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Empty Nest Gets The Worm Ch. 02

Story Info
Two couples continue to explore their sexualities.
13.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/01/2022
Created 08/04/2004
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Note from Slickman: I've had a few requests to continue this story so here goes. The first chapter had no intercourse but this one more than makes up for it. No reproducing the story without the permission of the author.

* * * * *

It was still early in the afternoon as the two couples sat naked laughing about the game they had just played. Not one of them was jealous of their spouse as they frolicked together on the soft rug.

"So when are you two going to fuck us?" Debbie asked as she played with Bobby's semi-hard penis. Jean was doing the same to Jim as her head lay across his stomach and her fingers traced small circles up and down his length.

"We are not hard enough now." Jim laughed. He could feel a tingle as Jean's fingers caressed him. Suddenly her head moved and her mouth moved down to engulf his tip.

Debbie saw Jean's head drop down and did the same to Bobbie. In less than a minute both men were sporting raging hard-ons. "OK. That should do it." Debbie said smiling at her success. Debbie moved down onto her back and pulled Bobby over on top of her.

"Wait." Bobby said as he pulled Debbie's hand away from his shaft. "I want Jean to guide it in."

"You want me to aim your penis into another woman?" Repeated Jean.

"Yes." Bobby chuckled. "You have to do what we tell you for the next month."

"We said you could fuck us anytime and anywhere. I didn't agree to help you fuck someone else." Jean said upset. The men were pushing this to the limit.

"OH FOR GOD SAKE JEAN DO IT!" Debbie screamed. She just wanted to fuck Bobby.

"OK. But I'm doing it for her and not you." She glared at her husband.

Her small hand moved under his stomach and across his large pubic mound to curl around his shaft. She looked under to aim the large tip at her neighbor's pink slit. "Rub it around some." Bobby ordered.

"Oh Jean please do as he asks." Debbie almost cried. She moaned as Jean's hand rotated the mushroom tip across and up and down her dripping pussy. "OK NOW FUCK ME!" She screamed.

"No. Not yet." Bobby laughed. He was really enjoying this game and so was Jim who was curled over laughing on the floor next to them.

Jean rubbed the tip faster and faster until they could all hear the sloshing noise. "Please fuck me." Debbie begged as she tried to push up her pussy when the tip crossed over the empty well. Finally Jean aimed it at the hole and pushed down his ass with her other hand. The stiff dick sank deeply into her moist depths.

Jean smiled and moved over to Jim. "You ready for yours?"

"Sure." He laughed and moved down on his back next to his wife. Jean didn't waste any time as she straddled his hips and lowered her dampness. She was so wet he easily slid down into her. Her legs wrapped around his hips and she held onto his shoulders as he pushed in and out of her.

Debbie was almost there when she looked over at her husband who was looking back at her. They both smiled and reached down to hold each other hand as their best friends fucked them to orgasm at the same time. Both men cried out just before the two women did. The women felt foreign sperm shoot deep inside of their depository.

"Boy that beats watching TV." Jim said as he moved up on one elbow to look over at Bobby who was smiling with his eyes closed. "And golf. Although golf is easier to get it into the hole." He laughed. Debbie smacked him on his ass. They all laughed and snuggled up to each other close for almost an hour.

"I'm going to feel funny going to church tomorrow and seeing you two." Jean said as she sat on the sofa looking down at Debbie and Jim's unclothed bodies.

"I'm sure we can cover our sins." Jim said. "This doesn't count as adultery right?"

"Good question. Let's ask the priest tomorrow." Bobby laughed.


The four walked into the large church at the same time. Bobby looked up at the ceiling and took a big breath when it didn't cave in on them. The four actually sat next to each other during the mass and nothing looked out of the normal. It was the middle of mass when Bobby leaned over to Debbie and whispered. "Meet me in the restroom in three minutes."

Debbie heard him but didn't believe he was asking her now to do it. She gave him a dirty look. "No." She whispered back.

"A deals a deal." He whispered again as he excused himself and walked out of the church to the small side wing where the restrooms were. He looked at his watch and thought Debbie had stood him up until he heard a soft tap on the door. He opened it and Debbie quickly rushed in and closed the door. "You're nuts." She said trying to look upset but actually her body was on fire. "In here?"

