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Exotic Liberation

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A son witnesses his mother's sexual revolution.
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This story is set in India and the mom this time is Mumait Khan, The location is in Mumbai. Thanks to my friend Ravi (who I named the main character after, lil tribute to you there buddy ;-) for all the references on the Indian culture, customs, sayings etc. Thanks for the feedback and enjoy.


Ever since I can remember, I have been complemented on how hot my mom was. Her sexy, curvy shape, dusky brown skin and exotic appeal excited many men. She looked like the kind of woman who had a lot of action in her younger days, even in her late 30's, she was still considered very desirable. Her name was Priya.

I always used to hear my Mom and Dad have sex, it was a small house and they never tried to hide it from me. I can remember my mom's moans and groans from the bedroom, I was so glad to have paper-thin walls in my house.

My only complaint was that they always locked the door when having sex, and my attempts at peeking always ended with me getting beat on with a shoe by my dad. I also noticed that they toned down the sex once they realised I could hear them. They would have sex later on, but it seemed like they both wanted to get it over with quickly, sorta like a formality. My parents had quite a large age-gap between them, almost 20 years apart in fact, I sensed my father's failing sex drive played a part in their less-than-active sex life. This amused me somewhat, as I never liked nor respected my elderly, rigid, father.

A couple months ago, we had a visitor who was responsible for a great change in my household. My dad went to the airport to pick up a man. My mother would only tell me he was a business associate of my father's who would be staying with us for a while -- she also told me that I treat him with the upmost respect.

I was expecting the usual older gentleman that my father brought over to conduct business with, but I was in for a surprise. Through that door came a fit, in-shape white man from England: he looked to be in his early 30's, had blond hair and an imposing, large 6'4 figure.

His name was Matt. A smile spread across my mother's face as she shook his hand. I went to my room after saying hi to him; I wondered what was going on: foreign men were not seen around that area a lot.

During dinner, my mother wore a traditional blue sari dress which perfectly showed of her ample chest. I noticed Matt sneaking a peek at my mother's cleavage as she served him dinner, which was not unusual as many guests did that, what was unusual was my mother's reaction; she didn't seem to mind. My parents and Matt had some chit-chat during dinner.

"So I played some rugby," he told us, "got my degree and now doing some business for my firm in India, its nice so far, everyone's been polite."

"Oh rugby," said my mother as she blushed. "That explains why you're in such fantastic shape; you still stay fit, yes?"

"I work out, I think it's important you know?"

My dad looked down at his paunch and stayed quiet.

After finishing up dinner, it was time for everyone to go to their respective bedrooms. I cleaned the dishes and went back to find the dining area empty.

Just a couple seconds later, I heard the familiar sounds of the bed shaking and my mom moaning. Then, to my massive surprise, I found my dad near the couch, preparing to sleep on it.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked.

He just looked at me with a dejected expression and went back to preparing his bed. I went upstairs to hear what was going on.

"Fuck yeah darling, take it," that was the voice of Matt.

I could not believe it in till I heard it myself; my mom was cheating on my dad -- openly. Dad knew and allowed it. To say that I was stunned would be an understatement. I noticed Matt leer at her during dinner, but all men did that to her; I had no hints at all that it would have led to them having sex.

I went close to the door, it was locked. I stroked myself while hearing the dirty talk in the bedroom.

"I knew you women fucked well, but I'm finding it hard to keep up, you're one saucy bird!

"There is more to come," said my mother in her Indian accent. "I not had a real man in so many years. Now, fuck me harder."

"Whatever you say, darling."

"No!" my mom said abruptly, "not 'darling'', no politeness, I'm your dirty bitch. You're dirty Indian bitch: Own me!"

"That's right," said Matt with added vigour in his voice, "you're my Indian bitch, I own you, you... you fucking sexy Indian cocksucking slut!

I was shocked beyond words; I could not believe how my mom was acting. Don't get me wrong, I was very, very happy that my mom had become a slut; it was both shocking and great. I stroked myself the whole night till they stopped fucking and went to sleep.


Next morning, Matt was eating breakfast with my mom and dad like nothing had went on. Mom had a new more revealing robe on, which showed a lot of leg. I could also tell that she had a lacy-pink bra on underneath

I didn't want to ask any questions with Dad there, I thought it would be too awkward. I waited till Dad left, and then asked Matt and Mom what was going on.

