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Erin Ch. 03: Erin's Birthday

Story Info
Surprise anal sex in a resturant bathroom.
5.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 01/11/2015
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Lauren arrived at the restaurant first. She kept her coat, because she felt a little self-conscious, like she might want to grab it and put it back on at any moment. She hung it over the back of her chair, and sat, quite deliberately, with her back to the room, even though it meant she wouldn't be able to see Erin arrive.

She'd planned this out carefully enough that she had an idea of how it ought to go. Where she needed to be, and what she wanted to happen.

Lauren had forgotten two three-month anniversaries in a row, so she was going to make completely sure she remembered birthdays, and made birthdays special.

It was early in the week, and it was early. Lauren had booked early on purpose, so the restaurant would be quieter. Booked early, and said she wanted privacy, and could she sit apart from other people, please. There were only two other tables occupied at the moment, both couples, both well away from Lauren. That was part of the plan. Lauren had told Erin to meet her right after work, and get there as quickly as she could. Erin had probably realized something was up and was hurrying, but she sometimes got held up leaving work, and had to get across the city, so her getting there might take a while.

Lauren waited, nervous.

The waiter kept hovering, because it was so quiet. Lauren got a drink to make her go away.

She sat, and waited, and hoped Erin would hurry up, so she didn't get so anxious she changed her mind. She already almost had half a dozen times. She had a horrible feeling this was going to go badly wrong, even though she wanted desperately for it all to work.

Then Erin arrived.

Lauren heard the door, then heard Erin's voice, talking to one of the staff across the room.

Lauren was relieved, but she didn't turn and look. She just sat as she was until Erin came over.

"Hey," Erin said, and kissed her, and sat down. She was busy for a moment, taking off her coat and putting down her bag, ordering a drink from the waiter and making sure she had her phone.

Lauren waited until she was done. Until Erin looked up, smiling, and reached over and took Lauren's hand.

"So," Lauren said. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." Erin was grinning a bit. The grin that meant she expected something, that she had worked out something was going on, from the way Lauren told her to turn up here.

"There's a couple of things," Lauren said. "Because it's your birthday."


"But wait a sec."

Erin looked confused.

"Just wait."

The waiter would be coming back with Erin's drink, and Lauren didn't want to start until that was out of the way. She sat there, looking at Erin, smiling, silent, until the drink had arrived, and the waiter gone again.

Erin was curious. She almost seemed impatient.

"So first thing," Lauren said, "I'm not wearing anything under the dress. Nothing at all."

Erin looked down, at Lauren's chest, even though there wasn't much to see. Lauren had picked a thicker dress, not one where it would show too obviously.

Lauren was pleased, though. It was nice that Erin looked. It was sweet. After months together she could still make Erin look.

"Nothing?" Erin said. "Seriously?"

"Shoes." Lauren leaned forward a little. "Nothing else."

Erin looked at Lauren's tits a moment longer, then looked up. "Cool," she said.

"Done?" Lauren said.


"You like?"

"Ah, yeah, actually. That's really hot."

"Thought you might think so," Lauren said. "But wait. There's more."

She pushed her fork towards the edge of the table. Pushed slowly, while Erin watched, until the fork slid over the edge.

It landed on the floor with a soft clatter.

"So I've got the nothing on underneath," Lauren said. "Right?"

Erin nodded.

"Could you get that for me?" Lauren said. "Please?"

Erin bent over. As she did, Lauren moved her knee. There were tablecloths, and Lauren was facing the wall, exactly as she'd planned.

She moved her knees, spread them under the table and let Erin look.

She felt herself open up. She felt, surprisingly, a sudden chill.

She'd been thinking too much about her plan, and what she was going to do. She was turned on, was wet.

She had damp parts of herself bare to cool air.

The unexpected cold surprised her. She hadn't thought of that. It almost surprised her enough she changed her mind about everything.

But Erin was still bending down, was taking her time, supposedly reaching for the fork, and Lauren liked she could get Erin to look like that. When Erin she sat back up she was smiling. Smiling like she loved Lauren, and wanted Lauren, and Lauren was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen.

So Lauren stayed. And stuck to her plan. And smiled back.

"So," Erin said. "Yeah. Absolutely nothing."


"Nothing at all."

Lauren shook her head.

"I love how you look," Erin said. "I really fucking do."

"The dress?"

"You," Erin said. "Under the dress. You look beautiful."

Lauren was pleased. She improvised a little. She pushed her spoon, slowly, sliding it towards the table edge, pushing until it fell too.

