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Explosion of My Senses

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Detailed description of dining at the Cunnilingus Grill.
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I lay there looking at my prey for several minutes, savoring the sensations. So far there was no sound to hear nor had I gotten close enough to taste nor to feel of it. All of those would come later. The second sense involved was smell but the first sense affected was sight.

My sense of sight was aware before I had even assumed the position. From the very first time I spotted the target, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. The closer I got, the stronger the sensations became. Carefully, like a hunter stalking its prey, I moved from a standing position to hands and knees and then a full prone position, never taking my eyes from the quarry.

The closer I got the more my eyes scanned my victim for signs of imperfection but there were none. On the left side, the valley-shaped body parts were as smooth and as symmetrical as those in the mirror image on the right side. Coloring made a smooth transition from light-brown-tan to slightly darker tan to lighter again and followed by a rainbow of pinks until the thin oval in the center of the primary target, which was a lustrous reddish-pink. The lines of the thin oval were perfect and could have been drawn with a ruler and a French curve. It was actually shaped like an elongated teardrop, with a slightly wider area near the bottom. Along each side of the narrow pointed upper portion of the oval was a slight indentation traveling parallel to the top of the oval and looking like miniature drainage paths in a watershed area. Above the top point of the oval was the only real protuberance in the area, a minor mountain as broad as the widest part of the oval and a little longer than it was wide. At the top of the bump there was a smooth transition back into the even terrain that surrounded the area. It was as perfect a pussy as my eyes had ever surveyed ... although I had to admit that many other shapes and contours that I had studied had also seemed perfect at the time.

I was getting antsy to check out my other senses but first had one more target of surveillance. Dropping my eyes along the course of the tiny oval, I glanced over her perineum, the ridge that separated the valley of her pussy from the valley of her anus. I was amazed at how the puckered skin of her anal covering seemed to form a perfect asterisk: three very pronounced lines crossing at the center to form an unbroken six-pointed star. Of course what made it unusual was that the lines WERE broken, right at the middle but only extremely close observation could yield that information. There were smaller ridges starting in the outer reaches of that valley and ending at the opening but mostly they were not all that noticeable.

I eased my sight back to her pussy and thought about the smell. So often I've heard guys talk about pussy smelling like a dead fish but I think that's usually because they never get close enough to a real pussy to know what it smells like. I have never thought any pussy smelled like that, although some do smell better than others. Almost every pussy has a slight smell of urine, even if it has been carefully washed recently, although that makes it very difficult to pick out from other more enjoyable odors. Every pussy has a different smell because every woman is unique in her make-up and the smell of her pussy is affected slightly by what she eats and drinks since those things eventually make up the cells of her body and the eventual decay of those cells cause the majority of the smell. However this odor is somewhat pungent, somewhat saucy smell but there is also a faint fragrance of flowers and fresh spring air, indicating that she most likely daubed a little of her perfume between her legs a little before we met. It is, to me, an altogether delightful odor.

Inching closer, I extended my tongue to its full length and kept moving closer until my tongue touched the valley between her body and her right leg. Carefully I traced a soft line up to the top of the valley, down to the bottom where it spread into the bottom curve of her buttock, and then back again. The sense of touch was stronger than the sense of taste but my tongue picked up the sweet essence of woman along with the unusual taste of her perfume and I knew where she had applied the dabs. Taking my time, I moved my head to the right and followed the same pattern along the other valley.

Then turning my head just slightly inward, I traced outside the oval, up and over, down and around. At that time, her outer lips were hardly expanded at all, lying nearly flat along the contours of the area. But as my tongue worked its way around the cavern opening, the coloring began to change to a brighter, more saturated red. And slowly, ever so subtly, the area began to puff upward as it filled with her hot blood.

By the time my tongue traced the third complete course around the opening, my senses picked up on some distinct changes. My sense of touch picked up on a growing heat that radiated out upon my face, caused by the filling of all blood vessels in the area with fresh blood. Normally the blood in the area has passed through at a leisurely pace, allowing it time to gradually cool from when it leaves her heart until it arrives at her genitalia. Now, however, her heart rate is increased as she pumps more and more blood, causing it to arrive in the area before me in near-record time, before it has much of a chance to cool and thus the temperature of the whole are increases as her excitement increases.

My sense of smell picks up on a stronger odor, maybe a bit more pungent but still quite savory as the blood heats everything in the area. My brain flashes the thought that, while the smell is stronger, it is also heady to think that my attention to her has caused such a change. My sense of sight notices that the thin edges of her oval have taken on a glistening sheen all around as a self-contained, self-generated liquid begins to coat the area in anticipation of further activity. My sense of hearing picks up on the first sounds, not from the target area but from her control center, where a soft "mmmmmmmmmm" sound emanates.

My tongue migrates into the depression in the center of the narrow oval and now instead of tracing circles, I use my tongue to lick up and down the narrow opening, flicking at the soft core flesh as I go. She groans and calls my name softly. My eyes tell me that the entire area around the oval has grown puffier still as it fills with hot blood and the coloration has slowly changed to several shades of deeper pink, almost a rose color. As my tongue finds her lubricating liquid and licks it up, it is quickly replaced by more of the same. My tongue flicks up and down her slit, still avoiding the little mountainous bump that hides her clitoris.

