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Everyone Loves My Ass Ch. 08

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Awaking to paradise...
35.8k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 06/24/2009
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As always, I offer my sincere thanks to EldridgeinOO and annanova for their esteemed editing prowess, not to mention their nearly infinite patience.

~ ~ ~

"Rise and shine,chicas!" came Lucinda's musical greeting from the foyer, accompanied by the sound of a set of keys skittering across a glass table top.

"Oh, shit!"

Panicking, Paul quickly shoved me down beneath our thin Afghan blanket. He raised his knees, creating a small tent for me to curl up and hide in, and there was just enough light sneaking through that I could see his huge dick loll forward, right onto the top of my head.

"Well, hello there!" I whisper-giggled, leaning up to plant a series of teasing kisses all along the underside of the soft, rubbery shaft.

Upon our return home following my first modeling shoot and our wild day at the beach talking with Mom about all her sexy escapades, I'd dragged my horny baby brother into the shower to do our version of Mom having Rick shave her legs and pussy for her. I say "dragged," but it wasn't as if Paul wasn't totally eager to get his shot at it. See, he had a point to prove...a point of pride. After listening to Mom and me go on and on about how sweet and wonderful Rick is, Paul was determined to show me just how loving he could be, too!

Wow. He definitely didn't disappoint. In between shaving everything but my little landing strip perfectly clean, he must have spent a solid hour simply kissing and nuzzling my legs, from the tips of my toes all the way up to my hips. Using only small handfuls of baby oil, he smoothed it in everywhere, while conspicuously avoiding my pussy. Instead, he kept circling near it, almost touching it, before slowly moving away. Inch by inch, he kept drawing closer, only to pull back.

Ooh, that bastard. He was torturing me. He sat worshipping my legs and ass, coaxing me forward with tingly eyelash kisses and tiny nibbles, right up to the very edge...then he'd slip away, leaving me teetering on the precipice. I have no idea where he learned that stuff, but he was just crazy good.

Well, eventually I'd had enough. I mean, come on. Even Mom broke down and had Rick lick her pussy, and she also let him fuck her a little.

"If you don't hurry up and start doing my pussy, I swear, I'm not going to suck you for a week!" I panted.

I guess he got the message. Circling his lips back to within a hair's breadth of my pouting lips, he stuck his tongue out just so, barely making contact with my smooth slit. I wriggled my hips forward, wanting more, and his tongue tickled its way down to my tight little asshole. "Oooooh, nice," I moaned, "but Mom said you should practice letting me do that to you, not the other way around...."

"Yeah, well, we'll see," he said with a coy smirk, which then morphed into an evil smile. "In the meantime, I know what you really want." Making a firm spearhead of his tongue, he slipped it inside me. Slowly, he began fucking me...in and out, in and out, deeper, faster, circling wider, opening me. Even though he'd only ever eaten my ass a couple of times, god, he was soooo good at it.

"Mmmm, where did you learn how to do all this?" I managed to ask, between appreciative moans. He had my hips and ass dancing like crazy, bouncing off the edge of the shower seat.

"Where do you think?" he answered, pausing to give me another evil grin.

"Mom? But you haven't even had the chance to go down on her yet, so how could she have taught you?"

Pausing again, he gazed up at me from between my legs. He stabbed into me before pulling out, then he treated me to a wonderful tap-tap-tapping of sexy licks all around my tiny hole.

"Nope, not Mom. Think about it, Dawn. I mean, come on...duh."

In my defense, I have to say that my ability to think clearly at that particular moment was probably just a bit compromised by the fact that MY HOT LITTLE BROTHER WAS TOTALLY EATING MY ASS OUT!

Still, it finally came to me....

"Lisa? She taught you all these things?"

'Wow,' I thought.'Girl, you certainly know your stuff. Remind me to thank you, the next time I see you.'

"Well, yeah, some of it," he answered sheepishly. "The rest I got from watching, well, you know...."

"Porn?" I yelped, jumping when he teasingly bit my soft inner lip.

Stopping to admire his handiwork, he laughed. "No, not porn, you idiot. Well, actually, I guess it was kind of like porn. Thank god for hot sisters and their horny cheerleader friends."

Again, with the evil grin.

"You mean thank god for pool parties and upstairs bedrooms for peeping!" I countered, making us both laugh. When he returned his attention to rimming me, I asked, "You learned all this just from watching us play?"

