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Ex-Roomie's Wedding

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My roomie from my freshman year was about to get married!
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Day 1, Back Together Again With Brenda


Who can ever forget their first day at college? After the hustle and bustle of moving in, getting everything settled, saying goodbye to your parents; suddenly it hits you - you're alone, more alone than you've ever been in your life. Well, not quite. There's your roomie - that wonderful person we all get to either love or hate. In my case, it turned out to be this smiling freckled redhead who introduced herself to me as Brenda.

Brenda and I got along fantastic from the start even though we were quite different in many ways. She was the perky redhead with freckles whose great boobs (ok, so I was a little jealous about those!) and whose looks were already catching the eyes of the upperclassmen. One of the unusual things about Brenda compared to the rest of the girls in the dorm was that her family lived only about ten miles from school. As she explained it, her parents wanted her to stay in the dorms during her freshman year so she could have her "college life experience" and then live at home for the remaining three years (living in the dorms IS expensive). As things turned out, I doubt they had a clue what "life experiences" she would be having. If they had, they probably would have thought twice about the arrangement!

Brenda was my "first" girl-girl experience. OK, technically my mom and Aunt Linda were, but when it came to girls my age and "non-family", Brenda was my first. Although Brenda never did find out about my incestuous relationships at home, eventually I helped her to realize one of her long-time dreams - to be with her older brother. He was married with two boys at the time but as it turned out, HE had the same fantasies growing up about his sister so all it took was for me to act as the catalyst to get them started.

Although we only lived together for one year, Brenda will always have a special place in my heart and we keep in touch, telling each other's about our lives after college and such - or so I thought. I guess since I never disclosed my family secrets to her, I couldn't say much when I learned she hadn't been keeping me up to date on all her issues either, although they were quite different from mine.

"Hey Kelly, can we talk?"

It was Brenda on my cell phone. Damn, it was all of like 6:00 AM on a Saturday morning. What the heck was she doing calling me now? It had better be good, that was all I knew as I tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

"I'm getting married."

THAT woke me up. I sat upright in bed, my eyes wide open as I listened to find out more about this revelation. Married? Heck, I didn't even know she had a serious boyfriend!

"Wow, that's cool Brenda," I said, trying to collect my wits as I digested this new information. "When's the wedding?"


Obviously I had heard her wrong so I asked her to say it again.

"That's right, you heard me, seven days from now."

A million questions popped into my head. Where was she? Where was the wedding to be held? Most of all, why the hell was it being held on such short notice?

"I'm in the Florida Keys now and that's where the wedding's going to be," she started to explain, "Remember all the dolphin stuff I use to be into? Well, I work for a dolphin rescue group down here now along with Gary."

I learned that Gary was the guy she was marrying. He was a few years older than her and the two of them worked close together doing whatever they did with the dolphins. Apparently, they had been working a little TOO close together and Brenda was pregnant.

"Oh Brenda, how could you let THAT happen?"

No sooner were the words out of my mouth than I wanted to pull them back. That was the LAST thing she needed to hear. It was the sort of thing your mother said to you, not your best friend. I tried to apologize but she took it well.

"Hey, it's OK. I know I screwed up - literally, but I want to have the baby. We just want to be married as soon as possible so it won't look so bad for the baby later on. I figure we can always tell people it was premature."

Brenda came from a highly religious family and the fact that an abortion wasn't even mentioned as an option was no surprise to me. Well, if she loved the guy then I just hoped it all worked out for her.

"I know it's short notice - can your dad pay to get you down here? I want you to be a bridesmaid."

Wow, a bridesmaid! I'd never been one in my life as it seemed all my friends were still putting off getting married - me included. What about a dress? How did this all work?

"Don't worry, we're planning a beach wedding at his parent's house. They have a place right on the ocean. I thought we could wear bikinis - wouldn't that be wild?"

