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Evie's Family Ch. 01: And Evie Makes 3

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Evie meets her nephew's new wife.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/17/2017
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The day after Christmas, Boxing Day in England, we were driving east, Karen at the wheel of her Prius. Karen is meeting up with her adult daughter, Becky and her old school friend Shannon, both traveling half-way across the country for a bit of a new year catch-up -- we suspect news of wedding bells from Becky, so Karen is excited at the potential for a grandchild.

Karen's going to drop me off to visit my nephew, Jay, and his wife, Amy, whom I've never met. Jay's 45, long and lean as opposed to my small on top, really big on bottom body. Must come from his father's side of the family. His mom, my sister, looks more like me. Jay and Amy are college librarians, and reportedly have worked together for years, only marrying in a quiet courthouse ceremony a few months back.

Karen and I are business partners in a clothing store, K & E Gals. We're also best friends, and, in the past year, have become quite open and intimate with one another and other members of Karen's family. A surprising but pleasing later-life development: I'm 60, Karen's 50 ... both about to celebrate birthdays.

"Is David going to be OK without you for ten days?" I asked.

"He'll be fine," replied Karen, eyes on the road ahead. "Susan and Sean are still there, for a couple of days, and he can always have Mum."

"I wasn't really worried about that side of things," I said. "More will he be able to cook and clean for himself, and get to work?"

"David's pretty self-sufficient," smiled Karen. "And, speaking of work, I appreciate your agreeing to close the store for the first couple of weeks this year, so we can make this trip."

"We're always dead in the weeks after Christmas," I said. "Better to take this time to relax, see family, and start the new year refreshed."

"Well, thanks anyway, Evie," said Karen. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I replied, smiling.

"So, we've got a day of driving together, and a night together, before I head out on my own," said Karen. "What do you want to talk about? Or should I just play music or an audiobook?"

"How about we talk for a while, then listen to a book?" I suggested. "And I'm so pleased about our time together, just you and me."

"Me, too, sweetie," said Karen. "I'm so eager I can taste it!"

"You really like those double-entendres, don't you?" I laughed. "I expect we might both get a taste, if we like. But we should keep it quiet, in Jay's guestroom."

"I can be quiet, I won't embarrass you. And I have a fun Georgette Heyer book we can listen to, when we're ready," said Karen. "Anything in particular you want to talk about?"

"So, I need some advice about Jay, before we get to his place," I said.

"What's up?" asked Karen. "Does he have some problem?"

"Not exactly," I replied. "I'm just antsy about meeting his wife, when Jay has always been a bit smitten with me."

"Smitten!" laughed Karen. "Cute word choice. How does he evidence this smitten-ness?"

"Since he was a young man, he's always been cautiously flirty with me," I said. "Hugs held a little longer than necessary, staring, little extra touches."

"Just a youthful crush," said Karen. "And, since you are built like his Mom, totally understandable."

"But he still does it, Karen," I said. "When I saw him two years ago, he was behaving the same way with me. And he's in his forties, now. Plus, I've never noticed any particular touchy-feely business between him and his Mom. We're built the same." My sister, Brenda, Jay's mother, is three years older than me, also big-bottomed.

"Still, that doesn't seem like any real cause for concern, Evie," said Karen.

"And there's the underwear thing," I said.

"Underwear thing?"

"He borrows my used panties from the laundry, I know he does," I said.

"Ha!" said Karen. "Your pervy nephew!"

"He's done that since he was a teenager, too," I said. "And there's Amy."

"What about Amy? You haven't even met her, yet," said Karen.

"Jay emailed a photo a couple of weeks ago, of them, so I know what she looks like, at least," I said.

"And what does she look like?" asked Karen.

"Like me," I said. "Small on top, big on the bottom."

"Well, I like that, so I'm not surprised that Jay does, too," said Karen. "So, you and Amy could be twins?"

"She's shorter than me, and has a lot more hair," I said, rubbing my hand over my short-cropped, gray-haired head.

"That's hard to believe, and what kind of a photo was this, anyway?" asked Karen.

"On her head!" I said. "A lot more hair on her head."

"Oh. OK, then," smiled Karen. "I'll meet them both this evening, and I'll let you know what I think."

We arrived at Jay's in the early evening ... we'd said we'd be there for supper. The Georgette Heyer story wasn't finished, and was suspenseful.

"I'll save the rest to listen to with you when we head home," said Karen. "I've got other things I can listen to for the rest of my drive."

"I'm sorry we won't be together," I said, as we got out of the car and grabbed our soft-sided travel bags from the backseat.

