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Everyone Loves My Ass Ch. 06

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Dawn is determined to lose her virginity...spectacularly.
19.4k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 06/24/2009
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"You must be Amber, the feature dancer from Dallas I've been hearing so much about. I thought you weren't supposed to make your way up here until next week? Anyway, welcome to our little slice of heaven. I'm Toby, but everyone just calls me Tank."

Paul and I were standing at the double doors to the strip club, and this giant of a man was offering me his hand.

"I guess I don't have to ask why they call you Tank," I grinned, looking almost straight up at him as we shook hands. He had to be the biggest guy I'd ever seen. In addition to being a full head taller than Paul, who's already six-two, he was simply massive. Weighing an easy three hundred-plus pounds, all of it solid rock, he was built like...well, like a tank.

"Do you play football? We sure could use you!" I gushed.

"We? Where y'all from?"

"We're from Lawrence. You know, KU! Rock Chalk Jayhawk, baby! Woooo!" I shouted, whooping it up like a Kansas cheerleader.

"Lil' darlin', you sure are a long way from home. Kansas, huh? Awww, crap. Now I have to feel sorry for you. Back when I played for Missouri, we used to beat the tar out of your poor little Jaysquawks."

"Missouri?! Booooo!"

We both laughed, and so did Paul, even though he was still clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation.

I smiled at Tank. "Besides, Tiger Boy, you're even farther from home than we are. What's a guy from Missouri doing way out here in the middle of nowhere, working at a club in the Texas Panhandle?"

He gave me a smug grin. "I said I played ball for Missouri, but I was born and raised in the Great State of Texas. Lord Almighty, we sure used to love whuppin' up on you Rock Chalkers. These days, my buddy and I run this place."

"Okay, Tank, pleased to meet you. I'm still not your Amber, though. I'm not a dancer either."

"Get out of here! Darlin', just look at you. If you're not a dancer, then I'm Tiny Tim!"

Returning his smug grin, I shook his hand again. "Well, Tiny, my name is Dawn, and I'm definitely not a dancer. I am a cheerleader, though, and we do dance a lot. Does that count?"

"'Round these parts, damn straight it counts! So whatcha doin' here? Like you said, this is way out in the middle of nowhere. Where y'all headed?"

"We're road-tripping to California!" Paul said excitedly, finally joining the conversation. "I'm Paul, by the way," he added, and they shook hands.

"California? Why would you want to go there? All they got are weirdos, freaks, and fags!" Tank roared, laughing his ass off.

After exchanging grins with my little brother, I turned back to Tank. "I'm headed to UCLA to begin school in the fall, and we thought it would be fun to have him come along for the ride."

Noticing the subtle change in his expression, I could tell that Paul was getting ready to offer a more specific explanation. Before he could blurt anything out, I stopped him. "Honey, why don't you go grab us a table, okay? I just need a moment alone with Tank, then I'll come find you."

Giving me a dubious look, he nevertheless turned and disappeared into the club, but only after I'd waved him away with both hands while giggling, "Shoo! Shoo!"

Now I was standing alone with Tank. He'd been a little iffy about letting Paul in, teasing that I'd need to vouch for him first. After I smiled and promised I would, Tank let him in without carding him. Come to think of it, he never did card me either. Once Paul had gone inside, the big man crossed his massive arms and grinned, "So, what can I do for a pretty lil' thing like you?"

Although he wore a friendly smile, he was still openly eyeing me up and down.

I let him look me over. I wanted him to look me over. All I had on were my sexiest black heels, a tiny pleated flippy skirt in bright red, and a men's white dress shirt that I'd left completely unbuttoned. The sleeves were rolled up to my forearms, and the bottom of the shirt was tied at my belly button, exposing bare skin down to the top of the obscenely short, low-riding miniskirt I'd borrowed from Trish for the trip. Having already slipped off my panties in the car, I also wore nothing beneath the shirt. The inner halves of my bare breasts were showing, and Tank was taking full advantage of the view.

Following his eyes, I noticed that he kept glancing at the panties hanging from my car's rearview mirror. He'd probably even watched me put them there. He'd probably also watched me grab Trish's teensy skirt from my bag in the back seat. Right there in the parking lot, with people pulling in and out all around us, I'd swapped my skirt for Trish's much shorter one. Then I'd undone my shirt and tied it up.

