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Evil Bitch Ch. 11

Story Info
Jon and Charlie both have some fun on either side of the sea.
11.8k words

Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/14/2012
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Here is another fun filled romp in London and Arkham. I hope you enjoy. As always feel free to vote and comment on the story.


Wind Sword Manor:

When you hear those words what comes to mind? A bleak desolate place where gusts of ice cold wind cut like knives then you wouldn't be far off. It was that and so much more. The massive wrought iron gates were set into walls of polished Scottish granite twenty feet high and a full two feet thick. Each block perfectly cut and set to fit the one below it. From what I could tell not a single bit of mortar was used in the entire construction.

The gates swung silently inward and we drove up the winding path to the manor house. While the trees, flowers and lawn were as meticulously cared for as those of Cyan Michaels there was a sense of wrongness to the geometry of the place. I felt that if I looked away the very layout of the grounds would change in some subtle and disturbing way.

We came around the long elegant arc to the front of the house and I saw it for the first time. Like the wall surrounding it Wind Sword Manor was built of granite and fit together like come great monolithic structure from the long dead past. Its three stories loomed in the darkness and I could see a crescent moon hang over the thing like a great sickle. Bleak and dark and yet this was home. Here we would stay for the next two months until we left for Berlin. I did not know what to expect or fear from this place but I was here.

The driver turned around as I opened the door to step out.

"I will go back and get your things sir," he said with a look that said it's not too late.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Take care of yourself."

"You too sir," he said and meant it. " too."

The door to the manor house opened and there was one friendly face to greet me.

"Welcome home Master," Mary said warmly her feline eyes gleaming in the light.

"Hello Mary," I replied.

Just then as if on cue Storm dropped out of the night sky and landed lightly on my shoulder. His draconic form almost invisible in the play of shadows and I felt his tail wrap comforting around my neck and shoulders. Mary blinked a few times and I can't say as I blamed her. Who wouldn't when your boss shows up and a small dragon lands on his shoulders as if summoned from the darkness?

"I am starved," I told Mary. "And I could use a pint or two after the day I have had."

"Dinner is waiting and I will pour your beer myself Sir."

"What about my mother and Melody?"

"Your mother is on her way and Melody has decided to stay on at Lady Michaels."

I wanted to say 'I don't blame her' but I didn't.

"I assume rooms are prepared for my mother and me?"

"Oh yes sir, the Master bedroom is ready for you and for her a suit not far from yours."

"Great work Mary, where is the dining area?"

"This way Sir," she said leading the way.

I silently sent to Storm and he took wing and disappeared. The place was massive on an epic scale. It wasn't Buckingham Palace but it wasn't far off either. The dining room was huge and could have seated dozens. It would do for my first meal but changes were in order. I may have to live here but it would be on my terms.

My food was served immediately and the beer followed shortly afterwards. I ate in silence with Mary and a young Latin woman standing and waiting in case I needed anything. It was the Latin girl who fetched the two refills on the delicious dark Irish beer I was drinking. I felt that since I had healed Mary she had been elevated somehow within the ranks of 'those who serve'. Her reverent desire to serve was now fueled by a status as my favorite and that disturbed me somehow. I believed Faye when she said Mary was a good kid and she had been through so much pain and suffering. But I think me snatching her from the brink has altered her on some fundamental level. Maybe not for the good I worried. Was I over thinking this thing? Then I looked at her and saw the almost fevered gaze in Mary's feline eyes and knew I was dead on. God help me maybe I should have let her die.

My meal finished I retired to the library waiting for my mom to arrive. Mary had moved onto her other duties leaving the Latin girl to keep an eye on me.

"What's your name," I said as I sipped my beer.

"Louisa Master is there anything you require?"

She had a lovely voice and there was of course the slight Spanish accent that was not unattractive. She had that dusky skin and dark eyes and long black hair that fell nearly to her ass. Louisa was curvaceous in all the right places and very pleasing on the eye.

"No, tell me Louisa where do you come from?"

"I am from New York Master."

"New York City," I asked.

"Yes Master."

"Your family is still there?"

"Yes Master."

I real conversationalist this one I thought.

"Are you afraid of me Louisa?"

