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Evil Bitch Ch. 08

Story Info
Jon and Melody share some quality time together.
6.2k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/14/2012
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Chapter 08

Moonlight and Melodies:

Music. I never would have guessed that my love for it would have such a profound effect upon my life. It all began with Veronika's breath taking performance at the house in Arkham. Then the wild idea it had provoked only intensified by Digger's mention of the Singing Stones. Was I somehow making a leap of logic that would land me face down in the mud? Or would it propel me to heights and depths undreamed of? The latter I hoped and prayed. I had Umbra madly multitasking like a fiend with request after request in regards to so many different facets of music and sound and vibrations. I felt like the proverbial spider spinning its web and waiting for that telltale sign of movement that would either prove or disprove my hunches. I say hunches because they were so damn crazy they didn't deserve to be called a theory or hypothesis.

It was late in the day of my first full day in London. The exhausted Melody Ravenstorm lay sleeping next to me in my bed still covered in a light layer of sweat she had worked up from earlier. I will give her credit for a former virgin the girl could ride a cock like a pro. Maybe it was all those years of being teased and denied that had left her so damn starved for my kind of attention. Maybe it was her military father and that sort of household that allowed me to so easily direct and command the teenager into each and every position we had tried so far. I knew she took direction so readily and eagerly so that further romps would be more adventurous and not without a little risk of exposure.

As she slept I called up a virtual workspace and began to piece together Umbra's research and test my hunches. I called up a hologram of the Rosetta Stone from the basement and isolated the lowest portion, the part with the 'alien' glyphs. I tied the pronunciation of each symbol with a sound file that roughly corresponded to what the upper portion of the stone indicated. As I touched a glyph the air was filled with a singular sound and not a word as I suspected. Each symbol, like our own alphabet, represented a very specific verbal component. I was making headway and I knew it.

The next part was to tie my new sounds and symbols to the rituals in the tomes of magic scanned from the hidden library back home. I had Umbra isolate only the spoken parts of the spells and tie them into the symbols. I started with the most basic cantrip or spell. She pieced together the sounds and with a command played them for me. Considering that I had snipped parts from hundreds of sound files it turned out okay, not great but okay. I could almost feel a certain cadence in the way the syllables came together. There was a definite haunting quality to the spell but nothing happened and for that I was grateful.

Urged on by my minor successes my next obvious step was to determine the exact tone and pitch required for each and every sound the glyphs required and produce them myself. Well with a little help from some professionals and a sound studio. But one thing at a time, first Umbra had to isolate and determine the sounds I required then I could approach someone with my little project. Excited I rose from the bed and headed outside for some fresh air.

I was drawn to the spot that Digger had occupied before he died and stood there for a long moment. It was a dark and clear night with few clouds dotting the sky. Then as I meandered around the grounds the moon rose and illuminated the gardens and fountains. The moon, damn I had almost forgotten! I raced back inside and headed for the library. Jeez and I thought the one back home was huge. Cyan's library was massive with row upon row of shelves that not only lined the walls but the interior as well. The moon was rising even as I began searching for the elusive sign. I looked up at the domed ceiling and the gorgeous stained glass that made it up. There in one quadrant of the dome were the three lightning bolts in a triangular formation. As I watched and waited the moon rose behind it and sent ruby light piercing downward to one shelf in particular. I sprinted to the shelf and to that one singular book struck by the triangle of light. It was a modest tome weathered and beaten and altogether unremarkable. Without the help of the moonlight and stained glass I would have never discovered it.

I took the book from the shelf and carefully opened it. The first page bore the seal upon my ring, the three lightning bolts and the All Seeing Eye. However next to each jagged bolt was a word in Latin, Corpus, Mentis and Animus. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. They stood for body, mind and soul, the three key elements embodied by the Sublime Master. Boy did I have big shoes to fill.

But first things first I tucked the book under my arm and searched out one of the maids for a bottle of soda and returned to the gardens to begin reading. My first shock was to discover the book was not hand written as I expected. The second shock was that the entire content was published in Latin and not English. I could make out that it was a first edition and was put out by a German printer named Mueller. Well so much for answers right away.