Standing before him in a barely-there miniskirt and fully unbuttoned top, I smiled as he drank me in. I wore my long dark hair down, letting it remain windblown and wild. I'd also touched up my lips with bright red lipstick and a shining wet coat of clear gloss.

I looked like a sexy slut who wanted to be fucked. I'd dressed to ensure it.

"Tank, I wanted to ask you for a favor. I need to speak with the manager in private, and I was hoping you could introduce me to him."

"Well, that's something I can happily do ya' for, seeing as how I'm the manager. Like I said, I run this place, along with one other guy. We're co-owners. I'm pretty much the floor manager, and he's the business genius. I was just out here watching the door until my guy Eddie got back from his smoke break. Normally I'm inside, keeping an eye on things. So, okay, what do you need?"

I told him my plan, making sure to leave out the part about Paul being my brother. I said he was just my friend.

Once I was finished, Tank gave me another smug grin. "Are you sure you want to go through with all that?"

"Absolutely. You probably can't even imagine just how sure I am."

Grinning as I lifted my foot onto the railing, I offered my bare thigh to his hungry gaze.

"Okay, no bullshittin' now. Before I let you do this, how old are you?"

"I'm eighteen, Tank. I'll be nineteen next month."

With a slow grin, he looked me up and down one more time. "You know, darlin'--what did you say your name was again?"

"Dawn...Dawn Summers...cheerleader," I flirted, shaking his hand again while subtly swinging my bent knee in and out, teasing him with fleeting glimpses of my naked pussy. I wasn't sure whether he was noticing, though, since he couldn't stop looking inside my open top.

"Okay then, Dawn Summers, if you really want to go through with this, I can give you all the access you need. It just depends on how crazy you want to go?"

"All the way crazy, Tank. I want this to be the craziest, most memorable night of my life. Whatever you suggest, I'm up for anything."

"Whoa, hold on there, little girl. You need to be careful with that kinda talk. 'Round these parts, 'up for anything' might just mean a whole lot more than you bargained for."

Looking up at him, a chill ran down my spine. He was probably right. Was I prepared to do...anything? Without having the slightest clue as to what that might entail?

Okay, maybe not.

"Well, let's just say that I want to go as crazy as I possibly can. I want to do everything I laid out for you, and I'm very interested in hearing any other suggestions you may have."

Smiling seductively, I trailed my fingertip between my breasts. He was still staring there, and I subtly nudged the shirt aside a bit more, exposing the edge of my nipple.

With a sly grin he told me his plan, adding that he'd personally see to all the arrangements. When I quickly agreed, he motioned for me to head on in. "You just enjoy yourself tonight..." he chuckled, holding the door open before escorting me into the club.

~ ~ ~

"I told Tank you're my friend...just a guy I'm dating. Do not let on to anyone here that you're my brother," I said to Paul, joining him at the little table he'd chosen in the center of the room.

"You're not going to tell me what you needed to talk to him about, are you?" he smirked.

"Nope! It's my little secret, little brother. Sit tight. Soon enough, all will be revealed. I told you, I have a plan." Grinning, I ran my hand up his thigh. "After talking with Tank, now I have another plan too. It turns out that he's not just the bouncer, he's also the owner, as well as the floor manager."

The moment my fingertips reached his thick bulge, Paul instantly began to get hard. Right beside us were two guys intently watching my every move, and I smiled at them while making an obvious show of stroking Paul's big dick.

Looking down at my hand, he leaned into me and whispered, "This is why I'm not your brother tonight, right?"

I nodded happily. "Baby brother, just so you know, the only time you're my brother from now on is when we're alone, or we're with our family and friends. When we're out together during this trip, or any other time, you're not my brother anymore. You're my sexy boyfriend with a huge cock, and I'm your horny girlfriend. Getting to go crazy on each other in public without having to hide it, we're going to have a total blast."

"What if we ever have to show ID? We have the same last name and address. People are going to figure it out."

He flinched when I playfully pinched his dick. "Paul, it's not going to come up very often. Unless you plan on us going to lots of bars and strip clubs, we're not going to get carded much. Most of the time, we won't need to keep anything secret. We will tonight, but you already know why..." I grinned, caressing his cock again.

"Because of what you're planning on doing with me here," he whispered, his breathing becoming shallow and uneven. "Are you planning on letting people watch us...you know..." he asked, and there was such a cute urgency in his strained voice.

