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Entity Nest Ep. 010: ORPHAN BLANK

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Erin in the attic. "Hey Earl! Taffy? Maybe not!" What part of drop dead don't you get?
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Part 10 of the 19 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 10/29/2020
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"Good moaning, Sunshine!"

Erin Parrish brought her guest and best friend Kyra Whimsey breakfast in bed, this time without the assist of her spectral man servants. The ghosts were asked to go outside and pick up tree limbs that had accumulated in the front yard over the years. Early last week Erin took time to mow and had to dodge the debris like bullets during her tour in Afghanistan. Said sticks ended up with the boys playing fetch with Scooby Boo and Cotton, the spirits of Brimley Stone and Erin's father Benjamin Parrish giving the dogs a chance to be themselves, they all needed the exercise. It was weird though, seeing four of the boys wrapped in plastic moving about playfully. It at least got them out of Erin's hair for a spell. With their only freedom being out front, forbidden by mystic barriers to journey into the backyard beyond the porch steps, the boys were happy. So was Erin. Crawling into bed with Kyra in the guest room Erin sat there nibbling bacon, "Better wake up before I eat all of these greasy but crispy artery cloggers."

"How can you be so chipper?" Kyra covered her head with a pillow, "You were still screaming your fool head off at 4:30 this morning. How do you do it?"

"With a little help from my mostly ethereal friends. For someone who told me there was no way you were having sex with a ghost you sure kept up with me last night."

"You know it was that weird weed thing. How did the boys inhale and exhale with no lungs? They're ghosts for... crispy's sake." She stole a piece of bacon and munched on it. "Fine! I know you're dying to ask... yes it was incredible. That high just increased my sex drive to the point they could have scratched my nose and I'd have suffered an orgasm. We have to figure out how this is possible Erin. Same for why they can touch us, and we can't touch them unless they're covered in wrap and rubber."

"I touched them just fine last night once we Tutencommanded them. We're being clever finding ways to bond better and as long as that keeps happening things will always be interesting. I know one thing... I'm hitting up my supplier for more weed."

"With what money?"

"Party pooper. You're right! Jobs come first. I was thinking on the way home, the day you arrived with Scooby Boo, that with my military experience maybe a security job. If you stay you could do the same. Same credentials you and I."

"Small towns probably won't need that much security Erin. Maybe you should ask Barker when he comes out today. Before he runs off in terror. You may be able to control the boys but what about the wicked stepmother? That piano going off when she's cranky will be noticed." Above the bed they hear what sounds like chains being drug along the floor. "What was that?"

"Just Earl saying good morning. He quiets down about noon. I'm guessing that was his naptime back in the day. Routine schedule kind of thing. Matter of fact, I'm going up to the attic later to introduce myself. I've ignored baby boy long enough. Earl was Genevieve's biological son; I'm gathering from a rape. Before she poisoned all of the boys, she chained Earl up in the attic and left him to die. She refused to show him love from what I understand. I really don't know much, but before Brimley died in Belltower, she gave me a pretty accurate psychic reading that introduced me to dad again. She mentioned Genevieve's diary but couldn't see where it was hidden. Without tearing the entire mansion apart looking for it I need clues. I really doubt the obvious that she would put it in the upstairs library."

"Wouldn't the boys know where it was?"

"No! I've asked them. They were only privy to the knowledge it existed when the young slave girl Mildred was strangled for catching Genevieve writing in it."

"The girl we think we saw through the window to the back yard?"

"I'm presuming so. I'm tempted to take a walk out in the woods but to be honest... without the boys to protect me God knows what any other ghosts might be like. There were a whole colony of slaves working this land before it all grew up around them."

"I'll go with you, we can take Scooby Boo for protection. Your dad can inhabit him right?"

"You know I'm not certain even dad or Brimley can bypass the backyard. We need to locate those so-called mystical barriers and cease their function. That way the boys can join us out there as backup."

"Or... let bad ghosts in. Have you considered that?"

"No. Fuck! You're right. I need to communicate with Brimley better. Her unable to talk as a ghost or a dog is useless. Dog's can't write! The whole yes or no thing is our only source at this point."

"So, I'm confused! If the boys can inhabit the house and still go out front, why can't your dad and Brimley come inside the house?"

