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Eternal Hearts Ch. 08


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"Well...we won't know his appetite till we actually do anything, but that won't happen. He'll get what he's given like anyone else, it's only on our terms of course, and I think he understands that," Kylie said, really trying to make Dannii understand how intelligent he was.

"But how do we know? I know he's had a woman before and all but we just can't be sure, got to be careful," Dannii said, just worried about all that could happen.

"Dan, when you meet him you'll see what I mean, he's really not just some thoughtless monster I don't think, he's smart and didn't push anything, you'll change your view of him a bit when you meet him," Kylie said, drinking again.

"And when he feels me up," Dannii said, pointing out he was still quite eager to cop a feel despite being supposedly considerate.

"Well, only if you let him. If you tell him to stop he'll stop, did with me. Primarily he wants to see us because he's blind, so touch is all he has. If you let him go further, or invite it, he'll take it, but he's like any man really. He'll push his luck a bit, but if you say no he'll stop, worried you'll take it all away," Kylie said with a little giggle, making Dannii smile regardless.

"Maybe so. Ok so say he's a complete gentleman, considerate and caring and we do decide to have sex with him, where do we stand?" Dannii said. Their relationship had gone through a rocky patch with their transformation, mainly because Kylie had done it without talking to her, and also because she'd promptly hopped into bed with a man right afterwards, who was now their werewolf friend. Settled as it was, it'd been tough on them and they needed to be totally open about things.

"Well, that's what we need to decide. I want to do it, I can't not know what it's like, and I think he's trustworthy, but I won't do anything without you. So if you say no, I will tell him no," Kylie said.

"Ok then," Dannii said, breathing out heavily at the tension of the situation, "the same. If we don't agree, we won't do it. I don't know, I guess I need to meet him first, but if we do it, we need to be completely honest with one another," Dannii said, making it clear there would be no behind each other's backs stuff with this bit on the side.

"Absolutely," Kylie said, agreeing completely with that. A shag with Clicks wasn't worth relationship troubles with Dannii.

"No I'm not saying we have to tell each other every time we want to go down there, if it gets to that stage, but no denying where we've been or that we want to, what we think about it and so on," Dannii said, rather dictating this conversation now on the patio.

"Of course, I want this to be crystal clear. I don't want it interfering with us," Kylie said honestly.

"Definitely not, though I'm not quite so worried about you sleeping around with a tentacled creature as opposed to a man on the emotional front," Dannii offered with a slight smile.

"True it's not really going to be anything to rival our love, but I don't want it to even make it shake either," Kylie said.

"Me neither. So we need to be agreed to be completely transparent on this, and any other fun we indulge on the side from now on. I will be, so as long as you can be..." Dannii said, knowing Kylie could be but wanting to hear it.

"Dannii, I promise, if we do this, I will never hold a single thing back about my relations with him," Kylie said, looking deeply into Dannii's eyes.

"Good," she replied, both of them taking a drink before having a short, passionate kiss.

"Now all we need to do is decide whether we're actually going to put out for him," Kylie said with a slight giggle, breaking the tension.

"True, we'll go down there in a minute I guess," Dannii said with a slightly shaky sigh, sitting back down on the wall and drinking from her blood, draining the glass.

"Don't be nervous, he'll be gentle with you," Kylie said, putting her arm round Dannii, drinking the rest of her own blood with the other hand.

"I know, it's just the unknown you know," Dannii answered, contemplating it in her mind, stood there to simply be groped and felt like an object.

"I know babe, just try and let it be a thrill rather than a fear," Kylie offered, leaning over to kiss Dannii on the cheek. She just gave a slight smile and stayed quiet, holding her empty glass. After a few more minutes in the sun they headed back inside, washing up their glasses and then headed slowly down to the caves. Their shoes clicked on the cold stone steps down to the dungeons and then on the small, narrow staircase leading to the door into Clicks' cave. Pausing for a breath outside, Kylie opened it and then lead Dannii in.

"Clicks," Kylie called out, immediately making Dannii tense with the nerves trembling her tummy.

