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Examined by Doctors

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Cute doctors check me out in sports clinic and hospital.
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I try to stay healthy—you know, exercise, eat right, get plenty of sleep, things like that. Lately though, a couple of things happened, and I had to go see a doctor. It wasn't anything serious, just silliness on my part.

The first time I was at the pool in the campus fitness center. There weren't too many people there, but there was sunlight streaming in through the windows, lighting the pool area up in an eerie blue aquarium kind of way. I'd been swimming, and got out to go down to the whirlpool bath. I guess I must have been walking too fast, and the deck was kind of slippery. I slipped, and fell on my backside. Cheryl, one of the lifeguards, rushed over.

"Emi, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I... uh... I slipped," I told her, rubbing my tail bone. I tried to get up, but that wasn't easy.

"Hey, careful now." Cheryl examined my rear. I was wearing a one piece swimsuit that day, a sleek blue wet-look Realise number, fairly high cut on my legs. It didn't cover much of my butt cheeks, but it did cover up the place I'd knocked. "Maybe you'd better go see the sports doctor at the university clinic."

"No, I'm fine really," I told her, but when I tried to walk, I could feel where I hit it. I slowly limped back to the shower.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I didn't think it was serious, but actually, I could feel it when I bent over. Maybe I should go see the doctor just in case. The clinic wasn't far. I kept my swimsuit on, but pulled my hoodie on over top. I don't usually walk around campus in a swimsuit, but I didn't think it would be that big a deal.

Outside, people were kind of staring at me. Maybe this swimsuit is a bit risque after all. A lot of girls wear thongs in the pool. Anyway, I tried to ignore all these gawkers, and forged on to the clinic.

When I got there, the receptionist asked,

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but I kind of hurt myself," I explained, pointing to my back. She took down my name and my insurance info.

"Anyway, have a seat. We'll call you."

I wasn't sure if I could sit down, so I just sort of stood at the back, hiding my bare butt cheeks against the wall. Some of the other students in the waiting room turned to look at me. I felt kind of self-conscious. I guess I did look strange with my bare hips showing.

Eventually, a nurse came, and led me to a large room with three examination tables in it. The doctor was talking to a red-headed woman, a patient. The doctor looked European. His eyes shone, and he had a wide reassuring grin.

The nurse put my chart next to the empty table, and told me I could lie down. I just leaned up against the table, waiting. There was a guy in a leather jacket on the third table. He was just kind of sitting there looking at me. A bit unnerving at first, but I guess he was just curious.

The redhead left, and the doctor went over to talk with the jacket guy. The nurse led in another woman, a fit-looking blonde.

"Hey," she said to me. "How are you doing over there?"

"I fell," I explained. She got me to show her my backside, and then reassured me,

"You're probably fine."

"What happened to you?"

"I was running, and twisted my ankle," she said, showing me. "Dr. Zelinka is really good with these kind of things. He'll have us good as new in no time."

Eventually, the doctor came over to talk to me. The Goth guy was still there, waiting for something I guess.

"What seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked me.

"I was running at the pool, and fell."

"Can you show me where it hurts?"

I turned away from him, and lifted up my hoodie showing him my backside. He leaned over, and examined my bottom, but I guess he couldn't see where I landed because of my swimsuit.

"Uh, where exactly?"

"Um, on my tailbone...?" I answered, not sure of the right word.

"Do you think you could show me?" he asked. Was he asking me to take off my swimsuit? I hesitated, wondering what to do. Was I really supposed to get naked in front of him just like that? The doctor maybe realized I was worried, and pulled the curtain around, so at least the goth guy wouldn't see. "I can call a nurse if you like," he offered. I raised an eyebrow. "To observe I mean."

"No, that's alright," I told him. I really didn't want a big audience. I slowly pulled off my hoodie, and peeled the straps of my swimsuit off my shoulders. The doctor wasn't looking at me. He was reading my chart. Slowly I peeled off my suit.

"Tsuruta? That sounds Japanese," he mused.

"It is," I nodded, pulling my swimsuit down until my breasts popped out. I had my back turned, but honestly, I felt so weird getting naked in front of him. The curtain gave some privacy, but he hadn't even closed it all the way! I kept worrying that the Goth guy might peek in, and see me stripping.

I pushed my suit all the way down past my hips to my thighs exposing my backside as well. I looked back at the doctor, embarrassed. He was trying to act professional, but his eyes had lit up. He must be in this situation a lot, but there was something about the way I look that was getting him excited.

