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Ed McCaffrey's Penile Lubricant Ch. 02

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Young woman is shaved 'there' by a couple of old gentlemen.
5.6k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/28/2020
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Chapter 2 - Snip, snip, snip

"I've arranged with Mr Canning for you to go around to his, this afternoon after school. He's retired so he will be in."

"Yes, Mum. Will you come with me?"

"Don't be silly. You're a big girl now. You're eighteen, and I hardly think you need me to come with you to have your hair done or be worried about our neighbour, Mr Canning. What are you thinking? He's not going to do anything. He's not interested in women; it'll just be like having a woman shave you, only he's expert."

Weren't there women who were expert too? But her mother's mind was made up.

It was with some nerves that Susan rang the doorbell of the house next to her own. It was not Mr Canning who answered but Mr Lovell.

"Ah, Susan, we were expecting you. Mr Canning has been getting ready."

Mr Canning was dressed in a white coat, the sort barbers used to wear, she thought. Her eyes darted around the room not missing the white towel draped over a chair, a swivel chair.

"I haven't a barber's chair anymore, Susan, but that would not have been quite right anyway. No need to shave your face - hardly or cut your hair unless you think you need it. This chair though reclines and can be raised quite high. Just right, really, to shave your pubic area. But before that would you like a cup of tea?"

A nice cup of tea steadied Susan's nerves.

"Now, Susan, how much do you want trimmed?"

"I, I don't know. Mum said I should... and, and... did she say?" Susan asked hopefully.

Mr Canning shook his head, "No, but I have some photographs here to help you choose."

It was a sheath of naked women photographs particularly emphasising their pubic hair, some quite closeup.

"That's bikini line, trimmed back so it doesn't show around your bikini." Another photo and a chuckle, "that's a bit of a postage stamp eh?"

It certainly was! Susan smiled back. Mr Canning was clearly trying to be kind; trying to be light and reassuring.

"Or a landing strip, a humorous name eh? That's sweet, a heart shape. A couple of nice triangles, quite a bit of maintenance need." He spoke as she turned the photographs over. "A rather odd round shape; oh, yes an oval, and then there nothing at all."

Susan's jaw dropped. The photograph showed in close up the woman's completely smooth mound with not a hair to be seen, just her divide. Her legs were rather open and rather more could be seen between them. Certainly, no hair at all, but a woman's 'bits' very much there, the contrast between her tanned skin and where her bikini had been, just emphasised her exposure. But what had startled Susan was the woman's vagina contained a pretty substantial male organ. A penis, an erect penis, was there in the photograph. Penis and balls indeed. The man too was shaved, no hair around the penis at all. His balls denuded as well.

"I put that in to show both the complete shave and to illustrate it is not just young women like yourself who shave. Women too, and men. Shave completely. It is quite normal, Susan, you don't need to think you'll stand out in a crowd if perhaps you go to a naturist beach."

The thought rather appalled Susan.

"What would you like, Susan?"

"I don't know. I think just the bikini line. I don't know."

"What do you think, Mr Lovell?"

"I think we need to see before deciding."

"Too true. Susan, take off your skirt and knickers."

It was happening. What she had been dreading. The two men watching as she stood and undid the clasp of her school skirt. There was nothing for it. She let it fall. Around her hips her brand new white knickers; and pushing at the front, her curls making a very soft and springy mound; like a pin cushion, perhaps. "Err, these as well?"

"Of course." They were not looking away. Why should they? They were interested in examining her pubic hair to make decisions. They watched her pull the knickers down. She knew there was no point leaving them around her knees. She took them off and hesitated, before putting them aside. There was something particularly final in that. She sort of felt more secure with them still in her hand. Susan closed her eyes so conscious she was standing there half naked. School blouse, school tie, even school blazer but nothing below except her long white socks.

Mr Lovell got up and took her blazer from her and picked up skirt and knickers. She knew he was just being tidy but taking them further away from her left her feeling vulnerable and even more naked.

Mr Canning picked up a pair of scissors and, perhaps absentmindedly, moved the blades open and then closed as if thinking of trimming curls. "I think, maybe, a heart - or is that too soppy or overly romantic for you, Susan? Such thick curls to work with, perfect for sculpting. With care I could do things in 3D with you. Would you like that?"

Susan was not sure. "A heart? I don't know. Perhaps just a little tidying."

"Or all snipped away, Susan. All gone. All smooth as a baby's bottom! A lot of ladies like that."

