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Everyone Loves My Ass Ch. 07

Story Info
Dawn and Paul make it to L.A., and Sam entertains the boys.
27.3k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 06/24/2009
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Here we are, nearly four years later, and it's time to finish this story. To my patient readers, I sincerely apologize for the overlong wait. All I can offer by way of explanation is that with real life having taken its toll, only now am I willing and/or able to push ahead and drive this thing home.

(Note: Thanks again to EldridgeinOO and annanova for your greatly appreciated editing assistance. More importantly, thank you for sticking by me through all these dark times. You will probably never know how much it means to me. You two obviously have the patience of saints, and I will always love you for it.)

While I had expected to conclude "Everyone Loves My Ass" with just one more chapter, I can see now that, nope, it's simply not going to happen. There will definitely be a chapter eight, and probably a chapter nine, as well.

And, yes, next up after I finish this one will be the even more long-overdue continuation of the "Summer" saga.

Oh, well. Better late than never, right?

Anyway, on with the show....

~ ~ ~

'God, I can't believe I'm doing this. Trish and Michelle will absolutely die laughing when I tell them about it,' I thought, giggling to myself while playfully wiggling my bikini-clad bottom for the flashing cameras amid the sunrise gloaming of Zuma Beach.

Sure enough, a few hours later my phone was blowing up with texts...

So you're not just a model now, but an ASS model? How perfect is that?! LOL!

That was Michelle's response, and of course Trish had to chip in her two cents...

I knew you'd make us proud, baby. There was no way Hollywood wasn't going to notice that amazing ass of yours. I'm just wondering why it took so long. What was it again, a whole twenty minutes into your first day in L.A. before that Laura woman spotted you? Slacker! ~snerk~

Lisa's was classic...

After what Paul did to it in that crazy strip club, I'm surprised you even have any ass left to show off! Then again, this is you we're talking about here. Once he was finished, you and your wicked bottom probably just laughed and said, "More, please!"

A moment later, she sent another one...

Seriously, though, be careful out there. Keep your head on straight, and always remember why you went to California. I know you're going to have a blast with this modeling thing, but don't let it sidetrack you. School has to come first.

Then another...

That doesn't mean I won't still be expecting you to send me tons of sexy pictures from your first professional photo shoot! Come on, I need a new screensaver!

Trish wasn't exaggerating. I really had been in town only twenty minutes or so before "that Laura woman" approached me on the beach and introduced herself.

During our drive through Arizona on our way to California, Paul and I had made an agreement that the very first thing we were going to do upon arriving in L.A. was hit the beach. Since the Santa Monica Pier represents the end of the famous Route 66, we decided that that would be our initial destination. Neither of us had ever seen an actual ocean in real life, so the moment we set foot on the warm sand we grinned at each other and started stripping off our clothes while racing down to the water. While I had on my usual 'scandalous' see-through bikini, Paul was sporting a new pair of board shorts that Mom had bought him just for the trip, and with triumphant whoops of joy we dove headlong together into the rolling surf.

Yes! We'd done it! Paul and I were finally in L.A., laughing and frolicking in the ocean at Santa Monica Beach!

Pausing to catch our breath in the waist-high waves, we shook our heads in amazement and again exchanged excited grins. Honestly, I don't think either of us could believe we were really there. Stepping into his arms, I gave him the biggest, longest hug ever, whispering to him, "I am so glad you're here with me. This just wouldn't be the same without you. Thank you, baby...thank you so much." Nuzzling his neck, I enjoyed the slightly salty tang. "Mmmm, you taste so good. I love my awesome baby brother."

He lifted me by my ass, pulling me up until I had my legs wrapped around his hips. As I gazed into his wondrous eyes I felt his erection pressing against my pussy, and he offered me a guilty smile. "Dawn, you have no idea how badly I want you right now."

"Mmmmmm...I think I do..." I answered, grinding my pussy up and down his enormous shaft. "And no one's stopping you. If you want me, just take me."

"But what about..." he started to say, casting a furtive glance to the others nearby. Since it was approaching sunset, there really weren't very many people around. Still, it wasn't as if we had the beach all to ourselves, either.

"Don't worry about them," I whispered, reaching down to undo his shorts. "I told you, when we're together, nothing else matters. We're free here."

