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Erotic Fight Club Ch. 01: Meeting Ronda


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I gasped; the sensation of having both of my holes played with was incredible. For a moment she was just exploring them, swirling her fingers around and getting me used to the feeling, but when she lowered her face and attached her soft lips to my clit again she really got down to business. I'd say I was impressed with the knack she had for multi-tasking but at the time I don't think there were any thoughts in my head except, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!"

The UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion had created a suction with her lips and was slowly sucking on my clit, creating pressure while also flicking the tip of it lightly with her tongue. Meanwhile she was simultaneously pumping the finger in my ass and the two fingers in my drooling pink tunnel back and forth; slowly at first but she began to gain momentum finger-fucking my pussy rapidly while keeping the ass-fucking slow and steady. All of the nerves she was stimulating were sending lightning bolts of pleasure arcing through my entire body and I had a hard time remembering to keep holding my legs because I just wanted to let my body react to the heavenly treatment I was receiving.

The next five minutes were like an orgasmic blur of ecstasy, the lewd squelching of her fingers pumping in and out of my pussy, and my uncontrollable moans, gasps, and whispered praise. At some point Ronda curled her fingers upward again, finding my G-spot once more and applying pressure to it while pumping her fingers back and forth. At that point I couldn't hold my legs anymore and I let them drop onto Ronda's strong shoulders as I grasped at the couch, my tits, and Ronda's head in a fit of pure illogical ecstasy. The pressure of an orgasm had been building in my mound since she first pushed her tongue into my ass but finally I'd hit the point of no return and my climax roared through me.

My asshole clenched Ronda's finger harder than I thought possible and my pink walls began clenching and unclenching her other fingers rhythmically as the third orgasm of the last forty minutes took over my body. She applied some extra pressure to my G-spot and suddenly another spray of my ejaculate cascaded from my pussy and covered her face and chest once more. I can't actually recall if it was just that one squirt or not because my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I just laid there for several minutes covered in sticky sweet juices, salty sweat, and twitching sporadically in several different appendages and orifices.

While I recovered Ronda curled up beside me on the couch and though her five-foot-seven-inch frame was much larger than mine she managed to fit snugly against me, using my shoulder to rest her head on. I felt like I was high on ecstasy or something (though to be honest I'd never tried ecstasy, or any other drugs for that matter) because every inch of my body was warm and fuzzy and when Ronda would peck my skin with kisses and stroke it lightly with her fingers it felt like the most amazing fire was lit briefly on my skin. Everything felt so warm and comfortable that before I knew it I'd passed out.

When I awoke I tried to sit up quickly but my left arm was pinned by Ronda's heavy upper body, when I looked at her I remembered where I was and also was relieved that it hadn't all been an amazing dream. She sat up on the couch, smiling adoringly at me, "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled, feeling a bit groggy from interrupting my REM cycle. "Just forgot where I was for a second. How long was I out for?" My left arm had fallen asleep a bit so I began trying to shake the tingles out of it.

"Only about 30 minutes I guess, it could have been a bit longer though." Her hand was stroking my thigh softly as I stretched and fidgeted with my tingly arm. "Why? Do you have to go?"

I thought about that question for a second. Was I planning to stay there for the night? I mean why not if she'd have me? But then there was James to think about, he could be worried about me. Was he still even at the venue or had he gone home with the team? I finally said, "Could I use your phone? I want to call James and let him know what's going on so he isn't worried or calling the cops or something."

Ronda laughed, "Of course, just use the land line over there," she pointed, "and I'll get you some water in the meantime." She stood up from the couch and began to walk toward the kitchen, and I immediately fixated on her fantastically perky cheeks as they wobbled back and forth with the swaying of her hips once more. Halfway there she paused and looked over her shoulder to say something and then began grinning when she saw where my eyes had been. "Don't worry, you'll get to play with all of this if you are so inclined," she smacked her left cheek playfully and I laughed but also stared at the wonderful jiggle of flesh and muscle. "By the way, do you smoke pot?"

