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Emily's Story Ch. 01

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Chapter 1.
13.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 11/13/2014
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Hi, My name's Emily and I want to tell how I came to meet Gina and Martin, and how much my life has changed since then.

I've asked Gina to edit and post my story on her pages at Literotica after she had shown me her own story. This first part is going to closely follow on from some of Gina's writings, primarily the part about how and where we first met, but after that, while some bits will include Gina and Martin, I'll try to reduce duplication as much as possible.

I hope that my efforts at publishing are received as well as Gina's story has been, because I've had such a blast in the last few years, and my now husband Gerry is keen to have me tell my story too.

So, here goes, and I hope I don't bore you too much...


I am 19 and attending college near home, which is good because I still get to live with my parents, who I found out are way cooler than I'd ever thought them to be.

I do quite a bit of running, entering things like fun-runs and the occasional half marathon here and there, so my body is quite toned. I'm 5' 7" tall, around 81/2 Stone in weight and have very long legs with a weirdly short torso to go with them so my legs look as they go on for miles and make mini-skirts look amazing on me, not that I wear them much any more, or much of anything else come to that!

I've got a nice tight backside, and my vitals are 34(C), 28, 32 and I'm considered rather skinny by today's standards.

I have shoulder length blonde hair on my head and keep the remainder of my body clean shaven - everywhere! (It makes it so much easier for people to see every square inch of me which, usually these days, is available to their gaze; thanks to Gina and Martin!

Anyway, enough 'bout how I look. I want to tell you about the most amazing day of my life up to now, and how I came to find out sooo much more about my parents and how cool they are.

I, and a bunch of my (mostly ex now) friends rocked up at McDonalds just on the outskirts of town for a bite to eat and just to chill after a long day in college. We'd been there for about 20 minutes and would soon be leaving in one of my friends cars to go to our separate homes for the evening...

Judy dug me in the ribs and whispered, "Get a look at that tart over there - she's bollock naked!"

I looked over to the counter and, indeed, there was a woman stood there naked as the day she was born, well, except for shoes that is.

All kinds of thoughts went through my head, good ones, bitchy ones and bad ones - I mean, who the fuck does she think she is wandering around like that?

She seemed to be in a rather warm, shall we say, conversation with one of the staff members, the Manager probably, who I suspect was trying to get her to put some clothes on.

After a few moments discussion with him she turned to us and said "Does anyone feel threatened or intimidated by my being here dressed as I am, and am I really bothering anyone enough for you to throw me out or involve the police or anything?"

Some people answered "No", some didn't respond at all other than to stare, because if they weren't aware of her nudity before that they sure as hell were now!

I called over, "Let her stay you bully, she isn't doing anything is she!" and my friend dug me in the ribs to shut up. Well, our little group didn't generally do anything that drew attention to ourselves so it was embarrassing for them to hear me shout out like that.

"What are you doing - surely you can't think that it's OK to be walking around in public naked like that can you Emm?" asked Jennifer, one of my friends.

"I don't know actually - I do think it's intriguing - I mean; how can she have such confidence to do it?" I replied, not really concentrating on Jennifer or any of the others of my party actually - my whole attention was on this wondrous, courageous, confident woman.

The others were busy calling her a slut, a skank, a betrayer of womanhood one of them said; but despite the disparaging words they were using none of them had the courage to do anything about her or even say anything to her despite the ferocity of their feelings towards what she was doing.

I was just amazed at how calm and confident she was. She didn't seem to have any misgivings about her nudity, no shame, no embarrassment at all, as if it was perfectly right and normal to be naked in such a public place.

On the contrary, she was as comfortable in and about her nudity as I was in my clothes. She made no fuss about anything, she was simply sitting at a table drinking her coffee and talking to someone on her phone as if it were nothing out of the ordinary.

Something awakened in me while I sat and stared at her and wondered about her courage. She seemed so comfortable that suddenly my own clothes became cloying; uncomfortable and heavy. 'Oh if only I had such courage to do as she is doing.' I thought. How relaxed and comfortable she appears to be; how beautiful she looks, and not just pretty as in chintzy pretty, but beautiful as if she had an inner light that glowed through her skin and seemed to illuminate the air around her.