Erin bent and picked that up as well. And took her time doing it.

When Erin sat back up, Lauren said, "So there's another part. A second thing."


"Because it's your birthday."

Erin nodded.

"To make sure you never forget this."

"I won't."

"Pick three things you've always wanted to do with me. I'll do one of them."

"What kind of things?" Erin said, looking confused, like she was suddenly thinking about skydiving.

Lauren looked at her, and loved her for that. Loved her like it hurt. "Sex things," she said. "You idiot. What do you think?"

"Oh," Erin said, and started to grin some more.

"Yeah, oh."

"That kind of makes more sense."

Erin glanced around, and seemed to realize they were off against a far wall and no-one was near enough to overhear.

"You know what I like," she said quietly.

"I know one thing you like. And I seem to remember it was kind of a big deal telling me."

Erin looked at her.

"There must be something else," Lauren said. "So tell me that too."

"And you'll do it?"

"I'll do one. Of the three."

Erin nodded. "I love you, do you know that?"

"I know."

"And you turn me the fuck on."

"I know that too."

"Just as long as you do."

"I do."

"So three things," Erin said. "Like three wishes."

"Exactly like, yeah."

"Anything I pick, and you'll do one of them?"

"I promise."

"Shit," Erin said, and sat there smiling at Lauren.

"Happy birthday," Lauren said. "This is what you get."

Erin still seemed to be having trouble deciding. Perhaps with pre-agreeing to be kinky. Lauren supposed Erin had spent her life trying to sneakily rim her girlfriends without them realizing, and the idea of actual communication might be a bit of a surprise to her. She loved that about Erin too, even though she probably shouldn't.

"Tell me," Lauren said. "Please."

"I'm thinking."

"Even if I change my mind and say no, what do you have to lose by telling me?"

"Yeah," Erin said. "I'm actually thinking. I just haven't thought yet."

"I can wait."

Erin looked at her, and really did seem to be thinking. Like she had a list, and she was trying to pick a top three. Lauren wondered if she should come back to that another time, and see how long the list really was.

"Tell me," Lauren said. "Please."

"In a minute."

"Tell me now."

"No," Erin said, "Waiter," looking past Lauren's shoulder.

Lauren looked down at her napkin, and fiddled with it while they waiter came over. They heard about specials. They got asked about entrees, and mains, and drinks.

"Whatever you're having," Lauren said to Erin, suddenly too nervous to think again.

Erin ordered something. Lauren wasn't sure what.

The waiter left. Lauren looked at Erin, and waited.

"So you already did the thing I'd probably have said," Erin said. "If you'd asked me this ages ago.

Lauren nodded, assuming rimming. "Yep," she said, and suddenly felt smug, not worried at all.

"So something else," Erin said.

Lauren nodded, and sipped her wine. "Yep."

"Okay," Erin said. "Sex on a beach. At sunset."

Lauren looked at her, a bit started. That wasn't quite what she'd expected. It was more romantic, less just sex, than she'd expected Erin to be.

"On a beach?" Lauren said.


"I don't have a beach."

"I noticed. You asked, and that's always been a thing. I never have."

Lauren nodded. "Okay, so for next time we'll get a beach. What's next? The second thing?"

"A threeway."

Another surprise. Erin had never even hinted at that. This wasn't going quite where Lauren had expected. She had a whole, complicated plan, and Erin was taking this three-things conversation seriously enough it might go in an odd direction and completely upset things.

"Okay," Lauren said. "So that one's a surprise too. Really?"

Erin shrugged.

"I don't know what to say," Lauren said, thinking. "I mean... Who?"


"What if no-one goes for it? What if we hit on someone and get turned down."

Erin grinned. "Yeah, I don't know. That's why I never have."


"You asked."

"I did. And I'm glad I know."

"Would you?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Depending who."

"It wouldn't drive you crazy to see me with someone else?"

"I suppose not. Not if I was with her too."

"Cool," Erin said. "So that's a maybe."

"The beach is a maybe. This is a possibility. What's the third thing?"

Erin sipped her wine, and thought. Lauren waited, anxious, worried her plan would come unstuck.

Apprehensive. Hoping she knew Erin as well as she thought she did.

"Okay," Erin said. "Third thing. Sex in the bathroom here."

"You're sure?" Lauren said, relieved.

Erin nodded. "Yep."

Lauren breathed in, and suddenly realized she'd been holding her breath. She sat there and smiled for a while, while Erin looked at her.

"What?" Erin said.