"I so want to play with all of that," I laughed while standing up from the couch finally, "and no, I've never smoked before... But I've already submitted my post fight piss test and I've always been a bit curious, so if you want to smoke I don't mind." My legs felt like Jell-o as I attempted to walk toward the phone. I'd had post-sex-wobbly-legs before but never to this extent. I had to kind of crouch at first so they wouldn't give out. By the time I'd made it across the room to the land line they felt a lot better though and my grogginess had mostly faded.

I dialed James' number quickly and waited patiently as it rang three times before he picked up. 'Shit,' I thought, 'what do I tell him exactly?' I only had about half a second to inner deliberation before I heard his familiar voice.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hey baby it's me. I forgot my phone so I'm using the one in Ronda's room." My heart was beating fast suddenly as I continued to consider whether I should lie or not. But what excuse could I really give that he would believe I needed to stay in Ronda's hotel room all night? Or maybe I could tell him she and I were having so much fun that she'd just arrange a car to take me home when I'd tuckered out? Would he believe that? Could I keep up the lie?

"Oh hey, I was getting worried about you. Everything cool? You've been gone a while, we were about to send a search party." His laughter cracked as the phone connection acted up.

"Yeah I'm great actually." I paused for a second and took a deep breath. Now was the time. Truth or lie? "Actually, James, it has been really fun and really interesting. And actually... God, I don't know if you'll believe me when I tell you this but I can't lie to you either." I could hear my heart racing and I glanced over my shoulder to see what Ronda was up to. As far as I could tell she was rolling some sort of cigarette or cigarillo on the bar and wiggling her amazing ass back and forth to the tunes still playing through the speakers in the hotel room. "I'm standing naked in Ronda's suite right now."

"Huh?" was all that came back.

"I know, I know. It sounds insane." My voice was hushed. What I was saying was nothing Ronda didn't know but it still felt like it should be a private conversation. "We just had sex. Or... well... she fucked me anyway. I haven't really fucked her yet, she's pretty aggressive as you might guess. But I want to fuck her. Like really badly. I mean who wouldn't right? It's really weird James, I didn't even know I was into girls but ever since she walked out of her bedroom naked all I've wanted to do is taste her pussy. I don't know how I didn't realize any of this before tonight, but it has been a real eye opener. But I still love you James. That hasn't changed, but this is just something I couldn't pass up or I'd regret it for the rest of my life. And I'm learning things about myself and my body that I had no idea about." I took another breath, "James? Are you there?"

"Ronda's naked?" He sounded completely dumbfounded.

"Okay, this might take you some time to process." I glanced at Ronda again; she was sealing the cigarillo she'd been messing with and looking over at me with lust in her eyes. I wiggled my ass at her teasingly and smiled. "I'm going to stay here tonight with her, so you guys can go back to the hotel. I'm really sorry for making you hang out here this long. I'll see you tomorrow babe, and I'll answer any questions you have then. I hope you can forgive me!"

"I... Uh... Okay," he mumbled uncertainly.

"I love you. I've got to go okay? Have a good night!" I kissed the receiver.

"Uh... You too."

I clicked the phone down and let out a long sigh. "That was the weirdest conversation of my life. I can't even imagine what is going through his head right now."

Ronda laughed, sauntering over to me with a tall glass of water in one hand and a joint or blunt (I couldn't tell the difference) and a lighter in the other. She handed me the glass and gave me a luscious kiss on the lips. "My guess is many boner-inducing images if you told him the truth. He's going to rub his cock raw tonight thinking of the things we are getting up to."

I giggled and took a sip of the water, which soon turned into a gulp and then finally I just downed the entire glass. "You're probably right," I said after placing the glass on the counter. Ronda had the joint between her lips and was lighting it up with a series of quick inhales. She held the smoke in her lungs for a few moments and then blew it into the air with a light cough.

"That's some pretty good shit," she said and coughed again. "You wanna try it?"

"Sure," I said with a small shrug and put my hand out to take the blunt from her. Holding it precisely between two of my fingers I gingerly put my lips to the unlit side and took a deep inhale; probably too deep. I felt the hot smoke rush through my throat and fill my chest then held it for a solid second and exhaled roughly with a hoarse cough. After two seconds a longer series of coughs hit me and I was at it for a while.

