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Escalation Ch. 01

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Reluctant wife considers swinging for the first time.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/20/2015
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"What do you think of that?" Terry said.

"I... I don't know. Maybe, I guess, if you want me to," Alison dithered. "It's just... really? You want to see me getting... making love to someone other than you?"

"I'll be honest... yes, I've been dreaming of it, thinking of it for ... years, decades, my whole life? Something like that. I just get so turned by the idea of you being... completely satisfied sexually. I know I can't do that fo..."

"No, Terry, that's not true, I'm perfectly satisfied," she said, touching his hand. "I love you."

"You're sweet, but I know I'm not a great lover. I'm not particularly gifted... down there and I feel inadequate and you deserve so, so much more. It would make me happy to watch you ... happy in that way. I'll be there with you, it won't be dangerous. I'll protect you if things get weird, but we'll make sure anyone you choose as a lover is acceptable to both of us."

Alison was silent, looking into Terry's eyes. He was sincere, she realised. He really wanted this, for him and for her. Could she deny him this? It felt so wrong, to betray her marriage vows and yet not be betraying them. Could you be faithful and yet be unfaithful. Her head hurt.

"I'll have to think about this," she said. "I... will you be upset if I refuse?"

"No, no, of course not," Terry said, smiling. "I'll love you as much if you refuse as if you say yes. I just want us both to be happy and whatever decision you make, I'll still be the luckiest man in the world."

Alison kissed her husband, knowing he was telling the truth. It made little difference to her unease and two weeks later she informed him she was refusing his idea. He was disappointed, obviously, but he took the decision in good grace. Everything was back to normal for a while, until that fateful day when she went to the gym and the female changing room was flooded with sewage.

"I'm afraid you'll have to use the male room just for today, madam," the man behind the front desk said to the gaggle of flustered, unhappy women berating him for something he had no control over. Eventually, they had to go along with it as what choice did they have? Some did refuse, but the majority had jobs to go to and couldn't go along all sweaty and horrible. Alison was in the latter category and followed the other women into the male changing room.

Fortunately there weren't a great number of men inside and the women set up camp as far away as possible. Alison waited her turn for the showers and gingerly stepped into them, towel draped over a railing nearby in case she had to cover herself. She quickly washed herself and reached for the towel, water in her eyes. Giving her face a quick dry, she opened them to see a large black man entering her section of the showers. She gave a yelp of surprise and covered herself. The man looked up and apologised for startling her.

"No, it's ok, I was just lea..." she said before she saw it. The penis. The enormous snake dangling from the man's groin. Her mouth gaped open and she couldn't take her eyes off it. She knew he was fully aware of her staring and then... it grew. Harder and harder, longer and longer until, fully erect, it looked like an onyx baseball bat. She tore her eyes away and he was smiling at her.

"Sorry," he said, chuckling. "I'm just not used to seeing beautiful women in my shower."

He moved closer, but Alison was frozen. Now he was standing just two feet away. The only sound she could hear was the showers still running. She reached out, grasping the hard shaft. It felt so wonderful in her hand. She threw herself to her knees and took the enormous head into her mouth, eagerly...

"Excuse me," a voice snapped Alison out of her trance. The black man was the other end of the showers, washing himself, lost in his own world. Behind her another man stood. "Sorry, but can I get past?"

"Oh... er... yes, of course. I... sorry," she stammered, making her escape, flushed and embarrassed. In the car afterwards, she just sat, staring forward, wondering what was wrong with her. For half an hour she sat there, turning everything over in her mind. Was it just a fleeting fantasy or was it something sparked by Terry's suggestion weeks before? She realised she didn't feel guilty at all by what she'd fantasised and, if she was being honest, she was aroused by the imagery she'd conjured up. She could feel her vagina becoming wet at the thought of sucking the man's penis.

But did this all translate to actually going through with the fantasy and actually sleeping with another man? That was going much further down the line than she was comfortable with. A sinking feeling hit her though - she realised the voice in her head telling her to say no to Terry's idea was quieter than it had been before. Her pussy was growling louder than ever and she wondered if she could resist it if the fantasies persisted.

She decided eventually she needed to talk to someone about it. Getting her mobile phone out, she arranged a meeting with her three best girlfriends, Sarah, Emily and Jane, for later that day at a local coffee shop. Things went well, pleasantries were exchanged, gossiping was done and so on. Finally, Alison bit the bullet.

"Terry asked me if I would like to sleep with other men while he watched," she said, biting her lip. "Is that freaky? I mean, I know it happens but I never thought I'd be being asked about it! Just for city types, right?"

Sarah and Emily looked stunned, but Alison noticed Jane didn't. In fact, a glimpse of a smirk passed across Jane's face, so quick she probably didn't realise Alison had noticed.

"Oh God, what a pig," Sarah said. "I can't believe he said that. Just fuck some random guys? Urgh." Emily nodded her agreement.

All eyes then turned to Jane, who merely sat in silence.

"Jane... what's up? Are you o..."