"Yes. Lean forward against the sink." He commanded. She did as he said and he moved behind her and grabbed the bottom of her dress and slip. He pulled the dress and slip up over her thong-covered ass and rested them across her back.

"Did Jean or Jim say anything?" He asked as he pulled her panties down to her ankles. She pulled one foot out and spread her legs. "Yes. Jim asked me where I was going and I said where did he think?"

Bobby unzipped his pants and pulled his hard shaft out into his fingers who guided the tip up under her ass. His fingers searched for her pussy and quickly discovered how wet she was. "Damn woman. You are dripping." He laughed as he pushed the tip forward and up into her holy hole.

"GOD!" She cried as he fucked in and out slapping his stomach against her ass. Neither of them could last more than a minute as they climaxed. "Holy Lord!" She screamed. They quickly redressed and walked out of the restroom. A young man was waiting. "It was a miracle." Bobby said as he slapped the young man on his back. Debbie giggled all the way back to the church just as it was getting out. They waited for their spouses but they never came out. Bobby ran up and looked in to see an empty church. "They are not in there."

Most everyone was gone from the parking lot except the two large SUVs parked side by side. They looked alike except for one thing. One was rocking back and forth. Bobby opened the rear door and saw his wife sitting on top of Jim's lap. "Hello honey." She said panting. "We are almost finished could you wait outside?" Bobby closed the door and smiled. Luckily no one was walking near the bouncing auto or they could have heard the screams for joy.

Each couple went their own way after church. Jean had to stop and say hello to her mother in a nursing home while Debbie had to stop by the real estate office. She had to fill in for someone's open house that afternoon. Bobby and Jim headed to the driving range.

"A whole month. Do you think we will live through it?" Bobby laughed as he watched his buddy swing.

"I don't know about you but I feel like I'm 18 again." Jim boasted. "Me too." Bobby grinned. "Where is Debbie this afternoon?" Bobby asked.

Jim laughed. "She's doing an open house over on Main Street somewhere. Planning on buying a house?"

"Maybe or at least putting a down payment."

"Where is Jean?" Jim asked.

"She's at the nursing home with her mother. She's not doing that well and has been sleeping most of the time." Bobby replied. The balls were finished and both men walked back to their cars.

"I'm going to go check out a house." Bobby chuckled. "And me a nursing home." Jim laughed back.

The open house started at 2:00PM and Debbie only had one couple the first hour. She was reading a magazine when she heard the front door open. "I'm back here. Go ahead and walk around." She heard footsteps and went back to her book.

"Would you please come upstairs?" She heard a voice crying down from the second floor.

"Sure. I'll be right up." Debbie said as she grabbed her notebook with the house details. The person must have a question. She looked in the first bedroom and it was empty as was the second one. "Where are you?" She asked as she walked to the master bedroom.

"In here." A man's voice answered. She opened the door and stopped in her tracks. Bobby was lying naked on the large king size bed.

"Bobby!" She said shocked to not only see him there but naked besides.

"Take off your clothes and come here." He said smiling.

"I can't do this. I could lose my job." She said watching his hand jerking off his penis.

"But you have to remember your promise."

"Let me go lock the door downstairs." She said rolling her eyes into her head.

"No. Come here now." He demanded.

"Bobby!" She said trying to be upset. But his naked body looked so good in the big bed.

"OK but it has to be fast." She said as she quickly pulled off her blouse, skirt, panty-hose, bra and panties. "No foreplay." She said as she quickly moved up and aimed his hard-on between her quivering thighs. Their bodies slapped together and both quickly were about to explode when the bedroom door opened.

"I think this might be the master bedroom." A woman's voice said. "Oh my."

"Oh I'm so sorry." Debbie said as she climbed down off of Bobby's tower of power. "My husband just got back from the Far East and we haven't seen each other for almost a year." She lied while standing naked looking at the older man and woman.

The woman's face went from shock to happiness. "It's been a while since I've seen one of those." She laughed as she pointed to Bobby's hard-on. "Come Henry. Let's let this nice young couple get re-acquainted." She smiled and pulled her Henry who was starring at Debbie's tits as he backed out of the door.

"See what you did." She said looking for her panties.

"Hey. We are not finished." He said laughing.

"Oh surely you don't think I'm going to........." She threw her panties in the air. "OK but hurry it up." She jumped back up on the bed and onto his shaft. "Ride me cowboy." She giggled as she rode his bronco.