I had never seen such beauty; I had never seen such confidence, such courage, so much contentment within one's own skin.

In short, I was absolutely mesmerised. It was as if she and I were alone in this place, all other beings had disappeared from my conscience at that moment.

Everyone, that is, except the man who had come in shortly after her and taken a seat across the table from her. She obviously knew this man and was in deep conversation with him.

She even took some keys from him and rose, went out to the car park and retrieved a brief-case from a car and brought it back, placing it before him on the table. I'd heard him say something about her not being fast enough and that she'd get a spanking when they got home.

I had to talk to her - I had to find out more - what was it like - how did she find the guts to walk naked in public like this? I had to discover more - but how?

Then, my moment came. She rose and with a grace such as I'd never before encountered, she seemed to glide across the floor; as if she was floating rather than walking; and looked to be headed for the ladies rest-room.

As she passed our table, I put my hand on her arm and asked her if he was really going to spank her, and asked why she put up with being treated like that.

She replied that the Master thing was just a game, and that no he wouldn't be spanking her as it was just a game they played. The nudity, however, she said was all hers and that she loved being naked, then thanked me for my concern and tolerance regarding her state of dress.

"Well, if nothing else, your pussy is enjoying being shown off; you're soaking wet! God! I need to get out more!" I said.

She went off to the toilets and, as if attached to her by a rope, I had to get up and follow her and find out more.

As I walked in after her she seemed to be coming down from an orgasm, she was breathing heavily, was flushed down her chest and arms and her face just glowed like a beacon, while her hands were busy trying to clean herself up from it."

"You look like you're having so much fun doing this but where do you get the courage from - I don't think I could ever do such a thing!" I said to her.

She told me how her strutting around the streets naked had come about, her holidays abroad, about how both her husband and she had enjoyed her exhibitionism in the past and how good it felt just not having to get dressed every morning, and how many people she'd met since she began going around naked - 'Just like I'm now meeting you' she'd said.

I asked her if she'd help me to try being naked too and she said that it wouldn't be right for her to do so. 'It has to be something that you want to do for yourself'.

She did invite me to come sit with them and see what Martin thought as he was so supportive of her doing what she was doing. "OK, but should I strip too before coming over to you, Oh! I don't think I can do that." I said.

She said 'OK' but still invited me over to talk with Martin about it if I wanted to, so I said yes.

She opened the door and we almost bumped into Martin, who had come over to ensure that Gina was OK as she'd been longer than expected I supposed.

Gina assured him, introduced me and we all went to sit back where she had been sitting earlier while Martin went to get us each another coffee.

I looked around now, expecting to see people staring at Gina as I had been, but they weren't - they just seemed to be getting on with what they were doing, all that is except one young lad who was watching her from the door to the kitchen, but he too soon went away. I said this to Gina and she said that in her, very limited admittedly, experience, if you just do what you always do and ignore the fact that you're naked people follow your lead and get on with what they are doing. Also, if you just talk to people openly and honestly about what your doing and why, they usually just accepted her as she is.

All of this was amazing to me, and the longer I was with her the more I wanted to do it; but I couldn't gather the courage to just strip like she was.

Martin came back with the coffees and resumed his previous seat opposite Gina and me.

"So, you want to wander around naked like Gina do you - but you're too scared to do it? Well I'll help you out shall I? Get up, go to the Ladies, remove all of your clothing and then come back here. On your way back, keep your eyes on Gina - don't look left or right - don't react to anyone else around you on the way and sit back down here to finish your coffee. Now go or suffer the inevitable consequences."

Feeling a little shocked by his forcefulness, but thrilled all the same to be playing this game, I got up out of my chair and went out to the ladies.

In somewhat of a trance still, I removed my blouse and my bra, placing them to the side of the sink, but my fingers froze on the zip of my skirt.

'I can't do this' I thought to myself - 'I can't just get naked and then walk out there in public where everyone will see my breasts, they'll see my naked bum and my pussy will be openly available to their gaze - but why not? Gina has done it and nothing bad appears to have happened to her - she's sitting just the other side of that door and she's naked, and that's all I have to do - remove my skirt and knickers and walk out of that door to where Gina and Martin are sitting. That's all I have to do...