We talked some more and she told me all about Gary and his family. He was 26, a few years older than Brenda. He had just a brother, Paul, who was two years older than him and was going to be his best man. Her parents had lived in the Keys for over thirty years and from the way she described it, had a beautiful home that would be perfect for the wedding. His relatives all lived in Florida so they could make it easily.

Brenda's family was scrambling for tickets but she said her parents would make it along with David, her brother but not the rest of his family due to the cost of the last-minute flights. The other girls in the bridal party were friends from her old home back in Ohio and would also be flying down for the wedding.

Well, what could I say? There really was no choice in the matter. No matter what it cost, I was going to make my friend's wedding and that was that. It wasn't hard to convince my dad to buy me the tickets. I'd learned many years before when the best time was to ask him for things like that - in the middle of a BJ.

I flew first class.


My flight was to arrive on Tuesday which would probably get me to their place sometime late afternoon or early evening by the time we drove from the airport to the Keys. I was thrilled as I had never been to South Florida. Heck, I'd never been to Florida period except for a trip to Disneyworld with my parents when I was eight.

Brenda had everything planned out. Wednesday would be sort of a fun day, maybe we'd go swimming or even snorkeling, just sightseeing. Thursday was the bachelorette party and she said she had no idea what that was going to be about as her friends were keeping it a state secret. Friday was rehearsal with the wedding on Saturday. Being they planned to leave on their honeymoon immediately after the wedding, I scheduled my return flight for Sunday.

The flight down was rather uneventful. It was the first time in my life that I've flown alone, always with my parents in the past. All my friends teased me about joining the "Mile High Club" but the flight was packed and there was no chance of anything remotely like that happening. I arrived in the Miami airport and was fortunate to find all my luggage was there waiting for me. Walking outside the luggage area, I heard a familiar voice!

"Hey Kelly!! Over here! Oh my god, you made it."

I turned towards the voice and there she was, my old Freshman roomie, Brenda. God she had changed in the past couple of years! I don't mean in a bad way either. With her red hair and freckles she had always tended to shy from the sun but obviously that wasn't possible down here. She was now so tan that her freckles were barely visible and even though her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, it looked even redder than ever. I'd always been envious of her breasts but now they looked even better than ever! Damn she was built like a Mack truck! Whatever she was doing was keeping her in shape as she looked sexy and curvy as hell. She certainly wasn't showing any signs of being pregnant, let me tell you.

She was alone, explaining to me that the other girls were arriving the next morning at the Fort Lauderdale airport. They would drive down on their own and would arrive early Wednesday morning. So today it was just me and her.

It was quite a drive to the Keys, more than I had expected, so it gave plenty of time for Brenda to explain the situation and tell me about the people who would be there since I wouldn't know most of them.

Cathy was going to be her Maid of Honor (MOH). She and Brenda had known each other since they were little girls. As Brenda described her, I thought I remembered her from some events back in her hometown but I would have to wait until I met her to be sure.

"Wasn't she...,?" I started out but Brenda finished my sentence.

"Yeah, she's a lesbian," Brenda giggled.

I laughed and she continued. Celeste was another friend of hers from back home in Ohio and was going to be the other bridesmaid besides me. I hadn't met her so she would definitely be new for me. Then there was Doreen, a girl she'd met since moving to the Keys. Doreen was a local, born and raised in the Keys, and was helping Brenda out a lot with her wedding plans. Although Cathy was the MOH, Doreen was doing most of the planning for the bachelorette party. All-in- all, it sounded like a fun group of girls and Brenda seemed excited about having us all together for the week.

As we drove southward, I was amazed at the scenery - a lot different from the 'burgh back home, The Keys were beautiful and when I saw the ocean I couldn't wait until we had a chance to get out in it. We passed through Key Largo and a number of dive shops. Brenda pointed at them and told me she hoped to come back the next day and take a trip out to the coral reefs. I'd never been snorkeling before and to be honest, the idea of swimming with the sharks sort of scared me a bit but she said it was safe and easy. From the way she described the reefs and fish, I couldn't wait to see them.