Jean was in the small kitchen taking back the food tray when Jim entered her mother's room. The old lady was snoring so he moved around the corner and sat waiting for her to come back. Her purse was on the window edge so he knew she couldn't leave.

"Jim!" She said surprised when she saw him.


"What are you doing here?" She asked. But all he did was smile.

"This is getting to be too much." She said realizing what he wanted. "You're joking right?" He just smiled.

Jean knew the nurses wouldn't come in as long as she was in there. She looked around the room to see if one place was better than the other. She wished now she was wearing a skirt or dress. Her loose cotton shorts would have to do.

"Your call." She giggled as she closed the hallway door.

Jim unzipped his fly and reached in to pull out his kielbasa. It was sticking upward as he motioned for her to come over and to face away from him. His fingers pulled her shorts and yellow bikini panties down her legs to her ankles. She pulled one foot out and opened her thighs. As she sat down he aimed his tip up into her warm hole. She moaned as she slowly moved her ass up and down on his May pole. His fingers moved under her arms to gently caress her breasts. They were both panting heavily when Jean's mother opened her eyes.

"Are you alright dear?" Her mother asked. "You seem to be quite flushed."

She was positioned on him so her mother could not see his body or face. "I'm fine just doing my exercises." She again raised her ass and lowered it. Her hands were on the chair's arm rest to give her balance and enable her to lift and lower her body.

"My, my you are really working up a sweat." The elder lady said. "Maybe I should try that exercise too?"

"Yes mother it really makes you feel good. OHHH!" She cried as she approached her explosion point.

"You shouldn't push yourself like that." Her mother said. "It's not worth it."

"OH YES. OH YES IT IS MOTHER!" She screamed as she came. Her ass was bouncing up and down.

Jean did not know her mother had pushed the attendant button. The nurse pushed open the door and put her hand over her mouth when she saw the younger woman's shorts and panties around her ankles and her golden pussy moving up and down a hidden man's penis. "WELL I'VE NEVER!" She said putting her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sure you have." Jean laughed as she leaned over and pulled up her shorts and panties.

"Mother this is Jim." She said as they all watched him stuff his still hard prick back into his pants.

"When did you get him?" Her mother laughed. "Can I do some exercises too?"

"Maybe some other time." Jim laughed. "I must get home." He kissed Jean lightly on her lips and walked past the speechless nurse and out the door.

"If you say a word about this I'll tell your supervisor about you taking money from my mother's purse." Jean said smiling. The nurse quickly turned and left.


Jean called Nancy that evening and told her what Jim had made her do. Nancy laughed and told Jean her story. "What did we get ourselves into?" Jean asked her friend. "I don't know but we need to renegotiate our deal." Debbie said. "Come over later with Bobby."

An hour later....

"Oh no. A deal is a deal." Bobby said while folding his arms across his chest. "Anytime and anyplace."

"Here's what I propose." Debbie said smiling at the two bullheaded men.

"We allow you to do it anytime and anyplace but for one day per week." Jean said.

"Bullshit. Why should we give up the whole week?" Bobby snapped back.

"Two reasons. One you two will be dead after one week if we do it every day and second we will let you plan the one day. You will tell us where you want to do it, how and when."

Bobby started to say no but Jim stopped him. "Think about it buddy. If we want to screw them in the middle of the airport they will have to do it."

"How about three days?" Bobby begged.

"No. Saturdays only." Jean said firmly.

"I have to wait six more days?" Bobby whimpered.

"Rest up." Debbie smiled. They all agreed on the new deal. It gave the men time to schedule their fucking day.


Saturday morning Debbie called for her fate. Her body was on fire as she anticipated a whole day of intercourse with her handsome neighbor.

"Come on over and we can start our day." Bobby said.

As Debbie walked out of her kitchen door Jean walked in. They were both wearing the shortest skirts they own. "Well good luck." Jean said as she lightly kissed her friend.

Debbie walked into the house and saw Bobby wearing cotton shorts and a tee shirt. "Go home and put on your workout clothes. We're going to the gym this morning. Bring along a bathing suit as well."

"The gym? Isn't that a little crowded?" She asked. "I'm not going to fuck you out in front of every one."

"Get your clothes. I've got it planned." He laughed.

