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Emma’s Visit

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Emma travels west to visit her Aunt and meets two new lovers.
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Emma's Visit

By MadQuill

Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply.

This is a work of Fiction, and all of the characters are over eighteen years of age.

Thank you for your comments.

Emma's Visit

Emma hadn't seen her Aunt Tina in many years yet she had promised to visit when she spoke with Tina almost ten months earlier. She wasn't feeling guilty, but Emma's family did not agree with two women living together, and Emma loved Haley and wouldn't be controlled. Aunt Tina was her mother's sister and had received the lion's share of the estate at the probate two years earlier. The call to Emma's cellphone wasn't from her aunt, rather from Tina's partner Colin.

Aunt Tina had divorced many years ago and the couple was childless. Tina had become disillusioned with marriage in general, and now more than six years later Emma's aunt's boyfriend had called. Aunt Tina wasn't well and had asked Colin to reach out to Emma, and she had quickly arranged to travel to Oregon to spend some time with the woman who could have been helpful years ago. Emma had just finished high school and had spoken to her aunt regarding her interest in women.

"You're too young to have settled this Em," her aunt tried to help Emma deal with her sexual preference, as she didn't feel she could share her questions with her mother.

"I mean, you've had sex with a girl once or twice? That doesn't mean you have only one view of the world," Aunt Tina had tired to help Emma realize that her emotional attraction to women may evolve as she left home for college. Emma had listened to her aunt's view, but once she was away from her families rebuke and negative opinions, she had decided she just loved women's bodies more than guys. She had been with both boys and girls, and each affair with a young man had proved unfulfilling.

Later her provided Emma with an idea: "You come out to yourself first Emma, and anyone else, well its a personal decision".

This trip west would be for only a week and the weather in September in Eugene was nice. The call from Colin was short as he explained that she wasn't well enough to speak with Emma, "Sure I'll book a flight and be there within the week Colin."

She'd tried to book a hotel but instead found a room in a small B&B nearer to Tina's home twenty-five miles west of Veneta. Being closer to the Ocean would allow her to excuse herself. She could spend some time with Aunt Tina but also head to the beach twenty miles away. The idea of staying at her aunt's wasn't an option. Her memories needed some distance.

Haley had wanted to travel west with her, but Emma knew that was the wrong thing to do. She would sort out her feelings during the seven-hour flight and keep her lover out of the mess that was her remaining family.

Emma picked up the red Mustang convertible after landing and drove the twisty road along the river with her hair in a ponytail and the new green Ducks hat to prevent damaging her long hair. The day was nice, and the road was empty, and the rent-a-muscle car was just what she needed.

What she didn't need was what she encountered arriving at Tina's. She had never met Tina's friend Colin, and their short telephone conversation had occurred as she stepped out of a meeting, so it was brief. Her aunt had offered a simple explanation ten months ago, "I could call him my boyfriend but that sounds so yesterday Em." Tina had not shared any details of her illness back then.

Now in Tina's driveway she opened the car door as a young man approached. She didn't know who he was, maybe this was Colin's son?

"Hello Emma, your aunt told me to expect a pretty girl, but she didn't say a tall beauty in a cool car!"

She paused before speaking, 'oh my god... this is Colin? He's barely thirty years old. My aunt has become a cougar'.

"Hello and thank you for saying that. You, ah, are you Colin?" she asked. He was over six-two and lean, wearing a pair of beach shorts and a clean but torn t-shirt. Emma was astonished, and her panty was damp!

She had stepped clear as the door swung closed and Colin reached out and hugged her. He smelled clean as his long arms wrapped about her narrow back and her breasts compressed as he hugged her again.

"You must know how much this visit means to Tina. She is inside napping but should be awaking in about thirty minutes. Can I bring your bags?"

Emma's heart was racing as Colin released her, and he turned and reached into the car to pop the truck.

She spoke quickly, "I'm, I mean, I don't have a bag. I've a room at the Pines. Can I sit down?"

Colin turned back toward her, "Oh, you look quite pale. Can I get you some water Emma?"

She was sitting on the porch as he swept out of the door with the cool drink in one hand and a can of beer in the other, "I hope you don't feel sick," handing her the moist glass.

