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Evil Bitch Ch. 13

Story Info
Jon has some fun in the dungeon with Mom.
11.3k words

Part 13 of the 16 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/14/2012
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Sorry about any confusion in the previous chapter. All the feedback was very spot on and I thank you all. This is how a writer gets better I believe. I hope you enjoy this chapter. This has flash backs to how Jon collected the last three stones and how he ended up in the state he did when Louisa found him.


Wind Sword Manor:

So there I was kneeling behind the twins. They were both on their bellies one atop the other, Carol on the bottom and Colleen on top. As I drove my cock into Carol, Colleen would wiggle her ass invitingly at me as a constant reminder that there were two of them. Then I yanked out my cock and slammed it into Colleen and she literally squealed in delight as I fucked her. Carol was more patient for her turn at fucking. She lay there simply moaning softly to herself eager to be filled again. That is how the next hour or so went trading off which pussy or mouth or pair of tits to fuck.

I was still hellaciously pissed off about being ambushed not once but twice. I could almost feel the shuriken stabbing my flesh and my life blood trickling from the wounds. It seemed like the moment I managed to calm down one of the twins would complain about not having a cock in them. Then boom it was brought back to the surface again. If I wasn't a suspicious guy I would almost think that mom put them up to this. To try and burn the anger out through a marathon fuck session. Well it was working a little.

Finally Carol threw in the towel and left the room moaning and staggering. Colleen on the other hand hung in there for another two orgasms before begging off. She too left with a freshly fucked glow and an unstable walk. Mom and Louisa had disappeared sometime after hour three of the flesh fest. Whether to seek their own beds or perhaps some fun between themselves, who knew?

I on the other hand was still pissed off to no end about the betrayal by Nyarlathotep. I took a shower and donned some fresh clothes and sought out either Louisa or Mary. I ran into Mary first and she was still sheepish around me. She had every right to be we had not yet had our little talk. Maybe now was the best time while I was still looking for the proper outlet?

"Give them to me," I said without turning to look at her.

"Sir," Mary asked her voice quivering.

"I know she gave them to you," I said with very little emotion in my voice.

Mary let out a small sigh and reached into the front pocket of her uniform and produced the elegant silver chair that ended in matching spring loaded clamps.

"You said you are here to serve," I told her as we stopped and she pulled open her blouse to reveal her large erect nipples. "This will be your chance to prove your loyalty to me."

"Anything," was all Mary said.

She let out a little hiss as I attached each clamp. I reached for the middle of the chain and pulled lightly. Her hiss became a soft low moan.

"Which way to the lab," I asked and she pointed.

I led and she dutifully followed. Soon we were in what passed for a basement in the manor house. The walls were polished granite and the many doors were all crafted of heavy oak. It looked more like a dungeon than anything else. Mary pointed as I led her by her nipples keeping a fairly steady pressure on her sensitive flesh. We reached the last room on the eastern wall and beyond the heavy iron bound door were the untouched crates shipped over from Arkham.

"They have not been opened per your instructions Sir," Mary offered.

I looked around the room and saw there were bright clean spots all over the stone floor. She followed my gaze and informed me that the room had been used to extract information prior to its current designation. A real fun bunch that lived here back in the day, I thought to myself. I let go of the chain and heard her sigh in relief. But this was only a brief reprieve I explained.

The space beyond was huge and was composed of four large chambers. The center room was completely empty save for the crates and boxes.

The eastern most room appeared to be cluttered with furniture that ranged from a comfy looking leather chair to an honest to god wooden stockade. All the pieces appeared to have been maintained despite their lack of use. At least I hoped no one was using some of these things anymore. I examined the stockade and found the hinges oiled and the wood recently sanded to a fine smooth finish. I lifted the top of the stockade and motioned for Mary. Without hesitation she put her head and hands into place. I lowered the top carefully to secure it.

"You really aren't going to try that fine piece of furniture out on her first were you," my Mom said in her most sultry voice.

I was already lifting up top of the stockade and Mary dashed off without a single word. Mom let the sheer silk robe she had been wearing fall to the floor. Beneath were silken undergarments all of flawless white. From the push up bra to the garter and stockings she was arrayed like the virgin sacrifice. I swallowed hard and walked over to her. Her hair was held up with wicked looking hair spikes that looked hand forged. I stopped a few feet from her then walked slowly around her, our eyes never left the others. I can see why my dad fell in lust with this woman.