"I'll be back soon enough, and hopefully with news of wedding bells!" said Karen. "It'll be great to see Becky, and I haven't seen Shannon in years."

"They've been friends since college, is that right?" I asked.

"Yup," said Karen. "I've always liked Shannon. She's forward, and I'd say she's flirty, but I know she likes guys."

"Be careful there!" I laughed.

We walked up the path to Jay's craftsman home, and the door popped open before we could ring the bell.

"Hello, hello!" said Jay, giving me a big, lingering hug. Releasing me, he took Karen's hand, saying, "Great to meet you! You must be Karen. Any friend of Auntie Evie's is always welcome here!"

We stepped into the warm house, and quickly understood how Jay could be comfortable in gym shorts, a t-shit, and bare feet.

"Take off your coats," said Jay. "You can hang them there, by the door. Amy! Honey! They're here!" he called back into the house.

"It's warm in here," said Karen.

"Cold outside, warm inside, just how we like it," said Jay.

A short, pear-shaped woman with very long, dark hair, big eyes behind glasses, and a small mouth entered the front room. She was similarly attired to Jay.

"That's why I can be wearing shorts and a t-shirt in the middle of winter," she said. "Hi, I'm Amy." She quickly gripped hands with Evie, then Karen. "It's so great to meet you."

"Where are your glasses, Auntie Evie?" asked Jay, who himself wore glasses.

"I only wear readers," I said. "And only when I need them."

"Amy doesn't really need her glasses, either," said Jay.

"Well, I sure see better with them on," said Amy.

"But you don't really NEED them, do you, honey? Like Auntie Evie doesn't need hers," said Jay.

"I've got mine right here," I said, putting down my bag and reaching into my purse. "I think I'll wear them, now."

"Great!" said Karen. "Now that's settled, where should we put our stuff?"

"We've got Auntie Evie in our guestroom, and you on the sofa in the TV room, Karen, if that's OK," said Jay.

"We'll stay together in the guestroom," I said.

"Are you sure?" asked Amy. "It's no trouble to set you up separately."

"We'd prefer to share," I said.

"How close is the guestroom to your room?" asked Karen. I shot her a look. Karen smiled back.

"There's a bathroom in between, so there should be any issues with noise," said Jay. "Amy, can you show them the way? I'll finish up supper."

Jay disappeared through a doorway to what we presumed must be the kitchen. Amy said, "This way, ladies." And led us down the short hallway to an open door.

Following Amy down the hall and into the guestroom, we watched her generous backside move and shift inside the gym shorts.

"I can't get over the gym shorts and t-shirts in winter," I said.

"Neither can I, to be honest," said Amy, as we put our bags on the guestroom bed. "Jay says he likes the way I look in them, so ... "

"Well, they do show off your figure, Amy ... and I mean that as a compliment," said Karen.

"Karen thinks small on the top and big on the bottom is a good look," I added. "That's probably why we can stay good friends."

"Jay likes that look, too," said Amy. "I know his mom, Brenda, is shaped that way, and you Auntie Evie ... and he's always talking about how much he likes you."

"Always the doting nephew!" I said.

"I think it's one reason he finally asked me to marry him," said Amy. "Because I remind him of you."

"And your gorgeous hair," said Karen. "It's wonderful, Amy. Such a contrast to Evie. Have you always been hairy, Amy?"

"Karen!" I said.

Amy gave us both a curious look. "I've always had long hair, on my head," she said. Otherwise, not so hairy, I guess."

"Good to know," said Karen, smiling at me.

I shook my head. "What's the plan now, Amy?"

"Jay is making us a pizza and salad for supper, and he found some special wines, because he knows you like wine," said Amy. "You'll probably want to change into something less-warm, I guess. Come on out when you're ready."

Amy started to leave us, when Karen said, "Do you have another pair of shorts that Evie could wear?"

"Sure," said Amy. "I'll get them for you. That'll make Jay happy, I think."

Amy left briefly, and returned with a pair of red nylon gym shorts. "Here you go," she said. "I think we're probably the same size."

"Thanks!" I said brightly. Amy smiled and left.

"You are so, so bad," I said to Karen.

"You're welcome," she said. "Now, let's get changed!"

At supper, I felt a little self-conscious in Amy's red gym shorts. Jay's eyes certainly followed my backside when I moved around the dine-in kitchen. When we sat down to eat, he managed to place himself close enough so that his hand could brush against my large, white, exposed thigh whenever he reached into his lap for his napkin.

"The pizza and salad are great, Jay," said Karen. "Thank you for cooking for us!"

