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Eddie - The Yorkshire Kitchen Fitter Ch. 01

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A straight daddy's first experience.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/12/2022
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Eddie: The Yorkshire kitchen fitter.

I find the whole process of hiring tradesmen pretty stressful. Having a straight, overly masculine guy invade your home and space can be a bit unsettling for a gay guy. You never know how they'll react when they find out you're gay and there's the whole issue of making small talk when you don't have any interest in football, cricket or rugby: I find the whole thing a struggle.

Before I tell you what happened with Eddie, my kitchen fitter, let me introduce myself:

My name is Dave, I'm a 38-year-old single gay guy. I have my own home in Yorkshire in the North of England and have a good job most of which I do remotely from my office in the spare bedroom.

I was not relishing the idea of having a kitchen fitted. The mess, the inconvenience and the stress of having people in the house were all things that had made me put off the work for as long as possible. When one of my cupboards finally fell off the wall I knew it was time to sort it.

I researched and purchased my kitchen online, then set about finding someone to fit it. When Eddie came around to give me a quote for the job we hit it off immediately. He was in his early 50s, handsome in an older guy 'daddy' sort of way with a shaved head and piercing blue eyes. He was about average height, but solidly built. From his shape, you could see he worked manually for a living and I suspected that he was quite muscly under his work gear.

Anyway, we chatted as he looked around my existing kitchen and told me what needed to be done to get the old one out and the new one in and that it would probably take a couple of weeks from start to finish. He asked me if anyone else lived there, and I said that I lived alone.

"Not married then?" He asked me quite gruffly in his thick South Yorkshire accent.

"Nope," I said, "actually I'm gay". He didn't react (a good sign)

"Well good for you lad", he said after a moment. "I went through a divorce last year and would absolutely not recommend it"

He went on to tell me that he and his wife had just got bored of each other after their daughter had left home, and his ex-wife had recently gone to live down south with "a bloke she met on the internet" and that he was currently dipping a toe into the world of online dating. "It's hard work!" He informed me.

Eddie's quote for the kitchen was about what I expected, so we arranged that he'd start in four weeks' time. I was to empty the kitchen and have it ready for him. I'd be living off microwave meals in the living room for a couple of weeks.

Four weeks later, Eddie arrived on time. I let him in the front door and we pushed past the huge boxes containing the new kitchen, which were taking up most of the hall. I made him a mug of tea using the kettle which I'd hastily moved to the living room that morning.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me, I work from home," I told him.

"Great" he replied. "It might be quite noisy until I've got the old kitchen removed, but if I'm making too much noise just give me a shout and I'll do something else for a bit."

The next few days went as expected. Eddie arrived at 8 am, let himself in with the key I'd given him and left again at 5 pm. Between calls and work meetings, I kept him supplied with cups of tea and he'd occasionally shout up the stairs and asked me to confirm some detail about the kitchen.

Once such time he asked me to come down and decide whether I wanted white or chrome edging strips on the tiles.

"I'm not sure", I said, it's quite hard to visualise until the tiles are up.

Look here" he said, pulling out his phone and scrolling opening his photo app. He selected a photo and handed me the phone.

"This was a job I did for a couple over in Wakefield, their kitchen was similar to yours, I think the silver edging looks petty neat"

He was right, the kitchen did look good and I liked the band of shiny chrome that ran around the side of the tiles, halfway up the wall.

"It looks great," I said "Let's go for it."

It was clear from the photo that he took pride in what he did. "The whole thing looks amazing, I hope mine looks this good"

"It will," he said, beaming at me, his blue eyes twinkling with pride.

Automatically, my finger scrolled forward to the next photo, hoping that there would be another shot of the same kitchen. The photo that came up on the screen was not of a kitchen, it was of a penis. A big, long, girthy erect penis. The photo had been taken in a bathroom mirror and a pair of hairy, muscly thighs were also in the shot.

Eddie immediately snatched the phone back. "Shit!" He exclaimed, his face turning bright red. "Sorry mate," I'd forgotten that was there, online dating you know, sometimes you need to send to odd dirty pic out to a lady."

"Don't worry!" I laughed, secretly delighted that he'd confirmed that the beautiful big dick in the photo was his. "I know how it is, we've all been there". He was clearly uncomfortable, so I changed the subject, back to the kitchen and asked him if he wanted another cup of tea before I went back to make a work call.

