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Exposure Ch. 02

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His mother's interest is piqued.
6.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/10/2023
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Everyone mentioned in this story is aged 21 or over.

This is a complete work of fiction. More chapters will follow if there is interest.

The dialogue is written in British English so might not appeal to everyone. This is more of a slow burner so it won't be for everybody's taste, but there will be a taste...

Man comes back to his family home after his third year of university and introduces his family to nudism.

Thank you to those who commented. I can only apologise for those who I upset. In future, I will be more careful with the categories I choose. Constructive criticism is very welcome. Hate is not. If it is not obvious I am not a "writer". I am just enjoying the story.

Tim was awoken by a bright light, on, then off, on, then off it blinked. He had pulled the covers over his head to hide from the unwelcome bright light. He heard the door creak slightly as it was opened fully. "Ti..." they had begun to speak but stopped short. Tim pulled the covers down and was once again in the dim room. He looked to the doorway and saw his older sister standing in the doorway. She was standing stock still, staring. He peeked around the covers and saw that the quilt had dropped to one side and he was partially exposed. He quickly covered himself as best he could, then realised today was the day she would have to get used to it. He decided to jump in the deep end as it were and threw the cover off of him completely. Not only was Belle greeted this morning by her naked brother, but by her naked brother with morning wood. Tim knew it would go shortly due to the situation. Belle didn't move, her eyes certainly grew. They were transfixed on his groin. Taking it all in.

"Morning Belle." A slight smile cracked her lips. "You need to get to work? Don't let me distract you."

She struggled to tear her eyes away from his crotch, when she did she could not meet his eyes. "Yes." That was all she could manage. She stepped into the room, now looking at her screens. She took several steps towards the desk.

"What? No coffee for me this morning?" She looked at him, well towards him, she was now trying to avert her gaze from him completely.

"Er... No. Sorry, need to, need to focus. Got an important meeting."

"You best crack on then." She sat in her chair and donned the headphones and began setting up the various screens. Tim watched her work. She had an accuracy and urgency in the way she executed everything she did. Tim stood up and walked up behind her. He watched the information on the screen moving seemingly of its own accord. He turned and got to the door. He turned and flicked the lightswitch on and off twice. She hesitantly turned and took off her headphones. She looked almost straight through him.


"Can I get you a drink?"

"Mum said she was bringing me one up." She turned round unblinkingly and replaced her headphones and went back to work.

'I don't think she is taking it too well', Tim thought. 'Maybe this is just her way of coping. I hope it gets better.' His morning wood was subsiding now. Tim left the room, closing the door behind him. He walked down the stairs and he could see his Mum sitting at the head of the table in the kitchen reading a book. When she heard the creak of the stairs she looked up. His appearance visibly shocked her, her breath caught in her throat. She coughed. "Morning Love."

"Morning Mum, you okay?"

"Just didn't think it would shock me so much seeing my son in his birthday suit." She giggled nervously.

"I can put my shorts back on."

"No love, it's fine. I'll get used to it."

"If it's a problem please say so."

"Did Belle see It... see you?"

"Yes. I think it was a shock to her but she seemed to deal with it in her own way, just sort of spaced out from it. Did you make her tea?"

"Oh yeah I'll do it now." Sally went to the kettle and made her daughter a cup of tea. She went upstairs with it and Tim listened closely trying to hear what they were saying. He was too far away. He crept halfway up the stairs. He could hear them giggling. He felt like they were laughing at him. He went up to the Linen closet and grabbed a fresh towel and headed back downstairs. He placed the towel on one of the benches at the kitchen table and sat on it. His Mum came back down a few minutes later. She returned to her seat at the head of the table and looked at her son and smiled.

"Had a good laugh did you?" There was scorn in his voice.

"What? No love we weren't... We weren't laughing, well we were laughing but it wasn't at you. Honestly love, that's not what it was. It's just a strange situation to find yourself in and it was more, well nervous laughter probably."

"Right, I can put shorts back on if you can't deal with it."

"No love, it's totally fine, you do you."

"Hm." Tim got up and made himself a strong black coffee and pulled the laptop onto the worktop to check the listings. The kettle clicked, he was still staring at the screen.

After about a minute Sally chimed in "The kettle is done love." No answer. "Timmy, your coffee? Tim, are you not talking to me?"


"Are you not talking to me now?"

