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Exclusive Ch. 01

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With Mel who used to be Mum.
19.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/30/2019
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In the middle of June 2017 shortly after I'd posted, I'm Now a Funcle, I was contacted by, 'Cathie' who said that she liked my writing style and asked if I was willing to write a story for her sister, 'Mel'.

I realised that it was being pitched to me as a true story, that, 'Mel' wanted to be written and submitted on Literotica.

For the last two years, I've been communicating with 'Mel' through "Cathie' and after seemingly hundreds of emails this is the result. The writing is mine, the story is 'Cathie/Mel's, and only they know the truth.

I've broken it into two parts for people who are attention span challenged like me. I have to leave town for a few days so I'll post the second part when I return.



The first point that I want to make is that all the people and places listed have been renamed to protect the guilty, as well as the innocent. If there is a Mel James, who has a son Greg, and a sister Cathie anywhere, I apologise to all of them. Equally, if there's a Max Draper out there, the apology extends to you too Max.

I've always written a journal, so when the relationship with my son developed, it was easy for me to chronical it as just another chapter in my life. That means that the details here are all correct as they happened, even though I've had to employ a little poetic license with the dialog, as obviously I cannot remember it verbatim.

I've been inspired to tell my story, by the French President Emmanuel Macron, and his wife Brigitte, he's forty, and she sixty five.

My story is not told as a tale of incest, but simply as one of a pure love between a younger man and an older woman. The President and his wife are a beacon for all of us women involved in relationships where there is a large age difference between the woman and her man.

Like Brigitte Macron, I'm old enough to be my husbands' mother, unlike her however, that is what I am.

I cannot afford to be identified so my sister Cathie, who told me about Literotica, will get my story posted for me. She's visited this site for some time and has agreed to do it. This will be the only thing that I do post, as even though I love to write, and have done so for several years for own pleasure, this is all that I want to submit. The main thing that I have to do is to get up the courage to do it.

Please do not try to contact me, as any and all of those requests will be ignored.

I hope that our story will tell anyone out there in the same position, that you are not alone, and it's ok to follow your heart.



To Start I'd like to take you back to a warm August Sunday night several years ago, when I was having difficulty sleeping. I looked across at the clock, it read two forty-seven am, "Fuck," I silently cursed to myself, the damn thing had only moved about three minutes since the last time I'd looked at it.

I couldn't sleep, I should be able to, but I couldn't, I was exhausted physically, but mentally I was on full alert. The major problem I had right now was that I needed to be up at six thirty to get into work on time. Whether I went in by car or train made no difference at all, six thirty was just about it. I had a really big and important day planned. I'd got a presentation to make to management that I'd been working on for almost two months now, and so I couldn't even think about taking a sickie, unless I was really ill, and that would cause more problems than I could handle anyway.

It was a lovely warm night, the full moon threw its light through the open window. We lived on the edge of the valley, so it was only in winter that we closed the blinds, as there was no one living within fifteen kilometres of the back of the house. I looked at the sleeping figure besides me, he was naked, and he was gorgeous, truly gorgeous. Any women would be thrilled to have him share her bed, more so as he was more than twenty years younger than I, he was tall, fit, strong, handsome and intelligent. He'd all the attributes that a woman looked for in a mate.

My eyes ran down his body until it reached his penis, it wasn't overly big, but having said that it was a nice size, a lovely shape, and it had done the job many times just fine. I made a mental note to measure it soon, but not in the morning. There wouldn't be time then, so maybe in about ten weeks' time, when he again returned from Uni I would.

My hand ran down to his hip, he opened his eyes slightly, moved across to be closer to me without really waking up. He automatically sipped his hand between my legs before his eyes closed again and he softly caressed me a couple of times, and finally returned to wherever it was that I'd disturbed him from.

My mind, as it had been doing all weekend, went back to Friday night, just over forty-eight hours ago, when this had all started, this moment in time that would live with us both forever. This moment in time which had changed the whole dynamic not only of our relationship, but our entire family, forever. Nothing in our lives would ever be the same again, because the Adonis sleeping at my side was my only child, Greg.