Lauren felt smug. She wanted to boast. "I so fucking knew you'd say that," she said.

"You did?"

"I so did."

"How? Because I only just thought of it then."

"I know you."

"I guess you do."

"You're obsessed with doing everything any ex ever did with me," Lauren said. "Especially if the ex is a man."

"No I'm not," Erin said, but like she didn't really mean it. After a moment, she said, "So?"

"I told you about Brendan."

"Who's Brendan."

Lauren sat there, looking at her, until Erin said, "Yeah, maybe. So you're creepily clever and know me too well. Go you."

Lauren grinned.

"So we're going to fuck in the bathroom?"

"Yep," Lauren said. "We so are. Just one thing, though. What kind of sex?"

"How do you mean?"

"I mean what kind of sex do you want to have in the bathroom."

"Sex. I don't know. Any sex. Just sex."

Lauren looked down. Her bag was beside her chair. A bag a little bigger than she'd normally take to dinner. She put her foot against it, pushed, slid it over to Erin.

Erin watched.

"Look inside," Lauren said.

Erin reached down and picked it up.

"Look inside carefully," Lauren said hurriedly. "Don't drop it."

Erin did. There was a strap-on harness inside and a dildo, neatly bundled up. The harness that Erin could wear and sometimes come with, that pushed the base of the dildo back against her in just the right way.

"So I guessed you might want to fuck in the bathroom," Lauren said. "Because I'm really fucking clever."

"You are."

"And I'm right, aren't I? That you want to fuck me in a bathroom?"

Erin was looking at her, playing along, getting a little turned on by talking about it, Lauren though. "I want to," Erin said.

"Not have sex," Lauren said. "Fuck me. Fuck me like a man."

Erin looked at her for a moment, almost like she was going to argue.

"Like a man," Lauren said. "So I know there's nothing you can't do to me that a man could do. If I was ever so stupid as to want one again, which I don't, because I have you."

Erin didn't say anything, but she was grinning.

"You do," Lauren said. Pushing a bit, making sure Erin got what they were doing. Playing a game, dragging it out a little, to make Erin wait, all anticipatory, now she knew what they were going to do. "You think like that. You always tell me which you're doing, while you do it."

"Not always," Erin said, still smiling.

"A lot of the time."

"Some of the time."

"I know you're thinking about it when we're just fucking normally."

Erin looked at her, thinking.

"I can see it on your face," Lauren said. "I can see when you're off thinking about something else."

"You know what?" Erin said, after a moment. "You're a bit too obsessed with how different people might fuck you."

"I'm obsessed?" Lauren said.

"I think you are."

"Maybe. So how do you want to?"

"With this."

"A-ha," Lauren said, and leaned forward a little bit, intent. "But where? Where do you want to put it in me?"

Erin hesitated a moment, unsure, then understood. "You know where."

"So tell me."

Erin looked almost embarrassed. She looked around. Their end of the restaurant was still empty.

"Whisper it," Lauren said.

"In your ass," Erin said.

"I knew that too," Lauren said, smug again. "I knew that because I know you well. And I'm clever."

Erin was smiling at her, tender now.

"Tell me I'm clever," Lauren said, playing to that a little. "And I know you well."

"You are and you do."

Lauren took her napkin off her lap, and put it down on the table. "Lets go."

"What, now?"

"You're predictable. I guessed that would be one of the three."

"I got that."

"Yeah. So I'm ready to go right now."

Erin was looking at her, unsure.

Lauren sighed. She had lube up her ass already, but she didn't want to actually say that. "I'm ready," she said. "Fuck. Think about it."

Erin did, then said, "Right."

"Yeah," Lauren said. "So there you go. You're still noticing my cleverness, right?"

"I'm noticing."

Lauren she stood up. That was enough teasing. She liked the teasing sense of power, the making Erin wait, but she didn't want to take so long they had an actual discussion rather than sex. "You coming?" she said.

Erin stood up too.

"Being the bag," Lauren said, and walked away.

Walked away hoping none of the staff thought too much about them both leaving the table together. It probably looked normal, because sometimes people did that, and of course they'd take their bags.

But that was the weakest part of her plan. Getting noticed, and someone coming to check on them.

Lauren just hoped.


Lauren had picked this restaurant because the bathrooms were down a separate hallway, away from the kitchens, and were always fairly clean. It was a good restaurant, the kind that put out little cloth hand-towels rather than an air-dryer or paper. She hoped that meant it also had a separate bathrooms for staff and customer, too. So the staff wouldn't be barging in on them while they did this.