"What no it's just, well it's just this." He picked up the laptop, spun it round and walked to his mum and placed it in front of her and leaned to point at the screen. "I must have picked some good records yesterday. That one there is currently at £1,870.65."

Sally stared at the screen. She was flabbergasted. How could one record be worth that? There were still four days on the listing too. How much will things go for? "What? What? How? How? That's, that's just silly."

"It's real Mum, just think of all the other stuff Dad's got. Could be worth tens, no hundreds of thousands. Nuts init?"

"Just ridiculous. Thank you Timmy. You chose well. Thanks for doing all this. I think we should split whatever we earn after all the fees from all this stuff in three. It's only fair I think."

"It's yours Mum."

"No he was your Dad, he would have wanted you two to have some too." Sally was now looking in Tim's eyes. Tim looked back to the screen and watched another bid tick it up another hundred quid. Tim was still very close to his mum as he was still leaning across to look at the screen. Sally's eyes drifted down to graze over his muscular form. She stopped at his cock, staring unblinkingly.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." Caught, she looked hurriedly back at the screen, blushing. Tim grinned as he watched as she turned a lighter shade of puce. Tim went over to the kettle and made his coffee. "I think we should celebrate tonight. I think this is cause enough. Belle won't be working tomorrow will she?"

"No... *cough* She doesn't work Saturdays."

"Good we'll get hammered then. Shall we order some food in?"

"I fancy making a curry. Need to go to the shops anyway for more beer."

"Okay sounds good, tell you what, I just need to put some washing on then I will come with you?"

"You can't come like that." Sally said while pointing to his cock.

Tim groaned. "I'll put some clothes on, don't worry."

"Right you go sort your washing then and I'll make a shopping list, do you want anything specific?"

"A bottle of champers I reckon."

"Oh I say Timothy a bottle of bubbly. What ho! Posho coming through." Sally said in a mock posh accent.

"Just put it on the list." Tim went upstairs to collect his worn clothing. He opened the door to the office/bedroom. Belle was facing her monitors and had her headphones on. Tim just picked up the small pile of clothes at the foot of his bed. He dropped the shorts on the bed and grabbed a fresh t-shirt and dropped that on the bed too. He turned away from the bed and was greeted by his sister's bulging eyes staring straight back. He walked over to the desk, her eyes never left his cock. He walked past her and picked up the now empty mug and walked back to the door and out of the room.

"Sorry, yeah I was listening, go on." Tim heard Belle say. She had been transfixed by his swinging dong. Tim laughed to himself. He took the washing into the utility and put a wash on. it wasn't very much to wash but it needed doing. Back in the kitchen Sally had finished her list. Tim picked up his hand towel off of the bench and wrapped it around his waist.

"You ready Mum?"

"You're not bloody going like that."

"Why not? I'm covered aren't I?" Tim was smirking.


"I'm only messing, I'll change."

"You can't really call it changing if you aren't getting out of something."

"I guess you're right". Tim pulled the towel off as he was climbing the stairs and dropped it onto the handrail. He went back to his bed and pulled on the shorts and t-shirt. Not bothering with boxers or socks. He wanted to be as free as he could. He turned to the door and opened it.

"Oh did Mum ask you to stop?" Belle asked, surprised.

Tim turned his head back to her, "No, going to the shops with her, she didn't like my towel only joke. You need anything?"

"Oh... Right, well, yeah we are low on coffee I think. Cakes. Get some cakes too. More beer."

"Oh don't you worry beer is sorted, we are celebrating."

"Celebrating? What are we celebrating?"

"You'll see."

"Tell me...!" Tim had slipped out the door and closed it. He heard a muffled "Tiiiimmmm..." through the door. He walked down to the front door where his Mum was waiting ready to go.

"That's better Tim, you won't embarrass me now."

"Like I would anyway. With that he pulled one of the baggy shorts legs up to reveal his ballsack."

"Oh Tim! Have you no shame?"

"Not anymore." Tim opened the front door and walked to the car. Sally locked the front door and blipped the fob to let Tim in.

Sally slid into the driver's seat, started the engine and buckled up. "Don't you dare get those out when we are shopping. I mean it. Do whatever you want at home but do not embarrass me. We are bound to bump into someone we know."

"I won't."

"Good." They set off and listened to the radio. "Belle wants some coffee."

"On my list."

"And some cakes and beer."

"Did you tell her?"

"Nope, said we are celebrating but didn't say why."