Her fingertips brush the skin of my face on their way to a spot on either side of my target. She presses three fingertips into each of the places of her choosing and with an outward pressure, eases the opening wider, giving my tongue easier access to her inner sanctum and partially opening the path to her clitty. With the opening to her vagina now standing unguarded, the heat on my face is intensified. The smells in my nostrils has changed somewhat, with the special odors of her insides growing instantly stronger. It is a significantly more intense message to my red fog-shrouded brain than before and I feel my whole body attempt to react to the newest sexual stimuli but, other than shifting my lower torso to allow my cock to find a more convenient place to lay, I ignore the signs because, in spite of the pleasures I get from watching, feeling, hearing, seeing her cum, this is FOR her, not me.

My tongue attacks the opening in the lower part of the precious oval. Her opening is a jumble of little eroded mesas of oddly shaped flesh, each surrounded by the darkness of a promised opening into her innermost treasures. It is now, as my tongue pushes the fleshy fits aside and enters her depths, that I wish, as always, that my tongue was longer, much, much longer. I explore, in little circles and jabs, all of the hidden terrain of her vagina to the depth that I can reach but I wish desperately that it was twice, thrice, even four times as long, so I could explore the entire cavern of her outer chamber.

I love those parts that I can touch. It is so soft as to be unbelievable, the flesh molding around my tongue like the ultimate in soft velvet-covered leather. I cannot tell that her temperature has continued to increase but it is still as intense as when I first entered the outer oval and now I can feel the heat from the tip of my nose, which is in the upper reaches of the oval, to my chin, which is pushing the bottom of the oval wider as my tongue tries to get ever deeper into her pussy. I feel her whole bottom moving slightly in a forward and back rocking motion that strives to complement my tongue's searching drives into her sweet tunnel.

With my tongue completing its tour of her opening as my tongue can know it, I slid my tongue upward and curled it around the soft-hardness of her pelvic bone. That hard barrier is the basic building block of her reproductive system, providing the support for all the other intricate parts as well as the protector of her g-spot. If only my tongue was an inch longer, I would love to scrub that little washboard area under the clitoris. Alas, it is not to be and I will settle for using my fingers a little later.

I start out of her vagina, retracing most of my step in order to capture new drops of her lube deposited after my tongue's passing, working my way to the valley of her outer lips, that intriguing oval in which I started. Once there, I turned my head upward toward the pointed end, now looking like an upside down capital V as held by her fingers. I target the base of the V, at the very top of the oval where the two sides join. There, hidden under a little hood is her "little man in a boat", her clitoris. It is still just barely peeking from under the hood, so with the very tip of my tongue, I gingerly touch it and tease it into coming out to play. After a few minutes of teasing and circling, it stands tall, pushing the hood down to the front

Now her breathing had quickened again, coming in gulps and puffs through her open mouth. Her eyes were closed and occasionally one of her fingers darted in the direction of her clitty, showing her anxiety that she achieve an orgasm, not quite willing to trust that I will get her there, yet wanting to believe. Her eyes were closed and there was a look of concentration that beat any college study-time look she ever attained. A new series of sounds assaulted my ears, first starting with a soft squishing sound as my tongue found miniature puddles of her love juices as it make the rounds of her soft cunt spots, looking for the source of her pleasure.

I had to listen closely to hear that over the sounds from her mouth, moans of pleasure, growls demanded service, and requests for continued attention. Her head had begun to jerk spastically from side to side in sharp, whipping motions and just as I contemplate changing tactics to try to please her, she tosses her head again, screams "I'M CUMMINGGGNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!" My tongue goes in search of and finds a fresh stream of her clean succulent juice flowing from the bottom of her pussy opening. Greedily I lapped it up and probed inside her with my tongue to scoop up all that I can reach and then I just dawdled with my lips over her opening while she slowly relaxed again.

I started over with almost the same routine. The permeating smell of her sweet pussy was, of course, stronger than when I first started, and the coloration of her petals and protecting flesh was still a high pink and would be that way for some time now. Although my sense of taste was thwarted somewhat by not being about to find fresh juices to consume, I knew it was just a matter of time before her internal generator began to work again.

Again I savored the valleys of her thighs and now found them dotted with her perspiration, salty and sweet. Quickly I migrated back to the oval, now distended by her fingers into a sort of herald shape. The entire area glistened as if coated with metallic flakes. I dived into the opening and began licking all around as before but this time the ring of muscle guarding her treasure was obviously relaxed somewhat by her former orgasm and there was more territory I could reach with my tongue. The thought crossed my mind that I could probably stretch the rubbery opening by catching my chin in the bottom and pushing the top open with my mouth and thereby obtain access to new territory but I decided to let that wait for another time.