"Yep, and also from what you and Lisa have shown me, obviously. I have some killer teachers, you know. Lisa says you've shown her tons of awesome stuff too."

"We all show each other. Trish, though, she's the one who showed us the majority of our oral tricks. Most of what I know, I got it from her, and from Michelle, who also got it from Trish."

"And you learned a lot from Mom, right?"

"Mmmm, definitely. She is absolutely amaaaaaaazing. Even as incredible as Trish and the girls are, Mom is the master. I swear, she's like the High Queen of Sex. I'm almost surprised she hasn't started showing you some of her favorite tricks yet, but I guess you two haven't had much in the way of alone-time so far."

"Not really. Just the couple of times I told you about."

Reaching down to cup his face, I smiled. "And you still blew her away. You did everything right, to where she didn't need to show you anything. You know, you're just as much of a natural as she is."

"Yeah, well, like Trish said, and Mom agrees with her one hundred percent, you're the sexiest one of all. If anyone's a natural, a total sex goddess, it's you. Dawn, you blow everyone away."

"When it comes to being sexy no one can touch Mom, but thank you. Just as long as I blow you away...."

Leaning back, I spread my legs.

"No worries there, little girl," he said, slipping his tongue back into my ass. At the same time, he drove two thick fingers into my pussy and began hammering away, igniting a starburst of rapid-fire orgasms that shook my entire body. It felt like sparks were shooting from between my legs, and I cried out in sheer joy.

Satisfied with the results of his initial assault, he slid up my body, until the tip of his swaying cock was nestled between my wet, quivering lips. Guiding my hands to it, he had me hold it steady, poised in my opening.

"Mom is definitely the master, but here's one thing she can't give you..." he breathed, staring into my eyes. God, he was so gorgeous. He was like the world's sexiest werewolf, with the biggest, hottest, most perfect cock.

And it was all for me.

"Mmmm, Paul, fuck me...fuck me deep, baby. No one can fuck me like you do," I moaned, pressing the head inside. "I love you...love you and your gorgeous cock...."

Again, god but did he fuck me, as well as make love to me. Just as Mom makes love to me in a way only she can, making me feel like the most loved, cherished girl in the whole world, Paul takes me to a place I can't even describe. In trying to compare them, the best I can manage is that Mom always makes my heart soar, taking flight on gossamer wings of boundless love and unbridled bliss.

Paul? He shows me heaven. For me, heaven is at the end of a massively long, thick cock, touching me places I never knew existed. It's at the end of a long, thick cock driven home by a man who loves me more than anything, and proves it to me every time I look into his eyes. I don't know that it's possible for me to love anyone more than I love my beautiful Samantha, but the feeling I get when Paul is inside me is something I will never willingly surrender.

"Baby," I panted, glorying in the feeling of his pounding cock stretching my pussy, "when we were driving through Texas you said you would marry me, if only you could. I want you to know something, little brother. I would marry you, too. I will always be yours, and I will never stop wanting you inside me. We're lovers, just as if we really were married. Mmmm, so fuck me, Paul...make love to your forever girl...."

"Oh, god," he groaned, leaning in to kiss me. He kissed me for days, with so much passion that it took my breath away. No one had ever kissed me like that, and I was a goner. Moaning around his tongue, I drenched his cock with my longest gushing cum ever; still we kept making love, our bodies crashing together in never-ending waves of celebration until, with an anguished cry, he added his own torrent of cum to mine, filling my happy pussy to overflowing.

We made love all night, moving from the shower to the bedroom and finally into the living room, where we fell asleep in each other's arms while watching an old James Bond movie.

And that's where we were, still asleep on the couch, when Lucinda startled us awake the following morning.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. What are you doing sleeping out here?" she asked, breezing into the living room.

"Ummm...fell asleep watching TV, I guess," Paul answered. I gave his rubbery dick a sharp nip, and he clutched at me with his knees to keep me still. After tugging the Afghan up to his chest, he let out a big yawn while stretching his arms.

"You and your sister must have stayed out partying too late, huh? A couple of sweet, innocent babies from Kansas, can't keep up with these California vampires. Better take care, honey. These rich kids, they're real pros," she replied, with teasing glee.

"Who says we're so sweet and innocent? We can handle ourselves."

"Uh-huh, I can see that! It's ten-fifteen, and you're still zonked out on the couch. Very impressive,chica. I suppose your sister is still in bed too, isn't she?" The smile was clear in her voice as she playfully tugged on the blanket. "Anyway, it's time to get up. I need to get started in here."