"At the top here," I pointed to my lower back. "Can you see?"

He washed his hands, and pulled on a pair of surgical gloves. I wasn't sure what he was planning, but then suddenly, I felt him grab one of my butt cheeks! I was so shocked!

"Here?" he asked, probing my tail bone with the fingers of his other hand. It felt so weird having him manhandle me like this. I know he's a doctor and everything, but the way he was touching me seemed so kinky. He pulled one butt cheek to the side, examining my crack.

"Yes," I blushed. My hello kitty had started up, tingling away like crazy.

"Does it hurt when I do this?" he asked, pushing on the base of my spine.

"Ahhn," I moaned. "That tickles."

"There isn't a bruise or anything. Here, lie down," he told me. I hesitated for a second, and then slid my swimsuit off, stepping out of it, stark naked now.

"Oh, you don't have to...," he started to say. I guess he hadn't expected me to strip naked so willingly.

"Um, oh!" I glanced back at him. There was no one peeking in, but I could hear voices from the other side of curtain. All jumpy now, I left my swimsuit on the floor, and climbed up onto the examination table, lying down as he had asked. The doctor touched me again, massaging my lower back with his finger tips.

"How does that feel?" he asked.

"Yeah, good... I mean fine." I was so horny I didn't know what I was saying.

The doctor placed one hand on my hip, pulling my rear up into the air! I was trying to stay calm, but a line from a song popped into my mind: 'face down, ass up. That's the way we like to...' Oh my!

"So what should I do?" I asked, trying to focus. He'd started playing with my butt, pushing it back and forth from side to side.

"Oh uh...," he muttered finally looking up at my face. "Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with you. You look to be in excellent shape," he noted, patting me on my behind!

"Does it hurt when you bend?" he asked. "Can you get up on all fours?"

I looked back at him, suspicious. I swear it was almost like he was deliberately trying to embarrass me! I slowly rose up onto my hands and knees sticking my rear in the air! Do doctors normally do this? I wasn't sure.

"Does that hurt?" he asked.

"Uh, that feels OK I guess."

I was beginning to worry about where this was leading, but just then, we heard a nurse outside call for him.

"Dr. Zelinka?"

I almost jumped out of my skin. I felt so embarrassed. I finally turned, and sat down on the table, trying to look less like an exotic dancer. The doctor just stood there, in a bit of a daze. I motioned for him to go see what she wanted. He disappeared outside, leaving the curtain open.

To cover up, I pulled on my hoodie, but I still looked indecent with my pussy showing. I cautiously got up, and went to the edge of the curtain trying to see where the Goth guy was.

"Did he figure out what is wrong?" the blonde asked me. My hello kitty was really tingling now, but I had to answer.

"Yeah," I gasped out. "He doesn't think it's anything serious."

I kept out of sight as best I could, but the Goth guy was right there, just on the other side of the curtain. Soon, the doctor came back. He was wearing glasses now. He looked kind of spooked. Had the nurse said something to him? Were they dating? I wasn't sure what was going on, but he seemed nervous.

He motioned for me to turn around. I did as he asked, lifting up the hem of my hoodie so he could see my bare bottom better. He got out a tube of cream, and rubbed some on the spot where I'd hit. He wrote me out a prescription for the cream.

"I'll be here tomorrow and Friday if you want me to... um... take another look," he told me. Was he flirting with me? He got called off again before I could figure out. Feeling a bit perplexed by the whole thing, I finally pulled my swimsuit back on.

When I came out, the Goth guy gave me this funny little smirk.

"How did it go?"

I signaled that it was fine, and then waved goodbye. I wondered if he got a peek at me when I was naked, but there wasn't anything I could do about that now. Such a weird encounter.

Some time after that, I had my next run-in with a hospital. Summer had arrived, and it was hotter out. I like hot weather, but I was having trouble sleeping. This went on for like a week, until one morning, my alarm went off at seven. I had a whole bunch of things to do that day, so even though I was still tired, I got up, had a shower, and headed for school. I made it to my comparative lit tutorial, but I was so sleepy. Then apparently, part way through class, I passed right out.

I guess I vaguely remember riding on an ambulance, but that part is a bit of a blur. When I finally did wake up, I was in a hospital bed. This was probably my first time. It was a nice enough place, a double room with a curtain hanging between me and the next patient. I didn't really know what had happened until a guy in blue scrubs came in, and told me that my classmate Satomi and boyfriend Ryosuke had showed up, and checked me in.

