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Electric Dreams

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Andy uses technology to explore his sexuality.
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It'd been a few weeks since Andy had received his NeuroTec neural net brain implant. He'd waited a few years to get it, scared of the kinks that were bound to happen with such a new technology, but those had been worked out by now. Long gone were the days of people having cravings for cardboard, or unexpectedly screaming for no reason. And so far, he'd had no negative side effects. From his phone, Andy could fall asleep on-demand and schedule his circadian rhythm to align with his alarm clock. He could experience in-depth immersive media, download and learn languages in minutes, and improve his performance at work by turning up his focus when he needed it. Sure, there were therapeutic uses for it like anti-anxiety controls and non-opiate pain mitigation, but the real selling point for the average Joe was full brain control from your cell phone. The technology might as well have been magic, and Andy was quickly enamored.

When he got his implant, the clinic had made a big deal out of highlighting how secure this system was. The nurse stated explicitly that, since the neural net was implanted in his brain, consent would be tied to his consciousness. If at any point, he thought to himself that his neural implants were doing something he didn't want, that subroutine would be shut down. "Think of it like having to enter a password for every subroutine, but instead of a four-digit number, you just have to want it," they'd told him.

Over the course of the first few weeks, Andy explored all that his newfound technology offered him. He spent an evening taking part in a bank heist, during which drove his car through a burning truck trailer while firing a machine gun. Another night, he spent an hour floating in an empty tranquil sea. He could see the white sandy shores off in the distance, but around him was serene water. There was no fear that he'd drown; in fact, it never even occurred to him. All he felt was overwhelming peace while laying in the cool water that surrounded him. It was better than any TV show he'd ever seen because these weren't shows; they felt so real that he often forgot that he was in a simulation. He experienced the adrenaline, the peace, everything in between.

In the years since the technology's first unveiling, more content creators started making their own experiences. Some people created experiences that were personal like seeing their mother again, or "Fun night at a bar". But it wasn't long before people began recording their intimate encounters. This type of content took off like wildfire. Why watch a porno if you could experience sex with the model instead? While some porn stars were making their own content and selling it for a pretty penny, thousands more college-aged girls were uploading files of themselves to their OnlyFans accounts and selling it for a steep discount.

If you didn't want to have sex with a specific person, there were also sites where you could generate your own specific sexual dreams, which opened the door to a safe kind of experimentation. Say you wanted to combine getting a public blowjob from a redhead and almost get caught without risking a public indecency charge. You could create that scenario using a rudimentary knowledge of the code.

Andy had read that they didn't always patch together that well, so there was a lot of that disjointed dream experience where suddenly you're doing something new. But that shortcoming notwithstanding, you could create the scenarios of your dreams.

Andy didn't have extensive experience in the sexperience files, but what he'd experienced, he liked. He downloaded a free blowjob file with the description "Quick blowjob from your girlfriend - Redhead". Whoever made the file had done a good job, as it was one of the best blowjobs he'd ever received, but like most vivid dreams, it was hard to recant after the fact. He remembered thinking that she was his girlfriend, but who was she? All things considered, Andy enjoyed the experience.

However, before he had the neural net interface implanted, Andy liked to explore his prostate during his masturbation sessions. And the porn that he watched gradually shifted from "girlfriend with a strap on" to "trans-women" which eventually morphed into him watching full-on gay porn. He was insistent that he wasn't gay, but he was curious about how it felt to bottom and jealous of how much the men in the gay porn enjoyed it. Maybe he was bisexual, but whenever he'd get the nerve to talk to a guy on Grindr, he always chickened out. It was an old cliche, but Andy, the man who dreamed of being fucked by another man, couldn't pull the trigger.

But with the experiences he could find on the internet, Andy realized he could explore his sexuality in a safe way. He downloaded some files off of the free file finder, and made his dream no pressure gay experience.

In the dream creation interface, he filled out the form:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Craft your dreams


Run this program when

[ ] I close my eyes (movie mode)

[X] when I sleep (dream mode)

Upload model:




Add-on settings:

[X] Forget this command once it's saved

*** This action is can't be undone. If you save your custom dream sequence with this modifier active, you'll lack the ability to recall and cancel it.