"Outsiders I'm guessing. Same spell that keeps the bad... we presume bad ghosts out. I know when I mowed the backyard nothing bothered me so maybe they're not as bad as it's made to appear. Genevieve likely told the boys they were the enemy more than enough times until they were brainwashed and convinced. The only slaves they knew were Mildred and the crew boss Thomas. Thomas... I hate to say it might have been the one to rape Genevieve, which could mean he is Earl's father." The sounds of bawling through the walls were heard. "Sounds like I hit a sore spot with Genie. I really should try and talk with her but to be honest I'm afraid I'll make matters worse. She hates all outsiders especially one who is now stealing her boys from her."

"She killed them, Erin. She was Jim Jones Kool-Aid Man psycho."

"Yes, but she killed herself after to be with them. Yeah, bonkers nuts! The boys at least are able to hold her back in the music room. How she can't escape that room is another question. Did someone put a barrier in that room to keep her ghost in there? If so, how can the boys go in and out? For that matter why do the boys need to guard over her if she can't cross the threshold? The boys have no answers. They just say it's safer guarding her in small numbers. There's some serious mumbo jumbo going on and I want to learn everything I can."

"I'm right behind you Baby. I'll send word to my parents to pack up my things. I don't have much. As much as this place gives me the willies I'm in roomie."

"I personally enjoy the willies." Erin giggled.

"God I hate you. So do I after last night. They double penetrated me. That camera boy put your cell down and fucked my mouth. I've never... is this Nirvana?" She looked around her. "Nope! Cobwebs in the corners."

"Maybe! Yeah I need a maid!" Her cell ringing in the Mistress room Erin started to tell one of her boys to bring it to her then realized the only two still in the house were sitting on Genevieve. "No butler to get that. Be right back. Eat your eggs." She left Kyra to sit up in bed and polish off her food. Hearing those chains above she whimpered. Earl was indeed ninety percent of EARLy.

"Hey there Earl. I'm a friend." She swore she heard, "Hi Kyra." How? The boys couldn't even speak. Only Genevieve for some reason, but even then a rare word or two at best in her temper tantrums. That Darky comment still bothered her. "I'd go give her a piece of my mind but she might take me over. Nope! Nada! Wait a minute... " Kyra had a brainstorm thought that made her rub her arms. She would run it by Erin later. For now she took her dirty plate downstairs to rinse it.

"It's my brother Jonah." Catching it just before he nearly hung up she bubbled up, "Hey Big brother. What's going on?"

"Checking in! I have some news."

"Good or bad? I'm fine by the way. Just relaxing until I need to take job hunting seriously. What's the news?"

"Mom wants Cassandra to drive her down to see you. She misses you already."

"I'm sure Cassandra told her no, right?"

"No, actually she didn't! Cassandra's in good spirits since I've been back. Ready for further news?"

"You co-signed a loan so I never have to work again?"

"You don't want my money and you know it. You're too proud."

"You know me so well."

"You're going to be an aunt again. Cassandra is pregnant."

"Is it yours?" She laughed, "Don't yell, I'm teasing."

"It had better be. The boys are excited that they might have a new brother or sister. If Cassandra drives mom over, the boys want to come. You okay with that?" Gritting her teeth Erin stepped out on her sunlit balcony, watching the boys making a huge pile of tree limbs.

"I was hoping for a few months to myself, but I can't tell mom no." Especially with her dad somewhere likely looking up at her. Sure enough, Scooby Boo came running toward her Land Rover and looked up with white eyes. The dog reared up on his hind legs and begged. Shaking her head at her shameless father's antics she caved, "Yes, tell mom she can visit. I'll maybe pick up the yard and build a bonfire for the boys to toast marshmallows." Boys! She meant her nephews but the ghosts, she knew would adore the visitors, that was what scared her.

"Sounds like a plan."

"I just hope mom doesn't want to move in. I need my space."

"I hear you. Just tell her that."

"Kyra will be moving here too. Hey! There's a favor. I know you just got a U-Haul for me to move but can you maybe get another for Kyra and have Cassandra haul her things here? That would save Kyra driving back by herself and all."

"Yeah, I can do that. Kyra still hot?"

"We shaved each other's Hoo haws last night. So, yep!" Not really, but explaining ghostly razor wielders was not smart. No smarter than letting them do it. Thing is they were so stoned they didn't even know they were groomed. If the boys wanted them dead they had the blades to do it. Not a single Knick!

"Hold on! You two are... "

"Slick as a whistle?"

"I meant... a thing."

"Best friends! We did scissor though. First time for everything."

"If you weren't on the receiving end of that lip lock I might watch that." He laughed.