"Mom, Matt, what was going on last night?"

"Well," said my mother as she held Matt's hand, "it went like this: I felt so bad that poor Matt had to sleep on the couch, all alone, it just felt wrong having him, a strong, proud man, sleeping alone while I, an available eager woman, would've been sleeping with my limp husband. So I did what felt right, I invited him to the master bedroom, because with him in this home, he is the real man inside this house. So, I humbly, offered him my womanly services, he accepted, and I am not ashamed one bit, I'm not sorry if you are ashamed. Also, while he is here, me and him are now a couple, a couple living in this house. Me and your father will still live together, but the man I call my own is Matt."

Matt nodded, looked at me and asked, "Any problems mate?"

"None at all," I replied, "I don't mind it at all. I'm glad for you, Mom, really."

She smiled at me, got out of her chair, bent over and planted a big kiss on Matt's lips. Seeing her do that, up close, was such a huge turn-on. That it was a white man she was kissing so passionately gave it that extra-added taboo feeling. Mom left and went to go get changed, she then went off to the shops. I used that opportunity to speak to Matt alone.

"I don't know where to start. Can't believe it all happened."

"It's real," he said nonchalantly while drinking his coffee, "she felt it was her duty, I know she's your mom but she's so kinky like that, I love that about her."

"And dad?"

"Your dad is cool with it. He's one lazy fucker, though I gotta admit, even I find it a bit hard to keep up with her; she's an animal in bed."

Hearing a man speak so bluntly about my mother's sexual prowess was another turn-on for me.

"Hey, did your mom tell you anything about her past?"

"No, she never brought it up."

"Ok, hope you're comfy mate, cause it's some tale..."

I know I sound like a broken record here, but what Matt told me about my mother was, you guessed it, shocking.


When my mom was around my age, she used to dance at a club. She apparently had tiny shorts and tops on, and would shake her body around for men. The club she worked at attracted business men from all over the world. The women who worked at the club were not prostitutes, officially.

Women, like my mom, would do certain favours for men in the club, if paid a certain amount. I found out that my mom would blow some of the men in the 'private' area of the club, but that was not all.

She let men pull her shorts down and spank her brown ass. These men usually let out their frustrations by spanking my mom's ass, a lot of these men were guys who had been conned out of deals by crafty business men.

The most turned-on my mom got was when pissed off white men would come to the club, pay my mom, take her to the backroom, pull her shorts down and spank her ass while calling her dirty, racial names. That explained her attraction to Matt.

Spankings and blowjobs were allowed in the club, but full-on intercourse was a no-no. Of course, some of the women in the club were ready to take that extra step-up for the cash, and my mom was one of them. In the two-to-three years my mom worked in the club, she only prostituted herself twice. The first time was an amazing experience for her.

A tan white man came up to her, Joseph was his name, he was interested in my mom. He asked about her 'extra' services, she told him about them, he wanted a bit more than that, so he asked her over to his table to negotiate.

My mom was surprised to find Joseph's wife at the table, her name was Denise. They offered her a large amount of money to have sex with both of them. My mom never had sex with a woman before, but the money was too much to resist, so she agreed.

They went to the hotel room and informed my mom that they would not be having a three-way; they would be having a four-way. My mom thought it would be another man, so she didn't mind.

When she went into the bedroom, she found a full-figured American teenage girl on the bed. Joseph informed my mom that she was no ordinary girl, she was his daughter! Her name was Kelly.

Joseph, you see, had been looking for a girl who matched his daughter's measurements, he had found that woman, and it was my mom.

Kelly wasted no time with foreplay; she ripped my mom's clothes off and snogged her. My mom was surprised at how much she enjoyed having sex with Kelly. Of course, finding out my mom liked lesbian sex was an immediate turn-on for me as well.

Kelly used a strap-on to fuck my mom, and fucked her to orgasmic levels. Denise and Joseph watched in joy as their daughter had sex. The parents would sometimes contribute to the sex, like spanking my mom as Kelly plowed her strap-on into her.

After two hours of fucking, my mom went to the shower to clean-up. She had thought she had figured everything out; Joseph and Denise had brought over their lesbian daughter to India so she could live out her fantasies, it seemed simple enough.