I looked back over to the two guys. Despite the naked girls dancing on stage it was like they couldn't take their eyes off me, and I smiled brightly as I said to them, "I'm sorry, but he has such an awesome cock that I just can't help myself. I always want to play with it."

I was really getting into stroking Paul's dick, which looked positively enormous in his tented slacks. Leaning into him, I whispered, "Yes, baby, it's because of what I'm planning on doing with you here tonight. Before we leave this place, I'm going to suck your amazing dick like crazy, and you're absolutely going to fuck my brains out. I don't care how many people watch us, but it'd probably be better if they didn't know you were using this monster on your own sister."

Looking around, I saw that we were encircled by loud, laughing partiers. Our table was situated between three lighted stages in the center of the large seating area, with the bustling bar directly behind us. To the far left, just off the hallway we used to enter the main club, was a large room with smoked glass windows. There was a bouncer standing at the door, and I saw people accompanied by various dancers constantly entering and exiting that room. It was obviously the "VIP Lounge," as Tank had described it to me.

Nodding toward the dark hallway, I grinned to Paul. "Chris Rock says there's no sex in the Champagne Room. Do you believe him?"

All around us, people were enjoying table dances and lap dances. One thing I noticed right away was that besides myself and the dancers, there were only two other women in the entire place. Sitting together, giggling and carrying on with a large, rowdy group of friends, they were whooping it up just as much as the guys were, and everyone was throwing down shots like there was no tomorrow.

"Drinks are on the house for you two," one of the serving girls said, flashing me a warm, co-conspirator's smile. Setting her hands on my shoulders, she added, "Darlin', Tank's got you all set up this evening."

My two admirers erupted then, shouting, "Hey, we're with them! We want in on that!" Laughing with us like we were old friends, they began scooting their chairs our way, so I went ahead and waved them over.

"See?" one of them crowed, grinning smugly at the waitress.

Laughing along with the rest of us, she said to the taller of the two guys, "Sugar, I'll have to check with Tank on that one."

"What for? Why them, but not us?"

"Honey, take a good look at her. I'll let you figure it out."

Grinning, she took our drink orders before heading off across the room.

Once she was gone, I turned back to them. "So, now that we've become this cozy little foursome, what are your names?"

"I'm Tony, and he's Eric," said the dark-haired one.

Introducing ourselves, Paul and I shook their hands.

The girl who'd been giving lap dances to the rowdy group behind us came to our table, grinning up a storm. Without saying a word she began to dance for us, beginning with Tony and Eric.

Never having been in a strip club before, I really had no idea what to expect. I didn't know what she'd do. Tank and I had talked about some basic things I might enjoy doing, but we didn't get into any details. He just told me to play it by ear and have fun, and he'd make sure the other girls were clued into everything. The specifics would be up to me.

"I'm Niki. How y'all doing tonight?" she smiled, gyrating in front of Eric before switching to Tony. She was a wicked dancer with shoulder-length jet black hair. Maybe five-one and all of a hundred pounds, she had the sleekest body ever. The only thing she had on was a sparkly white g-string, and her body was covered in glitter. When she moved near me, I caught the scent of strawberries. Her champagne glass-sized breasts were simply the prettiest little tits, with no shaded circles whatsoever...just long, gorgeous nipples. She also had a golden heart pendant dangling from her belly button.

Turning her back to the guys, she moved her ass in seductive circles, each rotation drawing nearer to Tony's leering face. I could tell he really wanted to reach out and grab her ass, or maybe even bite it. He obviously wanted to touch her, to make contact with her, yet he was stiffly holding his arms at his sides.

She quickly spun back to Eric and dropped into his lap, briefly grinding on him. He too kept his hands to his sides.

When she silently got up and slithered over in front of Paul, her coy demeanor instantly changed. No more mere teasing, she climbed into his lap and gave him a really hot lap dance. Paul did his best to keep his arms at his sides, following the example set by the others, at least until she reached down to take him by the hands. Bringing them to her lips, she kissed his fingers before placing his hands at the top of her ass, near her hips. "You two are allowed to touch as much as you want..." she grinned, turning from Paul to me.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him, pressing her small breasts to his lips. Tony and Eric whooped it up when Niki's nipples became erect, and my god but did they become erect! Fully excited, her nipples were just insanely long and thick. Seeming so drastic in profile against her sweet little breasts, the overall effect was incredibly sexy. Jesus, that girl had pretty tits, and she was expertly teasing those temptingly erect morsels across Paul's face. The whole time she was moving on him, she never took her smiling eyes off of me. Whenever she'd pull back a bit I'd catch the silhouette of her nipples, and in the flickering lights from the stage she looked like some gorgeous witch goddess writhing in ecstasy.