"Oh! I have dogs now too. I visited a psychic in Belltower. She died unfortunately and her poodle was homeless so I adopted him. Kyra had no idea and she brought me a Great Dane I call Scooby Boo."

"Well at least you two have company out there in the middle of nowhere. I do feel better about that even if you do have guns in the house."

"We're fine Jonah! Met the local cops too. Matter of fact one of them is coming here for a cookout later. His name is Eerie Barker. Big African-America stud. I figure I'll set him up with Kyra. Unless he wants a threesome."

"You're hopeless!"

"Hopeless romantic."

"Riiiight! Just hopeless."

"How would you know? I can be romantic."

"Road flares as candles? Come on Battlefield Barbie."

"At least I like friendly fire." She laughed then made squirting noises into the phone.

"HOPE LESS! Call mom and arrange things. Have Kyra send me an address and I'll at least go get her things with Cassandra's SUV. Hopefully wifey can handle hauling a trailer. I think this would be a first."

"Thanks Jonah! Love you Buddy. Maybe I'll buy a pool for the front yard the boys can swim in while they're here to give them something to do."

"They'll probably want to explore. Make sure they're supervised please. They may be teenagers but you know they can get into things."

"I got this." She hoped! "Give everyone my best."

"Yep! See ya, Sis."

Call ended, Erin folded her arms over the rail and lay her head on them. "This is so going to blow up in my face. At least dad and mom can reunite... sort of. Scooby Boo's white eyes might give mom a coronary though. How do I explain... ghosts? Including dad's! Yeesh! Even worse I'll have to put up with Cassandra's bitch ass. Let's hope her being pregnant keeps her in good spirits like Jonah says. The stress here can't be good on either of them I'll need to put my foot down somehow concerning Genevieve and Earl making a racket at all hours. Question is how the hell do I do that? I really need to find that diary and dig up something that might shut Genie up." Sighing she hears the front door below her close and Kyra step out from beneath her balcony. "Going somewhere?"

"Not far! I'm going to do something really stupid maybe. Pray for me." As if knowing why Kyra was outside the dogs walked up to her and sat down right at her feet. The white eyes on both canines were unsettling but at least she knew friendly spirits when she saw them. Dropping to her knees Kyra made over Cotton first as if a natural response. "You in there Brimley?" A paw rises to touch Kyra's knee as if saying "Yes Dear!" Benjamin Parrish within Scooby Boo tilted his head curiously wondering what was going on. The inner Scoob was excited at seeing her, so Ben had to wrestle for control, his paw lifting to smack himself in the snout as if saying behave in there.

"Brimley? I know you don't know me but I really am here for Erin in this craziness. She needs you and the communication thing with you inside Cotton just doesn't help. I was thinking I'd... trust you with my body. If I could somehow... let you in where you could speak through me maybe?" Hearing this Benjamin shot a glare up at his daughter on the balcony watching. He really wished he could tell her to put some clothing on. At least Kyra came out in a long t-shirt. Respect! Not that he didn't look, he and Boo were males, canine senses always attracted to the feminine. Two struggles playing tug of war!

A yip and a nervous wag Cotton hopped up into Kyra's arms and licked her face repeatedly looking very happy indeed. "Okay! Okay! It's bad enough I got slobbered all over by Erin last night without... " She looked at Scooby Boo and gnashed her pearly whites, "Sorry Ben. TMI!" The Great Dane just shook his head looking at the ground. Where did he go wrong in raising his daughter? "Anyways! Is this even possible Brimley?" A minute later she was surrounded by gloved hands offering to help her up. Kyra holding Cotton in one arm, accepted the hand of Amos and took to her feet.

"What is going on down there?" Erin called out.

"You might be about to find out. I'm doing this for you Baby." Kyra blew her a kiss then let Timothy claim Cotton, holding the dog out in front of him as if suspended in mid-air by itself. Underdog? The boys did like that cartoon. Maybe Cotton was related to Sweet Polly Purebred. Sorry! Getting off track! Reaching her palms out to hold both sides of Cotton's face Kyra huffed her cheeks then exhaled, "Ready when you are Ms. Stone. If Erin trusts you, I trust you." Paws touching her wrists a shaking period resulted before Kyra finally released Cotton. The dog peed on the ground below as an after abandonment, his eyes turning back to brown. Suspended in mid-air by only gloves the dog grew panicky until made over, Timothy sitting on the ground, so the poodle was at least closer to safety.

