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Exhibitionist Sister

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The secret fantasy of an older sister gets revealed.
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It was early Monday morning, our parents were both at work, and it was another blazing hot day outside. My older sister must have been tanning in the backyard as usual. We were both college students which meant that we were free during summer.

Spying on Ashley was never something I was proud of. It was just something that happened over time. I always blamed it on her for flaunting her sexy body around during hot summer days. Last year was the final straw for me when she became accustomed to wearing small bikinis when we were home alone. Since then, I was hooked.

I got out of bed and my timing was perfect. There she was; laying on a beach blanket in our backyard. The sun was shining on her perfectly tanned skin, and she was completely oblivious to the fact that she was being spied on by her perverted younger brother.

Her body was completely sprawled. She wore a skimpy pink bikini along with thick sun glasses, and nothing else. Her earphones were on and her feet were moving along to the music she was listening to.

Any man would be completely aroused looking at a beautiful sight like that. I know I was.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed it. Mr. Jenkins, our neighbor from the other side of our yard, was also watching my sister from the corner of his balcony.

'What the fuck?!' I thought to myself. 'Come on Ashley, that perverted neighbor is looking right at you!'

My thoughts went unheard and she kept on laying there. I couldn't believe that a well respected member of our community and my former professor (from last semester) would be doing something like this. It was like he was infringing on my territory. Spying on Ashley during her summer tanning sessions was my job, and my job alone.

Ashley wasn't making things any easier as she stretched her arms like she just woke up. Her arms and legs spread wide open like a butterfly and she moved them around. For the first time since I ever started spying on her, she reached to her chest and briefly massaged her breasts. It looked like she was simply adjusting her bikini, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was doing it out of pleasure.

She kept on massaging them in the open space of our backyard until she decided she had enough and headed back inside the house.


After I washed up for the morning, I came downstairs for breakfast. My sister was sitting by the kitchen counter top eating granola cereal and catching up on her favorite reality tv shows. On hot days when we were home alone, she never bothered to cover herself. She was still in her bikini.

"What's up sis?" I said playfully.

Her eyes stayed glued to the television as she ate. "Nothing much. I'm trying to figure out which side to root for. These women are nasty, I love it!"

My eyes quickly glossed over her tanned skin, and her legs which were sculpted from years of playing volleyball. I got my food and sat next to her as always.

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Hey, everyone is allowed a guilty pleasure every once and a while," she said. "By the way, I'm going out with friends later."

"That's not a bad idea. I'm going out with friends too, but honestly, I think I'd rather hang out with your girlfriends. They always look good on hot days if you know what I mean."

She laughed. "Tank tops, shorts jeans, flip flops- yeah, I know what you mean. They always dress for the occasion."

"So do you obviously," I said as I quickly looked at her.

"Did you just check me out?"

I turned my attention back to my food. "What? Don't get crazy."

"I know you were. I saw your eyes glance at my legs when you said that. You're not as slick as you think you are."

"Keep dreaming sis. That's gross. Besides, you're the one being inappropriate wearing a bikini inside the house. I mean, who does that besides you?"

A grin suddenly appeared on her face. "You know, I wasn't going to make a big deal about it, but I saw you peeping on me while I was tanning in the backyard. My sunglasses were on, but my eyes were wide open. So now who's the inappropriate one?"

"Jeez. You knew?"

She nodded. "Every time since last summer."

"Oh god," I groaned. "What did you expect? I'm not proud of doing it, but whatever."

"It's always fun making you squirm," she said with a mischievous smile. "You always get so uptight and nervous when you think you're about to get in trouble."

"Very funny. By the way, just so you know, I caught Mr. Jenkins spying on you today. I'm surprised you didn't notice him as well."

"Oh...well...I'll look out for that next time..."

She sounded unusually coy and I immediately figured out why.

"You knew that Mr. Jenkins was watching, didn't you?" I asked directly. "That's why you're so tense all of a sudden."

Ashley squinted her eyes and gave me a mean look. "That's really none of your business. You shouldn't have been spying on me in the first place."

"So...my older sister is a secret exhibitionist, eh?"

