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Exposure Ch. 01

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New nudist returns to his family home.
9.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/10/2023
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Everyone mentioned this story is aged 21 or over.

This is a complete work of fiction. More chapters will follow if there is interest.

The dialogue is written in British English so might not appeal to everyone. This is more of a slow burner so it won't be for everybody's taste.

Man comes back to his family home after his third year of university and introduces his family to nudism.


Tim was on the train back from his third and penultimate year of university. He was glad to be able to have some time off, with all the coursework and late sessions in the library he was pretty worn out. He would fill his time back with seeing old friends, cycling and relaxing. He would be staying in the spare room as his room had become a temporary office since the whole working from home malarkey. He was looking forward to seeing and spending time with his mother and sister again. He hadn't been able to get back since christmas and he felt like a lot had changed in his life. He was somewhat nervous about discussing his changes with his family as they may not be open to his new way of viewing life.

After his Dad had died, just over a year and a half ago, his Mum had decided to use some of the life insurance payout to buy a small flat in Bristol. The plan was to let Tim use it for the years he was at uni and then rent it out to students after that. It would be regular extra income for her now that she wasn't working. Ever since her husband had died she felt like the clock really was ticking. His death had been so unexpected. He was there one day, happy as Larry and gone the next. The money left over from the insurance would only sustain her for a couple of years at best, but the mortgage was now all paid up which was quite the weight off her shoulders.

Tim was thinking about the best way to broach the subject with them both. Should he just come out and say it? Should he jump in the deep end and just give them a crash course? His main concern was that he really didn't want them to feel uncomfortable. If either of them weren't happy with his new life choice he would not force it upon them. Tim had discovered nudism. Or naturism, if you are so inclined. He felt constricted on this train even more so now than he did when he would have to work in the library at uni. Putting clothes on now felt so wrong. So pointless. Such a waste of time and an inconvenience. He had packed quite lightly, thinking he would only need clothes to travel in and a few extra bits for going out. His small bag sat at his feet. He gently nudged it every now and again to make sure it was still there, he had always been paranoid about someone nicking it.

The train pulled into Chester station and he disembarked. He hadn't told his Mum and sister when he was coming back, he had only said it would be some time in June. He had wanted to surprise them. Walk into the house and see their faces light up when they see him. He looked left and right and spied the exit sign. He made his way towards it, bustled along by the other passengers. He decided to walk home as it would only take him 15 or 20 minutes and it was such a nice day anyway, he wouldn't want to be in some stuffy manky old bus.

The weather was bliss, he stopped in the park for a few minutes and basked in the sun on a bench. He thought about how to break his nudism to them again. He wondered how they would react if he just came out of his room naked. Scream was his best guess. If he was just in the kitchen making a coffee and his Mum walked in to see him starkers. He laughed as he imagined the expression on her face. He was still nervous about what they would think. He stood up and continued walking, he was only a few minutes away now.

As he rounded the corner to their road he saw his Mum's car on the drive, 'at least she is home' he thought. It was his Mum he was looking forward to surprising the most. He walked up the path and took a good look at the old house. 'It's a nice looking house' he thought. He chose to walk around the back and come through the patio. He made his way to the side gate and could hear music coming out of the utility window, he crouched down and shuffled past it. He opened the gate, they never locked it, always just slid a bolt across at the top so it could be opened from either side, if you were tall enough of course. He slid the bolt and pushed the door. There was a very slight creak which made him freeze briefly.

He made his way to the French doors and checked the room beyond. Empty. He pulled the door open slowly and quietly stepped inside. He could hear the music and could now hear some humming along with it. He made his way towards the sound and stood in the doorway of the utility. His mum was kneeling down in front of the dryer, folding clothes from it and placing them in the basket. He stood there and decided to wait until she noticed him herself.

Sally jumped when she saw a dark figure looming in the doorway and pulled her arms up in some sort of defensive stance. "Ahhh! Jesus fucking christ Tim! You scared The bloody life out of me!" She looked mad for only a few seconds then her face was split by the biggest smile Tim had ever seen her wear. She stood up and quickstepped to him, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him in close. He brought his arms around her and lifted her up off her feet and pulled her body closer still. Sally was almost a foot shorter than her son, his action caught her by surprise and she burrowed her head into the crook of his neck. He spun her round on the spot and she squealed slightly.

