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Exclusive Ch. 02

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So where are we now?
15.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/30/2019
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At last it was Friday morning, I'd packed on Wednesday, checked, and rechecked on Thursday, and ended up with at least twice the amount of clothes that I'd need, given that I was most likely to have no need for clothes at all most of the time, if all went according to plan. But at last it was now Friday, and I was on my way.

I'd cut out early from work to catch the earliest flight possible, and by six thirty, was in the lobby of the Rex Hotel in downtown Belldale. Which was a small but seemingly thriving community, with several hotels, shopping centres, and multi storied buildings. There was ample evidence around of the company that Greg had his interview with, as they'd started here, and were a major institution in the area, I felt good about that.

I didn't realise it, but entering that hotel, I was about to embark on a weekend that would be another one that I'd never forget, it would be a weekend that would again change the course of our lives forever.

The receptionist smiled as I introduced myself to him," Ah yes Mrs James, of course, how are you today?"

"Well thank you Brad," I said looking at his nametag, "And yourself?"

"Fine thank you Mrs James, your husband said that you'd be here first, and he'd be a little later, around seven thirty, is that still the situation?"

I smiled and nodded, a warm glow had been flowing through my body all day, which accelerated noticeably, and came to a central point when he called Greg my husband, I liked that.

"There is just one thing Mrs James, you will be leaving us on Monday morning, is that correct?"

"Yes, I have to return to work on Tuesday."

"Fine, we have a major convention starting on Monday and they've booked the whole of both the second and third floors in this tower where you are. We've kept most of the other rooms empty to allow our staff to get them ready, so there's only going to be around five or six rooms taken near you. You'll find it very quiet, but if you wanted to stay beyond Sunday night, we'd have to move you to allow the convention guests to have all their rooms together. We have them every year, they're good business for us, but can we just say that they get a little boisterous, and you may not get a lot of sleep if you were to be in that room at that time.

"Thank you Brad, but we'll be gone early Monday."

"Thank you, when I explained this to your husband, he was fine with us cleaning your room at seven thirty, is that ok with you Mrs James?"

I nodded that it was.

As I got into the elevator, I got a text from Greg to say that he'd been held up and was still an hour away, I was reading it when a lady behind me whispered in my ear, "You may like to know that you've got a run in your stocking, the right one."

"Thank you."

She smiled, "You're welcome," and then seemed to spend more time than was necessary looking at my legs. She smiled at me again, I knew what she was saying, and turned away. I wasn't offended, just not interested, I'd got other plans.

The first thing that I did as I got into the room, was to go to the toilet, and whilst seated, remembered to take off my damaged hose. As I did, my knickers came off with them, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. As I'd come straight from the office, I was wearing my best, smartest fitted, and just a fraction tight, business suit with a skirt that was about a half inch away from being immodest.

I loved wearing it, and knew that I looked damn good in it. But the best thing of all now that I was naked underneath, was the feel of the satin lining rubbing against my bare thighs and buttocks.

I took off the jacket, the blouse and the bra, and looked at myself in the mirror, my boobs had dropped a little over the years, but it'd been compensated for by them becoming bigger, so they still looked pretty good I thought.

Then the devil in me took hold as I put the blouse and the jacket back on, leaving the bra on the floor with the knickers. It was going to be a little hot to wear the jacket all night, but then again, depending on how horny I got, I may not wear it all night.

I shook myself at the waist, saw how my breasts wobbled about, nodded approvingly at what I saw, blew myself a kiss, turned out the light and went to wait for my date to arrive. That was to be the way that I'd greet Greg, I hoped that he'd approve. I sent him a text to say that I'd meet him in the restaurant, and went there to wait.

As I walked, the satin lining slid sensually across my bare skin, there is something about being out in public without underwear, only women know what I'm saying, men can never know. The thrill of that moment when I first decide to go without covering, the rush, just before I step out of the door, then the moment of no return as I leave and close it behind me. And of course, every man that I meet who I can look in the eye, and maybe even smile at. They think that I'm attracted to them, they've no idea that they are all a part of turning me on.