Right now, there was nothing in my mind to say that it was wrong, maybe in the morning, or even next week things would be different. But right now, I'd had just about the best weekend ever, certainly it'd been a long time since there'd been as much sex in my life, in such a short period.

I've always been a pragmatic and realistic person, who'd been brought up to think things through, and not make hasty rash decisions. If you do that, then if something goes wrong, there's no one else to blame, so you then accept responsibility, and move on.

What had happened hadn't been thought through however, and the potential ramifications were such that, at least for the moment, I was looking for someone to blame.

The sex had been so ferocious and intense that it was only now that I was starting to begin to realise that there may well be a price to pay. I'd decided to blame my sister Cathie for what had happened, deep down I didn't really believe it myself, but in my shocked state right at this minute, I needed someone to blame and she was the first one in my mind.

Shortly after Cathies husband left her for a younger woman, she'd gone mad screwing anyone who'd shown any interest in her at all. Mostly younger men, often much younger, until eventually she'd found Mark, an old school friend of her daughters. Mark was seventeen years younger than her, and was just an absolute sex machine, he was banging her senseless as often as she could take it. She of course never shut up about him, his stamina, his buff body, and if I heard about his thick dick one more time, I was going to vomit.

Almost as soon as Greg's dad Ken had left me, well over a year ago now, she'd started on me about my getting a younger man into my bed, so that after a while, the thought did start to grow in my mind. The initial problem that I had was that I was still dealing with the shock ending of my marriage, I just didn't see it coming.

Like most other woman, I'd had plenty of opportunities to stray, but had never even given it a second thought, 'till death us do part' actually meant something to me.

Cathie kept on at me every time that we were together, she'd be pointing out guys that she knew, who she thought would be just right for me. Cathie seemed to have a vast circle of friends who fell into that category.

I was particularly shocked one night when she'd come around for dinner and after a few drinks had loosened her up a bit, she said, "Anyway, you don't have to look too far to find a strapping hunk of a man, there's one right here in this house."



"Greg!!?" I was almost speechless.

"Yes, Greg why not, you need sex, and a twenty-two-old always needs sex. They can never get enough of it, believe me, I know, it'll just be a case of, shall we say mother with benefits?"

"Are you seriously suggesting that I should have sex with my son?"

She shrugged, "In the dark you won't know the difference, and if you want to find a way to bond with him, that'd be the ultimate bond." She nervously laughed, but not because she was joking, she wasn't.

I didn't know whether to scream at her or punch her in the mouth for what she was saying. This was my son she was talking about.

"Do you have any standards at all?"

She shrugged and shook her head vigorously, "Nah."

"Would you have sex with your son?"

"As you know I don't have any sons, I only have two daughters, you idiot."

"Ok then, if you had a son, would you have sex with him?"

"If Greg was my son, I'd have fucked his brains out ages ago, I get sloppy wet just being in the same room as him."

"You disgust me."

"Yeah, whatever."

Later that night in bed, her words disturbed me, I certainly wasn't thinking about having sex with Greg, but I was warming to the thought of maybe trying a younger man. I think that it was at that time that I drifted over to the view that I needed to move on with my life, and maybe try someone new, and if so, well why not with a younger guy?

I'm not too bad looking I suppose, and as she'd said, younger men are always looking for sex, so maybe the idea was planted then, and this was where it'd now led us to.

I've always been sexually adventurous, in fact, I've tried just about anything and everything over the years. My belief was that as long as no one gets hurt by it physically or emotionally, it's game on.

At some point in the future, I'd have to accept responsibility for what'd happened this weekend with Greg, but right now, I was in shock. I knew that this sort of thing happened, but not to ordinary people like me, and it was very hard to rationalise. So, I was blaming Cathie for putting the thought into my mind.

She and Mark had been together for two years now and were still going at it day and night. She kept on telling me all the gory details, along with her advice that now Greg's Dad had left me, also for a younger woman, then I should get myself a younger man too.

