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Evil Bitch Ch. 10

Story Info
Mom shows up at work and takes some of Jon's stress away.
12k words

Part 10 of the 16 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/14/2012
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Sorry this one took some time to crank out. Had a flurry of ideas I wanted to knit together. I am introducing a few new characters, Charlie and his wife Becca. I hope you enjoy this installment. Please vote and comment to tell me how you like the direction the story is going.


I awoke promptly at six a.m. on Tuesday morning and found that my clothes had been laid out. I sat up and heard the sound of my shower running. When I walked into the bathroom there was a feminine silhouette waiting patiently for me. I stripped down and slid the frosted glass door to the side and there to greet me with a fresh smile was Mary.

"I just got off," she purred in my ear.

"I hope not," I said pulling her petite body to mine.

"You know what I MMMMMMMMMM," I silenced her with a kiss.

Her right leg moved up and around wrapping my waist. My hands roamed over her back until they settled on her rounded ass cheeks. She moaned in my mouth as my hardness, she had inspired, slid beneath her sex. I lifted her hips up and she took me in hand. Even with our tongues dueling she knew what I wanted and guided me deep into her. Mary's back hit the back of the shower as I began to thrust into her. Now both of her legs were wrapped tightly around me as I pounded her hard and fast. She broke our kiss as she panted and moaned loudly.

"Oh yes... oh god..." she begged for more. "Bend me over Jon; I want to feel you behind me."

I hammered her harder now before I slowed and relented to her desire. Her feet touched the shower floor and I slid out of her. I spun her around as she thrust her ass out. Then I grabbed her by the hips and slammed my cock home which was rewarded by a howl of pleasure from Mary. This was also followed by a pounding on the wall from my mother.

"Jesus H Christ... keep it down in there some people have hangovers..."

Mary clamped a hand over her mouth as I continued to ram my hips forward. I took my pleasure without thought of her or my poor suffering mother. Soon my cock was swelling inside of her and she was moaning loudly despite the hand muffling her cries. As my imminent orgasm stretched her pussy Mary was forced to bite her hand as her own climax was seconds away. Her scream slipped passed her defenses it came on so strong and her voice echoed in the confined space. Then she dutifully assumed the position as I shot my morning load all over her face and tits. I looked down into those feline eyes of hers and smiled.

"Morning," I panted.

"MMMMMMMM Morning Master," she replied weakly.

We actually washed up after that and I was forced to dress and head downstairs for breakfast. I didn't want to upset Faye that just wouldn't do. As I ate in a very chipper mood Melody arrived bleary eyed and a little cranky.

"Damn Jon she's a screamer," Melody pronounced.

"That's my Mary," Faye said as she poured Melody's coffee.

"Morning Faye," Melody said with a weak smile.

"It's so good to see her feeling better," Faye said though no one asked or offered.

"Yep she feels real good," I said with a winning smile.

"Oh YOU," Faye replied with a giggle.

Melody grumbled something under her breath as she sipped her coffee. After breakfast we headed for the car that was waiting out front for us.

"Let mom sleep in late please," I asked Faye as I kissed her cheek. "Breakfast was amazing as always."

"Don't forget this," Faye said holding up a thermos of coffee for Melody.

"You are a life saver," Melody said taking the thermos.

"I know sweetness, I know."

I sat in my office playing with the AO alloy cube waiting for my first meeting of the morning to begin. Sure it was juvenile and something a kid would do but hell I had time to kill so why not. I had kept my promise to myself and had managed to push the time I could remotely influence the psycho-sensitive material for a whopping six and a half minutes. That beat my time for the day before by a full minute and a half. I was definitely making progress but I still hadn't figured out how to keep the damn stuff in a form after my concentration left it. Right now I had it looking quite a bit like a tripod from War of the Worlds lumbering across my desk with its awkward three legged gait.

The door suddenly opened without as much as a knock and Hastings stepped in unannounced. I glared at him even as I mentally shouted 'stay' at the three inch high alloy figure.

"What is it Hastings?"

"I just needed a minute of your time," he said as he sat across from me.

"Have a seat," I said my temper only getting worse by the second.

"I just wanted to put a word in for the position of CEO since that seems to be part of the next meeting."