Even though I knew it wasn't true, I felt that every eye in the place was on me. I was sure that they all could tell that I was naked under my suit. Surely the way that my unrestrained bits were wobbling gave it away.

The place was quite busy as I got a drink and sat in a horseshoe side booth, it wasn't long before I realised that I'd attracted the interest of a group of men in suits. Every woman knows them, or their type at least. They're away from their wives for a night out with the boys after work, and after only a few drinks thought that they were Gods' gift to women.

Men really are pathetic, but perhaps on the other hand, my wobbly bits might have got their attention. Getting ready for my son had got me just a wee bit horny, so to pass the time, I thought I'd have a little fun with them.

I made sure that I looked elsewhere as I turned around in my seat. This allowed my legs to part when I was looking away from them. My skirt was very tight so they couldn't actually see anything, but every one of them knew what was up there that they could almost see, or at least fantasise about. In truth if it had been possible to have got my legs open further, I would have let them see it.

Their reaction was priceless, their eyes lit up, they started grinning and nudging each other. They were like a bunch of little boys, who made no attempt to disguise what it was that they were looking at.

I was just starting to enjoy myself, when fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, despite my being very glad to see him, Greg arrived, walked across and gave me a lovely wet kiss. We talked for a while, kissing and holding hands, both clearly delighted to see each other, before Greg said, "Back in ten," then turning away, disappeared towards the lobby.

I made the most of my allotted ten minutes, not only keeping my legs apart as far as my tight skirt would allow, but suddenly finding an itch on my side that required me to open my jacket to be able to scratch it.

The 'little boys,' were now aware that I wasn't wearing a bra, and maybe with a little luck, others may have seen it too.

Somewhere deep inside me, my inner exhibitionist was rampant.

It was just so good to see Greg when he came back, I guess I attracted some attention to myself by lifting both feet off the ground as I hugged him ever so tightly, that he complained that I'd hurt his neck. From the kiss that I gave him you wouldn't know that he was my son, people saw me for what I was, an older woman in love with a younger man.

Oops, there's that L word.

The eyes of an elderly lady at the next table crinkled as she watched me embrace him. She said something to her equally elderly companion, which sounded like, "Nice work if you can get it Mavis."

This was the first time that we'd been out in public as a couple, and of course we were far from home, which let me relax a bit, maybe a bit too much, but who cares. I smiled at the ladies as I sat down, I'm sure that they would have seen something of that L word in me as I did.

We had a lovely meal, although it could have been fried cardboard for all I cared. I held Greg's hand all through it, so that we both had to eat with one hand once the meat was cut up.

A glass of wine each, and then it was time to go. We nodded goodnight to the ladies, Greg held my hand for me to rise, and I made sure to again spread my thighs for those men to see as much of me they could. The only person more excited than them, was me, I loved the effect that I'd had on them.

I managed to catch the side of my jacket as I turned, and once again let them see my braless breast. They would also be able to work out that my nipples had gained a life of their own.

As I walked past them, they were silent. I made eye contact with one of them, who could best be described as a grinning oaf, in fact, from only the cursory glance that I'd had, they all were grinning oafs. I was by now somewhat wetter than when I'd arrived at the table, not that that was going to be a problem anytime soon.

Greg walked behind me as we made our way to the elevator. He stood behind me as it took us to our floor and held my hand as we walked to our room. He opened the door, I took two steps inside, and before I could even turn to at last get to kiss him as I wanted to, he said, "I'm guessing that you're not wearing underwear tonight, are you?"

I twirled around as I shook my boobs at him, "How do you know, are my jubblies, jubbling?"

He laughed out loud, "No, but you do have a rather large damp spot on the back of your skirt."

"No way," I put my hands over my face. "No way."

He nodded, "Yep, about that big," he indicated the area of two fingers.

"I wonder how long that's that been there?"

"Probably since you took then off, but Mel, it doesn't really matter now does it?"