"Do you like," she said lowering her head and dropping her shoulders, "...Master?"

"It'll do," I replied as I slid the hair spikes from her mane and watched it tumble down over her shoulders, breasts and back.

"I am pleased that you are pleased Sir," she pronounced every word very carefully and with precise inflection for the desired effect.

"Ready my pet," I asked and she visibly shivered when I said 'my pet'.

"Always Master," she purred.

I pondered which way to carry this out. Should I be gentle or fierce? Perhaps a little of both might be in order. I dropped the hair spikes and slid my fingers into her hair. She let out a soft moan then and her head leaned into my hand. Then I made a fist and pulled her close. This time Mom growled as I slowly pulled her head back.

"I can feel how upset you are Jon," Mom said suddenly. "You have every right to be pissed off. Now do me a favor and take it out on me."

I turned her head so I could look her in the eye. There blazing in hot challenge was my mother's own lust just one notch off from a complete conflagration. The gauntlet had been thrown.

"You think you can handle my rage old woman," I shot back and she just smiled.

"You think you can break this old woman, punk..." she said baring her teeth to me.

Snap... hiss... burn... I walked her to the stockade and I didn't realize until after that her toes barely touched the ground. I didn't hurt her putting her in but I wasn't exactly gentle either. The top slammed down and with a mental thrust the stockade locked itself.

"Is Master going to beat my ass," she moaned.

"Yep until I purge the anger that is eating me up inside," I admitted.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMM good this might just last a while," Mom moaned.

I selected a riding crop from the toys scattered around the room. I cut the air with it and man it whistled. This wasn't some novelty toy bought for the faint of heart. Oh no this was a genuine horse riding crop. The leather here could welt and bruise her ass but good. Instead of begging to be gentle Mom just wiggled that fine ass of hers at me. I guess it was her way of saying, 'do your worst'. So I did.

I lifted the crop up and let it fall at about thirty percent power. I didn't want to actually hurt my mom after all. The squeal of delight that came from her lips told me I was well in her pain tolerance. I examined her ass cheek and could smell how wet she was. I snuck her panties down a bit just to be sure.

"Oh you dirty little whore you," I said with a smile. "You are soaked."

"When I saw you two heading down here I was hoping something like this would happen."

"You want me to beat you ass don't you?"

"Oh god yes Jon," she pleaded. "I have been ever so naughty."

"You've been sucking other men's cocks haven't you," I asked.

"Yes," she admitted. SWISH-CRACK went the riding crop. "YESSSSSSSSSSSS," Mom howled.

"Dirty little cockwhore," I admonished. "Did you fucking swallow you filthy little slut?"

"Every fucking drop I could," she moaned. CRACK-CRACK-CRACK answered the riding crop on both of her ass cheeks. "Oh god yesss baby... Beat my ass..."

"You like that don't you whore," I accused.

"NNNNNNNNNNNN..." she growled. "You have no idea how good it feels!"

The riding crop fell in a long staccato down her back ending on each ass cheek. I could tell by her howl and the way her back arched that she had climaxed at least once.

I knelt behind her and slowly pulled her panties the rest of the way down. She had gone from wet to absolutely drenched. With a little effort we managed to remove her underwear altogether. When I stood up again her back was beginning to redden nicely and her ass cheeks were a lovely crimson.

"Tell me what happened Jon," she said once she had caught her breath. I reached to unlock the stockade and she cried out. "Don't you dare mister, I can hear quite well in this position."

I couldn't help but laugh at her predicament and the desire to remain in it. So I just launched into what had me so upset.

"The first ambush there was two of them. Assassins sent to kill me and retrieve the Aessence Stone."

"There was more than one ambush," she asked her voice cracking. "Jon, what is an Aessence Stone?"

"This is going to take some back story I can see," I told her as I pulled down my sweat pants and slid my cock into her drenched pussy from behind. "I might as well be comfortable while I fill you in."

She moaned as I slowly and leisurely fucked her.

"I had just finished my first task and acquired the Qual Amethyst..."