Upload experience files (up to 10) to decide what happens in your dream

** all experience files should be in.sef format.

File #1: run_hot.sef

Select modifiers:

None configured in file

File #2: psuedo_wake_up_hot.sef

Select modifiers:

[X] Touching your penis decreases pleasure

[ ] Turn off body movement

Clear these modifiers after file finished?

[X] Yes

[ ] No

File #3: warm_up_gay.sef

Select modifiers:

[X] Touching your penis decreases pleasure

[X] Touching partner's penis increases your pleasure

[ ] Be forced to comply

Clear these modifiers after file finished?

[ ] Yes

[X] No

File #4: blowjob_giving.sef

Select modifiers:

[X] Touching your penis decreases pleasure

[X] Increase pleasure when partner's penis is in your mouth

[X] Increased hand fatigue (stone hand mode)

[ ] Forced blowjob

[X] Remove gag reflex

Clear these modifiers after file finished?

[X] Yes

[ ] No

File #5: prostate_massage-finger_receive.sef

Select modifiers:

None configured in file

File #6: topped_04_d.sef

Select modifiers:

[X] Touching your penis decreases pleasure -- (already enabled) --

[X] Increase pleasure when partner's penis is inside of you

[X] Remove ability to use hands (dummy Mode)

[ ] Your partner uses a condom

[ ] Open-hand slaps on your ass

Clear these modifiers after file finished?

[X] Yes

[ ] No

[Create experience] [Save as draft] [Cancel]


Once he finished crafting his dream, Andy paused and considered the ramifications. He wouldn't remember setting this script up, it'd just be a dream that he'd have seemingly out of nowhere. That scared him, but he also felt himself getting hard at the thought of exploring his boundaries in the spur of the moment. He ignored the anxieties in his head, and saved what he'd made.

Immediately, it was like it never happened.


Andy went to sleep like any other night. He confirmed on his phone that his neural net would time his circadian cycles to end at 8 am, and turned out the lights.

Early in the morning, his phone silently lit up:

Running file "run_hot3.sef"

In his dream, Andy was on an empty bus and reading a story about his own life. He hadn't programmed any specific dream for the evening, as far as he remembered, so this was just the remnants of the day--a random dream that blended in with the thousands he had before.

Suddenly his smartwatch buzzed. When he checked the notification, he suddenly felt his prostate swell as he took in a sharp breath. He was instantly aroused, but couldn't figure out why.

A man put his hand on Andy's shoulder. The touch of his hand sent a jolt through Andy's body. Now his erection was harder than ever, and he struggled to keep his breathing quiet. He felt his chest, his abdomen, and his penis begin to glow with warmth and energy.

The man moved in front of Andy and snapped his fingers. Andy awoke with a jump, alone in his bed except for his massive erection. He gathered his bearings, and realized that it was just a sexy dream. But it was so vivid... There was no way that Andy was going to be able to go back to sleep without masturbating. He laid down again, closed his eyes, and slowly began to jerk himself off. But as he stroked himself, it didn't feel good. It felt hollow and boring. No matter how he adjusted, Andy couldn't match the sexual energy that had built up inside of him. Eventually, he gave up and closed his eyes, lying back in his bed hoping to doze off before the morning came.

And it did. When he woke up, Andy was brimming with an uncomfortable amount of sexual energy. Again he touched himself and again he found it wholly unsatisfying. He laid down and tried to do meditative breathing to abate his arousal, but to no avail.

His phone lit up again:

Running file "warm_up_gay.sef"

While Andy was trying to calm himself, a man came into his room. Instead of being scared, Andy remained calm even though he had no idea who the man was. He had the vague understanding that he was supposed to be there, but couldn't explain why. Was he a neighbor? A handyman? Andy's friend? His face was pretty but also unremarkable to Andy. Within seconds of looking away, he would have been unable to give a description of what the man looked like, but Andy knew he was safe. The man laid down on the bed next to Andy and stroked his hair. Andy could smell his cologne; it smelled clean, not musky. Had the man just showered?

Andy's hand automatically migrated between the man's legs until he felt his erection. Touching his penis gave Andy the same jolt that he'd felt in his dream. The fire burned stronger when he touched the man's penis than it had all night by himself.