Susan shook her head, "I don't think so." But it would grow back if she did not like the look.

"Come, let us do a little snipping, a little shortening, a little trimming first." He held out his hand and drew her towards the towel covered chair. It was not like sitting on a normal chair; the back was down, and she had to recline. She lay there almost shivering, her legs clamped tightly together.

"Oh dear, you are a little tense, Susan. I promise I won't so much as nick your skin. It won't hurt at all. It's not like the doctor's or dentist's. Nothing is going to be stuck into you, no sharp needles. First, I'm going to soften your hair with some hot wet towels. I think perhaps one over your eyes as well might be an idea. It'll relax you."

And there was Mr Lovell with a pile of small, steaming white towels. Mr Canning was certainly right about how relaxing it was to have one upon her face, upon her eyelids. She did not demur when she felt hands teasing her knees apart though she did jump as a hot, wet towel was applied right down her sex from tummy button to back passage. But that too was soon relaxing.

"Is that all right, Susan? Are you comfortable? Are you feeling relaxed, sleepy even?" Mr Lovell's voice was soothing and gentle. The towel over her pussy was removed and another placed there, hot and wet. Susan's legs lolled a little wider. Another towel and then another.

She barely heard the doorbell. It did not quite register when Mr Lovell said, "Bother, I'd forgotten. Another client."

What did register was when Mr Canning lifted the hot towel from her pubic hair and then the one from her face. Her knees had fallen well apart. She had almost been dozing she was not dozing now! There, standing in the doorway, was Joe Maddison. Joe from school, Joe from her class, Big Joe the dish. He looked as surprised as she did.

How long had he been standing there? It was most certainly not the usual angle he saw her from. The chair she was upon; the chair she was lying so relaxed and open upon, was placed directly opposite the doorway. Joe Maddison was looking right up her naked legs to... Susan shut her knees almost with a bang, patella hitting patella.

"Joe, sorry. I'd forgotten. I was about to cut Susan's... hair, but your booking is prior. Just a moment. Susan, you're in no hurry, are you?" He helped her up from the chair, took her across to another chair, she so conscious Joe Maddison would be looking, seeing her without anything but white socks below the waist, still in school blouse and tie. She was trembling with embarrassment.

He too did not have his usual poise, he stumbled on his words as he answered Mr Canning and then he acknowledged her presence, "Err, hallo Susan."

"Hallo Joe."

"Susan! I didn't, I didn't recognise you at first."

He was looking at her, but she was sure his eyes were not directly on her face, rather upon her hips.

Was Mr Canning about to cut Joe's hair?

"Quickly Joe, clothes off, we don't want to keep Susan waiting for long."

Clothes off? To cut Joe's hair. Surely Joe was not having a bikini line!

Mr Canning turned to Susan. "Like you, Joe is well endowed with hair and does not like it."

"It's not vanity Susan," Joe seemed anxious to justify himself. Jennifer, she asked me. She likes... she likes bare."

So, they were going out. Joe and Jennifer. Susan and her friends had wondered. Really going out by the sound of it - in bed together. His penis, Jennifer's 'bits' together - joined - just like in Mr Canning's photograph. Lucky her. Lucky him!

She could not help watching as Joe hurried to undress. Jennifer had no doubt seen the dish naked, but this was unexpected. A bit of a bonus for Susan. What a chest, what strong arms. He was certainly hirsute to his chest, but what about...? She soon found out.

Joe's penis and balls were almost lost in a mass of black, crinkly curls. In the shadow and with his so black skin she could hardly make anything out. Not so when he walked towards the light and the towel covered chair. There was his manly organ, swinging, was it even blacker than the rest of him? She knew she should not look, that it was rude to stare but she could not help herself. Could not help noticing how wrinkled it was at its tip suggesting plentiful spare skin. Susan bit her lip. Plenty of room for growth... What a thought - what a thought she should not be having. His hips and buttocks shone in the light. Such a tight bottom, just as she had admired when in tight jeans. A tall young man looking just fine.

Susan sat quietly as Joe got up on the chair. Perhaps it was just because he was a man, but Joe did not keep his knees together like she had at first. They seemed to naturally spread. It made it easier for the hot towels to be applied. One across his pubic area, the other to his face. Just as it had been with her. Susan looked around for a magazine to read but all there were to hand were the photographs. On the top the one of a man and a woman's pubes denuded and together. There seemed a coincidence. Mr Canning saying he had included the photograph to show that it was not just young women who shaved completely, but men as well, and now here was Joe.

