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ENM Intertwined - Jack Pt. 09

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Jack gets to try on outfits in front of the whole store.
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Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 12/24/2019
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There was a small knock on the changing room door. I peered over it to see who it was; it was an easy thing to do considering the changing room door was so small it only obscured a person's midsection while changing, which was especially problematic at my height. As I stood up straight, my bare legs and everything from my upper torso and higher were completely visible from behind the tiny wooden door as I leaned over to see who it was.

"Zayne." I blushed down at the small blonde gentleman with sparkling eyes and a red streak.

"I got you some goodies for you to try on handsome." He raised up a pile of clothes over the door and I graciously took them. It appeared to be a white three piece suit with a red velvet vest with black and gold buttons. This selection seemed a bit outlandish to me but I wasn't about to turn down any sort of clothes under these circumstances. "Oh, and don't forget these!" Zayne dangled a pair of ice silk briefs in front of me as he leaned over the changing room door leering in at me. My cheeks turned pink as I claimed them from his grasp and moved them up my legs. Zayne continued to hang over the door watching me dress. You'd think I'd be okay with being naked in front of another guy but there was something about Zayne's stare that was so intense it made me feel three times more embarrassing than it would any other person. By the time I put the jacket on, Zayne dropped a pair of black socks, and a pair of brown wingtip shoes, and a white fedora that I was to put on. Once fully dressed from head to toe I was able to embrace a sense of security and relief. "Alright Jack-my-Bee, step on out of there so we can get a better look." Without preamble, Zayne lowered his body over the door even further to undue the latch then pushed himself back on his feet to swing the whole door open, inviting me to step out. I obeyed Zayne's motioning letting myself come back into view of the stores patrons. Their faces were still in awe but for a different reason this time. I felt a little nervous facing the looks of the people who just saw me naked a minute ago.

Zayne took my hand, "Come over here, let me show you what they are seeing." He pulled me toward the corner of the store where a full-length three way mirror was stacked. I could only see the back of Zayne's head as he faced forward but I could definitely tell that his ears were turning red. A pinch of giddiness welled up inside me. Was my appearance having an effect on Zayne? I was feeling hopeful as we stepped on top of the platform that was in front of the mirrors.

At the risk of sounding like such a Rorke, I was deeply impressed by what I saw. I thought I would come off as some poser who went over the top after striking it rich; instead, I looked more like a tall, handsome, friendly gentleman that exuded a notable degree of empowerment and wonder. Something about this outfit was deliberate. Almost as if Zayne was bringing out the joy from my very character to the surface for all to see.

My face lit up as I checked myself out in the mirror. "Wow! Is that really me?"

"Yup," Zayne sounded proud as he snapped a picture from behind with his camera phone. "I thought I would pick something that exclaims both sweetness and strength for your character." He snapped another photo. "Would you be a dear and strike a few poses for me?" Inspired by my new look, I turned towards Zayne placing one hand in my pocket and let my other arm hang loose at my side as I smirked for his camera. I did a few more elegant poses for him as we began to attract a whole new crowd of customers.

"Oh my goodness, is that guy a model?"

"He has to be. Who else would be that tall?"

"Such broad shoulders, why do I suddenly have the urge to let him carry me around?"

"He is looking so fine. I wonder if I should go talk to him."

"Are you crazy?! I would be way too nervous talking to a hottie like that."

I had to admit, it felt pretty good being admired like this. I placed one arm across my chest while my other hand lifted my chin as Zayne captured another pose of interest.

"Man, you are looking so damn good!" Zayne praised me and I smiled.

"Thanks Zayne, is this the outfit I am going to wear to the interview?"

"Before I answer that, I have some other things you have to try on."

Zayne produced a short powder-blue swimsuit with yellow trimming. They were too small for board shorts but longer than a speedo. "I figured you could wear these for your friend's birthday party. We are having it at the beach you know."

I smiled, I couldn't help but be impressed with Zayne; thinking about my friends. "Sure, I'll try those on. Let me just..." As I looked over to the changing rooms, the last vacant one that I just came out of got occupied. Some girl and her mother just walked right in and started trying on dresses. "...Oh. All the changing rooms are full. Should we wait?"

"Of course not, we're on the clock. You can just change into these right here."

I blinked, "What?"

"We're friend's with the manager so we can get away with it. I feel we should take advantage so we can get to your interview on time."

"B-B-But, I just can't..."

"I really want to buy all these things for you, but if we find out they're the wrong size later on it's going to be such a pain to return them. Ah man." Zayne pressed his fingertips to his forehead and shook his head.