"Clicks, I brought my sister, Dannii, to meet you," she said, calling into the darkness beyond the warm, flicking circle of light from the gas torches. A tentacle very quickly slid out of the darkness across the warm, firm earth of the cave towards them. Kylie gave Dannii a quick peck on the cheek and stepped away, leaving Dannii at what felt like the mercy of a mythical creature. The slender tentacle slid into the light, near to Dannii without touching her, locating her by whatever means it was equipped with before rising up before her, much in the same way Kylie had held him, aiming for what he assumed was what she expected.

"Touch it Dan, don't be scared," Kylie urged softly, hoping Dannii wouldn't bottle it. She didn't, and carefully reached up to take hold of the tentacle offered to her and holding it softly, feeling the smooth texture of it, not quite what she'd expected, and how it was slightly stroking in her hand. It was a good start, but Dannii stepped back as the tentacle tried to surge towards her, along with others at the fringes of the darkness around them.

"Whoa whoa hold on, not so fast, I'm not a rag doll you know," Dannii said in quite a firm tone, making Kylie wonder if this hadn't been a bad idea.

"What's the matter Dannii?" she asked, hoping to keep things running smoothly.

"I want to see him first," she said, suddenly realising the rude way she'd overlooked his presence, quickly addressing him herself.

"Clicks, I'd like to see you before I let you feel me," she said, hoping she didn't sound too abrupt. She heard a grumbling and what Kylie explained were negative clicks from the darkness, feeling the tentacle recede from her a little, his anxiety obvious.

"Dannii I don't think he wants to," Kylie said, not sure quite the reason why Dannii wanted it anyway.

"Well he's 'seeing' us by feeling us this way, and frankly a bit more than that, but we don't get a look at him? Sorry, I'm not comfortable with that, so unless I get to see him myself so we're on an even keel I'm not going to let him cop a feel," Dannii said in quite a demanding tone, making it very clear she would not be moved on the subject.

"Well...I guess," Kylie said, unable to really argue with Dannii's logic on that. Clicks again grumbled and declined from the darkness, sounding very tense about it actually.

"Clicks, either I get to see you, or I'm going to leave and take Kylie with me and that'll be the end of this little...situation," Dannii said, picking her words carefully but sounding very clear on the matter, dominant.

There was a moment, then there was a slight scuff of rocks before the creature moved silently into view, both Kylie and Dannii's eyes widening as they looked at it. It had a long slender body, almost tubular actually with a large mouth and minimal lips, and they both thought what his teeth might be like even though his mouth was closed. His long tentacles were slim, around an inch or so thick and about twenty feet long, though some were longer than others, looking like they were different stages of growth perhaps. Closer to his body were four thicker tentacles, looking more purposeful, like they were his main limbs or something, around twice as thick and not as long, only about twelve to fifteen feet long at the most but much more powerful. He was a dark green colour but it seemed to be changing a bit, going darker and then lighter again as they observed him near the wall of the cave, not sure quite how to take him in since they'd obviously never seen anything like him before.

"Wow," Dannii said, "he's something."

"Yeah, an incredible creature," Kylie added, since he kind of was and she wanted to make him feel more comfortable and valued if he understood the concepts, which she was pretty sure he did given his evident nerves at being exposed. Dannii was unconsciously massaging the warm tentacle in her hand, stroking and squeezing at it, and immediately caught herself, stopping in case it seemed inviting somehow. Clicks however was clearly agitated, twitching and shaking a little bit, seeming tense, his pigment changing and shifting through his skin.

"It's ok Clicks, you can hide now if you want to," Dannii said. He gave what might've been a relieved click and ascended towards the ceiling and back into the darkness, giving another few clicks as all but the tentacle she held and a couple of others nearby were withdrawn into the consuming darkness.

"Thank you for letting us see you," Dannii said, wanting to make sure she didn't seem cold after she'd ordered him into the light. Kylie let it be silent a minute for him to settle down and the sisters to take in what they'd seen before she spoke again, intending to move things along like they were meant to, and get her sister wrapped in tentacles.