"Oh sorry," I babbled, still drowsy. "This is all my fault."

"Relax. Now that you are awake, the doctor will come see you," he explained, smiling. He seemed like a nice guy. I later learned his name was Nigel.

Pretty soon, the doctor came in. He was a young man, tall, slender, dapper, kind of handsome.

"Miss Tsuruta, is it?" he asked looking at my chart. "I'm Dr. Moreno. It appears you had a bit of a spill."

I struggled to sit up, but he motioned for me to lie back.

"Have you been traveling in Asia?" he asked, putting his fingers on my neck checking for swelling.

"No, I've been here the whole time."

"Here, could you roll over? I want to listen to your heartbeat," he said, holding up his stethoscope. When I moved to obey, I realized that I was wearing one of those thin hospital gowns, almost like tissue paper. I slid a hand down, but was surprised to find that I was naked underneath the gown!

"Oh!" I squealed. Had I taken my panties off? Who helped me change? Satomi? A nurse? I guess sometimes I do strip off my panties in my sleep, but where had they got to?

I wasn't sure what to do, but the doctor was waiting, so reluctantly I rolled over showing him my bare bottom! He looked surprised.

"Oh my! Miss. You... uh... you... uh," he stammered. My roommate, an old man, sat up trying to see. The doctor pulled the curtain around to block his view, but people kept going by in the hallway.

"Um, wouldn't you like to... uh...?" The doctor didn't finish his question, but it was obvious he wanted me to pull on some panties. I would have, but I didn't know where they were. They weren't on the night table or chair. I was worried about the people in the hall seeing me naked like this, but I just motioned for the doctor to hurry up, and do his thing. He hesitated, staring down in shock at my bare behind, but eventually, he placed the stethoscope on my back.

"Kya! That's cold," I squealed. I tried in vain to pull the gown around to cover my backside, but it was this flimsy little thing that wafted open no matter what I did. The doctor kept peering down at my behind, clearly quite interested. He took his time, fiddling with the stethoscope. This seemed to go on forever, but eventually, he took pity, and motioned for me to turn back over.

"Do you have a history of fainting?" he asked.

"No. I... uh... was short on sleep today. It's hard to sleep in the warm weather," I blushed.

"I see. You look OK, but anyway, let me order a few tests, just to be sure." He ran off. Was he upset with me? It's not like my being naked was my fault. I wasn't even awake when someone changed me!

After he left, I found a note from Ryosuke on the night table. He said he had gone to work, but would drop by later. I wondered if he had something to do with all this, but eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

Later, a woman came with my supper. I got up to go to the bathroom, but the old guy in the bed next to mine saw me, and opened his eyes wide when he realized I was naked. I did feel kind of excited myself wandering around in just this flimsy slip of tissue paper.

After I came back out, I went over to talk to him.

"Uh hi. My name's Emi."

"Preston. You remind me of my beloved May," he told me gesturing towards my bare bottom.

"May is your wife?"

Preston was quite the talker. He used to be a marine engineer.

"Um, Preston? You haven't seen my clothes, have you?" I asked.

"Um, no, I haven't," he smiled. "There was a young feller in here earlier..." I didn't think Nigel would take them. Did he mean Ryosuke? I looked around a bit more, but couldn't find them, so I ended up getting back into bed, and eating my supper.

Soon, Satomi showed up with Ernie, the teaching assistant whose tutorial I'd fainted in. Ernie is smart and everything, but he's a bit older than us, and tries so hard to fit in. He wears big round glasses, and has this kind of goofy dazed look. He's a bit of a tough marker for me at least. I was kind of surprised he even came.

"Emi!" Satomi shrieked. "How are you? We were so worried after you collapsed."

"I'm OK. The doctor says it's no big deal. I was just tired. Sorry to cause all this fuss."

"That's good. I'm so glad. We were so worried honestly."

"And you, Ernie? You didn't have to come all this way."

"The hospital is on my way home, so I thought I'd stop in, and see how you are," he smiled. I was actually surprised he cared, but I guess it was nice.

Satomi took away my supper tray to make space for the things they'd brought.

"We got some fruit for you, a deck of cards and the assignment for next week's class."