"Your man here feels all kinds of huge between my legs," she said, grinning as she reached down to grasp Paul's cock. Taking him in her hand, she giggled, "Holy shit, darlin', what are you packin' down there?"

Paul shot me a goofy lopsided grin, but he also squeezed her ass before giving it a playful spank. With a cute yelp she giggled again, then it was game on! She began seriously dry-fucking him, grinding herself directly on his thick shaft.

"Bet you're glad now that I made you go commando," I laughed to Paul, leaning in to rub his shoulder.

"I don't know about him, but I sure am! He feels incredible..." said Niki. Arching her back, she pressed her breast into Paul's welcoming mouth. When he closed his lips around her nipple and started sucking hard, she cried out, "Oh, yeah!"

I noticed that she was really going after his cock, alternating thrusts with her pussy and strokes with her hand.

"Don't you dare come yet," I said to Paul, teasing him.

"Darlin', let me take him back to our private lounge. I'll make him come all night," Niki moaned, moving her ass in wide circles.

I reached over to add my hand to hers on his cock. "I'm sure you would, Niki, and you can do whatever you want to him after I've had him, but his first one tonight is going inside me."

She moaned again and leaned over to pull my head to hers. "Tank said I can fuck you...both of you..." she whispered, taking my face in her hands for a wet, hungry kiss.

"You'd better. I want you all to fuck me," I hotly whispered back, and she let out a long moan in my mouth when I slid my tongue inside.

Being such a small girl, she was able to do one of the cutest things I'd ever seen when she simply lifted her leg and swung it around to stretch out on her back, neatly fitting herself into the small space across our laps. She had her ass and legs in Paul's lap, with the rest of her body atop mine. She looked so adorable, like a sexy teddy bear.

"I want a preview," she grinned, pulling me down for a deep kiss. As she held my head with one hand, the other slid inside her sparkly g-string, where we all could see her fingers plunging into her pussy. Once she'd established the rhythm of our tongue kiss, she covered her breast with my hand. "Hard! Pinch it! Tug on it! Do it hard. I come like firecrackers from having my nipples played with..." she hissed, showing me how to attack her long, thick tips.

I began fondling her breasts, rubbing the nipples between my fingers to savor their rough, pebbly texture. She squealed when I clamped down and tugged really hard. "Mmmphhh...yeah!" she moaned, releasing my kiss, her hips bucking beneath her hand as she brought herself to the quickest climax I'd ever seen. It'd barely been thirty seconds since she'd rolled onto her back, and already she'd come!

Panting through a gorgeous smile, she slithered off our laps and onto her knees. She put her hands on Paul's thighs and forcibly spread them, wasting no time in pressing her face and breasts to his erection. First her cheek, then her mouth, she slid up and down, trailing her lips, chin, neck, and each erect nipple along his entire length. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she brought her face back to his huge bulge. With a playful growl, she bit his cock! Baring her teeth as she gave his spectacular shaft a series of delicious little nips and bites, she kept growling like a hungry tiger cub.

"Oh, fuck...oh, fuck..." groaned Paul, beginning to thrust his hips.

Before he totally lost it, she grinned and quickly slid over in front of me. "We'll save him for later. Now let's see about you, pretty darlin'...." She repeated the process on me, except that when she spread my thighs she also let out a sudden gasp. Sitting back to display me, she stared between my legs and exclaimed, "Baby, thank god Mister Big Dick here wasn't the only one who went commando tonight! Good lord, but ain't you a gorgeous thing without any panties on!" Almost as the words were leaving her mouth, she was leaning in to kiss and lick my glistening pussy. She leaned back and pressed a hard nipple inside me, jabbing her incredibly long bud into my steaming wet cunt, then she took her nipple and pressed it against my clit, pinching them together. I howled in delight, which made her giggle like a fiend. Grinning again, she slid her hands inside my top to cup and squeeze my naked breasts, pulling them right out into the open.

Tony was beating Eric over the head with his big stupid cowboy hat when Niki slid her hands down the backs of my thighs. Lifting, she spread me and again stared at my pussy. Smoothing her fingertips toward my hot center, she rolled me onto my side before leaning in to give me another series of playful nips and kisses between my legs.

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