Giggling, I threw my arms around his neck and gave him the big kiss that I'd missed since he'd returned to Uni. It was a kiss that assumed a life of its own as it just went on and on and on. Our arms were wrapped around each other, our tongues intertwined, and our bodies welded together by our heat.

Finally, as we broke apart, he said, "I want you to take all your clothes off right here," and started to undo my buttons. I didn't try to stop him, why should I? Then I realised that the blinds were still open, and asked him to close them first, before I went into the room proper.

"No, I think that I want the world to see you naked."

What, where'd this come from, how long had my boy had this in him?

He was quite calm, as I went into shock.

"Not a chance Greg, I know we're a long way from home, but there are some things that I just will not do, and that's one of them." But even as I spoke the exhibitionist in me was stirring again, as I'd been here several times before.

"I bet I can talk you into it."

"No way," I was playing hard to get, but was now less than convincing.

"I've heard all about the times that you've let yourself become 'accidently' exposed, when you've been away from home, so I know you like to show yourself off, I hear that you really put yourself totally on show when you were in America."

He knew more about me than he should, it had to be Cathie who'd told him, whatever thoughts that I had about killing my sister ramped up a notch.

I should perhaps digress slightly to explain what it was that Greg was talking about.


A few years ago, my uncles' will was finalised, and Cathie and I came into almost fifty thousand dollars each. Cathies husband Jimmy had recently left her, so she paid all hers off her mortgage. Ken and I, being in better financial shape than her, decided to take a trip.

We'd waited until two days after Greg's eighteenth birthday before we left. Cathie had offered to take care of Greg whilst we were away, and they both took us to the station for us to board the overnight train to the airport, where our plane left from the next day.

I guess the money had gone to our heads because we'd booked a first class sleeper cabin on the train, it was nice, but was it worth the extra money? I don't think that we considered it, or even cared.

Within about a quarter of an hour of the train leaving the station, I was ready for bed. As I got undressed for the shower, I saw a gleam in Kens' eye, and immediately that I was naked he put the blinds up, even though we were still in a built up area. A little thrill ran from all parts of my body until they met as usual at the top of my legs.

It felt delicious, I was, not for the first time in my life, on show in public. The train was going faster now, but even so people would have been able to see me clearly, only for a brief moment, but they could see me.

I wondered how many people out there whirled around to their friends and said, "Did you see what I just saw?" I got quite warm at the thought of all the people who might walk past me in the future, but wouldn't know that they'd seen me totally naked.

Ken turned me around and pressed me hard against the window, I can remember the shock of the cold glass against my warm body. I tried to pull away, but he stopped me from moving, and then after a while, I didn't want to move anyway. I wanted for as many people as possible to see me. I was cold above the waist, but below it, I was smouldering hot.

I guess I should think of myself as an exhibitionist, as I never moved away too quickly if I saw that someone was looking down my blouse, or up my skirt. Like a lot of women, I went through a period when underwear was an optional extra. As I've previously stated, only a woman knows what it feels like to be naked like this.

Many of the moves that I'd make would be calculated to show off a bit more than I should, and then I'd worry, either that I'd shown off too much, or maybe not enough. Whichever of the two it was didn't matter, the object of it all was to get me turned on, and that, it never failed to do.

Ken came behind me and pushed one hand between the window and my breasts, and the other one he slid down over my stomach, over my pubic hair until it disappeared between my legs.

"Jesus Mel, I can't ever get over how wet you are, sometimes I feel like the little Dutch boy who had to put his finger into the dyke to stop the flood." His breath was hot on the side of my face as he spoke into my ear. "Are you ready for this little Dutch boy to put his finger into the hole to try to stop the flood?"

I didn't speak, because I couldn't, instead of waiting for my answer he'd pushed, not one, but two fingers into me. My usual reaction to any type of invasion there, was to moan, and I was moaning now. Far from stopping a flood, he was making it worse.

I don't know how he'd done it, but Ken was now naked, I'd never felt his clothes come off, it seemed like he was instantly naked, except for his socks. He pulled me back from the window, put my hands onto the sill, bent me over and started to take me doggie style.