"Stop being so smug," she snapped. "I like showing off my body. So what?"

"Calm down sis," I replied gently. "I wasn't judging you or anything. It's surprising, that's all."

"Fine. Sorry if I was starting to sound like a real bitch. But no one knows about this. You're the first person I've ever admitted this to."

"About what? Your exhibitionist tendencies?"

She suddenly flashed a stern look. "Are you mocking me?"

"That came out wrong. I wasn't mocking you."

"Good. And I don't want you thinking of me as some kind of dirty slut, either. I work my ass off in school and I've been with less than 6 guys my entire life. I'm a perfectly normal human being and I don't want you looking down on me."

"I don't think you're a slut at all," I replied. "We're all human beings and we all have our needs in certain areas. Trust me, I understand that more than anyone."


"Plus I think the whole exhibitionist thing is kind of hot," I playfully noted.

"You do?" she smiled. "And what exactly do you like about it?"

"I don't know. I guess I find it sexy when a woman knows what she wants. You know, that she's in tune with her inner most desires. I've never really thought about why I like it, other than it fills the internet with tons of free nude pics."

She laughed, "That's definitely one benefit for men. But you're right about women knowing what they want. The same goes for male exhibitionists. People enjoy showing off and exposing themselves because of the rush that it gives. It's harmless and exciting. So why not?"

"You sound like you know a thing or two about other exhibitionists," I said with an eyebrow raised.


"Anything you want to share?"

She smiled, "Maybe...I might be a member of an internet forum with other similar-minded people."

I was caught off guard and I immediately wanted to know more. "Well aren't you going to tell me which website? I might have been there before."

Ring! Ring!

Her phone rang and she answered it. After a minute of talking, she hung up and turned her attention back towards me.

"I'm going now," she said before putting her finger on my lips. "And remember, this conversation stays strictly between us. I don't want any of your nerdy friends knowing about this. Got it?"

I nodded to her while her finger still pressed tightly on my lip.

She winked. "Good."

With that said, she picked up her empty bowl and put it in the sink. My eyes stayed on her ass when she turned off the television and quickly headed up the stairs to get dressed.


Tuesday morning and my sister wasn't in the backyard at her usual time despite the hot weather. A part of me felt disappointed, especially since I woke up extra early to see her, but I wasn't upset over it.

I went downstairs and Ashley was there eating breakfast. She was dressed more conservatively this time, which by her standards meant that she was wearing a tshirt and shorts.

"You look like shit," she joked when she saw me.

"Thanks. It takes a lot of effort to look like this. I'm just a little sleepy, that's all."

"Is it because you were trying to spy on me again?" she questioned.

"Of course not. What makes you say that?"

"I heard your footsteps upstairs. You walked towards the window so you could see me in the backyard."

"Nice try setting me up," I replied, trying to reverse the situation. "But you have no idea what I was doing upstairs."

"Don't deny it. You're caught red handed. On second thought, I don't think you've had a chance to use your hands yet to..."

"Okay, not another word. Jeez, you're really giving me a hard time about this."

I got my food and sat down next to her.

"I'm just teasing," she said in a more serious tone. "I think it's great that you're into this whole thing."

"Really? What do you mean?"

A shy look appeared on her face, "I'm talking about exhibitionism, voyeur... and me. I didn't expect you to be fascinated with any of that."

"Yeah, well most guys are fascinated with all three of those things you've mentioned," I replied, trying not to show my embarrassment.

"You're not most guys. You're my little brother and I actually care what you think. So, have you thought about what we discussed yesterday?"

"Kind of. It's not something I could easily forget about my big sister."

"Interesting," she noted. "Have you ever had an urge to do something like that yourself? You know, have you ever wanted to show off your body to complete strangers?"

"I'm pretty sure I would be arrested if I did," I joked. "Only pretty girls are allowed to do it."

She laughed, "You're probably right. But seriously, it's a real thrill for a lot of people. It's hard to explain to someone who's never felt it, but it's an adrenaline rush."

"You sound like you really enjoy this whole thing."