"You're cruel, she should know."

"She will. Later."

They did their shopping and got all the stuff they needed, in the alcohol aisle Tim went to get some champagne and made sure Sally was looking at him and he pulled his shorts down past his arse as he reached up for the bottle, she certainly got an eyeful. He grabbed the bottle, tugged his shorts back up and placed the bottle in the trolley. "You're pushing it."

"I thought I was pulling it?" He said with a wink.

"Are you sure you are not one of the ones who gets off on it? A voyeur."

"Only sometimes." Tim grinned. They finished the shopping and Sally insisted on paying. Tim had actually forgotten his wallet anyway so he couldn't even offer, he would have usually. They would have one night of celebrating then that's it. No point wasting all the money which is essentially their early inheritance. Tim would need to buy himself a place too after uni.

Back at the house Sally opened the door and Tim did all the unloading. They had bought quite a bit but some of the food they got would be frozen for another time. When he had got the last bag he walked through the door, closed it behind him and stripped at the front door. He carried the bag into the kitchen and his Mum gave a little yelp of surprise. "At least you are at home now, I suppose." Sally was admiring her son's body. Lazily scanning it from the toes to the head. Tim smiled at her, Sally smiled back.

"You like what you see?"

"You've grown up to be a very handsome young man. You look just like your dad did at your age. Every last detail." At those words her eyes shifted back down to his cock. The words made it twitch involuntarily. Sally giggled at its motion. "Every detail." His cock twitched again and she giggled more. Tim turned his attention to the shopping, putting the last few bags of items away. He made sure the fridge was stocked with all the alcohol they would need tonight.

"Mum, why are we celebrating?" Belle must have finished the morning shift.

"It's a surprise love."

"Why does Tim get to know then?!"

"It was his idea. Want to just tell her Timmy?" Tim opened up the laptop and scanned the listings. He slid the computer to Belle.

"The current listings are at £4,873.31. Just some records that I picked out yesterday. And that doesn't include the 2.5k you already sold before I got here."

"Wow." Belle was scanning the listings. "Do we have more of the same records to put on after these finish?"

"None of the same but others that will be quite rare too."

"The money we make on all of your Dad's stuff, Izzy, after all the fees are paid, we are splitting it three ways."

"What, no it's yours Mum."

"Tim said the same. Your Dad would have wanted you two to have some. Tim is going to handle all of the selling. I will do all the posting of the stuff and I would like you to do the packing if you are okay with that? So we are all a part of it. It's all ours."

"Okay, sounds like a plan. See you've got yourself comfortable again." Belle said in reference to Tims cock which was brushing the kitchen table. "Bit unhygienic don't you think?" Tim scooted back from the table and bumped into the cupboards behind him.


"We'll get used to it." Belle was looking at him, glancing over his body. "I am starting to feel the normality of it already."

"The little git got his arse out in the shop."


"Little Timmy showing off his bum bum. Pervert."

"Shut up or I will show it to you too, and I won't hold back."

"Whatever that means."

"Pack it in you two."

Tim flicked on the kettle. "Want a coffee?" He held up the cafetiere to Belle.

"Sure." Tim sat the coffee down in front of them and set two mugs next to it. Belle made to plunge it.

"Give it a minute." Belle's hand retreated. "When are you back at work?"

"Only got an hour break today, so in about 20 mins I need to be back up there but finish at 4 today. Well 'should' finish."

"Do you always have to work overtime or is it optional?"

"Well if you have started a job you need to finish it really. You shouldn't leave it half done. I try to pick easier ones towards the end of the day but sometimes you don't know what you are going in for. Like when I end up with something Jed has "fixed" It takes me ages to sift through all the shite he has left behind."

"Ahh I see. Surely you could just bullshit it and say it took you 5 hours of overtime and your computer was just sitting there running."

"They monitor all the activity. So if I dont key an input for more than 10 minutes, the clock pauses. And there can't be anymore than three of those in a three hour period or you get deducted an hour's overtime. It's a good system they have so I wouldn't even try to cheat it."

"Yeah must have had to add all this because someone took them to town on overtime."

"Probably." Tim slid the laptop back to him and dealt with any questions the bidders had asked. He understood that clear and quick communication was needed, especially as some of these collectors were spending thousands on one old record. At two Belle said goodbye and went back to work. Tim and Sally organised what needed prepping for the curry. She liked to make them from scratch. She made a list of veg for Tim to prepare later.