By now we were getting out of the built up areas, into the suburbs, and then amongst farms and fields, it didn't make any difference to Ken, he just kept on doing his thing...me.

At one point, we went past a man coming out of a shed only about thirty metres away from the line, he stopped, I pushed myself again hard up against the window...and waved wildly at him.

The man automatically half raised his hand in greeting, but then froze so that only his head moved as it followed the progress of the train, which had for a brief moment, brought a naked me into his life, and was now, at the same high speed, taking me out of it.

Since that time, I've been past there on the train several times and I never fail to pick out that building, I've never seen him, or anyone else working there, but I often have hoped that he enjoyed it as much as I did.

For the rest of our journey, Ken and I remained naked. We'd made love after seeing the man, and again up against the window as we were coming into the outskirts of the city in the morning. I know that there were several people who saw us for a moment, as the train had slowed right down at that time, but that only added to the buzz.

We'd planned to renew our membership of the Mile High Club on the plane, and knew from past experiences that the first hour or so would be filled up with people with a genuine need to go, and some eager new club members gaining their entrance qualifications.

We waited until a couple of hours into the flight as night was falling before making our move. We'd got no shyness at all, walking down the aisle together as if we were just out and about in the high street. Ken found an empty toilet, held the door for me, I went in, Ken followed, I dropped my slacks and bent over, Ken entered me, and as I watched him in the mirror, he very quickly came inside of me. I love to watch a man's face as he comes, the expression is priceless.

There isn't much room in an airline toilet for two people, so we'd long ago decided to get in, get it on, get off, and get out. We weren't there to make love, we were there for a quick screw, just to say we'd done it again, and we had. We then checked that each other's dress was ok, and opened the door to find an eager younger couple waiting there. They knew what we'd been doing, and we knew what they were about to do.

Ken said, "Have fun."

"We will, if you did."

"We did."

But by then, the door was closed. We saw the young couple several times during the flight, and once when walking through Times Square a couple of days later. We smiled, they smiled back, but we kept walking.

When we got back to our seats, Ken got out the suggestion forms from the back of the seat in front, and started to fill it in. I watched as he suggested that the plane manufacturers should install a number of two person toilets to cater for those who went when they only had a need for privacy. He signed his correct name and address, but never heard back. I guessed that this wasn't the first time that they'd had this suggestion throw at them. However, being in the holiday mode, we both thought it hilarious.

We had five days in New York, just not enough, but that was all we had, we were on holidays and made love every night. Sometimes we were tired, but still made love, always with the light on and the blinds open.

What a buzz, we'd done it before many times, and it never failed to get me going.

We had six fabulous days in San Francisco, and then another equally great six days in L.A. Whilst in both cities we made love with the lights on, and the curtains open almost every night.

We went from L.A. to Vegas, but only because HE wanted to go. I'm more of an art gallery type, and flashing lights do nothing for me. The things a woman does to please her man.

From there on it was, yawn, yawn, yawn. Until I discovered the hotel with the glass elevators on the outside of the building that takes you up to, I think it's called the Voodoo Lounge, or something like that.

As the elevator started to move up the side of the building, a group of men were standing there watching it ascending, it took only a short while before I realised that they were trying to look up my skirt. Any moral, decent righteous woman would have been outraged, but that definitely did not describe me, I was hooked, suddenly Vegas didn't seem so bad. Ken read my mind, nodded and smiled, he knew that we'd ride this elevator more than once, but it was a great disappointment for me when we came down, and there was no one there looking.

I wasn't however disappointed enough to put me off going again, I was back bright and early the next day, and this time wearing an almost too short skirt, and no knickers. I was first in the door and moved quickly to the back, turning to face my adoring fans. As soon as it rose into the open, I pushed my hips towards the glass and almost wet myself as there were four men craning their necks looking up at me. As soon as they saw me, they were elbowing each other to make sure that they all knew that 'it' was on show.

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