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Everything is Different

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College-age siblings discover an honest love.
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I once saw a girl in a movie. She was hard to describe. At first, you saw her body and thought she was somewhat plump. But then you kept looking at her and she had firm legs and a smooth belly. Her breasts were large, but so perfectly shaped and so perfectly firm that they made you blink until you accepted what you were looking at. Her face was like a doll's. She had big eyes and a nose that sloped gently from her round cheeks and stopped delicately over her plump lips. Her hair was thick and blonde - almost yellow. Tangled in one spot, strait in another, and it all mixed to make a natural perfection that made you stare and wonder at it all.

I think of her now, and I think that as young woman, she must have looked like my sister. The only difference is my sister wears small, silver wire framed glasses with a slight blue tint to the lenses.

July. Hot, muggy July. School was done for a few months, at least. There were no summer jobs for unqualified people such as my sister and me. So that just left lazing about the house. We had become quite good at it over the years.

There wasn't much to do. Watch TV. Swim out back. Take a walk in the small forest behind the house. Read until your eyes bleed. Radio signals didn't travel our way without a serious amount of disaster in between. Beyond that, it was nothing but field as far as the eye could see. It was either boring or the key to discovering the inner self. Usually it was the former.

Two weeks into the vacation, I was sitting on the small observation deck on the roof. Dad had built it years ago to watch the stars. So far he had been up to it once, discovered he had a graduating fear of heights, a fear that had not found the time to elevate itself to a full blown phobia while he was distracted with the construction of the wide platform and rail. That was years earlier. Since then, it had become the private deck of the Magnusson children. It was littered with empty cans, paper plates, and various wrappers and junk food packaging that had found a safe corner of wind free decking.

As I say, I was sitting on the deck, some two stories above the ground, reading a book about a boy trying to avoid going home. I looked down and saw my sister, Kate, walking back from the swimming hole. She was still gleaming with water and her hair was dangling in twists and ropes of yellow. The light glinted off the small oval frames of her glasses. Her suit was a tiny thing that covered only what the law required of her tall, curvy body. It was bright red and set off her golden skin.

I went downstairs, fixed a sandwich, and took it to the basement family room. We had two. One on the main floor, decked out in expensive carpeting, couches with more letters in their name than in my own, and a television that was always locked on the Garden channel. That was our mom and dad's rec room. Such as it was. The basement was dark, swaddled in green and black shag carpeting, and smelled of cheese most of the time. It also had two small couches that had more duct tape on them then fabric. It was there that I found Kate. She was still in her suit, sitting on the floor with a huge towel folded under her.

"Hey," she said. She too had a sandwich; mustard had already dripped onto her bikini top, and a bit of turkey stuck to her thick lips.

"Hey." I sat down on the couch behind her and watched whatever 35-year- old sitcom she had on the tube. I was trying to imagine what it would be like to bend the woman on the screen over her kitchen table and fuck her up the ass. I figured that she was probably dead by now, and that made me want to fuck the young television version even more.

The next day I woke up with a boner that nearly snapped in two as I rolled over on my stomach.

"Doesn't that hurt?"

My eyes went wide. I looked over my shoulder to the doorway. Kate stood there in her over-sized T-shirt.

"Is it like that every morning?"

I couldn't answer.

"I'm really curious, Jay." She walked in and sat on the end of the bed. "What's it feel like? Does it hurt at all?"

"Are you serious?" I finally found my voice. "Where are mom and dad?"

"They left almost an hour ago." She rubbed some of the sleep out of her own eyes. "C'mon, we talk about sex all the time. I'm just curious."

"Why don't you ask one of your boyfriends sometime?"

""Cause I don't want some bullshit answer. And I don't have 'boyfriends'. I just want to know."

"Could you stop staring at it?"


"Just a little uncomfortable."


"Not it. You."


That was the end of it for about two weeks. She went downstairs without a word, poured some cereal, and let it drop. Two weeks later, however, it was back.

"Jay?" I was reading in the basement. The heat had driven me underground. It did the same to my sister. It was too hot to hang around above ground for the last several days. We were starting to go a little stir crazy.


"I'm bored. Let's do something."

"I think we're doing it."