"Kyra? What did you just do?" Erin bulged her eyes then looked to the ground. "Shit!" Casting her legs over the side of her balcony she yelled, "CATCH ME!" Leaping from the balcony the boys all gathered around and caught the naked Erin in their invisible arms then sat her down on the ground. "I knew I could count on you guys." She stepped through them easily, their bodies corporeal when they themselves were not in control. Hurrying to Kyra to see her sweating hard, Erin jumped in front of her and lifted her chin up. She was met with white eyes then a warm smile.

"Oh goodness! We should do this more often." The voice was that of Brimley Stone. "Hello Dear! We meet again under better circumstances."

"Holy crap!" Erin nearly peed right over where Cotton had urinated, her feet barely missing the puddle in the drive. "Brimley?"

"In the flesh it seems, if not my own. Kyra allowed me in of her own consent."

"I get that. Wow! It's good to hear your voice. How long can you remain within her?"

"I honestly don't know. I don't want to overstay my welcome. I am getting used to inhabiting my faithful pup. Oh! Ben wishes you would start wearing clothes."

"Wait! If you can jump into Kyra... can dad... jump into someone?"

"I don't see why not? Even our young stewards here can do that."

"Right! The realtor. We might try experimenting with that at some point."

"One thing at a time Dear. Kyra tells me inside her head here that you need my help finding Genevieve's diary. While my psychic abilities might not be as sharp without my own body... which I should be buried here soon I'd suspect."

"Officer Barker is coming out here later for a cookout, I'll find out the details of when the funeral is. Do you want a casket... or to be cremated?"

"I'm certain my daughter will go the cheapest route. You will inevitably encounter Janice at my funeral. Let us hope she doesn't ask to claim Cotton, or I might need a new host body."

"I'll adopt another dog if I have to. Just for you."

"Let us hope it does not come down to that. Jana is... unpredictable... we had a falling out years ago when she... dare I say it... got into a relationship with another woman. Jana is a lesbian."

"Does it matter, if she's happy?"

"I suppose not. I'm just... old."

"Old dogs' new tricks! I got you Brimley, to the end of time."

"Bless you Erin. The diary!"

"Right! Where is it?"

"The boys have no clue I've chatted with them. Curly suspects it may be... in the attic with Earl. None have ever seen it but Genevieve often spent much time in the attic with her biological... misfortune."


"The boy is... I'll show my age here... retarded."

"Oh! He can say hi at least because he wrote that in the attic window one day."

"When I say retarded I do not mean dumb, merely a health struggle when he was alive."

"I planned on going up to the attic later. The boys told me they were not allowed up there. It's because of some spell on the house."



"No Dear! Sigils... ancient runes that can curse or prevent entry and exit."

"See? I don't understand any of that. The boys can come outside in front of the house but not behind. Yet you and dad can't even cross into the house at all."

"The runes were painted to have specific direction."

"Who painted those runes and where are they? Can I physically remove them? Tear up floorboards or something?"

"No! The residue is forever I'm afraid."

"Well that sucks!" The boys could not agree more all making jerk off hand motions with their gloves. Those still wearing plastic wrap like makeshift mummies actually stroked their beasts out of boredom. Technically, it went beyond any depression. Their former Mistress Genevieve had instilled it in them that they always touch themselves and attempt a hardness around her. It made Genevieve feel wanted at all times, even when she refused them in favor of everyday life back in the day.

"The wrapping was rather clever. You should try that with Benjamin."

"Oh! I never even thought of that." Erin twisted to look at Scooby Boo. "Sorry dad! Let me find this diary and I'll try it. If you want to." The dog howled and danced about in a circle. "I take that as a yes. Hang in there dad, I'll get to you. Ummm! We might avoid wrapping your junk if that's okay." To that comment Scooby fell to the ground flat and covered his eyes with his paws. The boys around obviously laughed at him their gloves holding their invisible bellies, hands bobbing as if having a hilarious time. "Yeah, you guys are watching way too many cartoons. They think you're Scooby Doo dad." Sitting up in a hurry Ben howled making it sound like Scooby Doobie Doo. Even Brimley laughed using Kyra's emotions. "Yeah don't get me started on doobies." Erin frowned at their getting high with the boys last night.

"Let me give Kyra back to you. Try looking through the attic for the diary. We can ponder elsewhere if you do not find it. Loose planks in the floor make good hiding places."

"Got it! Thank you Brimley."

"Thank Kyra. Her memory of this might fade so just let her adjust at her own rate."

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