Needing no further encouragement, seconds later he was thrusting deep inside me.

There in the shallow surf, oblivious to our surroundings, we made love with wild abandon; crying out as one, we drove against each other in utter bliss, and it wasn't until we erupted in a perfect shared climax and I was panting in his arms in the sweet afterglow that I noticed the two young guys at the water's edge applauding our performance.

I couldn't help but laugh, and I gave them a happy little wave.

Being the goofball gentleman that he is, Paul carried me in his arms back up the sand to where we'd left our towels. With comically overdone chivalry he set me down and arranged everything just so before joining me by my side to enjoy the spectacular sight of the sun setting on the shimmering horizon.

Lying together on our stomachs, we said hello to a woman who was walking her golden retriever along the beach only a few feet from our little spot. She smiled and waggled two fingers back to us in greeting, then she sort of paused before stopping to slide her Ray-Bans up onto the top of her head. With her gorgeous dog heeling patiently at her side, she reached into her coat pocket to fish out a treat for him, which he eagerly inhaled in a single gulp.

All the while, she never stopped smiling at us.

"He's awesome. What's his name?" asked Paul, sitting up on his elbows.

She brought him over to us. "Allow me to introduce you to MacAllister, the most amorous goldie you may ever have the memorable misfortune to meet."

Sure enough, when Paul offered him his fingers to sniff, MacAllister started licking his entire hand, wrist, and forearm. As the woman stood there beaming, MacAllister turned his attentions to me and licked all over my face. Trying to endure his wet, tongue-lapping kisses, I was laughing and rolling around to protect myself, which he of course interpreted as an obvious sign that it was time to mate. The next thing I knew, he was straddling my bouncing bottom and merrily humping away at me, making me laugh even more. Laughing right along with me, the embarrassed woman gave his leash a sharp tug accompanied by a mirthful shout.

"MacAllister! No!"

MacAllister immediately returned to heel, and she just shook her head at him before turning back to us with a sheepish grin. "I'm really sorry about that. Even for him, that was a bit much. I've never seen him go that crazy on someone before."

Paul sat up to give him a friendly skritch between the ears. "He's a guy. What do you expect?"

Guffawing, I smacked him on the shoulder. "So?! Are you saying all guys should just automatically start humping me the second they meet me?"

Still skritching MacAllister, he grinned. "Only the lucky ones."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You are horrible...absolutely horrible. God, you're as bad as he is. Maybe we should getyou neutered."

Kneeling, the smiling woman offered me her hand. "I think he's still a bit young for that, don't you? By the way, I'm Laura."

"I'm Dawn, and this is my boyfriend Paul," I said, shooting Paul a mischievous smirk. "And, yes, I suppose you're right. It's probably too soon to have him snipped. But you never know...."

"Oh, I'd imagine you would definitely prefer him to remain intact for a good long while still," answered Laura, with a knowing smile. "Anyway, I was about to head over to the snack stand to grab something to drink. Would you like to join me?"

"You two can go. I want to kick back here and watch this killer sunset," said Paul.

"May I get you anything?" Laura asked, and I noticed that she seemed pleased that Paul had declined her offer to join us.

"Nah, I'm fine, thanks," he said, rolling back onto his stomach.

"Shall we?" Holding out her hand, Laura helped me up, and with MacAllister leading the way, we headed over to the snack bar.

She insisted on paying for my lemonade, and as we stood together sipping our drinks and admiring the view of the sun setting over the ocean she said, "That's quite a bikini you have on there."

"So I hear," I answered with a quiet laugh. Grinning, I did a sassy pirouette for her. "Everyone seems to love this old thing."

"I can certainly see why. It looks absolutely lovely on you."

She was smiling as she checked me out, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to see that she liked what she saw. Clearly trying to be subtle about it, she was nevertheless biting the tip of her straw while studying every inch of my body. In particular, I heard her sharp intake of breath when I turned away from her.

'Here we go again...' I thought, chuckling to myself.

She seemed to be debating whether to say whatever it was she was thinking, and I took that opportunity to return the favor and check her out. She was probably about forty or so, and definitely in fantastic shape. With her perfect make-up, stylish 'casual beachwear' outfit, flawless tan, and carefully streaked blonde hair, she looked like one of those Beverly Hills housewives who are always on TV. That impression was solidified in my mind when she pulled out a key fob and chirped her car. The lights of a white Mercedes-Benz parked twenty yards away lit up, and she walked over to it. Opening the door, she leaned in and grabbed something before returning to our little spot at the snack stand.