"It's not freaky. I do it. I sleep with lots of other men and my marriage is solid as a rock," Jane said, interrupting. The other girls couldn't believe it. Jane had always been seen as the prude in the group and now here she was admitting to extramarital relations?

"It started a few years ago," Jane continued. "We'd hit a rocky patch and I stupidly had a one-night stand with a work colleague. The sex was amazing, but I felt so guilty afterwards. I had to tell Jason and I did... and he was actually happy about it! I was shocked and we talked and talked and finally we came to the decision that has made us the happiest couple around - I get to fuck who I want, when I want and Jason either watches and films the sex or I get it filmed and he watches it later on."

"Since then I've fucked... so many people, I've lost count. I'm so glad it happened and we decided this could happen as, to be honest, I've never been more satisfied. And the sex, oh fuck is the sex just... utterly mind-blowing every time. Looking in Jason's eyes while I get pounded by two black stallions, fuck... I'd better stop talking about it or I'll have to leave you guys and go ring some of my lovers!"

Silence descended on the table. Sarah and Emily looked mortified, but Alison felt that same stirring in her loins as she had after the fantasy at the gym. Dear God, could she really see herself being like Jane, sleeping with countless me... wait a second.

"Jane," Alison said, tentatively to break the silence. "You said "so many people..." not "so many men."

"Ah, yes, well..." Jane replied. "You see, I also fuck women. It's a kink of the hotwife lifestyle, your sexuality just, like, opens up and you try so many new things. I won't go into them here, I know I've already shocked you guys, but yeah, I love to have sex with other women too. Not as much as with the guys, oh no, but it's a delicious alternative I indulge quite often."

The subject was changed and normal service resumed, but as Alison was about to leave, Jane held her back. They said their goodbyes to Sarah and Emily before Jane walked Alison to her car.

"So... have you thought more about Terry's idea? You should go for it, dear," Jane said, enthusiastically. "You've got a killer body, great hair, legs to die for... there isn't a man or woman alive in the scene that could resist you."

"Um... I don't know, it still feels... wrong," Alison said, but she was in turmoil. Her conservative voice was quieter than ever, her pussy now defiantly soaking wet. "I... I can't deny I'm not turned on. I had a fantasy about a black man at the gym today..."

Jane's eyes opened wide with delight. "Oh, black men... mmmm, my favourite by miles. They're... well, I tell you what. If you can fuck a hung black man and switch back to your old life, well, I'll give $10,000. Right there and then. I'm serious, there's a reason people say once you've gone black, you never go back."

"I... I still don't know. God, what can I do? It's wrong but I can't help the way I'm starting to feel. I think about it and... yes, I am interested now. I want to see what it is like, but... I'm a coward."

"Talk to Terry, dear," Jane said. "You'll know if it feels right when you do that. If you both want it to happen, it'll happen and I think you'll never regret it if you decide to be a hotwife. And if you do... I look forward to drinking cum out of your freshly fucked cunt."

With that, Jane walked away, leaving her friend in shocked silence. Alison just stared after her, trying to absorb everything she'd heard in the past half hour. Her friend was an unrepentant slut and she'd just told Alison she wanted to drink cum out of her... loins. She was surprised to find she wasn't as appalled by the suggestion as she had thought she would be. God, on top of being vaguely interested in swinging, was she now also considering being a lesbian? Jesus, what a day.

"Right, no more of this shit," Alison said, taking a deep breath. "You're an adult, a happily married woman. Why would I risk it all for some cheap thrills?"

She paused for a second.

"Fuck... because it turns me on so fucking much," she sighed. "Shit... I need to talk to Terry."

She waited until he got back from work and told him to sit. He looked worried.

"Er... is there something wrong?"

"Yes... er, no, well... look, about that thing... the sex with other men... I kind of would like to ... let's do it."

Terry's eyes lit up.

"Oh, darling, my love, oh you're not going to regret this, wow..." he spluttered, overcome with excitement. "I knew you'd say yes, I just knew it."

"Now, wait," Alison said, dampening his enthusiasm a tad. "I'm still not sure about all this. It's taken me a long time to think about it, so we're not going to go rushing in. We're doing it safely and everything has to be ok with me. I want to meet the man and if I like him, great, we can give it a shot. But I'm not going to promise anything. I might just not be into it, right? If I say no more, it means no more."

"Sure, sure, of course, anything you want," Terry said.

So that night Terry and Alison spent hours looking at personal ads, checking Craigslist, even registering for swinger websites. After a while, they'd nailed down some possibles and a few days later, Alison was sitting in a restaurant, waiting for her first 'date' with one of the candidates. Terry had spent a while appraising her outfits, hair, makeup, everything before giving her the ok. She just shook her head, laughing at how serious he was. He really, really wanted her to like this guy and for him to like her. Pssh, she could snap her fingers and get any man she wanted.

