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Erotica Author Cuckolds Fans Ch. 01

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Author and her husband help fans realize their fantasy.
15.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/30/2016
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Authors note: A big thank you to all my fans. I appreciate the feedback. Keep favoriting, voting, sending emails, and leaving comments. I love them. They are what keep me writing. I don't need many fans to keep writing. I will write for those I have.

I know it's been over a month since I published. Truthfully when I started I had so many in my head they just churned out. I am still writing, they're just taking longer to finish. I have at least 4 more concepts in the queue and who knows what experiences will trigger more.

People ask where I get my ideas. If you want to know, I've updated my biography to include that.

To my detractors. Feel free to email and leave comments. I do have to say that I will be deleting many of your comments. I used to find them funny. Now they are just boring. The ones that are valid or interesting I will keep. I may even respond.


As a writer of erotic stories I get a lot of feedback from my fans. I get a lot of hate mail too, but that's just part of the game. I try to respond to any non-anonymous email.

A lot of my male fans want pictures, to sext, or role play through email with me. I'm clear up front that I get enough sex and stimulation. I've done almost everything and sexting or role playing with random men is not interesting to me.

I clear them out pretty quick. I tell them that the role play I want is about them. The conversation usually goes like this:

"Tell me about, your wife."

"She's not really into sex."

"Ok, do you have kids over 18?"

"I don't want to talk about them."

I always respond, "Well, those are the things I want to talk about. So our interests aren't the same." That usually ends it.

The topics I am interested in, and write about, are cuckolding, incest, and group sex. In my stories I like turning a woman into a slut. I am not interested in cuckolding my husband. I love it when he cuckold's someone else's husband. It's happened in the past and was exciting. I'm not interested in anyone in my or my husband's family. I'm interested in making a woman do something with her family. Pushing her limits. I don't want her forced, or intoxicated to the point she does something she wouldn't normally do. I want it to be a conscious choice. If there are others involved, I want them to act by free choice also. My husband and I share the same fantasies.

Sometimes men say they want help trying to get their wives to cuckold them. The first thing I ask is 'have you told her your fantasy'. I offer to help but only if they prove they're real. In those cases I ask for pics. G-Rated. One of the wife and one of him with her. Usually they claim they don't have them, can't get them, or try to send something they downloaded from the Internet.

I've been a swinger, I'm good at spotting fakes.

Sometimes they're interested in their daughters. To prove their not just trying to sext with me i'll ask for a pic with them and their daughters. I've never received one.

I also get a lot of fan mail from women. Most are men pretending to be women. They want the same things as above, sext, role play, pictures. I weed them out pretty quick.

I do get female fans who say they want to talk. I always ask about them. Age? Married? Kids? Work? If they won't tell me I just tell them we have different interests.

However, once in awhile I get a true fan. Someone excited by what she read. I'm always interested in these. Some, most, just want to tell me they enjoyed a specific story. Sometimes they just want to talk about the story. Sometimes they tell me they can see themselves in the role in the story.

I always respond and ask what they specifically liked about the particular story, or if they don't mention a story, which one they liked best.

The rare fan, the one I want, is pretty, wants to explore, and is afraid. She's the one I like the best, the one I want to talk to. Usually she wants to be convinced or even controlled to do the things she really wants to do.

This story is about one such fan.

I received the following email. Nothing about it was unusual.

"I just wanted to write and tell you how much I love your stories. My husband introduced me to them. Sometimes we read them together sometimes alone. My husband loves the cuckold and wife watching stories. They turn me on too but we'd never be brave enough to bring a man into our lives, let alone to control us.

I responded as I always do. "Thank you so much for writing. Which of my stories did you enjoy the most, and what did you like about them?"

Usually, I either don't get an answer or I get a vague answer and then ignore the sender. This time that didn't happen.

The woman wrote back and mentioned 3 different stories. Each story involved a man entering their lives and seducing the wife. She described how they made her feel. I wrote back asking about her husband's reaction to those stories. She told me how excited they made him as well.