The toilets were down a short concrete corridor, out the back, and no-one else was around. As Lauren walked down it, she lifted her dress up a little and swished it from side to side. Almost dancing. Hoping only Erin was behind her.

She went into the women's toilets, and Erin followed.

Erin put her hand on the door and looked around. She seemed to be trying to find something to block the door with.

"Leave it," Lauren said. "We might get caught."

"Yeah, that's why..."

"We might get caught," Lauren said, again.

Erin understood, but she hesitated.

"It's better," Lauren said. "Please."

Erin nodded. She looked around. She was still holding Lauren's bag. Lauren leaned on the counter and looked at her.

"Um," Erin said. "Hey."


They kept looking at each other. Like they were at home. Like they were about to fuck any other time. Starting by just looking, turning each other on with stares, waiting, getting needy and horny.

It wasn't any other time, and they were in a public bathroom.

And Erin was nervous.

Lauren couldn't quite believe she'd found something that unsettled Erin, that made her less than completely confident, all the time.

She liked that. She actually really like being the daring one, pushing them along.

"You still want to?" Lauren said, suddenly worried she'd taken this too far. That Erin was actually uncomfortable. "We don't..."

"I want to."

"Okay," Lauren said.

"I do."

"I heard you."

Erin kept standing there.

"So go put it on," Lauren said.

Erin grinned, and kissed her quickly, and went into a stall and closed the door.

"And maybe kind of hurry," Lauren said. "You know, since someone might turn up any moment..."

She heard a zipper, heard cloth rustling.

"Hey," Erin said. "This is new." The dildo.

"It is."

A pause, then a low buzzing.

"Oh," Erin said. "Shit. It does that."

"Why yes it does."

"For both of us."

Lauren smiled to herself. "Yep," she said. "Happy birthday with that, too, I guess."

"Um, thanks."

"Are you coming out here or not?"

"Hold on," Erin said, but after a moment she opened the stall door.

She was in her work clothes. A suit, with trousers. What she always wore. She'd undone the pants, and pulled them down enough to get the harness on. She was mostly dressed, with just the dildo sticking out through the front.

Lauren was mostly dressed too, since she had a dress. She pulled it up while Erin watched her, lifted it up to her hips.

That was part of the plan as well. Lauren could look innocent in a second, and Erin, hopefully, in two. And the actual bathroom door was around a corner, out of a direct line of sight. They would have a moment from when it opened to rearrange their clothes.

So Lauren hoped.

They might almost get away with this if someone came in.

At least, that was the plan.

The only problem was the vibrator. It was switched on, buzzing. The noise was loud, obvious, even over the fans and dripping pipes in the bathroom.

Lauren reached back and turned on a tap, and let the water run. It helped a little.

Erin looked around, and didn't seem sure. "Ah," she said. "So where should we?"

She'd never been quite like this before. As unsure, almost nervous, as she was now.

"Kiss me," Lauren said.

Erin came over, and kissed her. Kissed her, and slid her hands up and down Lauren's bare legs, and seemed suddenly to relax. To be herself again.

Lauren put her hand on the dildo, and pushed. Pushed it back against Erin, gently. Pretending she was holding a cock and was rubbing it, in case Erin cared, but actually just pressing the vibrator's base against Erin, the way it would press if it was inside Lauren.

Erin sighed.

"Fuck me here," Lauren whispered. "Right here. Where we can watch each other."

There were mirrors along the wall, behind her. She kissed Erin a moment longer, then turned around and put her hands on the counter.

Erin watched her in the mirror, and kissed the back of her neck.

Erin was herself again. She didn't seem nervous any more. Lauren was glad, watching her. One of them shaking with worry was enough.

Erin reached down, and touched Lauren between her legs, from behind. She slid a slippery finger along Lauren, so little tingles went all through her. Slid it along Lauren, teasingly slowly, slid backward to Lauren's ass, already all slippery with lube.

Slid her fingertip inside, carefully. Reach with her other hand and rubbing Lauren's pussy at the same time. Lauren closed her eyes, and pushed back against Erin's finger, and kept pressing with the vibrator, onto Erin.

A moment passed. A moment they really couldn't afford. Lauren stood against the counter, feeling Erin's touch inside her. She was turned on, was wanting more.

Time was passing.

Lauren opened her eyes.

Erin was watching her face in the mirror. "I love you," Erin said.

"I know," Lauren said. "And I don't mean to hurry you, but..."


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