No, I have not yet told them as you are the first to hear of what has happened to us."

Her parents then told me, "You need to tell your parents now, Ed," And then they told us, "You two need to start making plans to get married immediately."

Kitty's older married sister was there and she had heard all of the discussion of what had been talked about. Her older married sister told Kitty, "Don't worry, Kitty, I'll help you two plan to get married as you know I have already been through the trials and tribulations of getting married but, not because of my pregnancy. In addition, I'll help you get through the pregnancy since I have already had my own two children."

We both thanked her and told her that we knew that we would have to rely on her for some help. Our next step was to travel to my hometown and tell my parents what had happened and that Kitty was pregnant. We also told them that her parents were demanding that we get married immediately.

The next weekend Kitty and I got into my car and traveled to my home town where I introduced her to my parents. That was the first time she had been to my parents' home town and their home and the first time she had met and visited with my parents. We called my parents into the room and I told them that Kitty was pregnant and that I was the father of her baby. Again just as Kitty's parents had done, my parents criticized us both harshly and wanted to know just how that had happened.

Just as Kitty had done with her parents, I told them, "We had taken precaution to prevent it from happening but the protection failed."

They added additional criticism to me for the predicament that we currently found ourselves in. Then they told us, "You two are going to have to make plans to get married very quickly."

Then we told my parents, "Those plans are in the process of being made."

My parents then told us, "Your marriage needs to take place before Kitty's pregnancy begins to show prominently."

Kitty and I both responded, "Ok, we understand and we are about to get that done as quickly as we can."

Two weeks later my parents traveled to the university town for our church wedding. We were married and Kitty continued to temporarily stay with her parents until I graduated from the university that spring. After I graduated from the university I was offered a job out of state and I moved myself and Kitty after my graduation to the new city where my new job was located. The following September, Kitty's pregnancy came to successful term and she delivered a beautiful, healthy, blond, baby girl and we named her Carol. For whatever reason, Carol was our only progeny. Maybe we both were shell shocked over our initial problem with her pregnancy and we were too afraid to have any more children.

About 25 years later Kitty and I were divorced as a result of our having drifted apart over those many years. The only thing that had held us together over that period of time was our daughter, Carol. When Carol had graduated from college we finally decided that our relationship was at an end and we chose to make it an official end it with our divorce.

I never did like to use condoms (rubbers) in the first place. I always felt like I had a garden hose stuck on my dick while I was fucking her in the first place. I always felt like I was fucking the garden hose and not her. Maybe I would have been better off to have gone and bought a garden hose and fucked that. I sure as hell couldn't have knocked up the garden hose. Where the hell were pills and why weren't they invented a whole lot earlier and save her and my stupid ass from all of this shit?

The End MMMNo.11


Author's Note: All of the events and characters in this essay are purely fictional. They are totally a figment of the writer's imagination and may not be construed as anything other than as they are presented.

All characters in this essay who are directly or indirectly referred to and who think about, talk about and discuss sexual activity including request for and consent to sexual activity which includes but, is not limited to: passionate kissing of the lips, kissing, biting, sucking and fondling of breasts and manual or oral manipulation and penetration of either male or female genitalia or anal orifices shall be considered to be an absolute minimum of eighteen years of age. No reader shall infer, conclude or form the opinion that any of the characters of this essay are less than the age of eighteen before the time covered by this essay and all sexual activity that is described in the essay.


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