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Elias and Peter Ch. 01

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Chapter One.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/28/2023
Created 11/25/2023
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I shifted in my chair, trying to pull my maroon sweater tighter around my body, the fabric thick and soft, shielding me from the frigid air in the university library. I might as well have just been outside in the snow. It was dim, with the only light coming from the cold, pale early January world outside, streaming gently through the massive stretching windows. I liked it though, it was quiet, ambient even. The air carried the scent of wicker, dust, and.. sweet - powdery sweet.

The Librarian Mr. Camerrel sat stiffly and silently at his desk chair coughed, and it startled me enough that I was pulled from my thoughts. I gazed down from the indoor balcony where I was perched, lost once more in my musings as students began sifting into the building. That seems to happen a lot to me these days, getting lost in my head.

I reached down to my tote bag and pulled out my pencils and anatomy book. I had new illustrations due by the end of next week and I was hoping to get them finished. I'm studying anatomy and art - I'm not exactly sure what I want to do yet, or if I'm even interested in these studies anymore, but I was a year ago and it hasn't changed so I think I am.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked up at the voice, meeting a beautiful pair of brown eyes peering at me through unruly locks of curly brown hair. The boy adjusted his wire frame glasses and offered a charming smile. I immediately recognized him from my anatomy class, his name was Elias and we'd exchanged a few words in the past, but we'd never really had a conversation.

"No, not at all, I don't blame you for wanting a balcony seat." I replied with a quick smile.

Elias's grin broadened, and he settled in the chair across from me. "You see right through me, alas." He quipped. "Are you a freshman? This is my third year and I haven't seen you before - you're in the anatomy class I take."

I glanced at the balcony railing, then back at him, considering my response. "It's my second year, but last year I was only taking art classes, and this year I wanted to delve into something more, like, intellectually stimulating, I suppose. This year has been a bit depressing." I gave a fake chuckle, but words felt awkward on my tongue and I cringed internally.

His smile turned a bit crooked as it widened and he glanced down at my sweater, then to my hands adorned in my old fingerless gloves. In weather like this it would be stupid not to wear some sort of hand covering.

"I get it." He paused, still focusing on my hands, "This university in particular is rather depressing. I'm glad I caught up to you though, excuse my forwardness, but when I saw you, I don't know, I just felt like you had a lot to say. Good company, you know?" He dropped his leather shoulder bag to the floor.

I adjusted my own glasses and crossed my legs, offering a coy smile at his compliment. I took in his appearance a little bit more closely. His loose, chocolate-brown sweater hanging gracefully off his muscular, but lean form. No stubble or acne, just a few freckles on his nose.

"That's..rather nice of you to say, what gave off that impression?" I asked, not really knowing what to say, my words still cautious. He kind of caught me off guard. Was he flirting with me? I tend to be careful when interacting with strangers, particularly men. I'm the quiet type and only 5'8, 127 pounds, so not the best odds when it comes to physical confrontation. Plus, I'm not gay.

"Well your art is incredible for one, and I'm a big fan of creatives myself. Your name is Peter right?" He brushed his hand back through his curls and stared at me intently.

"Uh yeah, it is, how'd you know? And I'm sorry, could you remind me of your name?" I lied. I knew his name.

His cheeks blushed in mild embarrassment, "Oh! Duh, I'm Eli." He giggled, his charming laughter filling the space between us. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable, I'm bad at starting conversations." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. I shifted nervously in my seat, something about his gaze was just, well, there was just something about it.

"Oh don't worry about it, I'm not any less awkward myself." I tapped my nails on the table, I was nervous as all hell, what was he doing? I also didn't want to be the guy to ask 'are you gay?'. He looked the part though and god, those eyes, like a fucking baby cow, or fawn, gleaming at me through gorgeous thick lashes.

STOP fucking looking at him! You're being weird. You're just an art student and he has such perfect shoulders and-

"Yo whats up Elias?" a shrill voice broke through the silence, abruptly ending our conversation.

I looked up to see a blonde hippy-esque girl with a parka and jeans on. She had a silver nose ring and crystals around her neck and she smelled strongly of weed. Not that I didn't ever partake in smoking, though normally I stuck to menthol cigarettes. I smiled at her, but it was not returned as she was staring at Eli.

"Oh, Claire." He responded, looking up at her, but his tone dropped and his smile fell from his face.

She sat down next to him, her crystals clicking together as she did so. "You weren't in the horticulture class you said you were gonna take, I thought we were gonna take it together." She nudged his shoulder and placed her hand on his thigh. He looked uncomfortable, and moved her hand. Oh thank fuck, he is straight.

Elias glanced at Claire, then to me, then to his lap. "Yeah, I was, but my anatomy class is more important to me, I have to take it for my history class if I'm going to be studying ruins and ancient civilization." He replied, less confidently than he had been talking with me.