The image staring back at me in the little mirror was the same image I saw every day in my shower mirror - I didn't freak out at that did I? No, of course I didn't. But then I wasn't about to enter another room with about 20 people in it, none of whom I knew. Shit no, I just can't - what will my Mum say when they cart me off to the police station and call her? But Gina wasn't being carted off to the police station was she? No!

I cupped my breasts in my hands and my nipples popped up to attention and almost squealed into the mirror at me to look at them and squeeze them and enjoy the feelings I usually get when I play with them. It relaxed me a little knowing that my body was working just fine and wasn't about to shut down and abandon me here.

Taking another deep breath; I unzipped my skirt, undid the clasp, and let it fall to the floor and, fearing I'd back out again, I quickly dropped my knickers down my legs to join it.

I stepped out of my skirt and knickers and still I stood rigidly looking at my reflection in the mirror, too scared to move; to fearful of the enormity of the thing I was willing myself to do; a part of my mind screaming at me 'You fool, what on earth are you thinking - you'll be branded a freak' while a more calm and considered voice was telling me nothing of the sort would happen; after all Gina's OK isn't she? And think how excited you've been since seeing her and how much you wanted to be like her and join her in her nudity - Oh! To experience such freedom...

Of a sudden I made up my mind - I'm going to do this dammit! But I'm afraid to leave my clothes here - 'I know, I'll rip them up and throw them in the bin then I can't let the old fuddy-duddy in me win me over'.

With some difficulty, I did manage to tear my clothes, (you try it and you'll see it's harder than you think!), consigned them to the bin and took one last look at myself in the mirror.

Then I did it.

I carried out the most momentous action that I'd ever had to do - and hoped that I wouldn't make a mess of it.

I turned to my left and put my hand on the door handle and pulled - nothing happened - my hand and arm refused to pull the door open and release me from my self imposed prison cell.

I metaphorically kicked myself in the backside and using almost superhuman strength I pulled again and the door flew towards me and...

There was the outside world - out there the meagre security of isolation I'd so far enjoyed would no longer envelope me - I'd be out there for all to see - all of me!

My pussy suddenly gushed - I put my finger to her and felt her, sending shivers throughout my whole body - I wet my finger with my juices and tasted myself - I can't remember ever having been so sexually stimulated as I was at that moment.

Then, one foot after the other, I walked out of my cell.

Two paces in and I could see Gina and I locked my eyes on her - it made what I was doing a little easier I guess, but the inside of my head was screaming OhMyGod - OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod - I'M NAKED - IN MCDONALDS - EVERYONE CAN SEE MY NAKED BODY AND I'M GOING TO BE SO BUSTED!

I could see people out of the corners of my eyes, my peripheral vision denying me my planned sole attention on Gina, 'but guess what - nothing bad has happened - no-one is jumping up and down in complaint and the ground was still under my naked feet', cold under my feet - I'd never have thought how cold the floor in McDonalds would have been.

My mouth was dry - I felt as though I hadn't had a drink in days, my hands were sweating, legs shaking and suddenly - WOW!

Crashing in on me like a tidal wave, the feeling of elation I suddenly experienced was absolutely profound.

Not the frightened Oh-My-God-I'm-naked-in-McDonalds-and-the-ground-is-going-to-disappear-from-under-me-any-second-now, but the Oh my God (smile) I'm in McDonalds, and I'm naked - NAKED - and it's FUCKING AWSOME!

At that moment, the floor of the restaurant wasn't cold any more, I felt like I wasn't touching it, that it was some distance beneath me and my legs were just pedalling fresh air - I could still breath, I could still see; and what I saw was beauty - and I hoped I looked half as beautiful as she did. Gina's smile lit her face, seemingly from within - it glowed like a beacon on the dock of a bay dragging me forward towards it - and I went - wilfully naked - as naked as she - and I felt, for the first time ever, ME!