"Let's play a game or something. I'm serious. I'm fucking bored."

"All right," I said, putting my book away. "What should we play?"

"Okay, I don't want to play a game, but we have to do something."

"Well, you're just full of ideas."

"I just want to do something different. I'm not sure what."

"Well," I started, as I picked my book up again, "let me know when you figure something out." She just pouted and walked over to the stereo shelf. Her smooth, round ass twitched in her bikini. She wore a gaudy tank top over the top, but that was it.

"Why did you want to know if it hurt?" I asked her as she rifled through the stack of CD's.

"What are you talking about?" she asked. She was upset about the way I apparently hurt her feelings.

"When you asked me if my dick hurt?" I wondered as I said it if that wasn't a tad blunt. "Remember? A couple of weeks ago?"

"Oh. Well, I just wondered. Never mind."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you stupid? I said I just wondered. See, I don't actually have one, so I don't know a lot about how it would feel." She was trying to flip it away with sarcasm.

"It doesn't."

"That's great." She kept her back to me, but she'd stopped looking through the CD's.

I let it go.

Two days later, I woke up and heard something bump in her room. I checked the clock. 8:45 am. Why was I being made to wake up at that horrible hour? I slid/fell out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. It was too hot to go back to sleep. I pissed away a bit of morning wood and spit some of the sleep out of my mouth into the swirling toilet. I shuffled back to the hall and stopped at my sister's room to see what the fucking noise was. I opened the door in my stupor and saw her sitting naked on the floor with her hand on her knee.

"You fall?" I asked. I swayed a bit, as I had only been asleep for a few hours when I found my day shoved into my face. She looked over her shoulder in shock. Her hair pulled back into a loose tangle of a ponytail, and her body still had lines wrapping her skin from the sheets.

"Yeah," she said in surprise. She looked as if that was as good an answer as any.

I grunted a response and shuffled off to the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of her wide eyes and open mouth as I turned. I was trying not to fall asleep and drown in my cereal when she came down in a pair of terry cloth shorts and a tube top that was proving the strength of textile science.

She didn't say anything, and sat down at the table. She poured her cereal and ate it silently. When she finished, and I was halfway through my second bowl, she slammed her spoon down and looked at me.


"What the hell's your problem?"

"You open my door, find me naked and you don't think that's..." She waved her hands in the air searching for the words.

"Kate, you're my sister, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big...Are you serious?"

"Sure," I said through a mouthful of milk and crunchy something or other. "I'm going downstairs. Too fucking hot here." I left the dishes on the table and went to the basement to the cool, loving embrace of the couch and cable television.

I was flipping through the channels, trying to find either tits or guns and heard Kate behind me. She went through the CD's, found something she liked and put it in the player. As the music came on, she walked over and sat on the other couch. We didn't talk for the rest of the day.

Two days later, she came into my room as I was saving the world from hostile alien invasion on my computer.

"You want to get out of here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Take a walk, go swimming, anything."

"Hell, yeah." I killed the game, grabbed a pair of sandals, and we left. Kate grabbed a radio she'd gotten for a birthday on the way out. It was a solar powered deal, made for camping and such. We'd never set foot in a tent, but with all the time we spent outdoors, we'd used it quite a bit. Hot as it was, it was good to get out of the house. We went down the small trail we'd made over the years to the woods that stretched out behind out yard. We talked and joked about people we knew, and the things that happened that year in school. She pined for a car for the millionth time, and I reminded her that there really wasn't much in the way of places to go around our town. She sighed and agreed. Ever since we had acquired driver's licenses, we had been struck with the icy certainty that we would never be able to go anywhere that mattered. It was one of the hazards of rural living.

We found ourselves on the trail to the swimming hole. Suddenly there was nothing more than a swim that would be as satisfying. We reached the small shore with the dirt and grass that opened as the trees cleared. People call it Wedding Lake, but I don't see how it's big enough to be considered a lake. It's really more of a gigantic pond fed through a river that runs through the entire area. Whatever it was, it was clean, and gave us a great place to swim. There were a few fish in there, but nothing special. I kicked my sandals off and started for the edge of the water.

"I didn't bring my suit," she said.