She then asked about my experiences. This is where I get suspicious. I told her, as I tell everyone, I don't mind sharing my experiences, but I get a lot of email from people pretending to be people they're not and who just want to get off on them. I explained that I would not mind sharing them, but only if the person was real and wanted to know, not to get off, but to understand how they happened. As usual I told her she'd have to prove she was who she said she was.

Now to be honest, this was a situation I wanted to know more about. I was willing to stretch my rules a bit to really see if she was real and take my time. As a swinger, I was used to sending my pictures to strangers and I really didn't worry about it too much. In that case it really depends on who initiated the contact and what your gut tells you. On the other hand I understood that other people did not have that comfort level.

In this case, she'd initiated the contact and was interested in pursuing but so was I. On the other hand I was less skittish.

I told her that I usually ask for a picture of the person I'm chatting with and one of them with their spouse. Most times people don't respond. She wrote back that she wasn't comfortable sharing pictures yet and asked if there was something else she could do.

I thought about it. It was a situation I was interested in so I decided to let my normal standards go and figured I would talk with them until they creeped me out.

We started exchanging emails.

She asked me about cuckolding experiences. I explained that as a woman, I'd only once been with a married man when my husband and the other woman were present. Before I married I admitted I had a one night stand, at a conference, with someone I had known a long time but lived in a different state. I wasn't proud of it, it happened as my then current relationship was ending. He wanted to pursue it, I realized he and I had to solve our own problems and that what we did was wrong.

I also explained that I was always sexually open but before I married my current husband I'd never had a 3some or been with a girl.

My husband, Kyle, on the other hand was a self described slut. He says that when he got divorced he actually didn't like women very much. AOL made it easy to meet women and he took full advantage of it.

Even when we first met we were basically booty calls. I was OK with it at the time. He was smart, handsome, fun, and sexy. I was just out of my relationship with my child's father, and didn't really want anything serious or someone in my child's life.

The friendship, and lack of looking for a long term relationship, left a lot of room to discuss and explore fantasies. I told him I was curious about other women. Eventually we became swingers. Not a lot, but we went to a few parties, met people, and had group sex. We also had a few spontaneous experiences but they were not cuckolding, more group sex.

I started telling her about my experiences.

My first cuckolding experience was with my husband before we married. I knew that, before we married, my husband had had a few cuckold experiences. The first one I was involved in was with a couple we'd become friends with.

Contrary to the stories, cuckolding, as far as my experience, doesn't happen spontaneously. It takes awhile to build a relationship with the woman and the husband. She has to be interested and attracted to you. In real cuckold relationships neither partner wants the marriage to end, they really love each other. The husband often feels that he is not adequate at satisfying his wife and wants to see her satisfied by someone better than him. Usually the husband is sweet

and kind but not the take control type of guy.

The wife on the other hand misses a stronger man. Sometimes she wants to be treated like a slut not sweetly like a wife. She wants a man to grab her hair and fuck her with lust.

In this case we had met the couple at a local winery. We were at a wine release party. We saw them again at a local bar the next week. We hit it off and started hanging out together. The husband was a nice guy. She definitely had a more sexual air about her.

After a few weeks of knowing them my husband told me that he thought the husband wanted to be a cuckold. I didn't believe him. He explained the signs. The husband always let my husband be in charge. When together he would make sure she sat next to my husband even if he had to sit away from us. He would point out when guys noticed his wife and tell us how hot that was.

The next few times we were together I watched for the things my husband had mentioned. He was right on all of them. Sometimes my husband would do things to make the guy react just so I could see the behavior. I started to think my husband was right.

One night we went out dancing. The guy sat the dances out while she danced with my husband and me. This night we were having fun. We were both hanging on my husband and grinding on him. At one point I kissed my husband while dancing. He then turned to her, pulled her close, and kissed her as well. It wasn't too long a kiss but it was definitely a sexual kiss. It was hot to watch.