Debbie passed Jean as they walked back to their homes. "I have to change." Debbie said. "Me too." Jean announced. They didn't have time to tell each other where they were going."

Bobby and Debbie pulled up to the gym where they both were members. "See you on the machines." Bobby smiled as he took his gym bag into the men's locker room. He didn't bother wearing a jock because he wanted to slip his hard shaft easily out when the opportunity arose. As he walked out of the locker room he had to turn to the side to prevent a busty blonde from seeing the large tent in his shorts. Bobby was riding one of the stationary bikes when Debbie walked out. She was smart enough to also wear baggy cotton shorts along with a long tee shirt.

"So big boy where do you want to fuck me." She whispered as she walked up behind his bike.

"In the aerobics room when the next class breaks up." He said panting. He had not exercised on a bike for quite a while.

"Ah don't look down but your little man is peeking out of your shorts." She grinned. His shorts had risen up until the top of his prick was bouncing along with his legs.

Bobby was about to ask her to put it back in until a young woman stopped in her tracks as she walked in front of his bike. Her eyes opened wide when she saw his penis peeking out at her. She glanced up at Bobby who gave her a big smile. She blushed and quickly walked to the water cooler.

"Shit Bobby. She saw it." Debbie whispered in his ear. "You better put it away or she'll report you."

Bobby glanced over at the girl again. She was taking a drink probably to cool down. He guessed she was about 18 years old or so. He started to pull his shorts down but stopped when she turned and smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Go over and see if she wants to join us." Bobby said to Debbie.

"That's not part of the deal."

"Sure. I say where, when, and how." Bobby announced. "How is with her if she agrees."

"What do I ask her? Hey would you like to have a three some with me and my married neighbor? And if you fuck her won't that be adultery?"

"That's up to you." Bobby said. "The aerobics class will be over in five minutes. You don't have much time. I'll be in the room and tell her not to worry because the next class has been cancelled. I'm sure you won't tell right?"

Debbie watched as the girl again walked in front of Bobby's bike and this time wasn't bashful as she looked down at his escaping tip. She smiled and continued to walk into the dressing room. "You're a shithead." Debbie said as she walked into the locker room.


Cady's heart was racing as she sat on the bench seat in front of her locker. Never before had she seen a man flash his goods so blatantly. She had seen many bulges but this was the first pink flesh she had ever seen. Plus the older man was very handsome but what was his wife doing allowing him....... Her thoughts ended.

"Hi, I'm Debbie." Cady turned and froze seeing the man's wife. She was wearing a ring.

"Cady." She whispered. She waited wondering what the woman wanted.

"The man on the bike is not my husband. He's my lover." Debbie said frankly.

"Your lover." Cady said still wondering what she wanted.

"He asked me to ask you if you want to join us." Debbie said looking around the locker room to make sure no one could overhear their conversation.

"Join you?" She repeated. "Doing what?" The woman was starting to scare her.

Debbie saw the young girl's nipples as they turned from soft to rock hard under her leotard. Nipples aways give you away she thought. She smiled and whispered in her ear. "Make love." She figured the word FUCK might scare her away.

"The three of us?" Cady asked. She was not a virgin but to do it with another woman had never entered her mind before. "I don't think so." She said sharply.

Debbie smiled. "Too bad. I'll guarantee you will really like it." She turned and started to walk towards the doorway.

"I've never been with a woman before." Cady said.

Debbie stopped and turned. "Me neither until last week. Don't worry; we won't make you do anything you don't want to do. Give it a try. If you say STOP we stop."

Cady's knees were trembling as she took a deep breath. "OK. Do I meet you outside by your car?"

"No." Debbie laughed. "Meet us in the aerobics room in five minutes. There is no class for the next hour."

"Here!" Cady exclaimed. "What is someone sees us?"

"I think that's one of the things that make it exciting. If I was you I would get rid of the leotard and just wear your shorts and tee shirt." Debbie turned and walked away. There was no doubt the girl was hooked.

Bobby waited until the aerobics instructor grabbed her bag and walked out of the room. He wondered if Debbie would have any luck with the young girl. Even so he would still be fucking a sexy woman. He entered the room and walked over to the corner where the large punching statues were located. In less than a minute he moved the standing bags until they provided a shield in case someone came into the room. He tossed some exercise mats down behind the shield and sat down.

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