"It isn't much," said Jay, smiling. And resting his hand in his lap so that his wrist could just touch my thigh.

"The wine's nice," I said, giving my glass a swirl and sniff. "Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc ... good choice for a weeknight."

"That's what the wine section guy at the supermarket told me," said Jay. "And they were on deal." He lightly rubbed his wrist against my thigh. I didn't move.

"Jay has to be away for one night," said Amy. "He's taking part of our library collection to a school a few hours away."

"I'm sorry," said Jay. "But it's only one night. We'll have more time together."

"Well, that's good," said Karen. "You guys must have lots of family and relationship stuff to catch up on."

We finished up supper. Amy said, "I'll do the dishes, you relax in the front room."

"I'll help you in the kitchen," said Karen, leaving me and Jay to carry our refilled wine glasses into the front room, where we sat side by side on the sofa.

Jay gently rested his warm hand on my leg, letting it linger there. "You look amazing, Auntie Evie," he said. "I'm so happy you're here." He gave my leg a little squeeze, then removed his hand.

"I'm happy to be here, Jay," I said. "And I'm so happy for you and Amy, finding one another after being single for so long.

"We're just lucky, I guess," said Jay. "And lucky to have a visit from my favorite aunt."

The chit-chat continued in this mutual-admiration vein. Amy and Karen joined us, Amy blushing slightly and Karen smiling. We talked about this and that for an hour or so, then Karen declared she needed to get to bed early, to make an early start on the next day's drive.

"I'll join you," I said, rising.

"Are you two sure you're fine sharing the guestroom?" asked Amy.

"We're sure," I said. "We'll leave you to the rest of your evening. Thanks again!"

And we retired to our guestroom.

After making our ablutionary visits to the hall bathroom, we settled down, sitting up on the bed, leaning against the headboard.

"So, I learned something in the kitchen," said Karen.

"From Amy? Spill." I said.

"Well, two things: First, Jay is clearly infatuated with you ... he can't hide that from Amy at all," said Karen.

"We figured that," I answered. "And the second thing?"

"Amy isn't very experienced, relationship-wise. I asked pretty directly," said Karen. "But she does seem pretty open-minded. And she's been in love with Jay for twenty years! She'd do anything to make him happy!"

"Lucky Jay," I said. "What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Well," said Karen. "I think you might tease-things out with them both, and, at the same time, show him how fabulous Amy is."

"Tease things out?" I asked. "What are you thinking?"

"What if you talked to Amy about Jay's long-term interest in you," suggested Karen. "Then came up with a way to tantalize him yourself, while being tantalized yourself with Amy?"

"You want me to seduce my nephew and his wife?" I asked, incredulous.

"I think it might be kind of like me and David and Mum," Karen explained. "A seduction in which all are willing participants, and all are happier once seduced."

"I've only got a week," I said. "It took me a lot longer than that to work up to you."

"Now you're experienced, Evie!" smiled Karen. "Plus, I've already laid some groundwork with Amy."

"What did you do, Karen?" I asked. "What did you tell her?"

"I didn't really do or so anything specific," said Karen. "I did tease her a little, and she didn't seem repulsed by my attentions. And I hinted that you two could be good friends, special friends."

"Oh, boy," I sighed. "Don't stay away too long. Things may blow up in your absence."

"But, now, time for bed!" said Karen, standing. She pulled off her large sweatshirt, and her full, soft breasts swung low and free.

"I wondered whether you were wearing a bra, under that large shapeless sweatshirt," I said.

"I wasn't," said Karen. She pulled off her sweatpants. "No panties, either. This house is warm."

"Let me join you," I said. I pulled the t-shirt over my head ... no bra for me, either, and I really didn't need one. Then they gym shorts and my panties, together.

Karen and I lay down on the bed, on our sides, and smiled at one another.

"Did you want to get up to something?" I asked. "Fine with me if not."

"I was thinking we might just masturbate together, and talk about fantasies," said Karen.

"OK," I said, lying back on the bed, lifting my knees and spreading my thighs. Karen followed suit.

We both began gently rubbing ourselves. Our breathing got deeper, but otherwise the room was pretty quiet. This shouldn't disturb Jay and Amy, I thought.

Karen whispered, "What are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about your David, actually," I whispered back.

"What about David?" she whispered.

"Him making love to you, then to me, with you there," I said quietly.

Karen gave a little groan. She must be getting close. I knew I was.

"I'd like that," said Karen. "We should do that someday."

"Oh, god. Thinking about that, and I'm getting really close, Karen," I said quietly, half groaning. "But you, what are you thinking?"