"It's ok you can...take a look at her now," Kylie said with a smile, and the two tentacles that'd been lying on the floor just in the light immediately slid forwards towards Dannii in a purposeful manner. Dannii bit her lip as they approached, nervous about how he would handle her, perhaps taking it a bit more...firmly in retaliation for making him show himself. She jumped as they touched her ankles, the smooth, dry tentacles unlike anything she'd ever felt on her body, and he gave a brief pause before they coiled round her legs, slowly gliding up over her silky smooth bare legs, round and round with ease as they made their way up towards her knees. They moved over them and coiled straight up underneath her tight black pencil skirt, making her look quickly to Kylie as they wrapped themselves around her thighs. Kylie just smiled to her and held up a "don't worry" hand as Clicks ventured towards her knickers, knowing he would play by the rules, perhaps pushing his luck a little.

Dannii shivered as they stroked round her bare thighs, squeezing at her just right to make her tremble slightly with arousal as well as nerves, winding round her legs until they stopped at the tops, the ends of his tentacles just millimetres from the sweet bulge of her pussy. After a pause, the ends just curled up and brushed over the front of her pussy through her thin black knickers, stroking just right over the puffy bulge between her legs.

"Ahem!" Dannii said sharply, making it clear she wasn't ready for him to touch her there, and the tentacles immediately withdrew, uncoiling down her legs and out from underneath her skirt, escaping the material before wrapping round her legs from each side to touch all he could except her inner thighs, sliding up over the tight black skirt to her nice rounded arse, brushing over it as it had with Kylie's earlier on then slipping back down for a proper fondle, squeezing Dannii's arse firmly and having a good feel.

"See, I told you it wasn't quite as good as mine," Kylie said with a cheeky smile, making Dannii shoot her a glare. She was pretty affronted at that remark, but Clicks simply clicked positively, still very happy with her so far, thinking her arse was just fine. His tentacles continued up, following the flare of her hips into her slim waist, quite an hourglass figure on her for him to enjoy, which he did, wrapping a tentacle around her midsection and firmly squeezing her, almost as if she were wearing a corset, making her feel a slight rush of excitement. Dannii's nipples were now very clearly showing through her tight red shirt as the tentacles slid upwards underneath her large breasts. His tentacles moved up in a line beneath her rack, cupping her large breasts from beneath before sliding over them to take in her profile, sliding over her ample chest with an approving click. He swiftly moved back down over them, squeezing more firmly as his tentacles coiled around them, groping her good and proper as he copped a feel, clicking in quite an excited sounding manner as he felt her large breasts.

Dannii gave a murmur of pleasure as his touch and enjoyment of her breasts as he squeezed her, hearing him give a purr as he lifted her breasts, feeling the weight of them before he wrapped around them once more, giving a harder squeeze, using the tips of his tentacles to brush at her stiff nipples through the shirt, making Dannii gasp, her eyes squeezing shut.

"See, I told you she had a killer rack," Kylie said with a smile, though Dannii barely noticed, revelling in being fondled, his touch just perfect as he groped her through her clothes. Not wanting to let go of her magnificent breasts, he brought two more tentacles forward, spreading them out to each of her hands. He delicately stroked her hands and slender fingers, making her giggle as he tickled her, before he coiled up her arms, taking in her toned muscles as he did, knowing she was in good shape as he reached her shoulders. He uncoiled her and stroked over her shoulders, then slid the tentacles down her smooth back towards her bum, taking a cheeky squeeze of it before he slid them back up, feeling her nicely arched spine as he brought them up underneath her long, dark hair, which he lifted and let slide over his tentacles, clicking at the silky smooth strands of it gliding over him.

Sliding under it again, his tentacles slid round each side of her neck and slipping up to her jaw line, where he paused a moment and the felt delicately over her face, the tips of his tentacles gliding over her soft skin, over her cheeks, feeling the defined cheekbones, round her eyes, full lips, her slim nose and onto her smooth forehead. One of his tentacles moved to stroke through her hair again as the other went down, back to her lips, brushing over them and just pushing a little between them, finding her more receptive than Kylie had been at first, letting him in where she automatically sucked a little, making his tentacle tremble for a moment before it pulled from her mouth and trailed down her chin and smooth neck, taking in her beauty completely. Dannii had her head back and eyes shut, quite into it as she was felt, not having been stroked so delicately like this in her life. Kylie didn't intervene, simply letting Dannii enjoy it until she came to her senses.