"Master, I don't understand?"

"Well every time I ask you a question you spit out as few words as humanly possible. So are you afraid of me?"

"Yes Sir I am," she admitted.

"I appreciate your honesty," I told her. "You don't need to be I don't bite, unless you like that sort of thing."

She blushed furiously and I thought I could almost hear her heart pounding in her chest. I finished my beer and handed her the empty glass.

"Would you like another Sir?"

"No I think that will be enough for one night. Besides..."

I was going to continue but Louisa's head lifted up and to the side as if listening to something only she could hear.

"Your mother has arrived Master, shall I see to her needs?"

"Um sure," I said and watched her as she moved straight for the front door.

Louisa was opening the door even as my mom was reaching for it, scary.

"Welcome home Lady, can I take your things?" Louisa asked and my mom nodded weakly.

She was still recovering from the door opening as it did no doubt. I met my mom in the entry way and watched her eyes take in the place.

"This place is huge Jon! Don't expect me to do any windows... ever."

"We'll adjust," I told her as I hugged her tight.

"Who is the leggy Amazon?"

"Her name is Louisa and she is a sweetheart," I told my mom as the Latin girl appeared carrying mom's luggage.

"Sir is too kind; I will take these to your rooms if that is alright Lady?"

"Rooms? Sure just come back I'll need a guide to get me there in one piece," Mom replied.

"Of course Lady," Louisa said with a smile and off she lugged mom's stuff up the long flight of stairs.

"I haven't taken the tour yet, you up to seeing the place with me," I asked.

"You betcha," Mom said with a smile. "Duke Jon Masters... hehe what's next?"

"That's what has me on edge," I admitted.

"Well you are not alone."

"Thanks mom," I said giving her another hug. "Mary!?"

I called for a familiar face and she appeared shortly.

"Yes Master how can I be of service?"

"Can you give us the nickel tour of this place?"

"I would be honored Sir," she said with a smile. "Do you want just the geography or the history of Wind Sword Manor as well?"

"I think just the geography will do for now. If we have any questions we'll ask."

"Yes Sir, please follow me."

It was like the Old Miller Place on steroids. The rooms were on a massive scale and opulence was to be seen everywhere. There were precious metals in abundance and every chandelier was Austrian crystal, the finest. Every piece of furniture appeared to be handmade and by highly skilled artisans at their peak. There was marble, granite and even diorite woven into the floors, walls and sculptures of Wind Sword. There was a ballroom, a music room, a library and on and on located on the first floor alone.

Then there was the main staircase with its mahogany railing and marble steps. The second floor unlike the house in Arkham had every modern convenience for each and every private sleeping quarter. There was the bedroom and then there was a walk in closet fully stocked with clothing that ranged from ultra comfy to ultra rich. Each bathroom like the bedroom was decorated in a particular theme. Most were quite tame and ordinary while others were as lavish and outlandish as anything I could imagine.

There was even a sci-fi room that I just might have to take over at some point. The bed was straight out of the next millennium with its complete lack of a mattress. Apparently all you had to do was lay down and it produced a gentle repulsor field. This would lift and cradle your body perfectly as it read the body's pressure points every few microseconds. I wonder what sex on that must be like. It too had a walk in closet but everything was computer controlled. When you picked a shirt it offered selections for the fashion challenged. The bathroom was the absolute best!

"It has a sonic shower," I cried out while my mom looked at me like I had lost it.

"Jon for heaven's sake it's just a shower."

"NO... it's a SONIC shower..."

"You better move his shit in here now and save yourself the effort," Mom told Mary.

"I will take care of it immediately."

As we were leaving the shower there was Louisa with my things putting them away. How the hell did she know? I looked at Mary and she smiled.

"Louisa is a very strong Empath. She can sense the needs and desires of others often before they even realize it themselves."

"So when mom arrived," I said.

"She has some latent precognitive abilities as well."

"So she knows what I want even before I know it?"

"Yeah that about sums her up," Mary said.

"Oh I doubt that my dear," my Mom added looking at the Latin girl. "That one is full of surprises."

"If you say so Lady," Mary replied and pointed towards the open doorway.