When I'd finished coughing Ronda somehow had the blunt in her hand again. "Let's go to the bed," she purred at me and grabbed my hand as she turned to walk into the other room. This meant those amazing ass cheeks were wobbling back and forth just in front of me and I couldn't help myself so after a couple of steps I sprung forward and grabbed them with both hands. Ronda squealed and shot through the doorway, joint in hand, and tumbled onto the bed. As I crawled on top of her she was taking a deep hit off of the joint and as soon as my face met hers she moved in as if to kiss me, except she blew the thick white smoke out and into my mouth. I sucked the air in quietly and held it in my lungs for just a moment before blowing it back out and into her face. The tendrils of smoke this created seemed to move in slow-motion, lingering around our heads for minutes before fading away.

I kissed her then, my head light and overcome with passion. Our tongues swarmed one another and seemed to melt together. Ronda had immediately taken two handfuls of my ass and squeezed it forcefully; I could feel my asshole spread slightly and pulse, eager to be pleased once more. Meanwhile I was squeezing both of her soft tits in my hand, groping at them and occasionally moving my fingers to pinch her cute brown nipples. She moaned into my mouth and I reciprocated. Soon I was grinding my mound into her hip trying to work my way selfishly to a forth orgasm.

Ronda broke our kiss, "Mmn mm, it's my turn now Little Miss Horny Pants," she smiled. Without a response I postured up and swiftly flipped her over onto her hands and knees. She gasped and then giggled. Using a terrible British accent she exclaimed, "Oh my!"

On my knees behind her I gazed lovingly upon the treasure I'd sought for what felt like forever. She had a lovely brown swirl of an asshole, a part of the body I'd never been all that keen on but now suddenly had a passion for. There was a mole on the outer rim of her anus that made me smile because it looked kind of cute. Just below that were the slick puffy lips of her pussy. They were parted just slightly so I could see the glistening pink of her snatch. A heavy hood covered almost all of her incredibly swollen clit. I decided to attack her pussy first because it seemed odd for me to eat a girl's ass before ever eating a pussy.

I smacked her right ass cheek sharply so I could watch it jiggle and then grabbed each globe firmly and pulled her cheeks apart. Her slick pink tunnel was winking at me and her juices were pooling at the entrance before dripping down the thick outer lips. I swooped in, suddenly overcome with a hunger for such an appetizing entrée. My tongue slurped its way up one lip collecting her dense musky essence as it went and then dipped directly into her. I wiggled it around inside of her for a moment before taking her flavor back into my mouth and tasting it truly. Between the two of us she had the more powerful aroma: less sweet and more tangy but with a savory base. It lingered in my mouth as my tongue went back for more and I began to tongue fuck her in earnest before realizing I was pushing so deeply into her that my nose was pushing into her tight pucker just as hers had attempted to penetrate my own. At least now whenever someone called me a "Ronda Rousey Brown-Noser" I could say it's true. They probably wouldn't believe me when I told them she had brown-nosed me too though.

After a while of tongue fucking her I decided I was probably the worst and most over-eager pussy eater in the world so I resolved to switch it up and thought back to what Ronda had done to me so I could attempt to recreate the pleasure she'd given me. To her credit she had her face buried in a pillow and was unleashing encouraging moans mixed with an assortment of lustful curses. I moved my sticky mouth from her pussy to her clit and did my best to fasten my lips around the swollen pearl and continued to tease it with my tongue. In the meantime I brought my hand up and sunk two fingers deep into her pussy and began pumping them back and forth. It was interesting to feel another woman's pussy for the first time; I'd explored my own many a night in my youth but had never explored another woman's before. I could tell immediately that we were built very differently.

As I continued to drive my fingers in and out of her tight slit she just got juicier and juicier; so much so that I could hardly hear her moans over the sound of her pussy slurping at my fingers. I tried to create a vacuum with my lips and suck but couldn't tell if it was working or not at first, but once I got the hang of it and began flicking the tip of my tongue over her sensitive bud she started bucking her hips back against my jaw and fingers. Because of the position I was in, with her on her hands and knees and me balled up behind her to get low enough to wrap my lips around her swollen pearl, I was in a prime location for a glob of her girl drool to drip onto my cheek and slowly slide down toward my chin. I didn't abandon my duties to wipe it away though and just allowed the sweet nectar of her pussy to slowly coat my face as I continued to please my new lover.

