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Evolving Towards Love

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A son makes a journey of discovery with his mother.
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"You need help," I hear the voice of the one who has been torturing me for what seems like forever standing at the top of the stairs wearing the little black robe that I now know doesn't have anything underneath it.

Either I'm going to finally make my move or I'll just live the rest of my life cursing myself for being a fucking coward, what's it goanna be Mikey I hear the voice in my head saying over and over again as my eyes feast on the long thin legs that I know now lead up to a bald pussy. There's just no way when she came out of the bathroom tonight with her robe open that it was an accident, and even though she knew where my eyes were looking it was as if she didn't even care. For too long now this bullshit that I've been struggling with about how I'm not supposed to think about spreading her legs and fucking her brains out just because she's my mother doesn't matter to me anymore. I want her, and I know dam well she wants me too.

I'm just so tired of pretending about how I feel about her, and all these games we've been playing with each other for the last couple of years have finally made me realize that either I do something about it or I'll just have to let it go. I mean really how many mothers wear a robe so short that their asses are barely covered in front of their own son's? And of course now I know that she doesn't even wear anything under it either, and it's like she begging me to make the first move with all the ways she lets me see that hot fucking body of hers barely covered. Even my friends think she's a fox and openly refer to her simply as Root because she looks just like that skinny slut in the TV show Person of Interest.

Just looking at her now it's so hard to believe she's really over twice my age, and between her tight little ass and small tits I'd swear I'm looking at a college freshmen rather than a forty year old mother with a nineteen year old son. But this has been my burden from the time my dick started getting hard just watching her walk around the house in those old blue jeans acting so innocently as she teased me mercilessly until I finally had to go to my room and jerk off. The truth whether I like it or not is that she's a dick teaser and the throbbing of my cock every time I look at her is only making it worse for the both of us.

"I think I had one beer too many," is all I reply as I stumble hoping to lure her down where I can finally get my hands on her.

"At least you didn't have to drive," is all she says as she comes down so slowly letting me see each step she takes as the sight of her long legs just keeps reinforcing the pleas in my head that it's either now or never.

This just can't be happening to me, and as she helps lift me up and our bodies are intertwined in a way they've never been before I can't help but notice that even the smell coming off of her is unlike anything I've ever noticed before. Jimmy told me that when he went parking with Susan Arnold the first few times it was the smell of her pussy still lingering in the car that made his mother have a near break down. Now he can't go out on dates with her anymore in his mom's car and is only allowed to take their old nasty Volvo. It's gotta be her pussy that I'm picking up, and only a girl who wants to fuck smells like this.

Do it Mikey do it I hear the words playing in my head as I think of all the times she's teased me lately, and as I frantically think of a way break through this barrier that exists between us it's the feeling of my hand sliding underneath her robe that tells me somehow my own body has made the decision for me. Nothing but bare skin too, and the skinny slut isn't even wearing any panties either. I've spent so many hours imagining what it would be like to feel just how tight her ass really is, and here I am lifting her robe up all while pretending to be drunk so I can finally see it for myself. What's the worse that's going to happen, and even if she slaps me at least I can say I had an excuse because I was drunk. But all I'm hearing now is rapid breathing as my hand just seems to be wandering all over her ass while she's acting as though nothing is going on.

If only I could somehow slow the pace at which we're taking each step, and as we're finally reaching the top of the stairs I feel the panic inside me building because I just don't want this moment to end. Do I rip her robe off and throw her on the floor and fuck her like I want to do, or do I simply say good night and go in my room and jerk off thinking about just how close to getting what I really wanted from her I actually came. Feeling her ass is a lot different than spreading her legs and sticking my cock inside her tight little snatch, and then what do I do about tomorrow when I have to face her knowing that I might have forced myself on her? The problem is that she's just so fucking hot, and the thought of her wrapping those long legs around me as I'm bottoming out inside her is all I can think about now.

"C'mon, I'll help you undress," I hear her say as a part of me can't believe what I just heard.

This just has to be every guys dream come true, and even though none of us will ever admit to it the fact is most of us want our mother's to see us naked and with a hard-on too. But she's seen me at least half a dozen times sitting at my computer looking at porn with my sweat pants bulging, and I know the real reason behind her teasing me for so long now is simply because she knows I have a big cock. I guess I was twelve or thirteen when I finally realized that it was a lot bigger than what is considered normal, and at first it frightened me because I knew I'd be teased mercilessly if anyone ever discovered how big it really is. But taking showers in the boys locker rooms in junior high and high school always presented a challenge because even limp it's obvious that it was a lot bigger than the other kids. Luckily no one seemed to notice, and I suppose part of it might have been because whoever might say anything would probably be teased them for noticing it.

"Let me take your top off," is all she says as the look on her face with her eyes appearing glazed over is one that I've never seen before.

I've dreamt of this moment for so long that the thought I might actually have a chance to be inside her just doesn't seem real to me now. Maybe I'm still at Billy's house passed out in a stupor, and tomorrow when I wake up swearing it all seemed so real I'll have to accept that it just wasn't meant to be. I mean how many guys have a mother who looks just like one of the models in Wow Girls? Nothing against any of my friend's mom's but they just seem as though they don't care about how they look anymore, although Brian Kelly's mom is pretty hot.