How could I be so chicken? Zayne was really helping me out here. Buying me all this stuff and scoring me an interview. Not even I was this generous back when I had money. I have no right to make things harder for poor Zayne. Even if it costs me my dignity. "Okay, I'll put them on." I quickly removed the hat and jacket and shrugged off the vest. After I toed out of my shoes and socks, I looked around the store to see if I had anymore voyeurs. Thankfully, the crowd that saw me in the changing room before seemed to have dispersed and gone on to do their own things by now. At this moment, no one but Zayne was looking at me. I pulled off the shirt and let my pants fall to the floor. Thinking back on that moment, I probably should have just taken off the pants and leave the shirt on as I wore the swim trunks. Man, I was slow. I swiped the swimsuit from Zayne and turned around. That was also completely meaningless considering Zayne has already seen all of me and I was facing a three-way mirror with Zayne at my back. He could still see everything. I legged into the swimsuit pulling it up to my waist. It was tight-fitting but I could still move around it comfortably. "How do I look?" I turned back to Zayne arms spread out.

"Sublime! Those definitely hug you in all the right areas Jack-my-bee! Just one more thing," Zayne reached out and grabbed the drawstrings of the suit. As he tied them together I was highly aware of Zayne's proximity to my crotch. The very idea of having Zayne's fingers so close to my junk was causing it to grow bigger within the swimsuit. "done." I turned back towards the mirrors and Zayne hopped up on the platform with me as we faced them. He slipped my left arm around his shoulders and leaned into me as he placed a hand on my waist. He smiled at our appearance in the mirror, "You look hot! We are definitely getting this one." My heart fluttered a bit. I would have said I would have liked to stay in this moment forever but then I noticed a couple of girls were staring at us in the reflection of the mirror. They were giggling and taking pictures right when Zayne decided to slide his hand down and give my butt a squeeze. "This part is definitely the best feature."

I blushed and moved out of his embrace. "Um, maybe we should move on to the next outfit shall we?" I glanced nervously at the girls who still had their phones out.

"Great idea!" Zayne went to fetch the next outfit.


Zayne clapped, "Whoa! You look like a model!"

I smiled and blushed at Zayne's approval of the next 'outfit' he got me. I was wearing a fishnet tee-shirt that clung tightly to my torso and a pair of faded jeans with rips and holes around the knees. This is definitely not the kind of thing I would have picked for myself. The shirt alone was practically transparent, you could see my whole chest but Zayne found that to be a plus. He threw his arms around my waist and rubbed his face into my stomach. "I am just loving all these muscles! You look so badass! I love it!" Just like that, this ridiculous fishnet officially became my favorite shirt...though in secret only. I try to avoid outfits that make me look more intimidating because when you are over six feet tall, people already tend to give you a wide berth. I never liked the idea of scaring anybody but if Zayne liked it then I will wear it anytime he told me to. I patted his fluffy hair then Zayne backed away and pulled out his phone. "Okay, now strike a pose for me Jack-my-bee!" Zayne was bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly as he snapped a picture of me. I just can't say no to that face, so I flexed my right arm and placed my free hand on my bicep and faced him. Zayne was practically gushing, "Ahh, you look so cool!" That got a response from me. Just like at Zayne's apartment I started to get in to Zayne's requests. I did a whole bunch of poses with a smile on my face until he was completely satisfied with his photo op.

"Alright! Time for the next outfit. Let's take this off for now cause I have already decided we are buying it." Zayne pulled up my shirt from the hem and it bunched up around my pecs.

"Uhh, Zayne...I can get undressed myself." I blushed as I helped the poor guy along by leaning over so he could get the rest of the shirt off of me.

"Yeah, but it's faster if I just help...and a lot more fun!" Zayne smiled broadly as he folded up the fishnet and put it in a store bag. That beautiful smile faded a bit as he turned back to me and placed a hand on my now bare chest. " don't like it when I help you?"

I immediately became worried I just dampened Zayne's happiness,"Wha-no! No no no no no! You misunderstand! I love it when you help! Please, help me more! I'm all yours! Seriously!" I spread out my arms in invitation.

"Great." Zayne's smile reinvigorated then he quickly reached for the button of my pants. With swift motions he undid my fly and my pants fell to my ankles. I probably should mention I was going commando. When Zayne had me take off the swimsuit the dressing rooms were still full so I had to strip naked once again. The crowd from earlier moved on so thankfully nobody saw me but I was in a hurry to get dressed so I just threw on whatever Zayne tossed me quickly without bothering with underwear. Meaning now, I was standing in the middle of the store stark naked, pants around my ankles, upon a dais, before a three-way mirror, and this time, it did not go unnoticed.