We passed over several bridges and finally she turned off down a side road which led to a driveway, almost hidden by the palm trees and lush vegetation. We wound down a narrow path and then it opened up to reveal the most gorgeous view. The ocean was in front of us with a beautiful two-story home to the side. I noticed it was built up on these things like stilts which Brenda explained to me was for when the hurricanes hit. I couldn't imagine the water getting that high but she said they still had to put everything on the second floor at times!

There was also a smaller house on the opposite side of the property which Brenda explained was where her family would be staying since there would not be many of them. Gary's family would be in the bigger home while the other girls were staying at a Days Inn just down the road. Brenda turned to me and smiled, saying, "Don't worry, you get to stay here with me."

As soon as we had parked a guy came out of the bigger house and hugged Brenda and kissed her. Apparently this was Gary, and Brenda confirmed my deduction after they finally let go of each other. Wow, he was a hunk! He was tanned and in great shape, with a dark complexion and short black hair. He looked at me and grinned, something Brenda picked up on immediately and playfully hit him in the shoulder.

"Hey, eye's up fella. This is Kelly, my friend from college, the one I told you about."

I couldn't help but wonder just how much she HAD told him about me. Hmmmmmm, was Brenda going to share? THAT idea was quickly put to rest as while he was carrying my luggage into the house, Brenda grabbed me by the arm and whispered in my ear.

"Now Kelly, before you get any ideas, he's off-limits, OK?" she said in a tone more serious than I would have expected. I looked at her with a "Who, me?" expression but she wasn't buying it for a second.

"Oh right, don't give me that little miss innocent look, I know you girl!" she said in a more playful manner. Still, she looked more like a mother lion protecting her cub for a brief moment. Something told me that I had better steer well clear of Gary!

Her parents were already in the house. It had been years since I'd last seen them but they hadn't changed a bit - Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver personified. Someone else was there as well - her older brother David. My pussy immediately tingled as he gave me the once over. He was here alone and I'd already been thinking all week about the possibilities. From the way he was looking at me, I was willing to bet he had the same thoughts. Hmmmmmm, this could get interesting... VERY interesting!

After that we went over to the big house where I was introduced to the groom's family. Wayne and Sylvia seemed really nice and from the looks of the place, Wayne wasn't doing too badly financially either. They had bought the property over twenty years ago and loved there ever since. I could only imagine what it was worth now but I wasn't about to ask how much that would be. Later Brenda confided in me that they had been offered over five million for the place a few years back and turned it down.

Back at her smaller house, Brenda showed me her bedroom where I would be staying as well. OMG, it was beautiful! It was in front of the building so it overlooked the ocean and beach. It was the most spectacular view I could have imagined for someone to have from their bedroom window.

As it was getting late and we had already said good night to everyone, Brenda shut the door behind us. We both stood there for a moment, just looking at each other and then as if on cue, we each reached out and held each other tightly. God I had missed her so! We kissed and I was taken back to that first day at her house when she kissed me. I remember how shocked I had been but then how wonderful it was after that.

"Mmmmmmm, I've been wanting to do that since we met at the airport," she said in a husky voice after we finally broke apart. "What do you say we get ready for bed?"

I nodded, almost afraid to try to say anything, not trusting my voice I felt so emotional. We both undressed silently and when she had stripped, I thought at first she had an all-over tan but then I realized it was just that what tan lines she did have were so small that her bikini must have been barely covering anything. Her figure was better than ever and I loved the way her ass was all tanned - her thong must have been non-existent in the back! She pulled back the covers and sat down on the bed nude.

"You know, you're the one that got me started sleeping nude," she said conversationally, "God, remember how shocked I was when you stripped that first night at school as if there was nothing to it?"

I started sleeping nude back when I was twelve. At the time, it was mostly a young girl trying to mimic her mom but as I got older, I found it to be just more comfortable. There was never any sexual reason for sleeping nude, although of course there were those times when it WAS sexual but I wasn't looking to sleep those times either so they really didn't count.