Her eyes flicked from the photograph up to Joe as the now warm towel was lifted and replaced by a fresh and steaming one. She knew why she had looked. She had wondered if the warmth of the towel might have caused some sort of reaction. Joe's penis did seem a little chunkier! It was funny, thought, Susan how little control men had over their cocks. When Joe's face towel was lifted, she could see his eyes were closed just as hers had been. It was all very relaxing. A fresh face towel was placed. Perhaps his face was to be shaved as well.

Mr Canning had his scissors once more in his hand and, lifting the towel from Joe's hips, he began to snip. The sound of the scissors was itself relaxing. Susan felt her eyes closing and she beginning to nod.


"Yes Mr Canning."

"I thought you'd gone to sleep like Joe. Could you come and help."

Joe was asleep. His chest rising and falling slowly and just a faint snoring sound coming from under the towel across his face. Already upon the white towel were most of his black curls leaving just a trimmed stubble.

"Susan, could you come and hold this out of the way. Mr Lovell is a bit squeamish about such things."

Hold what? "Yes, of course." Susan, ever helpful, hopped up and then stopped. It was suddenly obvious what Mr Canning meant. Mr Lovell squeamish? She did not think so!

"Err, right, yes... I..." There before her lying right across still uncut black curls was Joe's penis. Thick, she could not say it was anything but that, soft too - luckily - but all so close. The ample wrinkling of his foreskin there two feet from her.

"Just lift it up."

It was not as if she had not handled a cock before, but this was different. What would Samantha and Eve say when she told them. 'I've held Joe Maddison's cock.' Even so, she was hesitant. It seemed sort of, well... Joe had not asked her. Mr Canning had. Susan looked up at Mr Canning's face and he nodded encouragingly. Her hand reached out and lifted. It was limp and warm between her fingers. Mr Canning set to with his scissors.

Susan just stood there holding Joe's cock up and away from his skin. Upright and out of Mr Canning's way - and, of course, she could not help but think of what it would be like in the same position if it had filled with blood - the erect position.

"Could you pull it a little to the right."

She moved the penis letting Mr Canning work.

"And now tug it to the left."

'Tug' it! Susan swallowed. That was obviously not what Mr Canning meant!

But the movement and perhaps her holding fingers had had some effect. It was not the same size it had been before.

"If you pull his penis up towards Joe's chest it will make trimming his balls easier for me."

"Yes, Mr Canning."

What a thing. A tug, and it was a tug bringing Joe's scrotum into clear view. Very wrinkled and very hairy. Susan watched as the sharp scissors snipped away perhaps a mere eighth of an inch from Joe's skin. Joe's balls seemed big in their wrinkled black sack.

"There we are, Susan, cutting done. Now the shaving. You are being a good assistant. Shall we give Mr Lovell a rest and you carry on? Please get the shaving cream."

Mr Lovell was standing watching with his usual pleasant smile. He nodded at Susan indicating for her to carry on and handed Susan a tube, 'Ed McCaffrey's Smooth Shave - The best a man can get.' The shape of the tube and its lid so obviously penile and again the stylised log. She unscrewed the lid knowing what it would look like beneath. It did.

"Squeeze, Susan." White, thick cream oozed out of the tube and onto Joe's skin.

"Now rub it into the stubble, yes, like that."

She had Joe's penis in one hand and was rubbing across his skin with the other, running the cream into the stubble, moving the penis this way and that as she did so, rubbing the cream all around.

"I must have dropped off to sleep." Words from Joe all of a sudden. With his hand he pushed the towel from his eyes. Eyes that widened in amazement and perhaps shock.

"Oh! Susan? What!" He looked up at Mr Canning in puzzlement and then back at Susan in time to watch his cock jerking into erection - jerking in her hand.

"Not surprising with young men, Susan. That will happen. Just keep it out of my way, there's a dear."

'It' was big in her hand. It had just grown. Through the now reduced wrinkles of skin his knob partly protruded, not a pink colour like the one boy she had held before but a light brown. It was big like the rest of his cock. A real handful. Her eyes rose up Joe's body and met his. She bit her lip. This was such a strange experience for both of them.

"A little higher, Susan, bend it towards Joe's feet."

The act of moving seemed to cause a further swelling and because she was holding it firmly, the added length came by the knob sliding upwards and out of its sheath. Joe was now fully exposed to her gaze, his knob no longer partially hidden but there, flared corona, pee hole, taut fraenum, and all, protruding from her fist.