"Hi Mum." Tim whispered into her ear, "I've missed you."

"My Timmy. Aww, such a nice surprise. Why didn't you say you were coming home today? I would have come and got you from the station."

"Well I just wanted to surprise you." Tim placed his mother back on her feet and loosened his arms on her. She did the same, looked into his eyes and brought her hands up to his face.

"My Timmy." She went to give him a peck on the cheek but fell short, he moved his head lower for her. She kissed his cheek and then blew a raspberry on it. They both giggled, this was a silly thing they had always done, ever since the kids were little. She released his face and took a step back to admire him. "My baby boy, all grown up. Doesn't even need his Mum to pick him up from the station." She was feeling overwhelmed, and her eyes were beginning to well. Tim took her back in his arms and comforted her.

"I'm still your baby Mum. Always will be." She sniffed and felt a bit better. He let her go and took a step backwards and smiled at her again.

"Belle home?" Tim asked in a whisper. He thought she would have heard her Mum scream at Tim when he had made her jump but there was a chance she didn't know he was here yet.

"Yeah up in the office, she is on call til three thirty so don't you be scaring her" she wagged a finger at him, "she might be on with a caller."

Tim nodded but gave her a wicked grin "I reckon we get some pizzas tonight, got any beers in?"

"That will be nice love, yeah there is always a case in the garage, I will pop them in the fridge for us"

"Cheers Mum, I'll go and see Belle then." Tim went to the stairs and ascended them as quietly as he could, remembering the creaky third step he stepped to the next and hauled himself up. He walked to his old bedroom door and put his ear to it. He could hear the tip tapping of typing, with a very subtle hint of music. Tim carefully turned the handle and peeked into the room. Isabelle was sitting facing the desk. Three large monitors stared back. She was a computer technician for a large UK bank. Since she could work from home she had done so, it had been over a year now since the pandemic and it had become quite the norm that those who could work from home now did.

Her being on call meant that at any point someone could send an issue through, that would flash on one of the screens, and she would have to sort it there and then. She would sometimes work late into the night, way past the legal limit but she loved the challenge and the company paid a triple hourly rate for anything past an hour, so it was always worth staying for it.

Tim crept into the room and noted the large headphones she was wearing and was nodding gently along to her music. He crouched low behind her chair. He thought she could have seen him in the reflection of any one of the screens but she hadn't reacted. He placed both hands on the back of the chair and positioned himself ready to spin it. He wound up and pressed hard, too hard. Belle screamed and tried to grip onto the armrests, too late. Her body was flung forward as the chair continued to turn and she landed on top of Tim. Tim saw her headphones bounce across the floor. He was now curled up on the floor with his sister crushed into this back. It was a painful position. "Dick. Could have just said hi..." She didn't really sound angry, but Tim couldn't be sure.

"Sorry Belle, I just wanted to surprise you."

"Well you did. My turn now."

"Huh...?" As he said this she had planted her lips against his exposed lower back and gave him a big wet raspberry. They both giggled and Tim squirmed trying to shuffle her off. She took the hint and slipped off his back and onto her knees. He sat up onto his heels and looked at her. She shuffled over to him on her knees, arms open and hugged him tight. He hugged her and pulled her in. Isabelle wasn't as short as her mum but was still a few inches shorter than Tim. She tucked her chin over his shoulder and he Blew a raspberry back on her neck. They broke from their hug and Tim stood up and moved the chair back to the desk and walked over the headphones and handed them back to her.

"Cheers. Didn't know you would be back today. Would have sorted out the spare room for you, bit of a mess at the minute, still got some of Dad's stuff in it. We are getting through it though. Mostly Ebay, some of it has been selling for way more than we thought it would too. On call at the minute though so will go through it with you later."

"Yeah no worries. I'll sort the room myself. Don't need much space. Pizza for tea, Mums sticking some beers in the fridge now."