We headed for the door that led to the third floor. It was locked and Mary handed me the key.

"The third floor is for your eyes only Master," she said and turned to leave.

"Want to see?"

"Of course," my Mom replied smiling.

I unlocked the door and paused. Then closed my eyes and tried something. I sent out a mental request for Louisa's presence. She stuck her head out of my bedroom and pointed at her own chest. I nodded and crooked my finger. Louisa smiled and walked over to us.

"If the third floor is for my eyes only who cleans up there," I asked.

"There is staff specifically suited for the task," Louisa replied.

"What are they blind or something," Mom blurted out and Louisa just nodded. "Well I'll be damned they take things serious around here."

"Want to come and see Louisa?"

"Me Master, but what about Mary? She is your favorite after all."

"Who told you that?"

"Mary said since you healed her and... I have said too much. Please forgive me Master!"

"Jon," Mom said with a gentle hand on my arm. "Let it go, for now. There are more entertaining ways of showing your displeasure."

"I like the way you think Mom. Come on Louisa you are going to get the VIP tour with us."

"Yes Master." She said blushing.

Did she sense or maybe see what I had in mind for Mary? Oh well. The three of us headed up the staircase and we all gasped at the glass walled room set into the very center of the top floor. It was like looking into a huge terrarium with its gravel garden and hanging plants everywhere. But it was the transparent ceiling that allowed the moonlight unfettered access to the room that took my breath away.

The door was unlike any door I had ever seen before. It was made of beveled glass and was seated into the transparent frame by some unseen mechanism. I touched the center of the door and there came a single clear tone and the entire door sank into the wooden floor. The smells that drifted out were like some primeval garden of long lost Babylon. We stepped in and the door slid silently back into place once more behind us.

There was a winding path that spiraled inward to the center of the room where a shaft of focused moonlight stood. It illuminated a pillar and on top of it a wide mouthed basin filled with clear water that bubbled up from below. The sides of the pillar were etched with those symbols I had become so intimate with. The triangular sides of the pillar read Health, Wisdom and Long Life. If I wanted a place to decompress this was the perfect spot. We looked around and saw and smelled all the fragrant flowers and trees that grew here. It almost made me forget the uneasy strangeness of this place, almost.

I was eager to explore the rest of the third floor when Louisa did her head cock thing. We had unexpected company arriving.

"Who is it," I asked.

"Your sisters are here Sir," Louisa said. "...All three of them."

"Well let's go greet them," I said with a smile.

Arkham Massachusetts:

The Old Miller Place:

I awoke around noon and looked around at the rustic surroundings of the out building. It was nice actually compared to living in the mobile home. Becca had been up for hours doing whatever it was she did during the day. I opened the front door and looked out on the small lake and there she was skinny dipping like some teenager. Then I remembered the new lease on life we had both been given thanks to a rogue A.I. named Sterling. Becca though mentally and emotionally was sixty-something, physically the clock had been turned back to her prime. She looked amazing and I stripped down and joined her in the cool clear water.

I slipped up behind her and pulled her close. She moaned softly as my hands cupped her full breasts.

"Morning sleepy head," she purred in my ear. "Are you ready for another round with a younger woman?"

"MMMMMMMMMM you better believe it," I groaned as I rubbed my hard cock against her slit.

"I'm warning you I won't be as tender as I was last night."

"I think I still have scratch marks up and down my back woman," I giggled.

"Awwwwww, you're not gonna go cry home to momma are ya?"

"No but you might when were done."

"Yeah whatever..."

The challenge had been issued and received. I drug her to the shallows and slid into my wife nice and slow enjoying that wonderful wide eyed look as I did so.

The first time in is the best. That initial sensation of her tight pussy wrapping snugly around me. Then that first hard thrust and her soft moan which will only get louder as we go on. The feelings as her legs wrap around me and pull me deeper into her while she kisses and nips at my neck and lips. Then her head moving backward her mouth open in the wide O as her first orgasm rips through her. Things just escalate from there. Soon Becca is on her knees on the soft earth with me hammering her pussy from behind. She is urging me then begging me and finally as her body shudders in her second release she is thanking me.