The man that she met wasn't the same as the man in the photos. They'd obviously been taken a few years ago. This guy was less stud muffin than bran muffin, much to her disappointment. The evening wore on and she didn't feel anything for this porky, balding Adonis, so she decided to call it a night early.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just... I'm sure there'll be someone out there for you, but... anyway, bye," she said, awkwardly, just wanting to be out of there. Terry was waiting for her in the parking lot.

"So... did it go... ah, so it didn't go well then," he said, seeing the expression on her face. "Perhaps we should just go to a bar or a club, see if anyone takes your fancy. Be a shame for you to be out and 'ready' and go home empty-handed, so to speak."

"Mmm, maybe," she said, chewing the inside of her lip. "Go on, might as well."

"Perfect," Terry said, turning the key in the ignition, "I know just the place."

The place was a low key club called Onyx. She'd never heard of it, but it looked fairly classy. Inside, it was nice, relatively plush without being overdone. It was nicely busy without being overcrowded.

"It's nice," she said, blandly.

"I hope so, it's supposed to be the best swingers club in the city," Terry said.

"What? A swingers... I didn't agree to go so full on with this..." Alison said, angry. She stopped herself, though. Why was she getting angry? This seemed a logical place, after all. The men (and women) here would be the safest she could find, being in the lifestyle and all. Chances are they kept themselves fairly trim too.

"Ok, sorry, it's fine," she continued, touching Terry's arm. "Let's see if there are any fish in the sea after all."

This was certainly more promising than she'd expected. The dress code was casual, but a lot of the men and women were done up to the nines, fancy suits and gorgeous dresses. She was pleased with how many obvious appraisals she was receiving, eyes almost constantly roaming up and down the length of her body. She was surprised again to find that she felt equally turned on by the lascivious looks of the women. Images of sensuous caresses of soft, feminine skin, tender kisses and hands roaming, tongues probing... god, she was horny. In fact, she'd never been this horny in her life. She felt like her underwear was so wet, she was sure to start leaking all over the floor. Then she saw Jane.

Her friend was by the bar, talking to two tall, handsome men. Alison was shocked to see that one had his hand thrust down Jane's skirt, obviously playing with her pussy, while the other was whispering in her ear. Jane's face showed precisely how the attention was affecting her, eyes closing every so often and her mouth forming Os of pleasure. Jane opened her eyes and she saw Alison. For a second, she didn't react and then, slowly, a wicked smile crept across her face.

"These two are going to fuck the shit out of me," she mouthed across the bar. Alison gasped and felt her pussy tremble, her underwear now even wetter, if that were possible. Jane whispered into the ear of the man fondling her pussy and he nodded. He pulled his hand away and then Jane did the unthinkable. Slowly, she stripped until she was completely naked for everyone to see. Putting her hands down the trousers of both men, she licked her lips as she grabbed the cause of the significant bulges in them. Then, she winked and the three walked across the room to a door, obviously leading to a private room. Just before she closed the door, she made a little motion with her head, indicating to Alison that, if she wanted to join them, she was welcome.

Alison felt her knees go weak and she used all her resolve to not run across the room to Jane. Could she really go from zero to foursome in one go? Was she ready for that? Her mind was telling her not to, to take it slow like she'd said, but her pussy, her heart, her soul were all eager to dive into the deep end. Sex with two men at once. Sex with a woman. An orgy. All things she'd never done before and more, probably, that she wasn't thinking of. She bit her lip, torn by her indecision.

"Not really much happening," Terry said, oblivious to his wife's inner turmoil. "Fancy calling it a night?"

Alison turned slowly to look at her husband. He had pushed her into this situation and, she suspected, had no idea what beast he'd awakened in his prim, proper housewife. For some reason, his complete lack of awareness made her mind up for her.

"I think you'd better go," she said, flatly. "I've spotted a... situation I'd like to be involved in. I'll see you at home tomorrow morning."

Terry was stunned, but Alison saw his trousers bulge instantly. She smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it in the morning."

With that, she turned on her heel and walked towards the room where Jane, the men and her future lay in wait.

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26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Cuck gets his whorewife and ruins his marriage, as always in these silly gay fantasies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
About that saying

I went to a resturant that a lot of people raved about. The steak was cold, the service was lousy, it was over priced and they tried to get you to leave as quickly as possible. My thoughts were, Once you've had Le Petite Chez, you'll never go back. It is the same with a black. No foreplay, their in a hurry and don't care if you cum. I will never try black again. Once was one time too many.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very sexy, but...

...way too short! (I know there's another two parts, and I'm headed there now.) Excellent story line...keep writing! And keep us wanking!!! 💓💋

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

It's obviously a fetish story, yet people read it despite having an issue with the particular kink, which was obvious going in. Ignore the whiners and keep writing.

devilspydevilspyabout 9 years ago
Cuckold sent home

Cuckold is sent home as his new hot wife gets busy. Only thing she should have added is no jerking off. Play with it, but no cum shots. If she is going to control this, she needs to get hubby's little toy into chastity. He will be much more willing and do anything for her. Of course her friend can teach her how to control her cuckold.

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