When we sat back down my husband told the guy his wife was really hot tonight and a great kisser. The guy agreed she was hot and said the kiss looked hot too. We eventually went back to their place.

As soon as we walked in my husband grabbed her and said, "I think I need another kiss."

She molded into him and kissed him. I was standing with her husband.

"Wow, that's hot," I said.

He just watched.

"Why don't we sit down?" I suggested.

I led him to a chair. He sat down, I grabbed another chair and sat next to him.

My husband undressed the woman in front of us. All the time telling her husband how hot she was and how he was going to fuck her. The husband just sat there.

I thought the scene was hot too. As I sat there I kept asking the husband what he thought and telling him how hot it looked.

As my husband was fucking her he told me to come over. I went to him and he told me to undress. I did. My husband told the guy we were moving to the bedroom and he was welcome to come watch. We retreated to the bedroom, he followed. The three of us got on the bed and continued to fuck. He watched.

After that, whenever we saw them, my husband fucked her. Sometimes I joined in, sometimes I watched. Sometimes she would call me and say she was horny and ask if she could come over.

Eventually, as with most fires, it started to fizzle out, but even to this day my husband fucks her sometimes.

After that email my new friend wrote back how hot the story made her. She asked a lot of questions about the husband's reactions, details on the sex, what I thought the woman was thinking and feeling. We sent emails back and forth for a week.

During the week I learned a bit about her. Her name was Lisa. His name was John. She was 25 and her husband was 27. They'd been married for 3 years. He was her 3rd lover. She was his second.

After emailing for a week she asked me if we could text. We were going back and forth with emails, but that made the conversation slow. She wanted faster responses. I offered to text her if she'd send me a picture. She agreed.

I texted her and she sent the pic. It was a selfie she'd just taken. She was very pretty. I couldn't tell from the pic, but she told me after, she was 5'3". She had a short pixie haircut, and a very pretty face. She had a tiny frame and a cute figure. The thing that stood out is she looked like she was pregnant. I wasn't sure, she may have only been 3 months along, but it looked it. I didn't say anything.

Fair was fair. I sent one back. We were 20+ years older than them, but I really didn't think much of it. We weren't planning to meet them and I wasn't thinking of impressing her or anything sexual.

We started chatting everyday. Not just fantasies but day to day stuff. Sometimes after they'd go out, she'd tell me how some guy was checking her out and how much she and her husband liked it. During that time she'd send me a few selfies. One was in panties and a little T. She definitely had a small baby bump.

We talked about her husband. He was 5'7" and about 150. He was a nice looking slight guy with a great smile. I asked her if her husband knew we were chatting. She told me that he did, and that when I shared one of my husband's or my cuckolding experiences, she would tell him about it. He'd always get turned on.

We talked about my sex life, and hers. She liked hearing about the nights, or days, my husband fucked me. There is a difference between fucking and making love. We did both. She always asked for details when I told her I'd been fucked the night before.

I realized that she had never been fucked. She'd had sex, neither loving or wild, just sex. She and her husband made love. He was tender and sweet. Always. She knew she should be thrilled that he treated her that way, but my stories, and the ones they found online, had led her to fantasize about wilder sex. Sex that was not so loving, but where she was treated as an object of passion.

Her husband also got off on the stories. He'd tried, but it wasn't him. He couldn't really be that passionate lover. He couldn't pull it off, but the thought of her in the throes of such passion really turned him on. They knew that could only happen with another man, so as they were having sex they (mostly she) would talk about scenarios where they'd meet a man who seduced her and fucked her passionately. These scenarios would drive him wild. Often when she started one he would cum in about 2 minutes.

As we chatted we also sexted a bit. It was not the majority of our conversations, but it happened. I am bi, so sometimes the conversation was about what I'd do to her. She had never been with a woman, and the conversations intrigued and excited her.