Unlike Cathie, I'd always been true to my marriage, and Kens leaving was a shock, even though I'd known that the fire had been going out for some time, I'd never thought that he'd leave. I'd thought that we'd go on forever, become old and comfortable, and well, just go on.

I guess I'm no different to many women of my age who'd stopped work to raise a family, and as Kens salary increased, I'd totally abandoned my career to become what you might call a professional wife for him. I entertained his colleagues and clients, ensured that he always had a clean suit and ironed shirts. On many occasions when he'd had to go away on business at short notice, I'd dropped what I was doing, gone home, packed a bag for him and taken it either to the office, or even to the airport on more than one occasion. Many companies get two for the price of one when they appointed their executives, and Kens company got me, as well as him for their money.

Ken, realising the position that I was in after he'd left, at least continued to pay the mortgage for us, and agreed to pay Greg's tuition fees. I also got a half of our assets, which were considerable given Kens good salary. But it's seriously hard to find work when you've been out of the work force for almost twenty years, particularly with the advances in technologies in that time.

Eventually through friends I was able to a get a position in an office with a company owned by David, one of Kens friends, who I was aware had some nice thoughts about me. Being aware of his feelings, I was a little wary at first, but apart from telling me how lovely I looked at least five times a day, thankfully, he did keep his distance. I remained wary however but wasn't really quite sure what I'd do if he pushed the issue hard, as I really did need the job.

Cathie, knowing that David was a business associate of Ken suggested that in my position, she would have screwed his brains out for revenge, and then told Ken all about it. The thought appealed to me for only a short time before the fact that David was married impacted me. Not only that but, his wife and kids moved in the same circles as Greg and I did, and I didn't want to do to them what had been done to us.

Besides I really didn't find David very appealing, but I was grateful for the job, very grateful indeed, as it did at least allow me to get some dignity and self-respect back, as well as a little money, as the bills still kept pouring in.

Things worked out well for Ken I guess, as he soon got another promotion and was posted to Paris. I felt that it was because of all the support that I'd given him over the years. We'd done all the hard yards that all couples go through, and just when life should have got a lot easier, he'd left me and gone to live in Paris, with his new, younger wife.

My snarling of, "Screw Paris," at every opportunity, rang hollow even to me, because it still hurt so much. It did though make it a lot easier for me in one sense, as I no longer had to worry about seeing them around town, as in the main we had the same group of friends.

Unfortunately, the one who really missed out was Greg, as because of his work load, Ken, after only a short time in Paris, stopped phoning or even Emailing his son. This at a time when Greg was trying to do a double degree at Uni.

His major was in Geology, and he was doing Business Studies as well. He thought that these qualifications would help him to get into the mining industry, where he saw a bright future. He was working so hard at the time, and really struggling with the workload required, so Greg felt his father's absence deeply, and after a while being unable to hide his hurt, he just let it show openly. In fact, I'm not sure to this day that he's even dealt with it completely.

I guess my own pride took a hit too, but after a while I just had to get on with my life, the only thing that I missed was the sex. One thing I have to say about Ken was, that once we hit the sack, he was as much as I could handle. After twenty five years of marriage he knew how to press all the right buttons, he of course knew all my hot spots.

The other thing is that no matter what people tell you, flying 'Middle Finger Airlines' simply doesn't cut it. Even my Battery Bunny loses its appeal after a while. I need something with a pulse, a flesh and blood person that I can dig my finger nails into as I reach the heights. Someone who'll pull my hair and slap my arse as he takes me from behind. Someone with an ear that I can cry, "Fuck me," into, not just something that makes me call out "Oh fuck," in relief, and then I turn it off and put it back into the drawer. I very much miss more than I can tell you, the sound that two bodies coated in sweat make as they pull apart, it's like ripping paper. It tells me that both have been totally involved and have nothing more to give.

Now, as I lay there next to my son, my mind, as it had many times over this past weekend, drifted back to Friday night when all this had started. It was Greg's last weekend home before he had to return to Uni for his final term before graduation, so we'd decided to go out for dinner. When we'd got there, we'd run into some of his old high school friends. I'd known most of them since primary school, and so I was very comfortable with them. In fact, they'd all called me Mel, rather than Mrs James, for as long as I could remember.