After another short pause, she handed me a business card. "Dawn, I'm going to be in town for the next few days, and I want you to call me."

"'L.A. Models,'" I said, reading the card. "'Laura Fontaine, Project Director, Exclusive Artists Management.'"

"A silly title, if you ask me. I'm really just a glorified photographer. And that's where you come in. Dawn, I would like you to consider modeling for me."

Okay, I wasn't expecting that. If anything, I thought she was maybe going to hit on me. I'm sure she must have recognized my look of surprise because she continued, "I work for one of the largest modeling agencies in the country, and perhaps my favorite part of the job is discovering new talent. Along with my partner Jonathan, we've probably done over a thousand photo shoots encompassing all manner of projects: haute couture runway pieces, glitzy red carpet affairs, glossy high-fashion magazine covers, swimsuit and lingerie catalogues, art exposés...you name it. Anything involving the proper presentation of beautiful women, that's our bailiwick.

"While I'm sure you must have heard this before, I'm telling you straight up, as a professional who has shot literally thousands of beautiful women, you are truly something special. The camera will love you. It will absolutely worship you. With your figure, I can easily see you working in very short order with Jule Campbell on aSports Illustrated swimsuit issue."

She paused once again, giving me a moment to let that all sink in.

"Dawn, do you live here in L.A.?"

"Umm, sort of. I'm about to start classes at UCLA, so I'll pretty much be living here. Well, at least during the school year, anyway. To be honest, this is actually my first day in L.A. We just got here. We haven't even found a place to stay yet. Before we did anything else, we wanted to see the ocean."

"If you don't mind my asking, where are you from? You make it sound like you're new to California."

"We are. I mean, Paul and I. We just drove all the way from Kansas. That's where we live, in Lawrence. Our parents work at K.U."

Realizing that I was getting in way over my head, I took a leap of faith....

"Laura, I have a confession to make. Paul isn't my boyfriend. He's--"

"Oh, he's not?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"No, he's not. He's my baby brother. We decided to have him come along on this trip to keep me safe. Mom wouldn't let me go by myself."

After a quick pause, I said, "Laura, excuse me for just a minute. I'll be right back."

I went over to Paul, who right away started teasing me. "Uh-oh, don't look now, but I thinksomeone is smitten by 'the girl with the most perfect, awesome, spankable ass ever!' Does my hot older sister already have another new admirer?"

Dropping onto my stomach beside him, I said, "Paul, that's just it. She knows we're brother and sister. That's what I came here to tell you."

"She knows? How?"

"Because I told her. I don't know why, but I just blurted it out. I told her that you're my brother, but she doesn't know anything about us being lovers."

"Are you sure? What if she saw us in the water?"

"No, I guess I'm not one hundred percent positive, but I'm pretty sure. I didn't see her anywhere on the beach until we were already back here on our towels. She would be kind of hard to miss, especially with MacAllister. I think we're fine."

"Okay, so now what?"

"Yeah, see, that's the other thing. Paul, you won't believe this. She offered me a job."

"A job? Doing what? She doesn't even know you."

"I know, but check it out. She's a photographer for some big modeling agency, and she wants me to model for her!"

Paul's expression immediately darkened. "What kind of modeling? Is this just some porn thing?"

I sat there blinking for a second. I honestly hadn't even considered that possibility. Now that he'd brought it up, though, yep, maybe that's all any of it was about. On the one hand I thought it kind of oogey, but then I actually laughed. I mean, how cliché, right? 'Find some pretty girl straight off the bus from Small Town, USA, and trick her into doing porn.'

Besides, come on, the idea of me doing porn? Puh-leeaze.

Nowthat would really make Trish and Michelle laugh.

Anyway, no, I didn't get any sort of skeezy vibe like that from Laura, and that's what I told Paul. "Nope, I think this is for real. The way she describes it, she does all kinds of stuff. Look. Here's her card."

Once he'd read it, he started flipping the card round and round between his fingers while staring off blankly into the distance. He always did that whenever he was thinking about something, and finally he turned to me. "So what sort of modeling does she want you to do for her?"