That afternoon, I thought about Eddie a lot. I'd thought he was hot in a kind of 'DILF' way the moment I'd first met him, but as a gay guy, you fancy half of the uber-masculine straight guys you meet, but finding out how hung he was and knowing that even now, Eddie and his big cock were in my kitchen took my fancying him a little bit up a notch and made me horny.

Between work calls I played with my dick, thinking about what was in Eddie's underwear and what he must get up to with the women he met online. Just after 5 pm, Eddie shouted up the stairs that he was leaving, I stuck my head out of the office door and said I'd see him in the morning, trying very hard not to look at his crotch. When he'd gone and I'd heard his van drive away I sat back at my desk, pulling my trousers down and finally giving my cock the attention it had been wanting all day. I shot a big load thinking of Eddie.

A few hours later after I'd finished my 4th microwave dinner of the week and was washing the plate in the bathroom sink, my phone buzzed, it was a message... from Eddie. I dried my hands and sat on the toilet to read it.

"Hi Dave, really sorry about letting you see that pic this afternoon, I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so embarrassed."

Ahh, I thought. He is such a sweet guy. I really didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

"Really Eddie, don't worry! I'm a gay guy, having dick pics on your phone is an occupational hazard! There's no need to apologise."

I hit send, and then, on impulse wrote:

"And you have a great dick" and hit 'send'

The reply came almost immediately.

A laughing face emoji and then "thanks mate, I've been told that actually"

"No worries," I wrote back. "It's gone straight in the wank bank."

He replied with another laughing face emoji and then.

"LOL! I'm honoured! See you tomorrow"

I walked through to the bedroom and started to get ready for bed. I was glad that he didn't seem to be freaked out by my compliment. Some straight guys would not have enjoyed a gay guy talking about their dick.

Eddie arrived at 8 am as usual the next morning. He let himself in with his key, shouting "Morning Dave" up the stairs as he passed through the hall on the way to the kitchen. When I went downstairs about fifteen minutes later he was kneeling with his back to the door on the bare floorboards of the kitchen, already busy building cupboard carcasses.

"Morning Eddie," I said cheerily walking past him into the room, stealing a quick look at his muscular arse which was encased in navy blue utility trousers. "Fancy a brew?"

"Yes please mate" he replied, smiling up at me. I noticed that he had a couple of days' beard growth on his face, which made him look even sexier.

"Coming right up," I said, heading into the living room. I switched on the kettle and busied myself making two big mugs of tea.

"Have fun last night then?" He shouted through to me. I was confused for a moment.

"Yes, just stayed in, a quiet one" I responded, poking my head out of the door wondering if I'd told him I was going out.

"Oh yes," he said, smiling sleepily. "A quiet one with your wank bank"

Now it was my turn to look embarrassed. I felt my face get hot.

"Sorry about that Eddie, I shouldn't have said that" the kettle was boiling, "hang on, let me just finish these"

Grateful for a few seconds to compose myself, I made the tea and walked back into the kitchen, "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable" I said, my face burning again"

"You didn't mate, to be honest, it made me chuckle" his blue eyes twinkled at me reassuringly, "glad to be of service" he added, grinning. There was a silence as he took a sip of his tea.

"I've been told a few times that I have a nice dick, never by a lad though!"

I laughed, feeling somehow nervous and awkward.

"Well, I'm no stranger to a dick pic, and judging by that pic you are certainly blessed."

He laughed "well cheers, it doesn't seem to do make it any easier to meet women though, a 51-year-old divorced builder isn't what most women are after, they all seem to want bankers and estate agents."

"It'll happen, mate, you have a lot to give" I was thinking about what was in his pants but I was careful not to make it sound that way. "You just have to keep trying... And make sure you have plenty of fun along the way."

"Thanks, mate," he said, leaning back against the wall and drinking his tea. "You're right, I'm just not used to being on my own."

We continued to chat as we finished our drinks and I headed back upstairs for my first call of the day.

About an hour later, I was sitting at my computer taking part in a particularly boring department meeting on zoom. I had my camera turned off but was listening albeit half-heartedly. My phone buzzed on the desk beside me, a message from Eddie.