Two elderly women walked in at that moment covering their mouths at the site of me. I flung my hands over my manhood and the two women scurried back out the door. "Z-Zayne! Maybe now would be a good time to add some underwear to the next outfit." Even now, I was trying to preserve Zayne's feelings while regaining my dignity. It seemed the former mattered most to me.

"Oh! I think I saw a few things that would look great on you, wait here!" Swiping away the pants around my feet, Zayne ran off to some random part of the store leaving me stumbling while holding my junk. I stood there for what felt like ages eyeing the dressing rooms hoping one would open up; praying no one else would come in the store.

"Hey there Jack."

I practically jumped. It wasn't Zayne's voice that I heard so I figured it was just another random stranger about to see me naked. Thankfully, it was just my friend Cassidy. I was still embarrassed but at least it was someone I knew.

"Having a good time Jack?"

"I've had better days." I blushed still cupping my junk as best I could.

"You are in a...unique situation...but truth be told, in all the time I have known you I have come to recognize you as a cheerful person but not even I have never seen you smile this much. Despite the circumstances, you actually managed to radiate happiness."

"You can thank Zayne for that." I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, then I shot my hand back down remembering I need all the cover I could get.

Cassidy giggled, "You really like him that much, huh?"

"I don't recall liking anyone this much before." I spoke honestly. I knew it would be pointless keeping anything from Cassidy. I was her neighbor long enough to know about that remarkable intuition of hers. Even my dad, who had so much pride, would sometimes try to trick some financial advise out of her despite choosing to live more humbly, but she would always catch on. I personally think that she's clairvoyant or a secret telepath, but of course, I'd never share that thought with anyone. I don't want anyone to think I'm crazy but I also enjoy the surprised reaction people get when she guesses something bizarrely accurate about them. Dad just suspected she might be a spy. He had a knack for thinking the worst of people. I never wanted to be like that, even during the days I thought he was perfect. I wonder what my father would think about my feelings for Zayne?

"I doubt your father would approve of you being in love with guy."

See?! It's like she can read my mind! Or maybe she foresaw the end of this whole conversation like that oracle lady in that one movie!

"I'm not reading your mind Jack nor can I see the future. I just want to know if your going to let your dad come between the two of you because I know exactly what's going to happen once he finds out." Seriously?! Like that was gonna convince me! But I couldn't ignore her point...

I shrugged, "Believe it or not, I've put in a lot of thought about this. Or at least, a situation similar to this. I spent my whole life just going along with whatever he said. I did it because I thought that he was right about everything. Then his whole company went to hell because of his bad decisions. After that, he got sued for firing a guy who tried to save him from that. I stuck by him through all his failures and out of nowhere he told me that 'I was and adult, I should be able to fend for myself' while he went off to try and make another fortune (and he is failing at that too). I agreed that I should be able to handle myself but I was never taught any important life skills, so I didn't know what to do. If it weren't for my friends, I would be dead on the streets."

"Do you resent him for leaving you high and dry?"

I shook my head, "I wish he let me do things on my own sooner. Once I got over all the denial of my father's perfection, I slowly realized what really mattered. All my prep friends ditched me when I couldn't pick up the bill with my trust fund. But ever since Rorke, Avery, and Santiago supported me even when I couldn't offer them anything in return, I was so moved I wanted to do the same for somebody else. So to answer your previous question: No. I'm not gonna let Dad come between us. I'm not entirely sure there is an 'us' to begin with. But if there were, there is no way in hell I'm going to ditch Zayne just because my dad is narrow-minded. I don't even know if I can. Zayne is the first guy I ever liked simply because I just can't resist him."

Cassidy smiled widely, "An excellent answer, I promise I will do everything to support you two." She slapped me on the butt reminding me once again that I was naked. "Just be prepared for some other hardships along the road to romance. But don't worry, at the very least you will bring a lot of smiles to a lot of faces even if it is at your expense." Damn it! What does she mean by that?

Cassidy just skipped away leaving me bare-assed in the wind. That's when someone else came along.

"Hello, Handsome!"

I smiled watching Zayne running towards me. It's easy to forget all my troubles whenever I see that glorious smile. Though as relieving as it was to see his beautiful face, I would be even more relieved if he brought along clothes. Thankfully, he was carrying bags of some with him.

"I got some more things for you to try on Jack-my-bee."

None too soon. I caught a flash outside the store window of someone approaching. I was ready to put on anything he was going to throw at me. Please hurry my sweet Zayne!

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Its enjoyable to read, though it also feels like Zayne should stop humiliating this guy who clearly likes him and whom even he admits has done nothing but be kind to him. XD

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

heck yeah! glad you're continuing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Humiliation turns me on! Can't wait for the job interview!

starmi16starmi16about 2 years ago

Thank you for continue the story is very good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So glad this story's continuing!!!

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