When I got to college, I found that each year my roomie reacted differently. Some, like Brenda, were a little surprised but adapted to it. At the other end of the spectrum was the one who totally freaked and threatened to turn me in for being indecent if I didn't wear at least something to bed. It wasn't like I ran around the room naked at night, just when I was in bed. It was the same when I was home. Usually I would take off the shirt or t-shirt I was wearing just before getting into bed and then when I got up, I usually headed for the bathroom first so I didn't worry about anything then, but after that I would slip something over me.

"Whoa, where did THOSE come from?" she gasped, a little overdramatic.

Brenda was looking at my boobs and I remembered that it had been a while since she'd seen me nude. I was a solid C cup these days after spending my college years pretty much a size smaller - to be generous. They were still nothing compared to hers but at least I wasn't embarrassed to be next to her now.

I sat down next to her and felt her warm nude hips and legs against mine. I wanted her so bad yet at the same time, I wanted to savor this moment. It been a while since we'd been together like this and then there was the added element of her being my first girl. It was almost like it would have been if I was with Steve again, my first guy. I could smell her perfume and wanted to lick her and taste her - everywhere. In the fading light she looked so beautiful, the outline of her breasts rising and then falling as her breathing seemed to get heavier.

After what seemed like ages I reached for her, putting my arms around her shoulders and pulling her naked body in tightly against me. She responded by wrapping her arms around my waist, hugging me just as tightly. We fall back onto the bed, embracing one another like two lovers reuniting after a long separation which in many ways was exactly what we were. One thing to be clear, in all our years together I had never considered us lovers, just very close friends. Still, the way we had sex at times it was almost as if we WERE two lovers.

We worked our way onto the bed as we kissed each other, neither of us even trying to speak but letting our mouths and hands do the "talking". There was nothing we had to say, we both knew what we wanted and we knew each other well enough to know what the other wanted as well. Our legs intertwined and I felt hers push in between my thighs, pressing against my pussy. I did the same, driving my leg upward and into her crotch until I felt the warmth of her bare pussy against me. Needless to say based on the tan lines, she shaved totally which was new for me. Back in school she liked to keep a trimmed growth of red pubic hair. Brenda was the only "true" redhead I have ever known.

"Ohhhhhh, she moaned as I pressed my leg against her pussy harder, putting pressure on her clit. If hers was feeling anything like mine at the moment, I understood totally why she was moaning! It was like we were synchronized, each of is doing the same to the other.

As we kissed and our tongues played, our hands ran up and down the other's bare back. God she felt so warm and smooth! Our boobs pressed tightly together as my hand moved to her ass while hers did the same with mine. I squeezed her butt and marveled at how soft yet firm it felt in my hand. I reached lower, letting my fingers trace along her outer thigh and then slowly worked my way in closer until my hand was working its way between my leg and her crotch. I loosened the pressure of my own leg against her so her hand could fit in better and she did the same for me.

"Ohhhhhh Brenda," it was my turn to sigh as I felt her hand slip into my crotch.

She didn't hesitate, pushing straight to my clit where her finger pressed against it. I jumped a little as my clit had ignited like a match that had just been struck and was flaring. Shortly after, I found hers, already swollen and hard from anticipation. At first that was all we did, rub each other's clit and kiss. I loved kissing Brenda and we could have done that all night so far as I was concerned. Then again, there were other things on Brenda to kiss besides her mouth!

My finger moved from her clit down between her already wet pussy lips until I reached her tight little pussy hole. Pressing my finger against it, it slid in easily and I felt Brenda tense up as I pushed it in about half way. She gasped as I twirled it around, rubbing my fingertip in circles around the outer portion of her pussy where I knew it felt so good to be touched.

Guys see to think that the deeper they go into a girl, the better it is for them. I like a man's DICK to be deep in me but that's more an emotional satisfaction than a physical one. What makes me feel good is when I am touched closer to the opening of my pussy. A man sliding in and out of me is stimulating that area like the bow of a violin as it passes over the strings. The only difference the length of the bow really makes is how long a note can be drawn out for before having to reverse directions.


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