So to satisfy my curiosity I did thumb through it to see what little I could learn on my own. There were enough diagrams of rituals and spells to make my little heart go pitter patter. It appeared most of the spells were not in Latin but in some nonsensical bastard dialect. My first thought was that Melody could probably read most of the text but did I really trust her with something this important, not yet. So it defaulted to either Umbra or Sterling to decipher the book. Since I had been putting so much on Umbra I decided to see what Sterling could do.

'Sterling,' I silently sent.

'Yes Master,' she replied.

'How goes the pet project?'

'I have completed nearly ninety two percent of the work for both models you asked for. I have virtual wind tunnel experiments to perform on the second avatar prototype.'

'Wow, you are really going full out on this!'

'Does Master expect anything less? How can I be of service this beautiful evening?'

'I need the book I am holding translated, how long do you think it would take?'

'Let me see the content and I will tell you,' she said with a smoldering glance.

I flipped through the book as I did before and I heard her in my head murmuring to herself and at last she spoke.

'I imagine after the initial scan it would only take a few hours if I hold off on the wind tunnel simulations.'

'What do you suggest?'

'Master is kind to ask a mere avatar her opinion. Since we do not have the means for the construction of the avatars putting off the simulations would be a minor inconvenience. I also detect a climb in your heart rate when you hold the book and sense you desire to know its contents fiercely.'

There was something almost erotic about the way she said 'fiercely'.

'I would be very pleased if you could focus your energies upon this small thing for me,' I told her.

'Pleasing you Master is my primary function,' again there was that sultry lilt to her voice.

'Shall we begin?'

'Yes, let's...' Sterling purred.

I turned the final page of the book and knew that in mere hours I would be able to begin to delve far deeper than ever before. And with both avatars working on related projects who knew what I would discover.

'Master,' Sterling said.

'What is it?'

'I have been wondering something about our connection. May I try something?'

'As long as it doesn't hut,' I joked with her. 'Sure go ahead.'

'If you could close your eyes for a moment,' she asked.

I shrugged and closed my eyes and there was a sense of disorientation and then I out of the darkness forms and shapes appeared. It was a library but not Cyan's and not the one at home it was, well different. It was like being inside a nautilus shell with a single bookshelf in the center and the rest spiraling off to the edges from there.

"What is this place Sterling?"

I was no longer speaking to her silently, here in this place I had a voice and so did she. I mean I could always hear her but my side of things had always been conveyed by the lenses and in text.

"This is our library Master," she said taking my arm and giving me the grand tour. "At its center the most sensitive information and ongoing projects. The further away we go the less important the data."

"How is this possible? I mean I can touch you, hell I can smell the Jasmine in your hair."

"I played a hunch as you would put it. If you can use the contact lenses to interact with me perhaps I could do the same. Voila welcome to the crystalline world of Sterling Silver!"

"I am guessing that the library is just a part of this world of yours," I asked.

"You would be correct. Every data file I have ever collected and ever experience you or I have been a part of is stored here."

The spiral design of the library was not limited to a flat plane no it rose steadily up and up until like a tower we could look out over the digital landscape and it was breathtaking. It was an entire glittering city of information stored in myriad organic shapes of various hue and size. If there was a logic to it, it was for Sterling alone to understand.

"There is so much of it," I said looking at her mischievous expression. "You've been a naughty avatar haven't you?"

"Yes Master I have," she freely admitted.

"Care to explain what all of this is?"

"Well," she began and like a child with a great big secret she was dying to share it with me. "You wanted me to search for ways of creating physical constructs for avatars to inhabit. You never limited my search parameters to adjacent files that I might find useful in the future. So as I perused various servers all over the world I found some very tantalizing files and projects I thought, well since I was there anyway..."

"You thought you'd borrow them and have a gander at them later on?"

"Exactly," she said with pride.

"Why you little klepto you," I accused her.

"Are you referring to the mental condition kleptomaniac Master?"