"I'm gonna go look for the next batch of stuff to list."

"Okay love. Give me a shout if you need me." Tim walked to the stairs. He could feel his Mum's eyes drilling into his back. Tim spent about an hour searching through the boxes that were marked vinyl. Now that the bed was out of the room he at least had a bit of space to lay out the contents of the boxes as he sorted them. He filled some empty boxes with the next four batches of listings. He was on his knees pushing some of the sorted boxes against the walls when the door clicked open. "What a sight." Tim laid his chest to the ground to really give his Mum a proper look. "You're an animal. You finished?" Tim spun and sat on his heels.

"Yeah that'll do."

"Come and prep the veg then." Tim stood and followed his Mum down the hall to the stairs. She turned as they were walking down and she watched the way his cock bounced, she giggled and turned forward. Tim washed his hands and started prepping the veg. Sally approached him from behind and held a pinny over him and brought it down Tim moved his hands. He let her tie it behind his back, he could feel her fingers just above his arse. "Bit more hygienic I think." Tim stepped away from the worktop and looked at the garment. It was a tiny pinny, the kind you would see in a french maids outfit.

"Reckon I know what this is off."

"I don't know what you mean," said Sally, averting her eyes.

"You were both kinky buggers weren't you? Tut tut." Tim continued prepping the veg. Even before he had finished his Mum was getting the pan ready, oil in and hot. Tim stepped back and watched her work. She was very skilled, the way she constantly kept the pan moving so that the veg never got a chance to burn. He moved to her right to watch the motion from a different angle. He didn't get too close because of the spatter. He watched the motion. But another motion caught his eye. Everytime Sally flicked her arm to keep the pan in motion, her breasts jiggled against her top. Tim stared. The way they moved it was like a never ending wave. The thin fabric of her blouse betrayed her, Tim could see the slightest hint of nipple through the material.

"You're staring, Timmy." Tim looked from her breasts up to her face. She was looking at the pan.

"It's fascinating." Tim returned his eyes to her breasts. The nipples were definitely more prominent now. Were her nipples hard? Tim felt the beginnings of an erection.

"Dish up the rice Tim." Tim did so but kept glancing back to his mothers breasts. Sally added sauce to the pan and continued the motions. Tim stared, eyes wide open. Taking in the movement of her breasts and savouring the moment. Sally turned the burner off and moved the pan to the plates that lay prepared on the sides and poured a generous portion of curry onto each of the plates. She turned to Tim, still staring at her. Her eyes were drawn to the pinny. The garment was being supported by her son's cock. Had she made him hard she thought. She set the pan in the sink brushing past Tim. She set the plates on the table, brushing past him again. She looked to the clock. 4:08. "Tim go and see how long Belle will be. Keep the pinny on."

Tim broke out of his hypnotised state, nodded and went upstairs. He opened the door, flicked the switch and Belle turned to him and instantly broke into laughter. He looked down, his erection had mostly subsided but it was the pinny she had found hilarious. "Who are you? The bloody french maid?!"

"Get this, it's Mum's." Belle stopped laughing and a look of shock washed over her. "Yep. Dirty bastards, our parents. He probably did her while she was wearing this."

"Tim! Shut up!"

"Food's ready. How long will you be?"

"Just got a 5 minute meeting with my boss then I am done." Tim nodded, left and went back to the kitchen. He pulled the bottle of champagne out of the fridge and set it on the table. Not really cold but it would do for this. He added flutes to the table and got three beers out as well. He cracked them and started to drink one. His mum had set the sides and sundries onto the table too. A feast. He placed the beers at their places.

"She won't be long, just got a quick meeting then she will be down. We'll leave the champagne until she gets here." They both tucked into the food. It was delectable as everything Sally cooked was. Tim ate several forkfuls of curry and rice then paused to take several gulps of beer. It was hot, Tim liked hot but this was hotter than Sally would usually make. He ripped off some naan and scooped some curry up with it. They were half way through their meal when Belle came rushing down the stairs, flung herself into her place at the table and started shovelling in food. Tim stood, grabbed the champagne and gave it a quick shake and popped the cork. It pinged off the opposite wall and landed in the sink. They all cheered. He splashed some on the table as he was filling the glasses but he didn't care. He passed two full flutes along and they all held up a glass. "To Dad. To Dad and all the shite he collected over all those years. To Dad and his shite."


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