A new me - a me that was different from the person who had left that same table I was making my way back to just moments before, passing a few people seated at their respective tables and who acknowledged me then did a double take to ensure that their eyes deceived them not and that there were now two naked women in the restaurant - a me that felt confident all of a sudden - a me that was almost re-born - a me that would not ever again deny my own feelings and desires - a me that was so close to an orgasm that I surprised myself at making it back to that table with what was left of my decorum remaining intact. Later that day I imagined what it would have been like had I indeed had that orgasm in the middle of the restaurant - and it scared me a little because the thought appealed to me.

Anyway, I made it back to the table intact as I said, sat down and held Gina's hand tightly - maybe too tightly as she squirmed a little and I relaxed my grip. Sitting down and facing Martin, I just stared directly into his eyes as my mind tried to decrypt and make some sense of the crashing amount of data my body was throwing at it.

It was wild; awesome, in every sense of the word; inspiring; terrifying; exhilarating; exciting; sexually stimulating; amazing, just absolutely amazing - and I loved every sense that hit me and kept on hitting me.

Gina gave me a nudge and told me to drink my coffee, which remained forgotten in front of me.

I drank down the cool remnants of my cup and said to them both, "This is fucking amazing - my Mother's going to go nuts and kill me though if she ever finds out I did this - but it is just so awesomely amazing - I mean here I am, in McDonald's, drinking coffee, loads of people around me; and I'm stark bollock naked! Not only that, I can see now why you were so wet - it's such a turn on. I feel like I'll wake up in a minute and find that it's just a dream."

Gina said that I wasn't dreaming and yes, you're sitting in a restaurant, drinking coffee and your naked, but she also reminded me I wasn't alone in my nudity.

"Thank you, thank you both. I may never do this again in my life, but at least, as you said, I'll never regret doing it just this once. It'll be hard to forget it though - one of those life changing moments I guess." I tremblingly said to both of them.

Gina said, "Only life changing if you do it again - just a memory otherwise."

She was right - how would I be able to do this again, would my friends remain my friends if I start to randomly get naked when the thought appeals? How did she get to be so wise? I thought.

Gina said something about him collecting a Harem - as if I thought, but then that wasn't entirely true for at that moment he could have done anything he wanted to do to me and I wouldn't have stopped him. He assured Gina that she was all the woman he'd ever want and I thought how wonderful it must be to have such a trusting, loving relationship as these two people had. I could only dream of such a relationship at that time - I didn't know any boys who were mature enough to even think about such a thing.

"So, what are you going to do now then Emily?" Martin asked me.

"Carry out your instructions, Master." I cheekily replied, finally relaxing into my situation.

Martin said, "Well Emily is certainly relaxing into this isn't she, but a Harem I can't handle - you're all the girl I can handle; or want. However", he continued stroking his chin, "If you both want to play, I'll have to think about it won't I. But not now; I think Gina and I should get going. Are you going to get your clothes back from the ladies and get dressed again before we go?"

"Oh God no." I said in a sudden panic.

"What's the matter Emily?" Gina asked.

"Gina, I didn't think this thing through properly. I took off my blouse and bra and then, when I came to take off my skirt I almost chickened out. To make sure I would go through with this and not chicken out of it, I tore up my clothes and put them in the bin! I don't have any clothes to go home in! Oh Shit! What am I going to do - oh God help me - why did I do that?"

"Don't worry Emily, we can take you home, can't we Martin?" Gina said, touching my arm to reassure me.

"Yes, of course we can. Where do you live Emily, and what about your friends?" Martin responded.

I looked to where I had been sitting only to find the stall empty, save for my handbag.

"Oh No! They've gone off and left me here on my own, but it looks as though they've left my bag at least. Anyway, even if you do take me home, how am I going to get in like this without my Mum seeing me and she'll bloody kill me!" I said, almost on the point of tears, and to help I got up and went to get my bag before returning to my seat and putting my head in my hands.

"How old are you Emily?" Martin asked me.

"Coming up to 22, but what difference will that make - she'll still kill me!"

"Nothing, It's so difficult these days though to tell a woman's age, and I didn't really fancy taking a naked 17 year old home to Mum." he replied.

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