"Right that's enough," Dannii said, far more breathlessly than she'd have liked. He immediately stopped his fondling and groping of her fine body, before quickly smoothing her hair and shirt out and pulling away into the darkness, leaving just one tentacle for communication purposes, though it was really just symbolic of his presence, however he did make the effort to deliberately press it into Dannii's hand. Kylie eyed up Dannii as she turned to her, noticing just how flustered she was, red-faced and clearly wet, with her large nipples showing easily through her tight shirt. It seemed her younger sister had got into it even more than she had when Clicks had felt her earlier on. It was very clear Dannii wanted more from him, even if she wouldn't immediately admit it, but it should be easy enough to convince her to put out if she put up any resistance to the idea.

"So, what do you think of her?" Kylie said as she looked past her sister into the darkness to address their tentacled friend. He gave a deep, growling purr and wrapped his tentacle round Dannii's slender hand, taking a firm grip on her before gently squeezing and pulling, trying to coax her into the darkness with him to immediately begin, evidently able to tell she was as hot for him as he was for her. Dannii resisted and then reluctantly slipped her hand from his grasp, hearing his slight sound of disappointment as she went over to talk with Kylie, trying to ignore how wet her knickers were under her skirt.

"So what do you think?" Kylie whispered, not wanting to have a whole debate in front of him.

"I think you were right about how he feels you, his touch is just wonderful. But do you want to fuck him?" Dannii said quietly, since they had no idea quite what that would be like.

"Well...I'd certainly like to find out what it's like, and we know we can take it," Kylie reasoned, since their vampirism meant they were tough and able to heal from any potential injury.

"I don't think it'll be that way with him though, he seems...gentle, caring," Dannii said, glancing back towards the darkness.

"I know, I think it's nothing but fun, and he seems quite harmless wouldn't you agree?" Kylie said, feeling the deal was almost done.

"Yeah, I think he just needs a new fuck buddy," Dannii said with a saucy smile that Kylie knew well.

"I think he's gonna get two," Kylie said with a smile of her own, her mind racing with the thoughts of what they would soon experience.

"Ok then, let's give it a try, he got me so wet anyway," Dannii said, looking down a little shyly. Kylie just gave a smile, then a quick kiss to Dannii's cheek before they both turned back, breaking the secretive mood with a little cough.

"Clicks," Kylie said, addressing him so a tentacle slid back into view, a way that they'd already seemed to have established as the means of conversation between them.

"We've decided that we're very happy to be your new ladies, and will quite happily...take careof your needs," Kylie said, Dannii standing beside her with a smirk.

"All of them, as long as you don't take anything for granted," Dannii said, knowing full well however she'd let him do anything he wanted to her. He gave approving clicking sounds, sounding as if he could barely contain his excitement, and who could blame him when both Minogue sisters had just offered themselves to him in a sexual way.

"You can have some time to think about it, make sure. Don't want any problems with Lucretia," Kylie said, before she turned and ushered Dannii towards the heavy door then out into the corridor.

"See you later baby," Kylie teased with a saucy tone, closing the door and locking it securely to make sure, then taking Dannii's hand and heading up the many steps back to the main mansion. As they emerged back into the light of the corridor, feeling the warmth of the sunny summers day outside as they walked towards the open lounge area, Dannii suddenly realised how shaky she was. A mix of adrenaline and arousal had rushed through her as she'd been groped in the most incredible way, but now it'd drained away.

"I need a sit down," Dannii said, making Kylie giggle.

"I'll get us some wine, you have a sit down," Kylie said, leaving Dannii to totter outside, where she pulled out one of the hardwood loungers of the patio set they'd bought for the raised reception area overlooking the lawn. She quickly arranged the cushion and slid onto it, lying down with a sigh of relief as she took in everything that'd happened. Kylie knew they didn't need to feed, they'd done that only a while ago, so she opened a bottle of chilled red wine they had in the fridge, pouring them a glass each and sauntering outside, passing the beverage to Dannii, who immediately took a good sip as Kylie found herself a chair from near the matching table. Sipping her own wine, relishing the taste of a good bottle of merlot on a lovely summers day outside with the love of her life. They were quiet for a few minutes, both just thinking about the potential scenarios awaiting them, about what it would be truly like to fuck him, how he would ravish and light up their bodies with his perfect touch.


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