Sometimes I'd insert my husband in the mix either as a 3some with her or him cuckolding her husband. Sometimes she'd masturbate during these conversations, and cum. She'd tell me when she was doing it.

I had told her I liked woman in cute sundresses, so once in awhile, when she had one on, she'd send me a picture.

If you're familiar with online relationships you know they can become intimate fairly fast. Somehow the anonymity of the Internet allows you to be more free with yourself, as well as not see people's flaws.

We had been in contact for about a month when I asked her if she was pregnant. Something she had said about missing having an occasional beer gave me the opening. She told me she was about 4 months along and that her husband was getting even more gentle than usual. He was treating her like she'd break and it was driving her nuts. In fact, he was avoiding sex somewhat, not because he didn't find her attractive, but he was afraid he'd hurt her. No matter how much she told him it was ok, he did not feel comfortable.

It was around this time she mentioned where she lived. It turned out they were about 150 miles north of us. I think it surprised her we were so near. Even more that my husband was often up there on business. For a few days her texts dropped off a bit. I understood, having these conversations was a little intimate so I figured she was putting distance between us.

After about 4 days she started communicating again. We went right back to the same relationship although she now talked about how close we were and wouldn't it be interesting if we 'bumped into' each other.

I asked her how her husband felt about us being so close. She said he'd talk about it every few days and, the times they did have sex, he'd always bring it up.

Of course I'd been telling my husband about all these conversations.

One day he suggested we go spend a weekend where they live. The next time Lisa texted me I mentioned we were going to be in town in two weeks and asked if they'd like to go out for dinner.

Lisa told me she'd have to think about it and ask her husband

Having been here before, often first time swingers need reassurance, I told her that it was just dinner and no expectations. I explained that we'd met people as swingers and often at dinner there was no connection. I also explained that even if something did happen, no always means no. However in this case, I said we were just suggesting dinner.

Later that day Lisa texted me and said dinner would be fine. We agreed to meet.

During the next two weeks, we'd discuss things about dinner. What should she wear? Where should we go? She also expressed her and John's excitement and apprehension about meeting. Neither of them had ever met someone off the internet. It was an exciting adventure.

Even though she was apprehensive we still sexted about the situation. Me playing with her pussy under the table. My husband fucking her in the restroom at the restaurant. A lot of fun ideas. Each time, after she came, she'd get shy and say, "This is just fun, we don't plan on doing any of this."

I assured her it was OK.

The weekend arrived and my husband and I drove to where they lived. We got a room at a local motel and checked in. We had made plans to meet them at 7 at a local restaurant so we decided to go to a local national park and do a little hiking. That would give us plenty of time for a nap before dinner.

The day was beautiful. It was a crisp day. Since we were off season the park seemed empty and we saw no other hikers along the way. We hiked out to a small clearing by a stream.

All of a sudden my husband grabbed me, pushed me up against a tree and kissed me. I loved it. I kissed back. Unlike a lot of marriages we still had explosive passion in ours. His tongue entered my mouth and I responded with a moan. I pulled him close and pressed my body against him. In our jeans, hiking boots, and fleece jackets we were not a sexy looking couple but the fresh air, sunshine, and running water made it a vibrant day and the kiss made me feel frisky.

My husband pulled away from the kiss. He had that laughing teasing look in his eye. He turned me around in his arms and started kissing my neck and ears. I threw my head back and opened my senses to all the sensations surrounding me.

I could smell the trees and the stream, I could hear the crash of a small cascade upstream, and his hot breath on my neck and ears made my senses feel alive. With his arms around me I leaned back into him.

With an,"Mmmm," I pushed my ass against his pants and felt his hard cock against it.

His hands dropped to my belt buckle.

"What are you doing?" I asked playfully.

He bit my earlobe softly. "Taking advantage of nature," he replied.

"You think you can just take me here, in the woods, just like that?" I asked.

"Yes," he said as he pushed my jeans and panties down around my thighs.

"You're right," I said and I leaned forward against the tree giving him access to my pussy.

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