Now it is me who is on my back with that gorgeous young woman licking and sucking my cock. Now it is me who is panting and moaning as she deepthroats me with complete and utter abandon. I watch her eyes as they snare me with their fevered hunger. That desire to feel me shoot down her throat. How could I possibly disappoint her? As her fist pumps me and her tongue works on the tip a strangled cry escapes me and Becca is rewarded with her first load. She greedily gobbles it up and wants more.

After a brief rest the cock hungry woman straddles me lowering her soaked cunt down on top of me. Her pussy swallows me as easily as did her throat. As she rides me she tells me how she is going to grow out her short dishwater blonde hair. I just smile and grope her tits and nipples as she pleasures me. Her bright blue eyes flash in the noonday sun and her hips are thrusting down hard driving me deep. Becca praises my cock as her pussy worships it. She grinds her hips in slow circles as she leisurely fucks me rotten. Then suddenly and unexpectedly she cries out as another orgasm clutches her without warning. Her pussy squeezes me tight and I don't want this day to ever end.

We finish with a climatic pussy pounding ride against a study red maple tree. Becca is bent over holding onto the trunk for dear life as I thrust into her as hard and fast as I can. We are both covered in sweat, funk and each other's juices. Her short hair is matted to her scalp and droplets of sweat fall from her swaying breasts. Even as my cock swells inside of her I can tell she is very close. She is begging me to cum with her and with some careful timing on both our parts... I do. That last primal thrust of my hips sends both of us over the edge and into euphoric paradise. Cum gushes into her soaked pussy and dribbles out as we stand there catching our breath.

We finish as we started in the lake. I cup my hands and pour water over her head and she slides her arms around my neck for a final kiss before we part for the day.

I still wanted to continue my work on the house but now I had to do it under the guise of my own grandson. How weird is that. The story was that my grandfather had fallen sick and I had come into town to help take care of him. He wanted me to continue on with his work. Ryan, the foreman, just said that was Charlie all over. So after ordering the parts from various manufacturers for the updated security systems for 'Mother', the house A.I., I pitched in wherever I could. The hardest part of my new role was the cutting of my hair. I had been growing it out for as long as I could remember but Becca gave me a nice trim and I was able to keep most of the length. She even braided it differently to help with the deception. Besides I think she enjoyed playing with my hair whenever she could.

It had only been a few days since we moved into the cabin behind the Old Miller Place. Nikola was still crunching the data and finishing the analysis of the material from the mobile home. I never realized how complex all the drawings had been since it had taken me a lifetime to sketch them out. What I had taken for granted he attacked now with a zeal that was intoxicating to observe. Periodically he would furnish me with updates when he made a breakthrough or new discovery. He was like a kid in a candy store.

The box from Numenor Technology Dunwich arrive early the fourth day. It was addressed to me and its contents surprised both Becca and I as did the letter that accompanied it.

'Charlie, I have been informed of your situation and your secrecy is assured. My name is James Bell and I am one of the leading research and development people at Numenor. I am also one of the four founders of the company. To compensate you for your unsettling situation and damages done by the A.I. known as Sterling we have forwarded the following amount into an offshore bank account. Also as per your agreement with Jon Masters, General Manager Numenor Technology, we have also deposited the following amount for the purchase of the technology you developed. Also in agreement with your discussion with him we are retaining your services under his personal staff for you and your wife. This includes the protection of diplomatic immunity should certain person or persons approach you in regards to said research and technology. Upon completion of your current project you and your wife will be flown to either London or Berlin to join Jon to consult upon the further development of your research. Hoping this finds you and yours in good health and happiness. James Bell.'

The contents of the box were a blue box marked 'his' and yes a pink box marked 'hers'. The blue box held a gorgeous armband hand crafted of turquoise and silver in the Navaho style. In the center of it was a silver disc that I learned was one of Numenor's cutting edge A.I. watches. With a command Nikola could and would transfer his entirety to it. Also in the box was a pair of the newest line of Numenor peripherals contact lenses. They were tailored to my unique skill set, surveillance, combat and technology. I could also act and interact with Nikola much easier now. I was getting tired of lugging that tablet everywhere and I think so was he.

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