She looked up to his face as she took the drink but was distracted by her thought; 'I can't believe this. He's making me as wet as a teenager on a first date. This is my aunt's boyfriend. Thank god I've a room a few miles away!'

She drank most of the water and said, "I must have become dehydrated on the airplane. Thank you Colin."

Colin also sat down, "Tina is still quiet and the nurse will let me know when she awakes."

Emma was sitting in contrast to Colin forty inches away, wearing an expensive sleeveless V-neck wrap dress made of light-green chiffon. Her legs were bare, and she wore a pair of off-white wedge sandals with a medium heel. She had her legs crossed and was looking at her aunt's buff stud of a boyfriend, wondering if her aunt had ever mentioned Colin was so young? Her questions couldn't be answered at this point so she distracted him by discussing the ride from Eugene.

"I haven't been here in the Valley for at least eight or nine years, and I enjoyed the windy ride. Now my hair is a mess," re-crossing her legs.

Colin smiled, "You look just fine Emma. I know your aunt always calls you Em. But it feels best if I can call you Emma?"

She looked over his shoulder to the field and hills beyond. Was he aware of his impact on me? Is my face flushed? I should use the restroom.

"Sure, only my family called me Em, and so please, Emma will do. Can you direct me to the powder room? It's been a while," she arose and followed him into the small but comfortable front room of the house.

"Just there on the right. Tina is in the back bedroom so you can't bother her."

Before she relieved herself she touched her moist labia and brought the juice to her nose. She was very wet, and the panel of her thong was soaked. She had another pair in her handbag, but the bag was in the car. She thought to call out for Colin and ask him to retrieve the bag from the Mustang but she recalled that Haley had handed her a soft sextoy as she left early this morning. It was in the top of her handbag. She would have to sit with damp panties and deal with Colin until her aunt was awake.

As she left the powder room she saw a photograph of Tina and her ex-husband on the hall wall. Uncle Richard was good-looking but he had been the same age as Tina. Now her aunt had a boyfriend who could have posed in a stud-muffin magazine. His abs were distracting Emma, just apparent through the holes in his t-shirt. She had to find a way to cease these thoughts; she wanted to fuck this man, to fuck the first man in almost ten years. The threesomes her and Haley shared were not the same thing. She wondered how he had come into Tina's life?

She was about to excuse herself and return to the Pines when she met the nurse in the front room, "Hello, I'm Esther, your aunt's nurse."

Now another problem had arisen. This woman was not the type of nurse she had considered when Colin had spoken of her twenty minutes ago. The woman was almost Emma's height and wore a white uniform and an apron, and her hair was light auburn in an up bun. She wore only a little makeup but Emma could see that this was a beautiful woman. Crazy beautiful, and Esther's uniform was causing Emma's body to respond. She could feel her moistness again.

How would she get through this afternoon? Was she attracted to this woman or was her elevated arousal really caused by Colin?

"Tina is awake, can I take you to her?"

Emma followed Esther to the bedroom, her eyes watching the movement beneath the nurse's white dress. At the door she saw her aunt in the bed. She looked like she was near death.

Quietly Esther said, "She looks worse today but your visit will change that. Her lungs are the problem, but she can be comfortable here in her home for the next few weeks."

Emma stepped to the bedside and sat lightly reaching to Tina's face. The soft touch caused Tina to turn and open her eyes.

"Ah, ahh, Em, You look so wonderful. Is Haley with you?" her aunt asked. Emma considered this question quickly before answering, as her aunt knew of her lover, but they hadn't met.

"No aunt Tina, she stayed behind. I hope you'll understand."

Tina's face twisted, "I know I've disappointed you, and Haley as well. My stupid statements were from my disrespect for the lives of others. I had wished she would come with you. Do you have a new picture?"

Emma knew that she had left her phone in the car, and she almost asked the nurse to run out to the car for the bag but stopped. The woman was less likely to probe inside the handbag, but she didn't want to risk this beauty finding her toy.

"Yes Aunt Tina, I'll show you them later okay?"

After thirty minutes of talking about the illness and the past eight years Tina closed her eyes slowly. Esther saw she was fatigued and suggested a pause.

"Can we let her rest for an hour?"

Emma was out on the porch, with these two wonderful, beautiful people whom she'd just met, and they spoke about the difficult past six months and the consequence of the lung disease Tina had discovered over a year ago.