I found my lips clamped around the base of her clit, while my tongue gently lashed the little protuberance. She was ecstatic, making mewling sounds and shifting her bottom in time to the movement of my tongue. I knew I could have made her cum again without changing anything but I wanted to explore a little new territory so I pulled my mouth downward only to hear her sounds of disappointment.

I crossed her perineum divide, washing a wide swath and circled the darker valley of her anus. Some of her pussy juices had trickled into the valley and her ass had assumed the same taste as her pussy. I let my tongue trace each of the major ridges leading to her anus, savoring the sensations left behind as perspiration and cum mixed together. It continued to be a sweet, tangy, desirable taste and I scarfed it all down.

As my tongue centered on her puckered opening, her bottom began bouncing again but a little more pronounced again. In rapid succession, I punched my tongue into her ass hole. I curled my tongue into a tube and punched as deeply as possible, wishing it could be much deeper, finally settling for what I could reach, less than an inch inside of her. Maybe the tastes changed but I didn't seem to know it. The only way the odor changed was when I encountered another dab of her perfume just above her anus and the scent was refreshed in my rain. As for sight, I was so close to her bottom that I was unable to focus my eyes and had closed them to let my brain create its own image.

Touch was not the overwhelming and exquisite sense, dominated by the tightness around my tongue as it plunged into her over and over again. I had also brought my fingertips up to hold the outside of her buttocks, keeping a little pressure so that they stayed open, and my fingers were sending a steady stream of pleasant messages to my nearly overloaded brain. My nose had gotten into the act of touch, as it was at just the right height to nudge her clitty while my mouth worked her ass hole.

Another touch sensation entered the picture when she put both of her hands on my head. For a few seconds she ran her fingers through my hair but then, with her thumbs touching on the back of my head and her fingers spread down each side, she began to jerk my head toward her ass hole at almost the same tempo as my tongue. I could hear sounds coming from her but was unable to discern what they were because she had inserted a finger into each of my ears and was using it as leverage to move my hear. Finally our paces meshed and in a few seconds, I was able to make out her message, because she shouted "OH FUCK. I'M CUMMING!!" For the next several seconds I felt her juices cover my face, first from a single spurt that shot our of her pussy and hit me mid-forehead, subsequently running down my face toward my mouth and beyond.

Her hands dropped away because she couldn't control her muscles. I moved my tongue up until I could clean up the delicious liquids that had run everywhere. Once again every one of my senses became overloaded with the stimuli from my lady friend. Then, with visions of my time coming up in the near future, I eased her legs up a little, twisted my body around until I was on my back, and lay my head back on her pelvic bone, eased her legs down over my shoulders and onto my chest and closed my eyes, savoring the wonderful feelings of sensory overload at the altar of my lady's delights. Other sensations may be good, some are even great but I doubt that I shall ever find a single act that provides more wonderful sensations than eating her sweet pussy.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loving story

Realizing for the first time I was so close my sweet & beautifful Rezie's naked pussy but in the darkness , yes I was afraid of so much I heard from senior ones in the hostel about kissing a pussy . But my darling was so young & beautiful & so clean . I dared to venture orward . My nostrils were tickled by hairs then musk mixed with sweat ? Some new kind of scent from her strong hairy mound I was longing to see you my darling...went further down as she opened her legs , damp steamy waft of her CUNT which I thought never existed in ner body entered my brain via nostril. It wasnt disguating or stinky but it was overpowering , strong &intoxicating . To my surprise my lips found her hands opening her lower hairy damp lips . My tongue tip flickered her salty bud with some cheesy stuff gathered on my tongue . She smelled heady & odours varied as my nose travelled over her cunt lips & at some points she smelled in the extreme giving me forbidden pleasures with her very private smells hidden even from me for so long. I love & respect her smell . I sniffed my finger which was exploring her anus..yes sweaty shity assy odours whick drugged me . We had most passionate , loving & odourous love making ever.... we usually end up cuming together violently , with her legs on my shoullders for deepest penetration & me kissing & inhaling her unwashed cheesy feet .. we slumber then in our love world .

rodavrodavabout 4 years ago
Very exciting

Very exciting eating pussy story. I gave you five stars.

I always like the smell of pussy. It would be nice if at the end of the story that he was lucky enough that the pussy he was eating belongs to gorgeous, sophisticated rich and famous celebrity.

Or even exciting it belongs to his beautiful mom.

fanfarefanfareover 10 years ago
lucky woman

My wife always complimented me on my willingness and skill at eating her pussy. It was almost as enjoyable for me as for her.

And I had no compunctions against dining 'fare tatar' when she had her periods unless she was in one of her rare grouchy, extra-sensitive moods.

It was as pleasurable as intercourse as it combined all the senses.

sexysmilesexysmileabout 16 years ago

Very well researched and written! I applaud you thrice: on your originality in angle, your true appreciation of the task at hand (or mouth, as the case may be), and the sheer hotness of this submission! Wow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Such a great story I hoped it would not end! Great to read an account from a fellow passionate affectionado! Keep up the good work (and remember to write about it as well)!

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