"Decent, I'll be done in two hours. Well should be, might be longer. I'll shout down if I need to work over okay?"

"Yeah sounds good. Nice to see you, you're looking good, been gyming it?" As Tim said this a red flashing box appeared on the screen and his eyes were instantly drawn to it. She followed his gaze and pulled the chair to her.

"Duty calls."

"Right, see you in a bit." Tim made his way to the spare bedroom. She hadn't lied but she could have been more specific. The room was jammed full. He couldn't even see the bed, boxes and boxes of his dad's old tools, records, collectables and paintings littered the room. He didn't need much room but this was taking the piss. He started to move boxes, he saw the corner of the bed and began piling the boxes on top of other boxes on the opposite side of the room. This was the only spare bed in the house as all of the furniture from his old room had become the basics of the furniture at the flat. He needed this bed cleared for tonight.

He dug in and got the bed cleared. There were some pretty wobbly looking towers of boxes now looming over the bed. He could only just shimmy up between the boxes and the bed. This wouldn't be ideal, he thought. He would see if he could move the boxes somewhere else later but this would do for tonight. He Left the room and went to the cupboard on the landing to find a duvet and some fresh bedding. He began to stuff the duvet into the cover in the pokey room but realised it was a bit awkward so moved onto the landing for it. He had to be on the bed as he was stretching the sheet over the mattress. It was a tricky task trying to stretch out something that you have no choice but to kneel on.

After the struggle to make the bed he headed downstairs to collect his bag from near the utility room. He saw his Mum relaxing in one of the springy chairs in front of the patio doors. She had opened the doors and was basking in the sun. Tim smiled. It was good to be back. He opened the fridge as he passed and saw his mum had put what looked like a whole case of beer in there. There wasn't much room left. He shut the fridge and went back upstairs to unpack his bag. There wasn't much room to put it but he used some of the lower boxes as shelves and emptied the bag. One t-shirt, one pair of shorts, two pairs of boxers, two pairs of socks, his toothbrush, his phone charger and his tablet. Pretty light, but he hadn't needed much more than this back in Bath. He had decided that this time back home would be a true test of how little he could live with. He had come across the minimalist way of life via various articles he had found online. "living with only 25 items'' and other similarly titled things. After trying to live with only 25 items for about a week he realised how easy it became to live with.

He had then come across a documentary via a related article, the doc featured a man who lived in the woods with only 10 possessions. Tim thought it was a pisstake at first but then the man was revealed, he was laying in a field completely naked. It then dawned on Tim that if you didn't wear clothes, the amount of possessions you needed vastly dropped. He was so inspired by the idea, he had tried it that weekend. It was incredibly freeing, he was slightly nervous at first, especially when there had been a knock on the flat door and he had panicked, thrown on a bathrobe and accepted the parcel from the delivery man. It had been a scary but thrilling experience and from then on he had been naked almost all of the time he was at the flat. He Had been doing the whole naked thing for over three months now and wanted to keep it up during this time off if his Mum and Sister weren't opposed to the idea. He decided he would talk to them about it later, maybe after they had had a few beers.

He went back downstairs and sat in the chair next to his mother and she opened her eyes, looked at him and smiled. "You scared her didn't you?"

"Yeah. A bit more than I intended to too. Fell off of her chair and landed on my back." Sally burst out laughing.

"Serves you bloody right then! Little git." She was only teasing and he knew that. "Glad to be done with uni for a couple of months then?"

"Yeah, course. Been pretty tough, the last 5 or 6 weeks."

"Leaving everything to the last minute you mean?"

"Hey it's not intentional it just all builds up and you forget to do some bits, misplace notes and all that. Still got a first though this year."

"You're just like me, so I can't really say anything. Left everything till last minute at uni and still left with a first. I'm so proud of you, you know that don't you?"

"I know Mum. How...? How have you been? I mean you know, about... about Dad."

"Much better, easier now to say goodbye to the things he liked. Keeps me and Izzy busy too. Selling all that old stuff, get a good few quid for some of that stuff too you know. Proper collectors stuff in there."

"Yeah she mentioned. The room is pretty full ey? Had to shuffle it all to the other side of the room."