Moon of Ringed Planet:

Recent Past:

I gave both of them a proper human burial. I wasn't sure if the Qual even buried their dead. Iyaden and Kurnous were still settling into their new existence as digital echoes of their former selves. When I stepped from the pool, after washing the earth and sweat from my body, I was greeted to a wholly new and unwelcome sight. The Necropolis or as Kurnous called it, the sleeping city, was awash in hellish green bane fire. I was guessing this was the Soulless manifesting themselves after the demise of the last Qual.

"Aw crap, really," I muttered as I donned the robes Iyaden had fashioned for me and took up the staff as well. "Let's get this over with."

I made my way slowly back to the city. I was in no hurry to face whatever the hell it was that was painting that gorgeous city with emerald hell fire. But as the ringed gas giant leisurely passed overhead I finally arrived at the edge of the city's heart. There arrayed in their funerary best were the Soulless. Once they were proud warriors, citizens and statesmen of the Qual people; now they were the restless dead who would speak to me and relinquish the Aessence Stone.

"I am the Sublime Master," I told them as I passed between their ranks.

"We are the Soulless," they wailed.

"I am here to collect a debt," I said as I neared the center of them.

"We are here to deliver that which is owed," they moaned.

I reached the middle of the pack and there taller and more regal than the rest were seven men or women in their finest. There was a central figure with six flanking him three on a side. I looked at the once Qual in the middle and spoke directly to him or her.

"Who are you?"

"I am the Primarch of this city and these are my six Exarchs."

"Why are you here?"

"We are all here to see the debt that is owed paid in full."

"You didn't answer my question, why are you here?"

"I don't understand Master..."

I looked around at the spectral figures around me. Each of them arrayed in their best garments and each of them lit up like a hellish green candle with their skulls blazing with bale fire. Once a proud people now reduced to this.

"Why are you here," I asked everyone assembled. "You are all members of the Qual. A race that has endured for uncounted years so I ask what has brought to this point?"

"Despair," said a female voice from the throng.

"We have lost hope," said another.

"Why," I asked raising my voice louder still. "Why has the proud and powerful Qual lost faith?"

"It isn't a matter of faith," replied the Primarch. "The Qual have no gods."

"Oh but it is," I said turning to him. "You broke faith with yourselves."

There was a perfect silence in that sleeping city. There couldn't be collective gasp of shock for they were dead. So I continued on.

"I see before me the cunning and gifted people that raised this very city from nothing. I see before me a small few out of billions that have stumbled and fallen."

"You don't understand," one of the Exarch spoke.

"Tell me then Exarch, why did you lose hope?"

"We are the last, when we ended so did our race," her voice sounded hollow as it travelled over that open space.

"You don't know that for sure," I replied.

"But we do. When you collected the Amethyst you took the very last two," cried the Primarch.

"Not the last," I said as I removed Iyaden's mask. "I am Qual."

Again that perfect silence fell upon the city.

"How can this be?"

"Who are you?"

"Tell us your lineage!"

"I am Jon Masters and I am awakened," I said. "Qual blood alone now flows through these veins."

Every blazing skull turned towards the Primach. The accusation was clear and he was to blame.

"I am the Sublime Master," I called out to the crowd. "And I have a new mission for the Qual who still dwell in this sleeping city."

"Tell us... tell us... tell us..."

"I want to be able to return in the future and find this city still standing. I charge you with its upkeep and survival. Will you accept this noble duty?"

"We will... we will... we will!"

The bale fire was gone from them. Now a clear emerald light shone in the darkness. Now a new purpose had been kindled. The wraiths of the necropolis were gone replaced by the spirits of the sleeping city. Like thought they disappeared into the buildings to maintain them until my eventual return. They all vanished, all but one. The Primarch stepped down from his high place and stood before me on equal ground.

"You gave them hope," his voice weak and tired.

"Yes I did, but your burden is almost over," I said softly.

"Yes," he said with a sense of welcome and eagerness.

"But don't think you still won't serve someone. You served your people faithfully and so you will serve me as well."

"Master I would be honored to be of any help I can."

"Good, where is the Aessence Stone?"

He pointed to his forehead. I replaced Iyaden's mask and reached in without hesitation. I extracted the hovering emerald and let it settle into my palm. I examined its beautiful facets and the cunning craft that went into its construction. Then solemnly I opened the staff and settled it into the socket prepared for it.

"You already have half the stones," he commented.

"Yeah, I hope it gets easier from here on."