My mom was wrong, and she knew how wrong she was when she saw Joseph and Kelly having passionate sex. That father and daughter were going at each other so hard and heavy, it really stunned my mom when she saw those two, who looked to be in love, as they kissed and fucked each other, as if they were a real couple.

My mom was just the appetiser that night; Kelly's real joy came from having intense sex with her own father. This gave my mom an instant love of incest.

She sat with Denise and watched in awe as Kelly and Joseph fuck, all the way to morning. My mom was paid extra from what she was promised, she certainly appreciated the monetary compensation, but it was Kelly and Joseph that left the lasting impression.

My mom's exciting life in the club came to a close a couple months later. The 2nd time she would have sex with someone from the club was her last time. An Indian business man tricked her into thinking that he was rich, he had sex with her and worst of all, used a cheap condom. That man was my father; he knocked her up while she was his client and eventually married her...


Over the next few days, Matt and Mom fucked at least three times a day -- and that's just on average. Sometimes I would hear them in the shower. They would go at it a lot; my mom really put her man's needs first.

Dad kinda slipped into the shadows, he still lived with us, but we barely noticed he was there. Without dad around, me and Matt became closer buddies. We would talk about various stuff, we got along well, almost like a father-son bond.

Matt really did become 'the daddy' of the house. He was the one who was fucking my mom and the male I respect most, so it was no stretch to call him the man of the house. I greatly respected Matt, because he came into my home, liberated my mother's sexual side, made her feel like a woman, took control, and became the man. "It's not a race thing it's a cock thing," he'd tell me with a smile.

We all agreed to keep what was going on in the house very quiet, for various reasons; one of those reasons was the taboo of a white man having sex with an Indian mother and wife, of course, knowing how taboo it all was really turned me on. Mom may have not been able to tell anyone, but Matt did, hearing his candid phone conversations were always such a turn-on for me:

"Yeah I live with an Indian family...yes I'm having sex with the wife...she's fantastic, a real keeper, Son's been really good too, great kid...oh god, like a woman that's not had proper sex in years, she's so should see her with her kit off, it's even better..."

My mom also ditched the traditional clothes and put on more westernized clothing, such as low-cut tank tops and jeans, those clothes really showed off that tasty body of hers. In the confines of our house, she would act all loved-up with Matt, but when people came over, Matt was just a lodger.

There was a very close-call which springs to mind. I had invited three of my friends over to my house to watch some TV. Immediately when they got inside, they heard my mom's moans from the bedroom. I was very nervous, I had to act embarrassed.

"Bro, your mom is going at it in the afternoon?" asked one of my friends. "Is your dad on the Viagra? Cause the moans from your mom really sound like they are!"

They laughed amongst each other as my mom moaned loudly from her bedroom.

"I'll make them cut it out," I said. I was nervous of them finding out who really was fucking my mom.

I rushed upstairs, knocked loudly on my mom and Matt's room and said to them, "Hey, cut it out, I got my friends over."

"Sorry baby," said my mom, "it's, ohhhh stop, stop! We'll finish up." I got rock hard when I heard loud slurping sounds from the room, knowing my mom was sucking off her man. I hid my hard-on and ran back downstairs.

After a few minutes of TV, my mom came down to the living room. This was a very different version of her that they were accustomed to. She had on tight-fitting jeans and a pink tank-top with the letters "MILF" written on them. You could also see her pink bra straps peeking out her top.

The guys looked in amazement, they were left speechless. My mom gave them a puzzled look, looked at her tank-top, pointed to the words written on the top and said, "No?" The guys then stumbled over each other as they told her how hot she looked.

She smirked and then walked off, when we saw her back, we noticed that she was wearing a pink thong.

"My god, Ravi, your mom! Wow, she is so hot now. She has sexy undies on, wow! Can she fuck me too!? She a slut?"

"Shut up!" I said in response.

We didn't get to watch anything that day; the guys spent the whole evening telling me how hot my mom was. I had to act like I hated what they said, but that was not the case. I liked it when they talked dirty about my mom


It was half a month since Matt moved in. I was used to the set-up by then, I had fully accepted my mom and Matt as a couple. It was fun to hear them in the bedroom, Matt knew I listened-in, so he never got me trouble about it; Mom never brought the subject up, so I guessed it was ok with her too.