"Sure I do. But it's not like I do it all the time. I don't go around flashing people or putting on shows for perverts. But if I'm minding my own business and I notice that someone is secretly watching me, then I don't mind being a tease. It's like a compulsion. My body is aching to do it."

"I've never heard it put like that before," I replied in awe.

She smiled, "Well you've never talked to an actual exhibitionist before. There are a lot of people who feel this way and can only express their feelings online. So now you know more about my little secret."

"And I promise to never tell anyone. This all sounds so surreal to hear. I mean, everyone knows about exhibitionism, but unfortunately there's a dirty stigma attached to it. Everyone's got their own kinks in life though."

Her eyes lit up. "Exactly! I'm so glad you understand. People have a natural urge to break taboos. The biggest turn-ons people have are when sexual taboos are broken. It's human nature."

"Now everything makes sense," I said jokingly. "All those years of you teasing my friends with your skimpy outfits. No wonder you seemed so excited doing that."

"I always aim to please."

"Apparently so. You have no idea how much they still talk about you."

"Women always know when men are lusting after them," she replied smoothly.

"I figured that out a long time ago."

"You've still got plenty to learn about women. Trust me on that."

"I believe you."

She paused and thought for a moment. "What are you doing this afternoon? Got any plans?"


"Let's go to the mall later," she smiled. "I'll probably regret this, but I think we can do something fun together."


We sat in the food court of the local mall eating pizza and drinking soda. Ashley was dressed in a tank top and a short skirt, with flip-flops on her feet.

"So what's the big plan today?" I asked. "I hope you didn't just trick me to go shopping with you."

"What's the matter?" she said playfully. "You don't like the pizza here?"

"I like pizza anywhere at anytime."

"I'm not wearing any panties," she said with a mischievous look.

I nearly froze in my seat. Even on a hot day like this, I felt like my muscles turned into ice for a split second and my jaw nearly dropped.

"Very funny. You almost had me fooled. You're kidding, right?"

She shook her head. "Nope. I'm totally serious, and there's a woman who's glancing between my legs."

I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. I resisted all urges to turn around and look at the supposed woman glancing between my sister's legs. What was even harder was resisting the urge for me to take a peek underneath my sister's skirt.

The only thing I could see was that she spread her legs even further, raising her left knee in the process. Whoever was looking must have had a clear view of her pussy, assuming Ashley was actually telling the truth.

"What does she look like?" I asked out of curiosity.

"She looks like a business women in her mid-40's, with brown hair and a nice suit. She kind of looks like mom, and she's having lunch with a coworker who's the same age. Her friend doesn't seem to know. But the lady I'm talking about occasionally takes a peek at me."

"God, that's so hot," I said, almost at a whisper. "Is it safe for me to turn around and look? I've really gotta see this."

"No, don't turn your head. She'll know we're talking about her if she sees you looking."

"Can she hear us?" I whispered again.

"Not in a food court this noisy. We're far enough that she can't hear us talking. But we're close enough that she could probably see the shape of my labia."

I leaned back and gave her a smile. "Good one. You really had me going for a moment. I was fooled until you started getting graphic about it, now I know this is fake."

She briefly reached down between her legs, and when she brought her fingers back on the table, I saw that two of her fingers were covered in fluids.

"Now do you believe me?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

The proof was right there on her two fingers and I instantly became erect. My older sister was pantiless and flashing some lady who was trying to eat lunch.

"Oh god, you're such a dirty girl Ashley."

She smiled, "I know. Everyone is allowed to be bad sometimes, right?"

"But in a shopping mall food court?" I joked.

"Don't act like aren't enjoying this. Women can tell when men are aroused."

"I never said I wasn't enjoying this."

Ashley opened her legs even further. "That makes two of us. If you count the perverted lady who's watching me, then that makes three."

"Was this your plan all along?" I asked. "Did you pick that lady to be your victim?"

"No. I never pick. I just opened my legs and she was the one who decided to look. And whenever someone looks, that's when the adrenaline rush kicks in."

"So what happens next?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"There's a clothing store I want to visit. Are you done eating?"


"Come on, let's go."