Joe's eyes were wide, staring at Susan standing there in her long white socks, school blouse and tie but nothing around her waist - nothing at all.

Mr Canning worked with the razor, a safety razor not a cut-throat one. Susan thought the latter would have made Joe lie completely still, paralysed at seeing such a sharp knife near his cock. With the safety razor he did not seem so concerned or to lie quite still, as if he somehow wanted his cock to slide in Susan's hand. Mr Canning had to tell him to lie still, as he wetted the razor in a bowl of hot water brought and held by Mr Lovell. But of course, Mr Canning needed the penis to be moved to left and right out of his way. It was bone hard beneath the skin in her hand.

"Pull that penis right up to Joe's stomach, yes, that's it, to pull his scrotum and balls up. Yes. Now, Susan, could you use both hands to stretch his scrotum for me, so I can shave."

So strange to be doing that to Joe, handling his scrotum, feeling his testes a little through the wrinkled skin. She wondered if next Mr Canning would ask her to pull Joe's feet over his head and expose his bottom crack - to shave that. But Mr Canning had not sought to snip the hair beyond his balls away. It was only a partial denuding. The hair to his chest, arms, legs and indeed in his bottom crack were being left intact. Susan did not know if it would be funny or just plain embarrassing to have Joe's arsehole exposed like that - up in the air. And then she remembered that her own bikini line would most definitely need trimming all along her vulva and most likely her bottom hole would be just as visible. Surely though Joe would be gone. Mr Canning would not ask him to hold her down.

A final sliding of sharp razor through stubble and Mr Canning stepped back. "I think that's all done. All smooth. Is it, Susan?"

He wanted her to check. That was obvious. Her fingertips ran across the now hairless skin of his pubis, around the stalk of his cock and over his still wrinkled, but now hairless balls. A glance at Joe. He was biting his lip as her fingers roamed across his scrotum. She was suddenly amused and her fingers got a little more definite in their touching, their teasing. She lightly pinched a ball.

"There you are, Joe," said Mr Canning. "As promised not a nick. Now to clean off the shaving soap. Ah, yes, Mr Lovell another hot and steaming towel." The small white towel was carefully set down on Joe. His eyes widened. How pleasurable, wondered Susan, was having a steaming hot towel placed on your sexual organ. She stared at the tall, athletic man lying upon the reclining chair. There was something intensely erotic about seeing him totally naked, his beautiful dark skin shining and his only covering a little white towel. Hot and wet it moulded what was beneath and the implication of the long, sausage shape really got to Susan. She felt herself moistening. The awful thought in her mind about how good it would be to lift the little wet towel from Joe, lift the now heated cock up in the air and lower herself onto it and push it into herself. Yes - ride the big young man!

If she did not already know Joe was erect, there would have been no doubt what was under the towel. There certainly was no doubt when Mr Canning lifted it. The twitch from the big organ, up into the air and down again, made Susan shiver.

"Susan, you've been such a good girl, would you like to apply the after-shave balm for me?"

Mr Canning handed her another item of his shaving paraphernalia, a plastic bottle not a tube and so very like the one she had found on her bedside table, that bottle now hidden away. Indeed, very much like that long-stemmed plastic bottle that had sort of 'ejaculated' within her the night before. The label was different. A different colour. It read 'Ed McCaffrey's Smooth Shave Salve - It's the Real Thing.' Again, the stylised logo and no mistaking the upright penile shape at its bottom and the upwards 'Y' of 'McCaffrey's' seemingly representing a massive ejaculation from the rounded shape below.

Susan unscrewed the lid knowing just what the bottle would look like underneath it. So very like what was lying over Joe's tummy button.

"It will be a lot easier dealing with you Susan. Nothing in the way eh?"

Joe's eyes turned and he was looking straight at her triangle of massed curls, her chestnut curls. He gasped as Susan squeezed the bottle sending an ejaculation of salve all over his newly shaved skin and his cock and balls. Perhaps it was cold.

"Massage it in."

Susan could not help it, could not help her fingers touching his cock when she rubbed his pubis. Lifting it out of the way did not much help as it had salve upon it. That made it slippery and it seemed just to slip from her fingers meaning she had to grab it again. Pulling it out of the way seemed to result in her fingers, her encircling fingers, sliding up it. It looked almost as if she was wanking it. It was worse when she felt she needed to massage the salve into Joe's newly shaved balls. His eyes were goggling a little and she could see his Adam's apple moving as he swallowed.


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