"I somehow doubt that," the Primarch said with a soft chuckle.

"Somehow I think you are right, are you prepared?"

"I have been waiting for this for a very long time."

I reached up with my left hand and watched the black ring do its work. This time there was no body to leave behind only a fading of his emerald radiance. The Primarch took his place next to Kurnous with the ever growing population of souls I was reaping. I shivered at that thought. Was I actually trapping the souls of the living or in this case once living? Or was it just an excellent digital copy? I didn't really want to think about it.

"Time to return to the portal or whatever the hell it was that got me here," I said as I left the city.


Wind Sword Manor:

So as I told my story my cock was pounding the living hell out of Mom. This was after all a form of punishment or well it was supposed to be.

"Is that the end," Mom asked in a soft moan.

"No just a brief reprieve before I change things up," I told her.

"Changes things up," she purred now. "Changes things how?"

"I am glad you asked," I said as I eased my cock from her pussy.

"NNNNNNNNNNNN," she whimpered as she was empty.

Then I grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them wide apart. Then I raised the head of my cock about half an inch and pushed. Relentlessly I shoved my cock back into her without stopping without mercy.

"UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Master that's my...!"

"Yes it is now shut up and take it like the punishment you deserve."

Her moan of pain became a growl of pleasure.

"Fuck me Master... Punish me... I deserve it!"

"Yes you do... now where was I?"

"You were fucking me in the... oh you had just left the sleeping city..."

"Ah yes... and boy was I in for a huge fucking surprise..."

Moon of the Ringed Planet:

I had turned my back on the sleeping city. It was no longer a necropolis in my mind it was waiting, dreaming if you will, for my eventual return. I folded the staff that Iyaden had made for me and slid it into a convenient pocket on my left thigh. Then I pulled up the hood and headed for the bluff and my way out of here.

I was walking through a grove of bush-trees; I never did learn what the hell they were called. I stopped and squatted down to pick one and examine it as I finished my walk. That's when things went to hell. The crystalline projectile passed over my head with a whistling sound followed by a deep thud.

'What the fuck was that,' I asked Umbra silently.

'Scanning Master,' she said sending out a UV pulse from the watch. 'The projectile is eight feet behind you and appears comprised of a crystal-organic compound.'

'Projectile! Where the fuck did it come from?'

'Analysis of trajectory indicates the sniper is located on the bluff in front of us.'

'Storm... where the fuck are you,' I mentally shouted as I drew the staff out.

'I am in your hands Sir,' he said.

I looked down at the dark ornate staff. I didn't have time to mess around so I decided upon an exit strategy. Kurnous said that it was possible to teleport silently. I looked down at the empty row to my left and decided upon my destination.

A good thousand feet away was a nice clear spot. I focused my full attention on that point and moved as slow as I could. He said if I could manage that the air would be balanced and no telltale popping sound would be created. I shifted my left foot to point in that direction and moved ever so slowly in that direction. A moment later I was there a thousand feet away.

I slipped as quietly as I could between two of the bush-trees and waited. I didn't have long to wait. A figure in body armor armed with some sort of edged weapon appeared and was swinging his weapon where I had just been crouching. He looked up at the bluff and did a very human looking shrug. But he wasn't idle for long. He began looking for signs of my trail and I now knew I had at least two enemies to deal with.

New tactics were required. I couldn't take on the guy with the sword and a sniper and possibly survive. Iyaden and Kurnous were of no use as they were still acclimating to their new 'living' arrangements.

'I am open to suggestions,' I sent to Umbra and Storm.

'Allow me a second UV pulse to scan the closer assailant and see if I can find a weakness," Umbra asked.

'Do it and tell me if find anything,' I sent.

So while she scanned our friend I thought about what I had going for me. I could lift the guy up and drop him but his armor might protect him from that sort of damage. The same went for trying to crush him. Maybe something more subtle was required. I closed my eyes and reached out for any minds that I could detect. I sensed only the two, the sniper and the swordsman. If it worked in the movies maybe it'll work here. I imagined the swordsman's mind like a house. I snuck up to it below window level and peered in. There he was in his warrior garb looking for any sign of me. He was hyper vigilant. Maybe I could use that to my advantage. I imagined the sound of a soft foot fall behind him and to his right. He immediately spun and raised his weapon. Now his back was to the sniper.

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