"It is I am assigning the positions of the people picked yesterday and that will all be discussed in the meeting."

"Still it never hurts to speak plainly as you put it," he said with a smile.

I had seen that smile a lot when I was in prison. It is the grin of the predator who thinks they can get what they want by intimidation. Sadly he was greatly mistaken if he thought that would work on me.

"Actually it could Hastings," I told him returning his smile. "For instance I might pick say Melody as CEO instead of you. Hell I might just appoint you as Plant Manager and have done with it."

"You don't want to do that," he said leaning forward flashing the insignia ring he wore.

I immediately recognized the three swords and the eye and that wasn't lost on him.

"So you are familiar with our little brotherhood. Good now here is how it is going to go, you appoint me CEO and get the fuck out of London as soon as you can. How's that for you?"

"How's about this," I said biting back my anger and finishing my thought coolly. "You get the fuck out of my office before something bad happens to you. I don't take threats boy I hand them out. Now stand up, turn around and march your sorry ass out of here."

Hastings snarled and did as he was told but I knew it wasn't over. Now I couldn't go to Nick and tell him one of his precious members threatened me so I had to handle it quietly.

"Sterling," I said.

"Yes Master," she purred hearing the anger boiling over in my voice now.

"I need to arrange a little accident," I frowned.

"I will take care of it Master rest easy."

And I did knowing that she would take care of my problem with machine proficiency. Then I looked down and my jaw nearly dropped when I saw the little tripod still stood despite my lack of mental attention upon it.

"I did it! I fucking did it! But how did I do it?"

Sadly I was torn from my plaything for real life endeavors. I strode into the meeting room and Melody didn't miss the chill in the air that followed me in. I saw the silent prayer she said as I took my seat.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for your hard work that has led to your appointment to the board of directors of Numenor Technology London. I want to begin the meeting by working our way up from the Plant Manager position to that of CEO if that will acceptable?" There were nods all around so I continued. "I have spent last night and this morning looking over everyone's files and work experience. At this point I would like to see who you would like to nominate as Plant Manager at this time?"

So the meeting progressed as one by one those seated were nominated and appointed to their positions. We were finally down to the CFO and CEO positions. The last two people left to be assigned were Melody and Hastings. I don't think anyone in the room was really surprised at that particular outcome. But unknown to all but me there were a few surprises on the way.

"Now it appears that we have only to decide who becomes CEO and who gets CFO. Now as far as my Chief Financial Officer I have decided not to choose Mr. Hastings here."

He smiled thinking that he had been chosen for Chief Executive Officer.

"I would also like to announce that he will also NOT be appointed to CEO."

"What the fuck are you trying to pull Masters?"

"Just this," I said and pointed towards the door as it opened and three men stepped in.

Two were obvious police officers the third was a detective from Scotland Yard.

"William Hastings Esquire we are placing you under arrest," the detective intoned as he read him his rights.

Hastings spun on me and the look of shock was clear.

"What are the charges," he asked as he was lifted up and handcuffed.

"Embezzlement of company funds and murder," the detective calmly said.

"Murder, I didn't kill anyone!"

"We have received very damning evidence on an open murder case involving one Ginger Hastings, your sister. Now come along with us. Sorry for the interruption."

They dragged Hastings away who was cursing and screaming the entire time.

"Set, game and match," I muttered under my breath.

"Remind me to never ever piss you sir," Melody whispered.

"Umbra set a reminded for Melody here," I said with a smile. "Well we have two positions to fill and only one candidate. But it saddens me that Melody here will not be advancing to a position on the board, just yet. I have in fact met with two former members of the board and agreed to accept their sons to fill the last two positions. If there is no other business, I will meet with each of you individually as the week progresses and see how you are getting along."

But I never got a chance to adjourn the meeting. Katie Hobs our new Plant Manager turned to me and I nodded. She was a mousy brunette with thick glasses, short brown hair and features that were an interesting hybrid of solid European stock and either Slavic or Russian. She wore a bland gray business suit with a long skirt and modest shoes. If I were going to describe her living style it would have been frugal. She set down a manila folder and opened it and began. Though her words came out haltingly at first once she built up a head of steam she plowed right through it.