The Claire girl laughed too loud for comfort and I shifted awkwardly in my seat, knowing we had the hateful stares from other students in the library who, like me, enjoyed the silence.

"You're so funny you know that? How come you didn't tell me?" She giggled, once again placing her hand on his thigh.

"Probably because of what happened in May." Elias glared at Claire and removed her hand once again. "Please, stop touching me." His voice was deeper now and laced in anger. I was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable. Obviously I don't know what happened between them, but it couldn't have been good. Was she an ex perhaps?

Claire glanced at me and then back at Elias, the tension was palpable. "We talked about that, it was an accident." She whispered, sounding annoyed and rolling her eyes. "I didn't know you were, you know," she made an exasperated facial expression and made a gesture with her hands. Elias blushed, but it was an embarrassed and angry blush. His fists tightened and he placed them on the table.

"Yeah?" He replied, sarcastically, "I'm not too inclined to believe it was an accident. I didn't tell you what classes I was taking because I didn't want you to take them with me. Can we not do this right now?" He turned to look at me, "I'm so sorry." His eyes were apologetic but there was something more like fear behind them.

Claire seemed to stare in disbelief, before raising her voice and saying "God why do I even bother with you? How many times do I have to apologize-"

"Quiet your voice right now for the love of god Claire, we're in a library." Elias admonished, his head in his hands. Quickly, he grabbed his bag and stood, managing to slip out of her grasp. He looked at me and motioned to my own black tote bag and sketchbook.

"Grab your things and come with me, please?" He asked quietly, but his eyes seemed to beg and plead. He spoke with urgency, like he couldn't bear to stay any longer.

"Yeah, Okay." I replied quickly, putting my things in my bag and standing, following his actions. Following him like a puppy, but for some reason it's all I wanted to do in that moment.

"Where are you going?" Claire asked, trying to stop him from leaving, but he was quicker and dodged her grasp. He grabbed my hand, and I felt a heat rise to my cheeks. He quickly pulled me down the aisle and down the grand staircase behind him as he began running. I was thankful that today I had worn boots, not that I really changed it up much, but they supplied good support. I was careful not to trip as we jogged down the stairs. We exited the library and he turned around to see if Claire had followed us, which she hadn't.

He looked down and promptly let go of my hand, blush rising to his cheeks this time. "I'm sorry, that was awkward, was that awkward? I didn't mean to do that, I just, you know, needed to get out of there." He fiddled with his wool scarf, "I'm so sorry about her." He breathed, "that was extremely embarrassing." He looked down at me and I saw just how tall he actually was, probably around 6'2, he made me feel short. I became more flustered and my heart began to pound. His pillowy, rosy lips were slightly parted and the cold made his nose red, I could've kissed him- what the fuck. I shook my head and pushed the thought down.

"It's quite alright, I've had my fair share of friends turned ex-friends." I paused, "I won't ask what happened between you, it seems private." I assured, offering him a supportive smile and he seemed to visibly relax.

He shuffled his feet and kicked the snow gently. "Do you want to walk with me?" He gestured towards town and gave a small smile. "Yeah, sure, why not." I felt the same heat rising again and I hated that my emotions read so clearly on my face.

We began to walk and I caught a whiff of an aroma that almost made my knees weak. He smelled like expensive vanilla, amber, and..cigar smoke? I couldn't quite place it, but it was absolutely heavenly.

He smiled and shoved his hands in the pocket of his corduroy pants. "So, Peter, what do you do?" He turned off on a little path that headed in the direction of the front of the school, so I followed him.

"As in hobbies or a job? I'm really not that interesting of a person. I paint and do pottery occasionally, and I'm a barista in training at the coffee den in west village. What about yourself?" I tried my best to sneak glances at him as we walked, he had a perfect little greek nose, and a jaw that could cut you if you weren't careful. I wondered what his gorgeous soft skin would feel like if I ran my fingers gently down his neck and-

"Oh nonsense, I see right through you.." He smiled back at me. My insides turned cold as he said this. What did that mean? "I'd love to see more of your artwork, I peeked at your sketchbook and it seems you've got quite the hand." he continued. "I've never restored a book but it takes a great amount of skill and patience, I love all forms of art, I always have. I'm a collector and I love my obscurities and curios, so I guess it's fitting that I currently work at the museum. Just front desk stuff but it's fulfilling."

"Wow, that's really neat." I smiled. Our hands brushed together and I swear the heat shot straight up my arm. "You're a collector and you work at the museum? Do you Like it?" I asked as we walked side by side down the now busy street, lined with leftover Christmas lights that hadn't been taken down yet.

He gave me another charming smile, "I've always had a fascination with the unique and unconventional. I find beauty in the overlooked and discarded things. Art in all its forms has the power to make us see the world differently, you know?"