"I'm imagining I'm you, doing things with Amy and Jay," whispered Karen.

"Ahhhh, ohhh," I groaned, with a gentle climax. "That shouldn't feel so hot to me, should it?"

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," said Karen, breathily.

"May I help you finish?" I asked.

"Oh, Evie, be my guest," gasped Karen.

I replaced her fingers with mine. Karen squeezed her breasts, pinched her nipples, strained for a moment, moaned a bit loudly, then relaxed.

I took my finger from her pussy, and sucked it as Karen turned to smile at me.

"Do I get a taste?" Karen whispered.

I put the same finger inside me, and proffered it to her. Karen took it in her mouth, sucking, and swirling her tongue.

"I'm going to miss you, sweetie," I whispered.

"You'll just have to try something new while I'm away," Karen said. "Sweet dreams!"

The next morning, Karen and Jay were up early, preparing for early starts to their respective travels. Those two were dressed to go out into the cold world. Amy and I were sipping our coffee with them, but dressed in just gym shorts and t-shirts, again.

"Did you two sleep OK last night?" asked Jay.

"It was good for me," I said.

"Me, too," said Karen.

"Good, good," said Jay. "Because I thought I heard some restless noises, and thought you might have been up, sleepless."

"You wouldn't have heard any noises if you hadn't listened at their door, Jay," said Amy, rolling her eyes.

"Ha!" said Jay. "I was just worried about you, that's all. Thought I heard something."

"Everything was good in your guestroom last night, Jay," I said.

"I better get moving," said Karen, rising. "I think I left my water bottle in the kitchen. I should fill it."

Karen and Amy went to the kitchen, Jay went to close up his overnight bag, by the front door. I gathered coffee cups and carried them into the kitchen, just in time to see Karen giving Amy's big bum a squeeze and rub with her left hand. Amy was turned away to the sink, and didn't respond. Karen turned to me, smiling.

"See you at the end of the week!" she said.

Jay called, "I'm off! Don't get into trouble while I'm gone, and remember to miss me, Auntie Evie!"

As Jay and Karen bustled out the door together, I said, "Amy and I can take care of one another, don't worry."

And they were gone, out into the cold.

Amy and I tidied the dining room and kitchen. "Do you have anything you want to do today, Evie?" asked Amy.

"I'd love to see your town, a bit, and to get to know you better," I replied.

Amy said, "Let's change into warmer things and head out on the town. I'll give you a tour."

In a few moments, better bundled for the chilly temperature outside, we headed out, taking a short walk together into downtown. Amy wasn't at all the shy librarian I had expected. She was quite gregarious, and laughed easily. We shared a sandwich and a salad for lunch downtown, window-shopped a bit, and picked up some snacky-supper items at a deli before walking back to the cozy craftsman cottage as the sun went down.

We changed back into our "regular" house dress of gym shorts and t-shirts. We sat down in the front room with our snack-supper items and a bottle of Jay's Chilean Sauvignon Blanc.

"It's pretty lucky we're the same size and shape, pretty much," I said. "I didn't bring anything light enough for your warm home."

"Yeah, it's too warm for me, really," said Amy. "If Jay wants to check out my butt, he could just ask, rather than run up the heating bill."

"Naughty Jay," I said.

"The wine is making me relax, I guess," blushed Amy. "I hope I didn't offend you."

"So long as it doesn't offend you that neither of us is wearing a bra," I said.

"Well, we don't need them, do we?" laughed Amy. "Although your nipples stick out a bit, Evie. Jay probably noticed that, too."

"I'm not wearing panties, either," I smiled. "Is that OK?"

"You can be free and easy here, with Jay away!" Amy smiled back.

"You two have known one another a long time, Amy," I said. "How did you and Jay finally decide to get married."

"I'd been working on him for almost twenty years!" said Amy. "How's that for patience and persistence?"

"Wow," I said. "Twenty years of dating?"

"Twenty years of nothing," answered Amy. "We'd just joke around at work. Then, about a year ago, I finally got him to go out for a drink with me after a work party ... which turned into several drinks, and got us both loosened up."

"And that led to ...?" I asked.

"Nothing physical," said Amy. "We didn't even kiss until we married. But we did start talking that evening, after a few drinks each. About being alone, in the end."

"That sounds sad," I said.

"Not really," said Amy. "I think, after a while, single people just get into routines, solo routines. And that's what got us married in the end, talking about what we might be missing. Neither of us was dating, at all, and we talked about taking care of our own needs. I was a little pushy, thanks to the alcohol."

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