"As you may or may not be aware the plant was never full completed to spec. We did the best we could with the allotted time but there is one crucial part of the assembly line that was not constructed. It has no affect on the current product we are manufacturing but when we switch over well we need to take care of it and soon."

I smiled at her and nodded but just then a red LED display appeared in my field of vision. It was a clock and it was counting down from ten seconds.

"I was going to bring that up actually but I am glad you did Katie. What were your thoughts on how we should handle this issue?" I asked her but even as she cleared her throat, there came a sound from outside the plant.

It sounded like tearing and splintering of wood and steel. That was followed by the concussive blast wave that actually blew out windows on the eastern side of the plant. Everyone seated at the table flew from their seats to see what had happened. I leaned over Melody to see the smoldering ruin that had been the marked police car. No one could have survived that twisted and melted piles of metal. Then I saw that workers from the plant were helping the two police officers and the detective to their feet. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

'Oops,' Sterling sent to me silently.

'OOPS? Oops is dropping a shaker of salt. What the fuck did you do?'

'I dropped the crane from the neighboring warehouse down Master.'

'That's a little overkill don't you think?' I bit back the chuckle that had been building in my throat.

'Master is laughing? You are a sick, sick man Master of mine.'

'I suppose I am.'

Melody and the others watched on in horror as the emergency vehicles arrived and the fire was eventually contained.

"Katie," I said at last. "Send everyone home with full pay and cancel the second shift. It's going to take time to move that wreckage. Perhaps this is a good time to finish that part of the assembly line?"

"Yes sir, I'll take care of it."

I contacted Nick and informed him of the little accident, he had already been in the loop concerning Hastings upcoming arrest and crimes. But as I told him about his death I did add the little bit about the threat in my office and this Silver Twilight Lodge. That part seemed to concern him more than the plant being shut down for retooling. He agreed to look into it and I felt that the first domino of something ugly might have already fallen concerning this subject. Then he was gone and I was left with my thoughts.

I sat in my office staring at the little tripod that could. What did I do to make it keep its current shape? Strange that I shouldn't feel a bit of remorse for the life I had caused to be snuffed out. I never gave it second thought really; he was a threat that if I hadn't acted as I had would have escaped justice. The Silver Twilight would have freed him somehow of that I was certain. So it really was a moot point now onto more important things. The tripod was frozen in midstride on my desk and I wanted to know why.

I closed my eyes and replayed the events of Hastings barging into my office. What I had done or thought that might have affected the alloy figure. Stay, I had mentally thought stay to the diminutive thing and it had frozen in place! Could it really have been that easy? I opened my eyes and focused my full attention on the tripod and imagined it once more lumbering over the paper clip army and oaken landscape. To my utter surprise it once more took the field and lorded over its human slaves heaving its alien bulk forward. Stay... and it stopped. There came a soft knock at my door and I called out for them to come in. I looked up and there was my mother looking half in shock and half surprised to see me bent over my desk.

"Jon, Jon are you okay," she asked her voice almost cracking with worry.

"Oh I'm fine," I told her.

Maybe it was casual attitude so I decided to explain.

"No one from the plant, well besides the guy arrested for murder was injured."

"You say that like it's a good thing," Mom accused.

"I have told you everything that has happened to me from the beginning. Now I will tell you this he was a continuing threat to this family. So don't you dare shed a single tear for him? He murdered his sister and was embezzling from this company."

I will tell you this there is one quality I inherited from my mom, she is a survivor. Bring family into a situation and it all changes. She crunches the numbers and it comes out like this. Hurt her babies and you have a fight on your hands. Mom gave me a little nod and a grim smile.

"You are right Jon, that evil son of a bitch got what he deserved."

"Glad we see eye to eye on this thing," I told her showing a lot of relief as I took to my feet and moved behind her. "So what brings you to my office in the middle of the day woman?"

I locked the door so that we wouldn't be interrupted. Then I pulled her close so that her ass was rubbing against my hardening flesh. Then my hands moved upward to cup her clothed tits.

"MMMMMMMMM my little cock slut why are you here?"

"I... NNNNNNNNNNN oh Jon that feels so good..."

I unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked her bra from the front. Soon my eager hands were cupping her firm tits.

"You came here to get fucked didn't you admit it," I moaned in her ear as she ground her ass against me.

"No but since I am here," she moaned back. "I'm not wearing panties."

"Unzip me mom," I said as I began to kiss her neck.

Her skilled hands reached back and freed me.

"Good now lift up your skirt and bend over," I directed her.

She leaned against my desk and assumed the position. I eased slowly inside her soaked slit. We both moaned as I drove my hips into her burying my cock deep.

"I was so envious of that little tart this morning," she admitted as I began to pound her slowly.

"You were," I said as I thrust harder and faster now.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSS," she moaned softly.

"Did mommy miss her son's cock this morning," I asked as I nipped her earlobe.

"YESSSSSSSSS," she growled. "Fuck me son... drive that wonderful cock of yours into mommy's pussy!"

"Yes ma'am," I crooned as I took a firm grip on her hips. "Here it comes."

"Give it to me... don't hold back baby... ram that fat cock into me..."

I fucked her as hard as she asked for and then some. The brutal slapping of our bodies sounded loud in my ears. But mom took it in stride and actually managed to thrust her hips back. The old girl fucked like it was breathing, necessary and she'd die without it.

"Oh god damn Jon that feels amazing," she said over her shoulder. "I've never been fucked like this... ever."

"I'll take that as a real compliment from a cock whore like you," I told her.

"You really know how to make a girl feel special," mom responded with a wicked smile and a tight squeeze from her talented pussy.

"UNNNNNNNN you dirty little whore you," I moaned as she continued to squeeze me.

"Like my grip baby?"

"I love it."

I hammered her hard and fast and felt her 'grip' tighten even more as she came for me. Mom managed somehow to bite back that primal scream that would have alerted anyone in the plant to what we were doing. So what came out was a muffled yelp, it was cute actually. I ground my hips against her as her orgasm shook her entire body. Panting and sweating she quivered weakly beneath me as she slowly recovered. I pulled out of her, rolled her onto her back and slammed back into her wet tightness.

"This one's for me," I told her as I started slamming my cock into her without mercy.

Mom's back arched as a second orgasm followed the first. I looked down at her and noticed her freshly shaved pussy.

"You shaved."

"Yes... I did," she moaned softly. "I used your lucky razor."

"It turned out lucky for you," I told her as I hammered her pussy harder than ever.

Mom's eyes closed as she rode out one orgasm after the other. She was heading straight for sensory overload and me right with her. I grabbed her tits for leverage and latched on like a baby ape. I pinched her nipples hard as I rode her. The desk shook from the force I was using to fuck her and she rode the wave like a champ. My cock swelled and swelled as a monster orgasm built inside of me. Mom had to stuff her fist in her mouth to keep from screaming. To consummate our first fuck in my office I yanked my cock from her and sprayed her from tits to the top of her head.

I helped her to her feet and guided her to the private bathroom that included a shower. I thought she was all fucked out but I was dead wrong. After an initial clean up she ended up on her knees and sucking me off once and one more pounding before we left for the day. Ever since Sterling tweaked my, what the hell did she call it, telomeres I have never felt better and seemed able to fuck for hours. When the opportunities presented themselves and thanks to the eager women in my life they did.

Suddenly there was punch to my arm from my mom as she glared at me.

"What the hell was that for," I asked jokingly.

"That's for distracting me and making me forget."

"Forget, forget what," I said scratching my head.

"This," she said handing me an envelope. "I found this after picking up your room, it was under the bed."

"Why were you picking up my room, oh never mind," I replied as I examined the envelope. "Oh Shit! This is the letter that arrived the night Mary got so sick. I completely forgot about it."

"Look where it's from," Mom said.

"Holy crap, that can't be right." I said but there is was Buckingham fucking Palace.

Yet another of Nyarlathotep's tentacles reaching out for me, goddamn it! This isn't something I can just ignore and he knew it.

"What does it say mom?"

"What makes you think I read it... okay the gist of it is this you are going to be knighted and receive a title, the Duke of Exeter. Isn't that great honey?"

"Another piece of the puzzle falling into place is all," I said grimacing.

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