"Ummm, I can't," he said, nervously.

"What do you mean you can't? Just go sleep in your room, lazy bones."

"No, I mean I really can't, not with you standing here. I'm, you know...."

I felt her tug at the blanket again. Giggling, she exclaimed, "Oooh, nice! Is our handsomegringo naked beneath his pretty blanket?"

Tugging back to hold it in place, Paul answered, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Yes, I fell asleep out here naked. You got me, okay? Busted."

I felt the pause in the room, and Lucinda said, "I don't see any clothes anywhere. Did you actually come out here naked? Where was Dawn?"

"Out, I guess. I'm not really sure. I didn't see her last night."

"So you decided to get naked and come sleep on the couch. Crazy boy."

'You got that right!' I thought, taking Paul's hardening cock into my mouth. Trying to picture how Mom did it that night on the couch when Rick and Donny were sitting right there, I slowly sucked him all the way down. He jumped a little, making me giggle to myself, and I dragged my teeth right back up his thick length. After doing a couple of long passes up and down, I began swirling my tongue around the head before pressing into his drooling slit. Cupping his balls, I lay perfectly still, savoring the taste of his flowing pre-cum.

I had to give Paul credit. Somehow he was maintaining his composure while continuing to carry on his end of the conversation.

"I actually have no idea how I ended up in the living room, much less why I crashed out here naked," he said.

"You probably had a hot date and don't even remember. Did you drink a lot last night?"

"Yeah, that's probably it. Man, though, I really don't remember a thing."

"Poor baby," she cooed, sitting down beside him. Peering through the tiny holes in the Afghan weave, I saw her pat his bare chest. "I'll make you some strong black coffee. That'll help clear your head. In the meantime, why don't you hop up and go grab a shower. When you get out, I'll have a nice hot pot ready for you."

She gave the blanket another tug, pretending to take a peek beneath it.

"Hmmm...handsome, naked men in my living room. I may have to tell Doctor Carlisle that his house is very dusty, and perhaps it would be best if I started coming by on Wednesdays and Fridays, too." Sliding her hand up to squeeze Paul's cheeks together, making him do kissy lips, she teased, "Such a pretty boy!" before heading off to the kitchen.

"Ha ha! Real funny there, Dawn!" he whispered, and I popped my head out from beneath the blanket to give him a sunny grin. He took me by the hand, and with the two of us exchanging hushed giggles we made a mad dash for our bedrooms.

~ ~ ~

"Oh, come on, it will be fun! You know she's totally hot for you, and it's what you normally do anyway, so why stop now? Please?"

Having thrown on my Kansas Jayhawks tank top, some tiny pink panties, and a fluffy robe, I was sitting on Paul's bed, trying to convince him to head back out to the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy boxers. He'd just finished his shower, and was standing before me with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Watching as my hand made its way inside the towel and up his thigh, he smiled. "That was a close call out there. Did you see how she kept tugging on my blanket? And there you were, totally driving me crazy, sucking my dick! What if she had gone ahead and really pulled the blanket away?"

"I know! It was all I could do not to laugh. I think I actually did laugh once, when your big dick just flopped right down on top of my head!"

"Yep, I heard you giggle, you moron. You almost got us busted."

I couldn't help but giggle again. I don't know why, but whenever Paul affectionately calls me an "idiot" or a "moron" or whatever, it always makes me happy.

"We're fine. She had no idea I was down there. Jeez, she was so busy scoping you out, you know she didn't notice anything else. So, come on, give her a thrill. She will absolutely love seeing you bounce around in your thin little boxers. Here, let's get you started..." I said, undoing his towel and tossing it onto the bed. His hanging cock was already semi-hard, and I took it in my hand. God, it was so thick...so deliciously heavy. Staring up at him, I added, "And, hey, you have to admit, she is kind of hot."

She really was, actually. Probably in her mid-thirties, and standing only an inch or two over five feet tall, and barely a hundred pounds soaking wet, she reminded me of a smaller Lisa; maybe like Lisa's flirty aunt, or something. She had the same sort of big, smoky dark eyes and long, straight, deep brown hair, and a spicy Venezuelan accent. Nice full lips, too. I could tell she also had quite the curvy little figure, although she wasn't exactly much of a show-off about it. Rather than a traditional sexy maid's outfit topped off by a slinky pair of high heels, which would have been so cool, she usually wore tight, faded jeans, Reebok tennis shoes, and a snug t-shirt, always with a bra.