With that said, Ashley closed her legs and stood up. We both grabbed our plates to throw in the trash, and when I turned around, I saw the lady my sister was talking about.

Ashley was right. The woman looked like our mom, middle aged with a prim and proper vibe to her. My sister and I walked passed her to the store, and when we did, I couldn't help notice that Ashley and the lady briefly made eye contact. They smiled at each other.


Like some guys in the mall, I stood around awkwardly in a female clothing store as my sister did her shopping. She looked around and grabbed a few pairs of bikinis from the clothing shelf. Afterwards, I had to stand in front of the women's changing room as she tried on the outfits.

As it turned out, I didn't have to wait for long.

"What do you think?" she said from the changing room.

I looked at her from where I stood, and saw her in a small bikini.

"You look great Ashley. Can we go now?"

She motioned for me to come to her with her finger. "Come here for a second. I want your opinion on some of this other stuff before I pick which one to buy. I'm on a tight budget."

I looked around the store to see that the employees were busy helping other customers.

"That's the women's dressing room," I replied in a whisper. "If anyone sees me go inside, they'll call security."

"Don't be such a prude. Get over here."

Before I could object, my body started moving on its own and quickly went inside the changing room with my sister. She immediately closed the door so that we were alone. It was scary, but at least I got to see an up close look at her scantily clad body.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" she asked playfully.

"Easy for you to say. I'm the one who could be getting in real trouble here."

"Oh relax, would you? I did something risky earlier, now it's your turn."

"I guess. So what are we doing?"

She smiled. "My heart's still pounding from flashing that lady earlier. Feel it."

Ashley grabbed my hand and placed it over her chest where her heart was. And of course, I got to feel the upper half of her breast as well.

"You're right," I replied. "It feels like you just ran a marathon."

"I know. I told you it's a real adrenaline rush for me. How about you? Is your heart pounding from this too?"

"Better believe it. That was hot. I still can't believe you did that to a respectable lady."

"Hey, it's not my fault she wanted to keep looking," Ashley shrugged. "It's not like I forced her."

"So how much longer do we have to stay in this dressing room? I'm starting to get nervous."

"Take a good look at this bikini."

She reached down and grabbed my cock through my shorts after I looked at her body for a few seconds.

"Whoa!...Jeez...what are you doing?"

"It appears that this bikini was enough to give you a semi-erection. That approval is good enough for me. There's no need to waste time looking at other outfits."

Her hand continued squeezing and rubbing my cock.

"I...uhhh....I think...I agree..."

"Oh my, you're starting to throb down there," she noted. "Is my little brother in need of relief?"

My heart started pounding. "Well...If you're offering..."

"If you get caught walking around the department store with a raging hard-on, that would be a really big problem for us. So I think it's best if I took care of that for you."

I nodded. "If you insist."

"Of course I do."

My sister dropped to her knees and my heart raced. She yanked the front of my shorts down and my erection was freed. Her fingers felt soft against the skin of my cock when she began to stroke me. Then in a surreal moment, Ashley opened her mouth and took my cock inside.

She sucked and slurped on my penis. It felt like a magical jolt was flowing through my body after years of fantasizing about her. Her tongue licked and circled around the swollen head of my cock and it felt amazing.

In the middle of my sister performing oral sex on me, we started hearing footsteps coming inside of the dressing room along with a woman's voice.

'Right this way. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask,' the saleswoman said to a nearby customer, leading her to the next booth.

Ashley looked me in the eyes as she continued sucking me off. She did it more quietly and with less intensity as there was a customer in the other room. We listened to the other customer changing her clothes and my sister winked at me. Not only was she sucking me off, this was also becoming a semi-exhibitionist experience for the both of us.

Her hand quickly and quietly jerked me off and her tongue continued swirling around my head. For the next several minutes, I tried my absolute best to hold in my breathing, and my sister tried her best not to make any lewd sucking or slurping noises. Neither of us wanted to get caught, and that was part of the fun. We could still hear the noises of the woman in other booth changing her clothes.

I moved my lips, saying, "I'm going to cum," without actually making a sound.


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