" Dave, any chance you could take a look at this pic for me and tell me what you think. It's for one of my dating apps"

"Sure" I replied.

About 10 seconds later the photo came through. A big grin spread over my face. The picture was taken from chest height and had obviously been taken while he was at work. It showed his magnificent cock poking through the fly of a pair of navy blue utility trousers. Below, his big feet in their thick leather boots were also visible. I stared at the photo, my cock hardening involuntarily. Then I started, there was something about the room he was in that I recognised, I zoomed in on the patch of wall that was visible next to his right boot. THAT WAS MY KITCHEN. Eddie was standing there, his cock hard in my kitchen.

A lot of things went through my mind at that moment. But almost immediately another message popped onto my phone's screen.

"What do you think?"

I took a deep breath and typed "absolutely outstanding, fucking lovely"

Just then, at exactly the wrong moment I heard my name mentioned. My boss was asking me a question in the zoom meeting that I'd forgotten I was still in. I answered it and managed to get away with my mind being somewhere else.

When I'd finished speaking, there was another message.

"You in a meeting? Sorry, didn't realise. You went quiet so I thought you'd finished."

"It's cool, nearly done" I typed back.

The meeting lasted another ten minutes but I can't remember a word that was said. When it was finally done I opened the door and walked downstairs. My heart was racing. What did this mean? Was he coming on to me, or just letting me appreciate his dick?

When I opened the kitchen door he was bending over a half-finished cabinet.

"Alright?" He said, grinning. His blue eyes twinkled at me.

"Yes mate, loved that pic" I grinned back. Trying to ignore my heart which seemed to be pounding at ten times its normal volume.

"Good," he said standing upright. He turned around to face me and my eyes travelled up and down his thickset torso. He was wearing a red checked shirt, the top couple of buttons of which were undone revealing a few wisps of dark hair. Inevitably my eyes settled on his crotch. "Oh after a closer look are you?" He said huskily before continuing "be my guest" and stroking the outside of his trousers.

"Really?" I said, not quite believing my luck. He nodded.

I didn't need telling again. I walked the couple of steps over to him and dropped to my knees in front of him.

"Oh right, it's like that is it?" He said, watching me.

"It is yes," I said, before proceeding to press my face into his bulge. His thick working trousers were covered in all manner of paint and plaster but I didn't care, I could feel his shaft thicken through the thick fabric of his trousers.

"Is this what you want?" he said, as I rubbed my face and nose against him.

"Yes," I breathed. "Yes please"

"Take it out," he said quietly, looking down at me.

I undid his trousers and unzipped his fly before pulling his trousers down to his knees. His big bulge was encased tightly in a pair of white briefs. Within a moment I was rubbing my face on it. Breathing in the smell of him, my mouth watering in anticipation. I took a few seconds to relish this, feeling him stiffen as I gently pressed my face into him, my tongue looking for his cock head beneath the fabric. Then it was the moment I'd been waiting for. I pulled down the briefs and his fat dick sprang out to meet me. To this day, it remains the most beautiful cock I've ever seen. About 8 inches and thick, the foreskin was fully covering the end. I hadn't been able to see his balls properly in either picture, but they were large and heavy, in perfect proportion to the big cock swinging above.

"Do you like it, lad? It's not properly hard yet" he said, smiling down at me as I knelt before him.

"Can I help get it hard?"

"I was hoping you would"

I started on his balls first, my tongue darting out to taste the essence of him. He exhaled deeply, as I rubbed the soft hair of my stubble against the sensitive part of his inner thigh. His cock was growing even as I looked at it, a very fat 9 inches of meat was now in front of me.

"Wow" I grinned up at him.

"All yours" he grinned back. His craggy face looked down at me hungrily.

And then I took him in my mouth. Slowly at first, pulling back the foreskin to reveal his delicate pink mushroom head. My tongue swirled around the tip, tasting him. He sighed again, watching me. Then I took him right down into my throat, his length and girth made it a struggle but I managed it.

"Fuck mate" he breathed. "Nobody's ever been able to do that before."