I kept at that method for a while as she bucked her hips and cried out my name. The self-conscious part of me thought she was overacting in order to encourage me but the hopeful side of me thought she might be approaching her own orgasm so I switched up my plan of attack. I removed my lips from her clit which was met with a disheartened groan from the pillows. My right hand was still busy with her pussy so I smacked her ass playfully with my left hand which got a gasp and a giggle out of her. Before I lowered my head back down to business she brought her head out of the pillows and looked back over her shoulder at me, "You're not too bad at this for your first time you know."

I smiled at her with genuine pride and then while looking her directly in her heavily-lidded grey eyes I stopped the rhythmic finger-fucking I was giving her and bent my fingers down toward her pubic bone to find the textured skin that indicated her G-spot and pressed them against it firmly. She let out an audible gasp and her eyes rolled back in her head due to the pleasure. I grinned contentedly before bringing my mouth to the brown pucker that had been staring me in the face for the last five minutes.

I'd never tasted an anus before and before this encounter had never really wished to, but after feeling how good it felt to have a tongue swirling around inside of the most intimate of cavities I knew that I wanted to bestow that pleasure upon Ronda. I started hesitantly, afraid of the taste, so I touched my tongue timidly to her small stretch of taint and drew it slowly up toward her hole and then smoothly around the wrinkled brown skin. Ronda's entire body shook then and I could actually feel the lump of flesh I was stroking methodically swell beneath my fingers.

The taste wasn't what I expected; it was sort of metallic and tart but not bad at all. With reassured confidence I poked the tip of my tongue at her clenching hole and used my left hand to pull at her ass cheek and spread it slightly. Once a fraction of my tongue had penetrated her she easily loosened her sphincter and allowed my slick appendage in completely. The sensation was strange, but also incredibly erotic to me. The idea that I was tongue-deep in Ronda Rousey's asshole turned me on more than I ever thought it would; to the point that I couldn't help but remove my hand from her cheek and slip a couple of fingers into my own pussy.

It quickly became apparent that the sensation was just as pleasurable for her as it had been for me because within moments of my tongue swirling around inside of her I felt her pussy clench my fingers and suddenly it was like a dam broke. The force of her orgasm hit me in the collar bones and soaked my entire torso immediately with her clear sticky juices. Her body tensed before letting forth another geyser and it felt like her sphincter was refusing to let my tongue leave for a moment before loosening its grip and allowing me to pull my face away. With one finally spray of ejaculate Ronda's hips slumped to the bed and I slid my fingers out of her and licked them clean.

Ronda rolled over, her face was flush and sweat glistened on her skin. I was covered in sweat myself, but mostly I was coated in her juices, and of course she was still sticky with mine. I crawled up her body and gave her a long sensual kiss, our tongues rolled around one another within her mouth and our tastes mingled. "That was amazing," I purred at her as we broke the kiss. "I never even imagined I'd love pussy this much, let alone that I could have an orgasm like that."

Ronda smiled back at me sleepily; she seemed to be feeling the buzz from the pot more than me, though I definitely felt the foggy euphoric sensation of it. "You were great," she said in a low voice.

"No, you were great. I was okay at best," I laughed and rolled over onto the pillow beside her. My hand reached for hers and our fingers intertwined.

"If you thought this was great you are going to be blown away by what I've got in store for you." Ronda turned her head and gave me a sleepy grin. Her words were vague and teasing on purpose, leaving me to wonder what she could mean. "But for now, let's just get some rest."

I smiled at her and wiggled a bit closer, wrapping my arms around her own thick muscled arm and placing my forehead against her shoulder. "Okay." Before I knew it I was drifting off into a deep sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That was such an erotically amazing story! OMG you have no idea how STUNNING Ronda is to me and then with an incredibly hot Miya! I could hear Ronda's voice and actually saw her when I read this and that made it 1000 times hotter! Very Nice Work!!!

BengalsFan18BengalsFan18over 8 years ago

Awesome! Story! Please write another about Ronda

KMB2476KMB2476over 8 years ago

This is really an incredible story. It has just the right amount of buildup and you recognize what a lot of other authors don't. If we connect with the characters the sex is much hotter. You really invested just the right amount of buildup and it pays off. Great work!

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