Very casual, but she definitely made it work.

"You think it would be fun, huh?" asked Paul, with a knowing grin. "And what will you be doing? For that matter, why should I be the only one? If I'm going out there in just my boxers, then you have to ditch your robe. Fair is fair."

Bringing his warm, pulsing cock to my mouth, I ran the tip around my lips while shrugging off my robe. "Fair is fair," I repeated, parting my lips to take him inside. After holding him there for just a few heartbeats, I pulled back with a happy sigh. "Mmmm, god, the way you feel when you grow hard inside my mouth. If I could bottle that feeling, we'd be instant millionaires. But, okay, not too much now. We don't want you fully erect, jutting out ten feet when you're having your coffee in front of her. She'd probably freak. No...thick, weighty, and bouncy is good. It'll make her mouth water for sure, and it won't scare her off. Come on, let's find you some nice ones."

I led him over to his dresser and started rummaging through his underwear drawer. When I found the powder blue pair I wanted, I held it up to the morning light. "Perfect," I said, showing Paul how easily we could see my wiggling fingers through the thin material. "I love how you look in these. I bet she will, too. C'mere...."

He came over and stood at my side, and I knelt before him. "Lift..." I said. He raised one foot, then the other, and I slid those threadbare little boxers up his legs and over his hips, but only after pausing at his ass to give it a couple of playful squeezes. His massive erection was sticking straight out a solid foot or so, making his usual obscene tent. Giving it a friendly pat and a happy kiss, I smiled. "I'll go first and chat her up over coffee. Once you have this guy somewhat under control," I continued, kissing his exposed shaft through the stretched-open fly, "come on out and join us."

"That might take a while," he answered, grinning at the sight of his enormous dick, and my lips trailing kisses up and down his steely length.

"Okay, I'll be good now," I said, with an innocent grin. I came to my feet and did a little twirl for him, showing him my ass in my tiny panties. "So you really want me to go out there like this? Other than for the giant hard-on it'll give you, I doubt she'll even notice. She wants to see what's in your underwear, not mine."

"Don't be so sure, Dawn. I've already caught her checking you out a couple of times. She likes what she sees, even when you're just wearing your little running shorts and a tank top. In those panties, and with your awesome breasts showing right through the way they do in that teensy top? Oh, yeah, she's going to notice, big time."

"That would be awesome! God, I hope you're right. This could wind up being even more fun than I thought!"

He just shook his head and laughed. "You're retarded, you know that?"

Jumping into his arms, I gave him a big, happy hug, and a million sloppy kisses. "That's why you love me!" I crowed.

"Well, not only because of that. There's also this...." Setting me down, he took me by the hips and spun me around, then he pulled my panties to my knees and gave my bare ass a huge motorboat, just like Mom does it! "Bwoooooarrrrr!" he growled, thrashing his face back and forth between my bouncing cheeks, until I collapsed onto his bed in a fit of hysterical giggles.

That wasn't enough for him, though. Oh, no, not my ass-crazy baby brother!



"Ooh, yes..." I moaned, pooching my hips up nice and high, encouraging him to spank my bare bottom to his heart's content, until finally I was coming and coming and coming....

~ ~ ~

"Mmmm, g'morning," I said sleepily, yawning and stretching as I swayed my hips back and forth beneath the marble archway. Standing at the edge of the kitchen, with the brilliant late-morning sunlight pouring over me through the open windows, I greeted Lucinda with a contented purr. "Whatcha doing?" I asked, raising my crossed arms high above my head, continuing my sexy wake-up performance. Still dancing my hips with my arms held aloft, I turned a skosh to the side, offering her the sight of my feline preening in fully illuminated profile.

She smiled in seeming appreciation. "Another lazy bones, I see."

"Another?" Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I thrust my ass out and stretched my arms as high as they would go before turning to her with an answering smile.

"Your baby brother was asleep too, just now. I think I caught him by surprise."

She gave me a gleeful smirk.

"You already did his room?"

"Oh, no,chica, I haven't gotten to the bedrooms yet. He was asleep on the couch in the living room when I showed up. He was a little embarrassed about it, too. He was naked."

We both laughed, and I said, "Seriously? You caught him naked on the couch? That's awesome!"

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