I sat up to take a look, but started worrying about my stupid gown. Ernie pulled a chair over to the side of my bed almost behind me. I scrambled to pull my gown around to cover up my bare hips, but it was caught up in the sheets. Ernie's eyes drifted down, zeroing in on my bare behind right away. He seemed quite shocked to see me naked. I guess he had this picture of me as a good girl, shy, diligent but boring. That's kind of what I wanted him to think, but it's harder to pull that off sitting here practically naked! Darn! Now what do I do?

Satomi sat down on my bed, and yammered on, not realizing. She explained our homework, and then asked,

"Do you want to play some cards?" cheerful as ever.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to keep Ernie," I blurted out. "I'm sure you've got a lot of work to do."

Ernie eyed me cagily.

"No, that's OK. I can stay, and play," he grinned, pulling his chair closer. I tried to pull my gown around, but I think I just made things worse. Ernie was beaming evidently enjoying my embarrassment.

"What do you want to play?" Satomi asked.

"Um, whatever," Ernie smiled. "What do you usually play?"

"We'll teach you a Japanese game: Daifugou. President."

Trying to sit up, I got up onto my knees, but this just made my bottom all the more visible. Ernie gazed down at my ass, perhaps a bit puzzled by my unaccustomed daring. I wanted to tell him to stop eye-banging me, but Satomi was right there.

We started playing. Whenever I glanced at Ernie, he'd try to act all serious, but he was clearly getting his jollies eyeballing my delicate derriere.

We finished the first round, and Satomi climbed up to fill out our scores. Not really thinking, I leaned forward to see what she was writing. Ernie definitely noticed as I stuck my cute little behind up in the air. Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking. Normally, I have more sense than to flash my own tutor.

When Satomi finished writing, I straightened back up, glancing back at Ernie. He had such a weird expression on his face. I don't know why guys get like this. I guess I was kind of worked up too. It was hard not, sitting here almost naked!

I finally managed to pull my smock out from under the covers, but the top was slipping down exposing my bare shoulders. Satomi didn't notice, but Ernie was staring at my naked body, transfixed, and people kept walking by in the hallway outside.

Satomi dealt out another hand. I pulled the collar up to hide my breasts, but I was starting to lose it. I felt like touching myself, but I couldn't with them here.

Satomi got up, and went to the washroom. I turned to face Ernie trying to hide my body behind the smock. I thought he might ask me something, but instead he just sat there, brushing back his hair, and wiping off his glasses which seem to have fogged up. I'd never really thought of it, but maybe he has a thing for me. I mean why else would he come to the hospital even?

Soon, Satomi came back.

"I guess we'd better go, and let you to get some rest," Satomi suggested.

"Let's play one more game," Ernie insisted. I was kind of surprised that he was suddenly so assertive. Maybe he was finally getting up his nerve.

Satomi sat back down, and dealt out another round of cards. I was trying to be good, but honestly I was so horny by then. Satomi got a call on her smartphone, so while she was distracted, I got up on all fours, hefting my rear in the air again. I tried to make it look like an accident, but Ernie let out a,

"Whoa!" startled by my brazenness. I settled back onto my haunches, but my libido had gone into overdrive. I felt like I was going to come. Someone dropped a metal pan out in the hall, though, so I had to cover back up. I bowed an apology to Ernie, shaking a bit at my own daring.

Satomi turned back this way, blinking, perhaps suspecting, but I just nodded for her to play. I had to be careful though because I think someone out in the hall had seen me. I kept covered as best I could. I was having fun teasing poor Ernie with my nubile young body, but I didn't want to get into trouble.

After the game, Satomi packed up, and dragged Ernie away. He really looked so wired. I guess I shouldn't have teased him. I gradually managed to calm back down, and slept a bit more.

The next time I woke up, the ward had gone eerily quiet. It sounded like Preston was asleep, and there was no sign of the nurses or anyone. I got up, looked around for my clothes, but still couldn't find them. I peeked out into the hall, thinking to ask the nurse, but couldn't find her either. Down at the end of the hall, there was a waiting room with a TV. Gathering up my nerve, I nipped out into the hall, and went down to see the news on TV. There was another patient there, a young man around my age, also in a hospital gown.

"Hey," he greeted me. I felt a bit weird standing here almost naked, but he seemed nice enough, so we chatted a bit. He'd been in hospital longer, so he told me about the food and staffers. Soon, though, I heard a familiar voice, back at the nurse's station.

"I don't know her room number. It's just over there."


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