"If you wanted to feel my ass all you had to do was ask," I suddenly hear her say as I feel her hands undoing the buckle on my belt.

Am I dreaming or what, and as I feel my jeans and shorts beginning to slide down my legs exposing myself to her in a way that I've yearned to happen for so long now it's the image of my cock sticking straight at her is all I can focus on. I still remember the first time I held a ruler up to it and couldn't believe what the number said, and I guess I must have re-measured it half a dozen times before it finally began to sink in that the ruler was only an inch or so longer than it was. I don't know why but I was so afraid, and the thought of being rejected by any girl I might get close to is a fear that still weighs on me even now. Maybe it might look impressive in a video but two times now I've been shut down because it scared both of them away. But something tells me by the way her eyes are locked on me that maybe I might have a chance after all.

"All those times I caught you looking at porn I just knew you were huge," she says so softly that I almost didn't hear her as she so casually opens her robe and lets it fall to the floor.

This is what I've wanted from the time I first started jerking off, and as my eyes try and take in every inch of her in a way that only the lens of a camera could duplicate I feel my confidence surging in a way that tonight will go down as one of the best nights of my life. I can already see it in her face too, and the thought that I own this skinny bitch now is making feel as though for the first time in my life I'm the one who's going to decide what we do together. Those girls at school I'm sure sensed my apprehension because I was afraid the size of my dick might turn them off, but that's not what I'm sensing now from her, and as I pull myself free from my shoes and jeans it's the feeling of her eyes locked on me in a way a mother isn't supposed to do to her own son that is giving me even more courage.

Seize the initiative I hear the voices blaring in my head as the thought of throwing her down on the bed and fucking her just like one of the girls in the videos is making my cock throb even more. I wonder if she ever found the folder on my computer with her name on it, and all the scenes of girls that remind me of her being screwed by a cock as big as mine is all I can see now. It's like there's a movie playing in my head of what I want to do with her, and the look on her face says more to me than any words could ever do.

"Ten a half inches," is all I say as I can't help myself from looking up and down her body in a way I never thought I'd ever have the chance to do.

She's just so fucking gorgeous too, and it's not just because my cock is trying to trick me either. The funny thing is that she really even doesn't work out like all my friend's mothers, and yet there's not an ounce of fat on her. There's just no way anyone looking at her now would be able to come even close to guessing her real age, and the thought that she's all mine is only just now starting to sink into my consciousness.

"You like," she says so softly as she turns around letting me see even more of the body that has plagued my dreams for so many years.

"You look just like a model," I reply as I pull her towards me letting my cock slide between the narrow opening of her thighs as I wrap my hands around her.

The sensation of her hands sliding up and down my legs is already giving me goose bumps, and the low moans coming out of her mouth as my fingers roll her nipples between them almost seems unreal. I've gotten this far plenty of times with the two girls back at school, and oiling their hands and wrapping both of them around me was a thrill that I thought would lead to me sliding inside them, but they were just too afraid they'd rupture something because of my size.

"I've seen some of the models you like," she whispers as she suddenly grabs my hand and brakes free of my embrace and leads me to my bed.

Isn't this how it's supposed to happen, and as I'm lying here just like the guys in the videos do with their dick's sticking straight up waiting for the skinny sluts to straddle them and slide their juicy pussy's down to their balls my only fear now is that I'm going to explode because of how excited I am. It just doesn't seem possible that this is all really happening and the look on in her eyes as she's holding my dick against her stomach as if ganging how deep it's going to go is bringing that old familiar fear back to me that she'll chicken out just like Patty and Caroline did.

"Can you believe how deep you're going to be inside me," she says as she slowly lifts up and grabs me instantly giving me the shivers and points the head of my dick towards her hairless slit.

Her thighs are already quivering as I feel myself slip inside her, and her eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets as I can finally say that I finally know what it feels like to be inside a girl's pussy for the first time. The thought that I'll never have to rely on that sleeved masturbator again to make me cum seems like a wish come true too, and just closing my eyes and imaging what it must look like if I were behind her with her skinny ass and thighs being forced to accept what's sliding inside her makes me want to just pull her down until she bottoms out. But I can't, not this time anyway, and the way she's so slowly easing down tells me she's just being cautious too.

"I can't believe I'm only half way down," she says as she looks at me with a smile that tells me a lot more is going on here than just a frightened slut worried about whether or not I'm too big to fit inside her.

She's teasing me just like she always does, and that need I'm feeling to just thrust myself all the way inside her and see what happens is starting to make me wonder if that's what she really wants me to do. It's like everything is in slow motion now, and I can tell by the way the muscles in her legs are shaking that she's just stalling to see what I'm going to do. That has to be what's going on here, and I'm tired of playing her games where it's always me that's the one who's always left frustrated.

"What's it goanna be Mikey," she whispers as I can tell by the tone in her voice that she wants me to take control of this moment.

"This is what you really want you want, isn't it," I say as I thrust myself as deep as I can as the look on her face instantly changes from one of taunting to a look I've seen in the videos of girls who were truly enjoying what was being done to them.