"Go on", the man whispered. "I've been waiting for you."

Andy ran his hands down the man's chest and stomach, then pulled back his sweatpants to reveal an average length but full-bodied cock staring him in the face. As he touched the man's erect penis, Andy once again felt an energy run through his body. He took the man in his hand, and began to slowly work the shaft of his cock. With every motion, Andy's breath got shorter and more urgent. He felt like his heart was going to explode.

On Andy's phone, a message appeared:

Running file "blowjob_giving.sef"

After a few seconds, Andy looked at the man for guidance like a rookie technician, and the man simply nodded back. That subtle motion was enough to send Andy's head down to the man's cock. As Andy licked the tip of his cock, he once again felt that feeling of electricity that had driven him so far. It felt right, and his body was wired again.

Andy tried to bring his hands back up to help him suck the man's cock, but they felt heavy and cumbersome. A few more jerks of his cock were all that he could muster before Andy had to lower his hands again. I guess I'll just have to do this with my mouth only, Andy thought.

He started by taking the tip of the man's cock into his mouth. He used his tongue to trace the edges of his swollen glands and tasted the precum that oozed out. The man tasted clean and warm, an unusual but also comforting flavor. Andy watched as the man writhed a little bit in conjunction with when Andy's tongue hit new spots.

Andy let the cock fall out of his mouth for a second. He meant to use his hands to wipe his mouth, but they were essentially non-functional now. They felt heavy and tired. As the man's cock laid waiting for Andy to return to it, with strings of saliva connecting it to Andy's face, Andy felt his pleasure levels falling again. He wasted no time putting his swollen cock back in his mouth. Once it was back, all felt well again. Andy decided that he simply wouldn't take this man's cock out of his mouth anymore.

Andy continued licking the head of the man's cock for a few minutes, but soon he felt that he needed the man deeper. He started moving down the shaft with every bobbing motion. He'd learned how to give a blowjob using a dildo that his last girlfriend left behind and by watching questionable porn on the internet. As he pushed the man's cock further and further into his throat, Andy made sure to stick his tongue out and relax his lower jaw and throat. His technique was working as within a few minutes he had managed to get most of the man into his mouth.

But the last bit proved elusive. His cock bumped up against the back of Andy's throat, and he couldn't quite get past that barrier. What's more is that, because he hated the feeling of fading pleasure that came from not having the man's dick in his mouth, Andy was beginning to make a sloppy mess. He couldn't swallow completely with it in his mouth, and soon his spit was beginning to gather on the man's shaft. It was a little bit embarrassing for him, but he didn't dare take it out of his mouth. It was just the price he'd have to pay. And besides, this is what Andy envied in those gay porn videos: he felt like such a slut getting messy while serving this man, and it made Andy almost uncomfortably hard.

He kept going on his cock, back and forth, moving up and down the shaft, using his tongue to coax the man to make louder noises. As Andy once again moved towards the base of his cock, the man began to moan gently. That was all the motivation that Andy needed to push past the throat barrier, and he finally touched his nose to the base of the man's pelvis.

As he did, he felt the man spasm once, twice, four times. Andy tried to swallow what he could, but there was a lot of cum, too much for him to handle.

Andy's phone lit up:

Running file "prostate_massage-finger_receive.sef"

As the man took a second to catch his breath, Andy laid on the bed next to him again. Once again, not having the man's throbbing erection in his mouth left Andy feeling empty, but not as empty as before. For now, he could focus on the taste of the cum that now ran down his chin.

The man gently coaxed Andy onto his side, then onto his stomach. What is he doing now? Andy thought. The man slid his hand down Andy's side in much the same way that Andy had done to him before. Instead, the man took a detour and began to grope Andy's ass. His fingers lifted Andy's cheeks open and ever-so-slightly touched his eager hole. His fingers were now covered in lube, which Andy thought was weird because he didn't remember the man having lube with him. That thought was immediately chased out of his mind though when the man slowly pushed a finger into Andy.

The man's finger wiggled it's way deeper into Andy, and after a second it found a sensitive spot that caused Andy to moan like a true whore.