"She will be comfortable at best and the pain medicine assures she rests frequently. Colin is a god sent for Tina," Esther said as she turned to look at the stud sitting nearer to Emma on the narrow porch. Emma could stop her lust only by continuing to discuss her aunt's condition. Esther assured her that Tina would be lucky to live another month.

"Colin what will you do? I mean to say, how are you handling this challenge?" Emma saw that as she said this his eyes shifted to the floor.

He started to speak but stalled, "Tina and I had ended our love quasi-affair over eighteen months ago. When I'd heard she was sick I came back to help her. At first she didn't share how sick she was and a nurse would visit only every other day or so, and the hospital wasn't able to help Tina. A simple infection could have killed her. After three months a nurse was with her every day and when we realized Tina needed more care your aunt asked to have a nurse staying in the guest house. Esther is the second nurse to stay. The first one couldn't continue due to her family."

Emma was able to stay focused for the next thirty minutes while the two ran through the care and treatments Tina had endured. Each time she looked across at Colin she had to quickly advert her eyes to the hills beyond to stop her sexual images stirring her pussy. If she turned to look at Esther, she would shift her gaze lower, only to see the smooth legs of this other beauty. She was somehow able to restrain herself until Esther confirmed that Tina was able to speak again.

After their second visit of the afternoon Colin said that he had to run into town to refill Tina's prescriptions. Emma was sitting quietly after sending Haley an update via text. Her handbag was beside her and closed. She had shifted the toy to the lower pouch, but not until she'd removed it and studied it. The scent on the shaft of the toy was pleasant though Haley had cleaned it before handing it to her. She recalled Haley's words before she left the apartment for the airport early that morning, 'this will keep you thinking of us lover, and don't forget where this toy was just last night'.

Emma was reviewing the memory of Haley's joyful orgasm when Esther came out and sat down on the swing bench right next to her. Emma sensed that the nurse wanted to say something and she turned slightly toward her, but Emma could smell her own arousal from her thoughts of Haley. How could any sensual woman sitting this close not know that Emma's pussy was dripping? As her eyes moved up to Esther's face she saw that Esther was turning as well and she saw that the nurse's leg was shifting to cross toward Emma.

"I'm about ", Esther was moving a bit quicker, seeing that Emma was going to speak and stop what Esther wanted to happen. Esther's left arm and her leg were softly around Emma as her lips reached Emma's and Esther's tongue moved with little resistance into Emma's parted lips. The kiss was a surprise to Emma, yet she allowed this beautiful woman to lead their tongue play. Esther's month was sweet and clean and her tongue moved within Emma's, asserting Esther's will over any objection Emma might pose.

Emma moved back away slightly, "Esther, you can't " but Esther pressed forward so that their breasts were now touching through the material of their dresses while the nurse moved her hand atop Emma's, and as the kiss continued Esther took Emma's long fingers into her own and Esther parted her thighs, and her hand, while holding Emma's, moved beneath the hem of the her white dress. She moved Emma's fingers near her naked sex. Esther had removed her panties before coming out to the porch.

"Your aunt talks in her sleep Emma," she said as she held Emma's left hand between her thighs, and then Esther felt a finger slip into her vagina. Emma was fingering her, and Esther's other hand now moved to caress Emma's left breast.

"But Esther," Emma moaned, and the nurse didn't stop, nor had Emma's finger slip out of Esther, and the nurse's tongue again entered deeply Emma's mouth again.

Pausing their kiss Esther said, "She says you sleep with girls," and Emma giggled softly.

Esther was now fully in control as her hand had slipped from her own sex and was pushing Emma's legs apart, reaching to touch Emma's soaked thong, "I saw your toy Emma. May I see it in your mouth? Will you let me fuck you?"

Emma was panting as Esther's hand played between her thighs, caressing her vulva, and then her fingers slipped beneath Emma's wet thong and had penetrated Emma's pussy. Esther was frigging her and Emma couldn't find the will to resist the woman's gentle but persuasive attention. She wanted to stop, to feel that she could prevent feeling she was betraying Haley's love, but she couldn't. Now Esther moved to her knees, and shifted Emma's dress upward and quickly her mouth was atop Emma's vulva, and then her tongue parted her labia.