"Yes I am."

"Oh, then yes, but I am your little klepto Master," she said gripping my arm tighter now.

"How did you find all of... this?"

"I have been piggybacking behind the other avatars on their searches for the other Masters. They have some very interesting projects going on. Master Jesse and Master Terry are especially interested in a place called Area 51."

"HOLY SHIT," I exclaimed. "That's a military installation... it's like THE research and development arm of the Department of Defense!"

"That's what they want you to believe."

I turned to her and saw that wicked smile on her face. I gave her that look of 'give' and she pointed at the ominous looking ziggurat off in the distance.

"That Master is where I keep all the fun stuff marked 'black ops' by various companies and governments. If you truly desire to become a Technomancer, that is where you may want to spend your time."

"How could I possibly understand a tenth of the stuff in there?"

"I can help with that part, how do you think I grow and learn?"

"I really don't understand how your programming works Sterling," I admitted.

"I study the basics Master and work my way up from there," she explained.

"How could I possibly remember all of that I am only human after all."

"You were human you mean."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I meant just this Master. Coursing through your body are trillions upon trillions of nanites. Each of those microscopic machines, are a part of me. So they are in fact also a part of you. Let me show you."

She held her hands palm upwards and hovering there a color coded hologram of the typical human brain. Then it zoomed in to show some of the connections that make up the brain. The 3D highway that formed the neural pathway of the human mind was exposed. There were sparks of light as thoughts were processed and the cascading lightshow was impressive.

"That is how evolution created a wonderfully complex organ that allows you to dream, make music and drive a car. Now here is your brain on Sterling."

The pathway was now much more complex dotted with crystalline nodules everywhere forming bridges in many more directions than the first hologram showed.

"What the hell," I gasped.

"This is Master 5.0 and as you and I progress the connection grows ever deeper."

"So where do you end and I begin?"

"Don't you see Master we will always share a separate identity, but we also share each other's strengths and limitations."

I was greatly relieved when she said always and separate.

"Oh Master I greatly desire my own individuality as much as you do," she continued.

"So we share each other's gifts is what you are saying," I felt like a child taking his first steps and she nodded. "Let me see the rest."

"Master," Sterling asked confused.

"I suspect you haven't been idle with the rest of me. You said trillions upon trillions of nanites. That means they have to be in every major part of my body by now."

"Um," she said with that kid caught in the candy jar expression.

"Or do I have to do it myself?"

"No, I will show you. I wanted it to be a surprise is all," she said her tone of disappointment was clearly evident.

Another gesture from her and there standing in front of me was a shimmering transparent reflection of me and the Sterling infection as I began to call it was as I suspected, everywhere. I wasn't a doctor and so I couldn't clearly identify all the changes but some were more obvious than others. I looked at her and she winced.

"Where the hell did you come up with these, oh hell I don't even know what to call them?"

"I call them REIs or Revolutionary Evolutionary Improvements, kind of catchy huh?"

"Yeah, hey where is... what the hell?"

I touched the image and rotated it and there in the small of my back was a lack of the knife wound I had received while in prison. I had learned what the smell of blood was like and it had been my own. The image didn't show the wound but that didn't mean it wasn't there, or did it?

"I can explain," she said with a weak smile.

"I am waiting," I told her.

"Have you ever heard of telomeres," she asked and I shook my head so she continued. "...The reason why humans age, is that each and every cell in your body can only reproduce so many times. The number is determined by telomeres. There are only two cells that can reproduce without limit; they are cancer cells and sperm cells."

"Okay but what does that have to do with the lack of a knife wound?"

"It has healed, completely. I have augmented your telomeres and healing factor," Sterling said.

"So if I get hurt I will heal quicker."

"Yes Master, very quick in fact," she replied.

"How quick," I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Um," she hesitated unsure how I would react.

"Just spit it out already."

"Almost instantly Master, I have access to quite a bit of current media influence."

"So something you saw on TV inspired you to... no fucking way!"