The man withdrew his finger, and reinserted two and again Andy let slip a soft, gentle, nearly feminine moan. As the man began to work his fingers back and forth in Andy's ass, Andy felt free. He embraced making noises like a whore would, even expanding his vocabulary to include some "Yes, right there"s and begging the man to fuck him. This is why he dreamt of being bottomed: he dreamed of being at the mercy of this man.

"You like my fingers?" the man asked.

"I do," Andy replied. "Dear god, I do."

"What if I wanted to fuck you in the ass?" the man replied. "I bet you'd like that a lot."

Andy responded automatically with "Yes, please dear god fuck me, sir."

Andy's phone lit up:

Running file "topped_04_d.sef"

The man drew in closer behind Andy, who could feel his breath on his neck. Against his now loosened hole, Andy felt something bigger than the man's fingers, but softer and rounder. It softly pushed against his hole, then began to push through. The man was gentle at first, going slow so Andy could get used to the sensation. When he got about halfway in, the man backed out, and reentered again, going ever-so-slightly deeper this time. With each push, Andy made noises that he never knew he could make. This was heaven to him. And when the man finally pushed himself all the way to the hilt, Andy felt a shudder rock his whole body. His cock was perfect and Andy made sure to let the man know.

As the man began to fuck Andy, Andy became extremely aware of his prostate and the relation of the man's cock to it. On the in-stroke, the head of his cock gently poked Andy's soft boy-spot and when it withdrew, Andy immediately wished to be filled again. The man casually fucked Andy for a few minutes, and Andy enthusiastically encouraged the man.

"I love how you fuck me." Andy said in a thin breath. "I'd do anything for you to keep going. Please don't stop. Your cock is amazing." Beneath him, Andy was leaking a mess of precum.

The man backed out, and gently rolled Andy onto his back with his hands above his head. If they were heavy and useless before, they felt like they were tied in place now. Andy's cock, rigidly erect and desperate for relief, glistened with precum as the man then put Andy's legs over his shoulders. This time, he was not gentle or slow. He went all the way in one fell swoop, and Andy discovered that there was, in fact, a more intense position than the one before.

The man's goal was now clearly not Andy's enjoyment, but his own. His pace was quicker, his strokes were longer, he didn't stop when Andy made noises. There was no way for Andy to protect his prostate in this new position. With his feet up around his ears, his previously virgin hole was now completely defenseless, and the man was pushing Andy towards something big.

"I... No... '' Andy stammered. It's too big. It feels good, but it's too big, he thought. But none of that came out. Instead, each stroke simply made the impending wave larger and Andy's breath shorter. All he could do was close his eyes and revel in the pleasure emanating from his backside. Now, Andy was absolutely uninhibited. He understood the noises that his neighbor made when her boyfriend came over. He grunted with every thrust in and cried for more as the man withdrew. He adored the uninhibited cock-crazed whore he'd become.

Andy could tell the man was about to come when his breath shortened again and his pace picked up. This realization was short-lived though because once again Andy was on the verge of a crisis himself. Finally, the man pushed his cock all the way into Andy and grunted when he did. He simultaneously pushed Andy over the edge into the biggest orgasm he ever had, shivering and quivering as the man shot his cum inside of his no longer virgin asshole.

For a second, the world spun for Andy. He laid quietly on the bed, shaking and broken by this unnamed man. He couldn't form a word, let alone a sentence. The man pulled out, and along with him came a small puddle of his cum. Andy had been bred like a whore. That's what he was now: a proper whore.

The man leaned down and kissed Andy on the forehead. "We should do this again," he laughed. Then he got up and walked out of the room.

Andy's phone buzzed for the last time:

"Program ended."

Andy awoke in his bed. This time, he was really awake, he could tell.

He laid in his bed for a second, still reeling from the intense dream. He reveled in the glow of what he imagined a solid fucking felt like as he caught his breath. In his boxers was a puddle of cum. He could vividly remember the feeling of the man's cock in his ass and the taste of his cum. When he stood up, his legs almost gave out from under him. He was shaky and worn, but he felt fulfilled. It might have been a dream, but it felt real to Andy. And while he felt satisfied for the time being, a fire still burned inside of him. He glanced at his phone, and opened Grindr. Maybe it was time to make the dream real.

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KinkajuuKinkajuu8 months ago

incredible. please, do a sequel!

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