"You taste wonderful Emma," and now the insides of both of Emma's thighs were wet and her lipstick-covered lips were smeared, as Esther moved upward to share Emma's juice with her kiss, as her fingers again pushed inside Emma.

"How could you," but every word Emma tried to make was cutoff as Esther would push her sexy tongue back into her mouth. Then Esther just stopped kissing her, and Emma looked to the woman's face and saw Esther smiling as she reached down into the handbag and withdrew the toy. The same toy that had fucked Haley just yesterday.

Esther brought the toy to her mouth and she licked the fat head and noticed the familiar scent, "Hmm, you want it in your tight passage Emma?"

Emma spoke slowly, "You've got to slow down Esther. For God's sake you're my aunt's nurse!"

And Emma sat up wanting to stand but she felt weak, "I'm in a committed and loving relationship with Haley and I don't want to continue this," but Esther did and sensing Emma's reservations, she had moved closer and she now pulled Emma to her feet and again her tongue was willingly accepted. Esther knew she would fuck Emma, but she didn't need to rush. She wanted an entire night of fucking therefore she moved slight back.

"This girl Haley likes toys in her bottom? So do I Emma. We'll stop and I'll let you get settled. I suggest that you check your face before that cutie pie returns," and Emma now leaned against the wood wall of the porch.

Esther's hand lifted her white dress and Emma's eyes dropped to see Esther's nakedness, "He wants to fuck you too, but you know that, and your soaked panties have shown me that you'll be mine," and Esther continued to touch herself, but she moved away from the swing and stood, just looking at Emma, whose green dress hem was up passed her waist exposing her twisted thong and her moist pussy. Emma was still breathing deeply, but she now moved to cover herself. Her soaked panty wouldn't let her stop considering how close she had been to orgasm with this unique and sensual woman.

Reaching into her pocket Esther removed her own panties. "You can use mine until we start this again," and she turned and walked toward the door.

At the door she stopped and looked at Emma, as she tentatively held the tiny white thong, "He does have a nice penis, but I like moist smooth girls like you," and Esther flung her skimpy white panties across the space and Emma caught the garment, and she slyly moved to check Esther's scent.

After using the powder room Emma called Haley. The call to her lover allowed Emma to explain in detail her aunt Tina's failing condition. Haley asked Emma to try and relax.

"Maybe I should have let you come along on the trip," as Emma consider how to share with Haley her afternoon.

"My aunt's nurse is a real looker, and she will be trying to get into my pants Haley," and Emma explained the kissing and petting.

"If this woman wants you then I understand, but she can't change what we have Emma. I mean, it is just sex Emma, and if you want to lick her pussy, you're still going to need my loving body right? And I will still need your ass," and Emma smiled, as she was with Haley because of her free mind and her intensity. Emma was ready to hang up as she saw that Colin had returned.

Emma said goodbye and set the phone down. Seeing Colin reminded Emma that only thirty minutes ago Esther was close to fucking her with Haley's toy. Now watching Colin move she considered her options. Maybe she would ask Colin to accompany her to dinner. Esther's had a job to do, but Emma thought getting away might be a good idea. She was surprised how easily Esther had taken the role of top.

As Emma saw Colin approach the porch she asked, "Colin can you advise me on a place for dinner?"

He stepped up the porch stairs, "We had planned to have some take-out here. Would that be okay Emma?"

She made a little face, "I've had a long day and was hoping to disappear for a few hours after we speak with Tina again."

Just then Esther stepped out, "Your aunt is awake Emma," and Emma followed the sexy woman back to the bedroom thinking of her nakedness beneath the white uniform, as she was wearing Esther's white thong.

The discussion with Tina was about the estate and how the lawyer had arranged to transfer the various properties and assets. It was amazing that Tina had this very detailed information still within her mind.

"Did you remember to find the photos of Haley?"

Emma used her phone to show the latest photos of her and Haley. Her aunt had a few questions but said afterward, "I will miss getting to know your Haley. It's all on me though. I could have, I mean I should have compelled you to bring her with you. I should have reached out to the two of you months ago."

Tina was again exhausted, and Esther left to prepare her dinner.

Emma asked Colin if she could help Esther with feeding Tina, "It's not something I usually do because Esther does it so well. You could stay and watch but your aunt generally isn't talkative during the evening."

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