"You know, she didn't actually say. The only thing she mentioned was something about working with a woman named Jule forSports Illustrated. She said she could picture me doing that. You know what? You should come with me to talk to her."

"Definitely," he said, jumping right up. "I want to see what this is really all about. Let's go."

I led Paul over to the snack bar, where Laura was sitting at a table texting someone. Hitting one last button before clicking off her phone, she looked up at us with another pleased smile. "Well, hello again, handsome. I trust that you and your sister had an interesting little chat? So, okay, what do you think?"

I could tell that Paul wasn't quite sure what to make of her. His initial reaction upon meeting her on the beach had of course been nothing but positive. She seemed perfectly normal, and as friendly as can be. Now, though, his brotherly instinct had kicked in. He was all about protecting his sister.

Choosing his words carefully, he answered in his best Dad-like 'reasonable' tone, "Well, what sort of modeling would she be doing? She said that you pretty much do a little bit of everything, but she's just a nice girl who's getting ready for her first semester of college. She's here to go to school." Apparently deciding that he needed to lay down the law right up front, he added, "Dawn is not going to do any crazy porn stuff, if that's what you have in mind."

Laura actually laughed! "Oh, god, no. Porn? Is that what you're worried about?" She turned to MacAllister and gave him an affectionate pat on the snout. "Did you hear that, boy? I guess we don't look as trustworthy as I thought!" Then she turned back to us. "Let me assure you that, no, my agency does not deal in porn, nor do I on any individual basis. I will say, however, that with Dawn's incredible body I think she would be ideal for figure modeling, at least to start. As beautiful as she is and as tall and fit as she is, I have no doubt that she will be highly sought after by the various fashion houses of Paris, Milan, and New York, but for now I'm thinking more along the lines of getting her feet wet with a few swimsuit and fitness-wear projects, and we'll go from there."

And that's how I came to be thrusting my ass out in a skimpy bikini at the crack of dawn on Zuma Beach for Laura's and Jonathan's flashing cameras. After talking things through with her over a lengthy dinner that first night in Santa Monica, Paul and I agreed that she was on the up-and-up, and she arranged for me to take some basic test shots at a studio in Century City. From there I was brought in to meet a dizzying number of her associates at the agency, and the Saturday morning date for my initial shoot in Malibu was set.

Laura had explained to me that while she would normally be the only photographer on hand for her assignments, her partner Jonathan was also going to be there for that first Malibu shoot. Apparently her shots were going to be for some new bikini company, while Jonathan's would be more specifically about me. Between the two, it made for a hella long morning, and just a bazillion outfit changes.

One thing for certain was that by the time we took a break around ten o'clock, and I started texting back and forth with the girls back home, wooo, everyone on that beach had seen me naked! I'm talking not just Laura and Jonathan and the lighting guys with their big umbrella thingies, but also the "gofers" who always magically appeared whenever it was time for me to strip down and slip into another bikini, or one of Jonathan's sexy little numbers. Despite the early hour, there were already quite a few people walking the beach, and they seemingly all just had to make their way over to our rocky cove where Laura had decided to do the shoot.

"You get used to it pretty quickly, honey. Once the bright lights come out, it's like moths to a flame," she said, taking me aside during a short break. We were laughing together about this one guy with a metal detector who, for some strange reason, seemed absolutely convinced that the patch of sand immediately surrounding our little photo-shoot area was where he would have the best luck in locating buried treasures.

"We call him 'The Hoverer.' He's one of our regulars here. I have to say, though, I've never seen him be quite so obvious about it. I think he really fancies you!" she giggled.

Like a lot of people, I suppose, I had always assumed that most of the guys who work on these sorts of film crews must be gay. Hanging around so many gorgeous young models, come on, what straight guy wouldn't lose his mind, right? Well, my crew definitely liked girls! Besides the fact that on more than one occasion Jonathan paused to adjust his obvious hard-on in his thin white pants, at least two of the lighting guys were sporting erections in their cargo shorts nearly the entire shoot. It was really apparent during Jonathan's set, since he had me doing all kinds of sexy poses in these awesome sheer chiffon wraps and things. It was pretty much like one of thosePlayboy shoots, only I was never totally naked.


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