"So?" I pulled my shirt over my head. "We used to go skinny dipping all the time."

"Like, when we were in elementary school."

"Keep your shorts on then. C'mon, this place is here for days like this." I dropped my shorts and as I wasn't wearing underwear, I walked into the water.

"Hold on," she said. She yanked her top off, and slid her shorts and underwear to the ground. Her shoes went on top of the pile of clothes and she tried to walk casually to the water. "See. No big deal." She was as nervous as I'd ever seen her.

"It's not a contest, Katy. Nothing to be nervous about." Maybe it was the way I said it, or maybe it just hit her - I don't know. Whatever it was, she seemed to relax almost immediately.

"Just feels right, doesn't it?" I watched her stroll into the cool water.

"I guess it's just you, so...yeah, it feels fine." She smiled and slid her body into the water and rolled around like an otter. We swam and splashed for almost an hour. I felt primal out there. I was in great shape and I liked to be physical. Katy was pretty active too. It was enough to just be out there, moving and forgetting about everything.

We found ourselves on the shore after a time. She turned on her radio and found a classic rock station. They played a lot of late sixties, early seventies tunes. About the only station that came in out there. But it was pretty good stuff. It was just stripped down, plain and simple rock. Fit the afternoon. We lay down in the long grass and listened to the music as we dried off. Katy had put away any insecurity about her body she had felt earlier. I saw her snatching glances at my dick, but figured that was just natural. It wasn't as if I didn't look at her body every once in a while. She was fucking built.

It was getting later and we were both hungry, so we headed back.

The next day we did the same. No suits, just our bodies and the water. We brought towels to lie on this time.

"You know, we haven't done anything with our friends in weeks?"

"I know."

"You don't feel weird doing this?" she asked, completely changing the subject. It was something she'd been doing since she was little. She thought she could surprise people and get an honest answer.


"No? You're not uncomfortable about this?" She brushed a lock of hair from her light blue glasses.

"No. But I don't think this is sexuality, Katy."

"Of course it is, dummy. Our bodies are designed to look like they do for one reason."

"Whatever. It doesn't bug me, no."



"You don't have a problem looking at me naked?" She was starting to sound hurt.

"Don't start getting weird on me, Kate. Yes, you're attractive. Great body."

"Thanks. Jerk."

"Why do you have to be such a weird chick? I mean -- you really pick the strangest times to get this way."

"I was just thinking. I mean, you don't seem to notice my body...down there."

"Sure I do."


"Katy, I've had a half a boner all day out here."

I could see her lift herself up on her elbows to look at my crotch. True to my word, I was about half hard. My dick was lying across one leg. I knew I didn't have a monster cock, but it was big. Not that I thought my sister would really know.

"Oh. I didn't know."

"You've been looking at it for two days."

"It's not like I have any way to know what your dick should look like, you asshole."

"Calm down. You've been dating for a few years - I just figured you knew from then."

"I've never done it." She said it like a confession of murder.

"Well," I said, "you will." I didn't want her to think I thought badly about her. I was coming to find that she was extremely sensitive about things like that.

"Let me see how big it gets."

"Get your own."

"Funny. Really, let me see."

"Go 'way."

"C'mon. You said this didn't bother you."

"I think we're talking about two different things here."

"Please? I'm just curious."

"I don't think I could if I wanted to."

"Why not?" I could hear the pout in her voice.

"Because I can't get it up in front of you. Let alone for you."

"Try." She was getting insistent and I was finding it hard to sound so casual. How the fuck did she expect me to get a hard-on for her? I mean, she was hot, but she was my sister.

"You need some help?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I'll help make you excited."

"Right. 'Dear Penthouse, I never thought it would happen to me but...'"


"Never mind."

"I'll bet I can make it hard."

"Oh, I doubt it."

"Wanna see?" She inched over by my ear. I could feel her breath on my cheek. I just watched the clouds.

"Why don't you read something?"

"Bet you."

"It won't work." It wouldn't. I could actually feel my dick shrinking with all the talk about it.


"You're just going to embarrass yourself."

"My pussy is wet," she whispered.

"Well, I'll be damned," I said. My dick was hard as a rock in seconds.