His passion for art resonated with me quite a lot. "I feel the same." I replied, my voice small but full of enthusiasm. "Like whether it's a hidden painting, a broken sculpture, or a piece of history brought to life through the brushstrokes of a long forgotten artist, you can't help but feel drawn to it.

He looked at me, eyes full of adoration, "Yeah, you get it."

"Front desk stuff must be fascinating." I mused, trying to break the silence a bit with humor. Elias chuckled, his laughter light and infectious.

"It can be, especially when I get to interact with people who share my enthusiasm for art and history. Every once in a while, I get to give tours, and those moments can be incredible. There's a certain magic in guiding someone through a world they've never seen before."

Our eyes caught, both of us blushing wildly. But I turned away and looked at the street ahead of us, my heart beating wildly. He kept stealing little glances at me, I could feel it, but I was too nervous to look back up at him. Instead we just kept walking.

As we reached the end of the street, Elias turned to me, his eyes holding that same warmth that made my heart race. "Peter, I'm really glad I talked to you. Would it be cool if I grabbed your number?"

"Oh absolutely! Here." We traded phones and typed our contacts in. He hesitated and looked down at me.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow? Maybe I can show you all my collections, only if you want to, though." He asked in a small, hopeful voice.

"Sure, absolutely, I get off work at 5, but we'll text and get the details." I smiled up at him, "Im fucking freezing though so I'm gonna go home now, but I really enjoyed talking with you."

I stood staring at him as he walked down the busy sidewalk. Why was this all so confusing for me? Eli is a great guy, likely an even better friend, so why do I feel so nervous and..ashamed? I can't pinpoint my feelings. I turned down a different street and made my way home to my aunt Evelyn's house, who I've lived with since I was 8 when my parents dropped me off and were never seen or heard from again. I am now 21 and I can't say I miss them, Aunt Evelyn has been more of a mother to me than my own ever was. I smiled at her little Victorian cottage with the warm light seeping through the leaded windows and out onto the snow, it genuinely looks like one of those 90s christmas postcards. I unlocked the door and took off my coat and shoes before entering and plopping them down on the bench in the foyer.

"Pete are you home? Are you hungry? I just made some pot roast with au jus sauce the way you like it." She called from the kitchen. I entered through the arch way and lazily slammed down into a kitchen chair.

"I am fucking beat, Aunt Evie, pot roast sounds delicious." I smiled at her and she turned to face me, but her smile turned into a smirk as she looked at me over.

"So someone had fun today." She grinned and wiggled her brows at me. Was I truly that transparent??

I shot up sitting straight "Auntie no-! Well, -" I started but she cut me off with maniacal laughter.

"Who's the lucky girl? I'm happy you're finally putting yourself out there again." She smiled, dishing up two bowls.

I rolled my eyes, "It's isn't like that okay, I just met a guy and I think he wants to be friends cause we have a ton in common, but we just exchanged numbers and honestly I don't expect anything from it" I sighed and as if on queue, my phone dinged loudly on the table, bringing more laughter from my aunt. I chuckled too, it was funny timing.

Elias: Heyy, its me the incredibly interesting boy from the library

Me: Are you sure that's you? I mean, I'm the one with the sewing skills and glue remover

Elias: LMFAO cute and funny, could you get any more endearing?

I stared at my phone in silence, my insides churning. My aunt set my food in front of me, still smiling. She has always been the one I turned to for guidance, and she never steered me wrong, but I don't know how she would react- NO there's nothing to react to. You made a friend. That's it.

"Well Peter if you ever want to talk more or need advice, you know I'm here for you," she began to giggle, "Let's eat though damn, I'm hungry."

My phone dinged again, my eyes snapping to the screen.

Elias: So uh, when do I get to take you out for coffee?

I felt like I could vomit, is he interested in me?

Me: I'm free tomorrow after work, so around 5pm? a bit late for coffee but if that works for you

Elias: Works for me, maybe we can go to my place afterwards and I can show you all my trinkets lol

Me: yeah sure :)

Elias: it's a date

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Singlegayboy666Singlegayboy6665 months ago

Absolutely love this first chapter! Wonderful writing and a wonderful story - excited to read the next chapter and hopefully more from you in the future!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

this seems very sweet, not at all what I expected in literotica

strawberrymoonstrawberrymoon7 months agoAuthor

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS!!! I was nervous to post as ive never submitted a story like this but i’m very encouraged and grateful that it seems to be hitting off so well! Chapter two has been submitted for publication and should be approved within the next 12 hours or so. I hope you enjoy! lots of love for you all <3

BeefyhungtopguyBeefyhungtopguy7 months ago

Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer7 months ago

I'm with the other two commenters, I'm intrigued and want to know where this story goes as well. Nice job so far.

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