"Good," I said, sliding his shaft out of my mouth before plunging it back into my throat and rhythmically making his cook fuck my open mouth. "My god" He moaned again, clearly loving every moment. "You're fucking amazing at that." He leaned back against the wall, and closed his eyes for a moment, groaning with the deep guttural sound of a man in ecstasy.

I know that I'm very talented at giving head, and was determined that I was going to give this straight guy an experience that would really blow his mind. I worked through the different tricks and techniques that my years of being a cock sucker have taught me. Looking up at him to see which he was enjoying most.

"You like my big cock don't you lad," he said, looking down at me, watching me at work on him. I groaned in response and then slid him out of my mouth, letting his heavy girth bounce onto my face which was now wet with a mixture of my spit and his precum.

"I fucking love it" I replied before swallowing his length right to the root and hearing him cry out in delight.

"I love it in your throat," he told me.

"Fuck my face" I demanded.

"Sure" he breathed back, placing his big rough hands on the back of my head before powerfully thrusting his massive tool into my face. I gagged, tears streaming down my face, but loving every moment of kneeling before this sexy, hung, workman with his trousers around his ankles.

After a couple of minutes, he pulled out.

"You're a fucking machine lad, I've never seen anyone be able to take cock like that"

Without speaking, I wiped the spit away from my face with my hand and started to wank his cock with it, using it as lube. Then I started on what I think of as my signature move, the thing that's guaranteed to drive a guy wild and send him over the edge. It's a motion that involves both hands and my mouth and after having taught guys to do it on me, I know it's mind-blowing.

"Holy fuck" he moaned "keep doing that, keep going" I wasn't about to stop now. I knew he was close and I relished being able to control the pleasure that this sexy straight guy was experiencing.

It took about another minute "I'm gonna cum" he announced. I kept doing what I was doing but slowed it right down, letting his orgasm build and build, giving him a few more moments of precious ecstasy.

"Oh fuck!" he moaned, I felt him stiffen and then he was filling my mouth with his warm salty seed. It seemed to go on forever, as again and again, he shot into my mouth, moaning with a deep animal sound. I continued to work on him until he's stopped shooting and his breathing was returning to normal then I slid his softening dick out of my mouth and stood up.

"Wow," he said a little shakily. "I've never... it's never felt like that before. It was..." He breathed in, clearly looking for the words to describe what he'd just experienced, but failing to come up with anything that would do it justice.

"You just had your big dick worshipped Eddie," I said, wiping the mixture of spit and cum that was all over my face onto the sleeve of my shirt.

He leaned back against the half-built cupboard carcass behind him and exhaled. "I didn't even know it could feel like that, I was with the ex for 24 years and she was never that keen on blowjobs. She used to say that it made her jaw ache.

"I'm not surprised," I said thoughtfully, wrapping a hand around his now semi-hard but still huge dick. "You have some girth there, but it just takes practice."

"I need to find a lass who's happy to practice then," He said thoughtfully. "Because I need more of that"

"Well," I said, grinning at him, "If you look in the right place, you'll have people queuing up for a go on it."

"Seriously?" He replied, in disbelief.

"Oh yes," I said knowingly. "Would you like me to help you?"

His blue eyes sparkled and met mine. "Yes please Dave"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Almost worker...straight hell with IS perfect!

KumquatqueenKumquatqueenover 1 year ago

Yorkshiremen bantering? Plausible premise? Great stuff. 5 stars, even if the punctuation and all let it down a little.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I always waned a visiting workman to reveal his cock and take a blow job from me. It happened only once when a sexy young plumber, flat on his back under the sink cabinet, had a large bulge in his work pants, and a worksheet unbuttoned enough to reveal a sexy hairy chest. I gave him a good blow job while reworked, and his reward was shooting a large creamy mad load into my mouth!

jonkingbrothersjonkingbrothersabout 2 years ago

Over the years, I've had lots of hot workmen in my house working on tiling the bathroom, installing the cable, rebuilding the kitchen, fixing the furnace, and so on - but in spite of the frequent fantasies I've had, I haven't yet had the opportunity to celebrate their cocks in this way. Thanks for taking me into an experience I'd love to have - the orgasm you gave me was a spectacular one. And the gradual build-up to their encounter was clever and realistic - really well done!

The_swallowerThe_swallowerabout 2 years ago

Great story and what a lucky guy!

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