It's as if my dick just slid inside a bowl of warm jello, and as I feel myself being squeezed in a way that I've been hoping for so long it's the feeling of my hands sliding up and down her back knowing that she belongs to me is the only thought going through my head. Now I understand why so many guys obsess about pussy all the time, and I have a feeling that my life is never going to be the same after tonight. How can I ever go back to living the way I use too, and all those guys in prison would sell their soul for the chance to have their dick buried where mine is now.

"Am I tight enough," she whispers as I suddenly feel her tongue licking the inside of my ear in a way that's just pushing me even further past anything I could ever imagine.

I feel as though I'm paralyzed in not wanting to move and lose this sensation of how she's gripping me, and even though I've seen hundreds of videos the truth is nothing could ever have prepared for the way my cock is being squeezed by her. But she's pushing buttons inside me now that I never even knew existed, and even though Patty and Caroline kissed me and jerked me off they never kissed me the way she's kissing me now. There's just so much more to her than I realized, and as I feel her hips beginning to move I can tell she wants a lot more than to just lie here with my dick buried deep inside her.

"Fuck me, fuck me hard," she whispers in my ear as I feel myself starting to slide in and out of her as if my hips already know what they're supposed to do.

This how they fuck in the videos, and as I slowly start to pump in and out of her it's the low moans coming out of her mouth every time I bottom out that is just turning me on so much. That's it you skinny bitch squeal just like a little girl as my cock threatens to rip you wide open, and as I slide my hands down to her ass and spread her cheeks open it's as if I'm letting even more of that side of her that she's kept hidden away from me come out. This has to be what I've read about the differences between passion and just hooking up is by the expression on her face, and no matter how much those girls in the videos tried to fake what they were feeling the truth is they were nowhere near the place she is now.

"I can't believe how you're stretching me," she moans as she suddenly brings her mouth to mine and our tongues become intertwined in a way I just never thought they would ever be.

I don't know why but I guess it just never occurred to me that once I slid inside her that the urge to kiss each other was just going to build until even that barrier had to come down too. It's just adding an element that I was prepared for and the feeling I get in my thighs and balls right before I cum is already smothering me in a way that I know I'm powerless to fight once the process starts. I still can't believe what she doing to me, and as my dick is ramming her faster and faster I just know there's no way I'm going to keep going like this before I explode.

"I'm almost there you skinny slut," I moan as I feel myself beginning to shoot deep inside her.

"No more jerking off unless I do it to you," she whispers as I continue to pump her pussy full of cum.

I've read so many stories about that peace that over takes lovers after they've finished making love, and as I feel her fingers running through my hair in a way she's never done before I can tell by the look on her face that she's still aroused. As hard as I tried to make Patty and Caroline cum with my tongue they always pushed my mouth away and simply rubbed themselves with their fingers, and I can tell that I should be doing something other than lying here basking in my own orgasm.

"You'll never see this in any of the videos on your computer, "she says as she slowly lifts up letting me slide out of her as thick white droplets of cum cling to my cock.

It's just so obvious that there's just so much I have to learn from her, and as my eyes stare in near disbelief as she covers my cock and balls with what's leaking out of her I have a feeling this is only the beginning. I guess I just never expected that she'd have a side to her like this, and now as she's starting to slide down me with that smile on her face that tells me there's a reason why she just covered my cock and balls with cum.

"This is what your slut is supposed to do to you after you've fucked her," she says as her tongue begins to lick me in a way that I just know most girls will never consider doing to their guys.

Have I died and gone to heaven? There's just no way what I'm feeling now can't be anything but a dream, and yet as I feel her mouth sliding up and down my cock I just know she wants a lot more tonight than just a one and done.


It's been over three days since we did things together that even I have a hard time believing really happened, and after I came inside her the second time she just pulled the sheet up and snuggled into me and we both drifted off to sleep. But when I woke up and found she had already gotten up that fear about how we were going to interact with each other began eat away at me. She's my mother for Christ's sake, and the way I fucked her that second time makes me wonder if I might have gone too far. The fact she's hasn't even acted as though anything happened between us is what scares me the most, and the thought that I may have harmed her emotionally is beginning to guilt me out.

I know I've exaggerated so much about how she use to tease me too, and the truth is a lot of what I was seeing was just her being her. She's not a showoff or even a flirt, and when I told her she was a dick teaser I hope she doesn't think that's what I really think about her. She can't help it because she has a body of an eighteen year old, and as I hear her coming down the stairs there's a part of me that just wants to go and hide.

"What do you think," I hear her say as I look up and can't believe what she's wearing.

The feeling of my cock already starting to get hard in front of her tells her what I'm really thinking, and to see her in a skimpy tank top and terry cloth so short that it barely reaches her thighs is already freeing me from those feeling of guilt and shame that were beginning to wear me down. This is the body that I've tossed and turned for so long dreaming about, and it's the look on her face that tells me Saturday night just wasn't a fluke either. I was so afraid that when I pulled out of her and made her suck my cock as I kept calling her a slut and a whore that I'd never see this side of her again, but here she is again and I just know she wants a lot more of me because of what she's wearing.

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