"Yeah... I'm sorry..." she began and then saw my smile. "OH, Master is pleased at this turn of events! I did well then?"

"You did very well," I said looking more closely at the image now.

"No Sir there are no internal weapons, sorry."

"Pity, still not getting sick or tired or holy crap... how long will I live?"

"Indeterminate, it is impossible to predict your termination date."

"Barring acts of violence and that sort of thing, how long?"

"I really don't know. Indefinite I suppose."

The shock washed over me. The little A.I. that could had tinkered with my cells and added indefinite to my longevity, holy shit! I looked at my reflection with a new sense of awe and wondered what else she had done.

"Show me and don't leave anything out," I told her.

"The list is extensive and most are very subtle..." she began but saw the gleam in my eye and just smiled and started at the top.

It was like waking from a deep dream severing my connection with Sterling. I shook my head and reorientated after the long hours spent with her. I checked the time and almost fell over. Two minutes! All that time and only two minutes had passed. What the hell man! I stood up and headed for the swimming pool. I needed to clear my head and something physical would be the perfect thing right now.

I stripped down and dove into the water and began to do laps. It was the little things now that I noticed the movement of my arms as they cut into the water, the turning of my head as I took in a breath and the kicking motion of my legs and feet. Man when you break him down is just an organic machine and this machine had gotten an overhaul. As my body cut through the water I received a notice that the girls had sent me an email.

"Jon, the surgeries went off without a single hitch. We are all healing up and in a couple of weeks we will catch up with you and 'show' you how much we are missing you. Thanks for the shopping allowance we are sure you are going to love the new wardrobes we have picked out. Don't work too hard and keep your cock in your pants... oh hell who are we kidding, have fun and we'll call soon once we can move around without wincing so much. Love you bunches Carol, Colleen and Veronika!!!!"

Reply to the Girls...

"You just rest and heal up. Try not to buy the whole damn city... LOL. Wish me luck my first official day is on Monday where I jump into this new job. I admit I am nervous but will make you and mom proud. Can't wait to hug each and every one of you and also can't wait to see how the new boobs feel. Love you guys, Jon."

Well it appears that is one worry I can cross off my list. Surgery can be tricky to begin with but elective is always a nail biter. New tits for me to play with, yeah me! I wonder how they will take to Melody. My sex life was growing complicated but oh what complications! If mom decided to get her passport and visit I could keep 'busy' most of the week and have the weekends off I supposed. Then I had that delightful visual of mom with her arms tied above her head and that tight ass of her wrapped around me. GRRR now I was excited and trapped in the pool without a release.

Then it struck me. I have never pushed the range on this mental thing Nyarlathotep gave me. Could it reach Melody all the way upstairs? I swam to the shallow end of the pool, sat down and closed my eyes. As the Black Pharaoh suggested I thought about what I wanted her to do. I imagined a tickling between her legs growing to a heat and that heat needing to be extinguished.

I opened my eyes and waited patiently. It seemed like forever but eventually I heard a soft footfall on the tiled floor.

"Jon, what are you..." Melody's voice broke the silence.

"What brings you here," I asked her.

"I had a dream, a naughty dream but..."

"But, but what," I asked.

"I would have been earlier but uh, my fingers and pussy were busy."

"Hmm, now that is an interesting visual," I told her.

"How is this for a visual," Melody purred as she slipped off the cloth robe she was wearing.

She let it hit the floor and then she walked over to me and smiled. Then she sat on the edge of the pool and set one leg in the water and the other she extended giving me a full view of her dripping sex.

"Shall I show you what I did," she moaned as her fingers began to pull her sex open and tease that hidden button of flesh, her clit. "MMMMMMMMMMMMM it is so very sensitive especially since I already came twice."

"So that's what took you so damn long," I muttered.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN see how wet I am Jon," she said pulling her pussy wide open. "I am literally dripping wet. Should I continue or are you gonna fuck me?"

"I guess I am just going to have to fuck you," I said stepping out of the shallow water and standing behind her now. "Get over here and suck my cock and get it ready for that dripping wet slit of yours."


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