Not long after Ken had left me, two of them, Alex and Rick had started to call around out of the blue, and it didn't take me long to work out what was on their minds. The term 'revenge fuck' was never used, but I'm sure that was what they were putting up to me, so I had to make it clear that I wasn't interested. This was of course before my conversations with my sister, and much too early after Ken had left for me to even entertain the idea.

Alex and Rick were there tonight, but neither paid me too much attention as they'd probably got the message. But maybe I was the one starting to regret not at least having them take me out for a test drive. As I looked at them tonight, I was hit by the thought that maybe they'd had intentions of tag teaming me. Now that was something that'd never crossed my mind until tonight, maybe I was a bit too hasty giving them the brush off.

Oh well life's full of, 'if only' moments, I guess.

We'd all settled in nicely, and it looked as if it was turning into an all right sort of evening. So, without being overly obvious, I'd started to catch the eye of Alex and Rick a couple of times, maybe, just maybe I shouldn't say no to new ideas without at least considering the possibilities further.

After about a half an hour, two other guys arrived, one of them was Max Draper, like the rest of them, I'd known Max for years and quite liked him. He'd been well brought up, and was always respectful of Ken, myself, and our home.

Max's eyes lit up when he saw me because he'd been one of my sisters earlier little, 'adventures' and she'd told me about him. But also, I wondered if she'd maybe told him about me, that she thought that he should try it on, as she knew that I needed some attention from a man.

Apparently, and I of course have only her word for it, Max was, 'hung'.

I smiled at Max, and he grinned at me, both knew what the other was thinking, he saw me as a chance to score. As far as I was concerned though, I felt ok to play just a little, as I was on my third drink, but that was all, just a little harmless fun at this point.

Without thinking, my eyes fell to his crotch, he saw me, and smiled, I for the first time in several years, blushed. I glanced around, but no one else saw, but Max did, and was now grinning. The thought flashed across my mind that I might have just started the ball rolling on my new life.

I was still a bit hurt from Ken going away, and as I was with, not only my son, but a group of his friend. One thing that I didn't need, was for them all to think that I was available, so, it was important that I behaved myself. I have to admit though that I was intrigued by my sister's description of the size of his equipment.

As the evening wore on, Max kept trying to catch my eye, and when he did, he'd smile and nod at me. It was clear that Cathie must have said something to him about me, and it was equally obvious that he was more than a bit conceited, he thought that he was on a winner with my being there and blushing at him. I must admit that with a couple of drinks in me, I was quite enjoying his attentions.

It was the first time that I'd been out with company, and a man had behaved like this to me since Ken had gone. Not only that, but he was quite a nice looking younger man, and I began to see what my sister had seen in him. There was of course the not so insignificant matter of him being, 'hung', and I was beginning to wonder just how, 'hung' he was.

We'd all finished dinner, and I'd had a fourth drink, which is absolutely my limit. When some music started up and couples moved quickly onto the dance floor, I instinctively knew that Max would see this as his chance, and sure enough, in a flash he was up.

"Mel, may I have the first dance please."

I wasn't going to give him any more encouragement, at least not that early in the evening, so I said, "Sorry Max, but I've promised the first dance to my date, Greg." Greg looked surprised for a moment, then said in his best Neanderthalithic voice, "Huh?"

Then figuring out that he'd missed something along the way, jumped up saying, "Yeah sure Mum, let's dance the night away." I put my arm through his as we walked to the dance floor, sort of more than half aware that my breast was pressing into his arm.

I'd been brought up in a house where lots of music was played, mostly 50's, 60's and 70's Rock n' Roll. My parents were totally into the whole rock scene. They went dancing at least once a week and they were very good after dancing for so many years together. My Dad'd taught me how to Rock 'n Roll properly, and I'd done the same for Greg. Both he and I could dance up a storm when we let go, and soon others stopped to watch. Well I have to concede that I'm a bit of an exhibitionist with a couple of drinks in me, and so we proceeded to put on a show for them. A second and them a third song followed before thankfully, a slower number came on.

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