"Oh, shit," she said. She looked at it, thick, as long as it could get, and lying against my belly.

"Way to go. You just gave your brother a woody."


"Oh, now you're just cracked. I'm not going to jack off for you."

"You do masturbate, don't you?"


"Me too. So why can't you do it now?"

"You don't seriously need a reason, do you?"

"Look, it's not to get me off. I just want to see what it looks like. C'mon. Can't guys just do it?"

"You know that day when you saw me on the floor?"


"I was on the bed masturbating and I fell off."

"I don't think you were doing it right."

"Don't make fun. I'm trying to tell you so you'll see that I'm not asking you to do anything I don't do."

"With the exception of the fact that you don't masturbate for your brother. Other than that, yeah, we're just alike." Despite my tone, my boner was still there. I didn't think to ask her if her pussy was in fact wet.

"You're right." She turned around to sit with her legs open and her knees bent so that her feet were back by her ass.

"Oh, God, what are you doing now?"

"I'm going to masturbate, and then you will."

"Now, you are the one who didn't want to take her clothes off in front of me, aren't you?"

"Well, you were right. It doesn't mean anything. I'm going to show you what it's like for me, and then you can show me what it's like for you." She licked her fingers and started to move them around her crotch. She barely had any pubic hair and what she had was fine and almost invisible in the sun.

"Jesus! You're serious!" I yelled.

"Of course. Now shut up so I can do this." She hunched over a bit and started to really work her hand. Her hips moved in circles with her fingers and her breath was shallow and thin. Her big breasts were swinging as she moved. She kept her eyes open and looked up at the sky as she started to work her fingers into herself. Up to the bottom knuckle. I just stared as her hand moved around her thick pussy lips. Finally, after I don't know how long, she came. She moaned and shook and then let out her breath like she'd been holding it for an hour. She was covered in sweat and her skin was flushed.

"There," she said between breaths. "Now you."

"I don't know, Katy." I shook my head. "I mean, hell no."

"You have to. You watched me. You saw what I do, so now I want to see you do it. It's only fair."

"It's not that simple." My cock was sticking out like a rod now that I was sitting up.

"Why? Just do it. It looks like you're ready to." She smirked and crossed her legs in front of her as she adjusted herself again on the towel.

I tell you, there was a moment or two when I wondered what the hell I was doing. But then I agreed. I don't know why. Maybe it's that sense of dare. Maybe it was because she had already done it. I don't know.

"Fine. But if I can't finish, don't be surprised."

"Okay." She grinned and put her hands on her crossed ankles as she waited.

I got into a comfortable sitting position and put some spit in my hand.

"Why do you do that?"

"Don't ask questions, okay?"

"Sorry," she whispered.

I worked the gob of spit into my hand and started stroking my dick. She watched the whole time, eyes wide, and a blanket of shocked interest on her face. I'd been going for a while and I could tell that I just wasn't going to be able to cum. Despite the perverse nature of what we were doing, I just couldn't cum. My dick was as hard as it had ever been, but I could feel that it just wasn't going to happen.

"I don't think I can finish. And it's starting to hurt."

She smiled and her voice had a sugary, mocking tone to it. "Aw, want me to kiss it?"

My balls clenched.

"Uh, oh," I said.

Giant spurt.

"Here we go."

Giant spurt.

"Look out."

Giant spurt.

"One side."

Giant spurt.

"Sweet Mary." I looked at my sister, hand in the air, a look of shock on her face, and my cum in thick ropey lines all over her body. When I cum, it's always a lot. Made it kind of tough to do in secret when I was first starting to jack-off.

"Oh - my - God." She just looked at herself. I sat there with my still hard dick in my hand and stared at her.

"So, uh, basically, that's it," I said.

The next day, we were back at the swimming hole. It had become our favorite spot. I don't know why it took us so long to start going there. Katy always brought her radio, and I usually brought a small satchel of books and paper. I liked to sketch and it was the perfect place to do it. We never wore suits. It just didn't seem indecent to be there nude. The previous day's exercise not withstanding, it was completely innocent. Some people would be tempted to call it almost childlike, the ease with which we were able to enjoy our bodies and ourselves in a natural manner. But I think it was a more mature kind of acceptance.

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