"Oh love you should have said I would have helped you, I didn't even think. You got enough space?"

"Not really, it's fine for tonight but might move some stuff out tomorrow."

"Why don't we just move the bed?"

"Yeah good idea, I could put it in the living room."

"No silly, move it into your old room."

"My old room, but it's Belle's office."

"She won't mind. Doubt she could fit those bloody big monitors of hers in that spare room though love so you will have to share."

"Err... Yeah we will make it work." Tim had begun to think about having to share the room with Belle. If she was working late she would be tapping away on her keyboard til silly o'clock. Might not be so bad. He then thought about his intended nakedness. If she was in there all the time, at night would be his only window to live his nudist way of life. He was getting a bit nervous again about bringing it up.

They chatted for well over an hour about his studies, her hobbies, and the flat. She then dropped the bomb and asked him if he was seeing anyone, he blushed. They had certainly become more interested in his lovelife ever since he had come back from his first term of uni, but he had only had two one night stands in his first year and had had nothing in the next two. "No. Haven't really been looking for one. Just been focusing on my course. I really do want to smash it."

"I wasn't judging love, I was just curious. You know I met your Dad when we were at uni together, so it has always made the idea of you finding your soulmate at uni too a possibility."

"I see, yeah not been looking for anyone. Not in a rush to find my soulmate but if it happens it happens. Not going to try and force it."

"Good for you love. Don't know how you manage it though love your Dad was an incredibly physical being. Always up for it..."

"Mum, I don't need to know that."

"Sorry love didn't mean to make you feel awkward. I know how err... much your Dad needed...Er... needed... well me so just thought you would be, you know, trying to find someone to quench your er... thirst. You know whatI mean."

"Yeah I get it, guess I am not as needy as Dad was then. Been a while since I needed... well needed, you know someone else."

"Good for you love. You do you." Tim laughed at the unintended pun and when she realised what she had said, burst into laughter too.

At around 3:50 Belle shouted down to them, "gonna be a bit late sorry, just order the pizzas, get me a pepperoni. I will pay for them, keep the receipt handy, I will get work to pay for it, for making me work late. Should only be another hour or so."

"Okay love, do you need anything?"

"Love a cuppa if you're offering. Thanks. Won't be long." Sally went to get up, "stay there Mum I'll do it."

"You're a good lad. What pizza do you want? I'll order that while you sort her tea."

"I'll have a stuffed crust, veggie supreme or whatever they call it." Tim made his way over to the kettle and flipped it on.

"Ooo, that sounds nice. I might have some of that myself."

"Yeah go for it. Just get a bigger one so we can share. I'm starving. Forgot to have breakfast."

"Oh you plonker, you should have said, I could have done you some proper lunch."

"It's fine, just glad we are ordering the pizzas now." Tim made the cup of tea, and put a sugar in it. He remembered when she used to have four sugars in it. But she had reduced them over time and she looked better for it. She had become a very slim, buxom young woman. Tim climbed the stairs, he had filled the mug a bit too much and had dripped a bit of it on the stairs so grabbed it with two hands and made the rest of the way at a slow and cautious pace. He put his ear to the door and could hear Belle talking. He gently knocked on the door and opened it. She didn't react, she was staring at the screens intently, furiously tapping away. She still had her headphones on and must have been on a call to work as she kept saying "Network" and "issues". Tim approached her on the right side and slid the mug down on the desk. She gave a loud yelp. "Oh sorry Jed, it was just my brother, I didn't see him come into the room. No, it's my brother. I don't have a boyfriend, I have told you this before. Tim, Jed wants to talk to you."

"What? Why? Who is Jed?"

"He is my coworker and all around pain in the arse."

As she took the headphones off Tim heard Jed yell his disagreement to this statement. Tim put the headphones on. "Hi, this is Tim."

"Tim is it? How long have you been seeing Belle?"

"Me? Ooo... Must be... Well, must be 22 years I think."

"What do you mean? Are you taking the piss mate?"

"I'm her brother Jed. She is a year older than me. I am 22 years old so I have "been seeing her" for that long. She did say I was her brother."

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