Me and Matt had grown close by then, so one morning during breakfast, I jokingly said, "Hey it's great what you and Mom are doing, but ever think of leaving the door open?"

Matt put down his coffee, looked at me and said, "Ha, that's funny. I was just thinking of inviting you in."

I thought he was joking, so I just shrugged off what he said and replied, "Oh sure, good one."

"No I'm serious, you could be the assistant."


"Yeah, all you do is bring some water, some lube and a towel with you to the bedroom. You just stand there and give us the stuff we need, how about it?"

"What about Mom?"

Matt got a confident grin on his face and said, "Come on now, you know when it comes to your mother, I'm in charge."

"All right," I replied quietly.

"Oh, that bedroom gets so hot, I would recommend you come in there in just your underpants."


Later on that day, during the evening, I knocked on the bedroom door. I walked in with just my underwear on, a towel around my shoulder, holding a bottle of lube and a bottle of water. I put the lube and water on the desk and stood there.

My mom was nude under the sheets; she gave me a friendly smile when I entered. Matt was lying down next to Mom on the bed, fully naked. He didn't try to hide anything, he just lay there with his junk all hanging out.

"Doesn't your mom look good?" asked Matt.

I replied with a nervous nod.

"Well, you not seen her like this."

After saying that, he removed my mom's sheets to expose her glorious tits. Her breasts were brown, big and firm, they looked so delicious.

Matt started to suck on my mom's tits; both didn't pay me much attention, they were both too focused on each other. Mom was rubbing Matt's hair as he devoured her breasts.

After sucking her tits, he started kissing her lips; I found the mixture of white and brown to be so very sexy. It was all so taboo, this conquering white man having his way with my Indian mother while I watched.

Matt removed the sheets and proceeded to pound my mom's pussy with his very large cock. My mom groaned and moaned as Matt pumped away at her pussy. He took kisses from her lips as he pounded that pussy. He had a scowl on his face as he shoved his cock in-and-out, like it was his right to be fucking her.

"Who's your white daddy?" he asked.

"You, you are," replied my groaning mother.

"You know it, you brown slut!"

He gave her a kiss with tongue and then asked, "Who owns this pussy?"

"You Matt, oh you, own me." It was heat of the moment stuff and it was very hot.

After a few more, long, deep strokes, Matt turned my mom over. He admired her big firm, brown ass, rubbing, caressing and kissing it.

He looked at me and asked for the lube. I handed it to him and stepped back. I was jerking-off in full-view of both of them. He put some lube on his cock, put my mom on all fours and stuck his cock in her ass.

He slapped her ass hard while fucking her doggy style.

"Who's my brown bitch; say it outloud so your son can here."

"Me," said my mom as she gasped for air, "you own me, fuck me please, harder."

My mom stood on her knees as Matt fondled with her tits and rammed his cock in her ass.

"Ok, I got to cook dinner soon," said my mom to Matt. "Let's finish now."

Matt then got on his back as my mom rode his cock, her tits shaking and her moans becoming louder.

Matt looked at me and said, "The water, pour it over her."

I got the water, and poured it all over my mom as she rode his cock. The water dripped gloriously down her sexy, gleaming breasts; she seemed to really like it.

After pouring water on her, she grabbed me by the cheeks, brought me close to her and gave me a big, wet kiss on the lips! Her tasty lips on mine made me cum in that instant.

She pushed me back and got ready to cum. She rode his cock faster and harder.

"Oh, oh oh oh, oh my, Matt, oh!! OHHH!" she said as she climaxed.

She moaned a few more trumping moans and got off Matt's cock, still shaking from the orgasm.

"Ok, dinner at eight?" She said while she stood naked with cum dripping down her legs.

We both nodded in response. Before she walked off, I slapped her wet brown bare ass and made it jiggle.

"Good fuck," I said to my mom.

She giggled and walked away to the shower. I was in shock at what happened: my mom let me watch her have sex, let me pour water on her, and above all else, kissed me on the lips! And let me slap her on the ass!

I looked over to Matt and asked, "Did you put her up to all that?"

"Nope, that was all her."


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