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Exquisite Dining

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A delightful dinner with a girl to follow.
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It was such a decorative thing for the diners to watch before they began their meal. Such a pleasant backdrop to the buzz of intelligent discourse as the girl squirmed silently away on the chaise longue in the corner, just the faintest of 'mmmphh's coming to their ears in any lull in conversation.

Mary smiled, she knew her new husband would enjoy the traditional post dinner 'spreading' as much as she and her friends always did. He had once revealed to her he had a bit of a penchant for red heads but had never 'tried' one. He had not actually quite put it like that! Mary had said nothing but had filed the information away. She was sure he would enjoy sliding his very long penis into the girl's ample red bush. Diane had assured her it was very full and very red, 'a blaze of curls' she had said, 'quite the little squirrel.' As the newest member of the dining club he would, of course, be last to enter and release. She hoped he would not mind that. She already knew how much David enjoyed the pleasures of sex in many guises. She already knew his penis was particularly long. Mary was married to him after all and had enough experience to make the comparison.

The girl continued to squirm. She really was most decorative. David, her husband, had been quite taken aback. Mary had warned him the dinner party would be a bit different but had not given him any idea how different. It was, indeed, very different. It would be quite a surprise. David would be seeing a new side to her - and would certainly be seeing things about her friends he had not seen before. Intimate things.

It had all seemed so normal, a charming group of a dozen persons sipping sparkling wine before going in for dinner. It was only when they entered the small but beautifully appointed dining room that things had become rather different. Not that anyone had said anything. The girl had simply been there in the corner, bound, gagged and squirming. "Say nothing," she had whispered and David had complied but clearly been more than puzzled.

Mary watched the girl wriggle quietly in the corner as she raised the crystal glass to her lips and drank the cool white wine. The girl was undoubtedly pretty. The white running shorts and the cropped top giving the intended appearance. The idea, but not the reality, was that she had been snatched and tied whilst on a jog, perhaps in a park. Her scraped back red hair tied in a ponytail waggled as she moved around. The brand new trainers without a hint of mud to their soles was a bit of a give-away that the girl had merely been dressed for the part. Diane had found her and no doubt she was being paid well. Perhaps she was a drama student needing some extra cash and what an appropriate way to earn it, acting, albeit as a tied up, kidnapped girl. She was, nonetheless, playing the part well. Mary hoped she would perform just as well when things got more 'serious.'

She had been amused to see David's covert glances at the girl. He was clearly appreciating her, enjoying seeing the firm thighs poking out from her white shorts, seeing her bosom straining at her top as she gave a very good impression of struggling against the tight binding. Mary could almost tell what he was thinking. She wondered if he had an erection. It was tempting to find out under the tablecloth. To slip her hand across and feel, perhaps even unzip and extract. She had dared to do that once in one of the best restaurants in town. Their table had been against a corner and discrete enough. How David's face had changed but he had not stopped the careful movements of her fingers as she had brought him out hidden beneath the tablecloth. Delightfully they had not been alone at the table and David had clearly felt unable to say anything about what she had being doing.

David had not known then, could then have had no idea how Diane across the table would have been quite unfazed by the idea, would probably have pretended to drop her napkin just to have a peek under the table to see Mary's fingers encircling David's so fine long penis. Mary had toyed with it on and off right through to the pudding course before discreetly ensuring his white linen napkin was carefully placed to catch the product of her handiwork.

"Mmmm," she had said raising her spoon to her lips, "delightfully creamy." The pudding had indeed been just so, a perfection, but she was sure David realised her allusion was to what he was doing at that very moment as he spurted into his napkin, aided by her fast moving fingers.

The present dinner was a delight, course after course. A gourmet's meal of no less than four courses. Each delicate and beautifully presented. Not the hearty fare men so liked. Not the steak and kidney puddings and Spotted Dick with custard so favoured by men. It was much more the nouvelle cuisine, much more the light and interesting. Better, really, for men who needed to perform later. Fine Scottish salmon to start, cured in citrus with a drizzle of dill cream, all so artistically presented by the chef down to the swirl of red caviar. The wine was taken in moderation, not simply from a need to drive home afterwards. David clearly a little puzzled at the very limited pouring by the waiter. After all, to him, as Mary had agreed to do the driving, restraint was not called for. He was, of course, far too polite to say anything and he would certainly not have missed the quality he was sipping.

The double doors to the room finally closed and the waiter left the company alone.

"Gentlemen, your penises please." Sir John had spoken in formal, clipped tones.

David had almost choked himself on his wine.

"You need to get it out," Mary had whispered.

"What!" he had whispered back but her hands had been quick, had moved to the dark material of his dinner suit, unbuttoned his fly and pulled him out. It was a practised move with David. She had done it many times before

There was a scraping back of chairs and the men stood. David the last to stand, he could hardly do otherwise, but so conscious, so sweetly conscious, he had been released. Mary could see his astonishment. All the men with flies undone and penises exposed. What was more all standing erect bar his and, naturally, everyone had noticed the difference. Not the penises, not the tumescence but the lack of it. Eleven person's eyes upon David's limp cock, if you did not count the bound girl, and then he too looked down - twenty-four eyes on one penis. The only one of the six penes not to be a fleshly pole. There was a pause, a silence. Mary looked up and could see the look of almost panic in her husband's eyes as he turned to her. The scene hardly unfamiliar to Mary must have seemed so bizarre to him. Mary held his stare for a moment and then slipped the tip of her tongue across her lips and motioned towards the squirming girl and nodded.

Whether it was the sight of the other penes, the other five clearly sexually excited organs, certainly it did for Mary, they were fine and sexually appealing; whether it was the sight of his wife's pink tongue making a sexual signal or the clear inference of his wife's glance in the direction of the bound girl, and all that implied, which proved the particular catalyst or whether it was the combination of the factors, Mary did not know but her relief at the movement to David's front and his developing erection was palpable. She breathed slowly out as she watched the limp penis that had already spilt its stuff more times within her than any other, stretch itself and then rise up and up towards the ceiling.

Her eyes sought Diane's, her lips now relaxed in an expression of self satisfaction and relief rather than pursed in an expression of worry. Once tumescent David's penis did not disappoint. As the foreskin rolled back and the taut fraenum came into view, she saw Diane look back at her and nod approvingly. It was the longest penis present, rising over even Terry's, moreover Mary knew the women, if not really the men, would be delighted by the way the shaft was ramrod straight for most of its length but then bent upwards for the last two inches to the knob. An unusual shape but so very, she thought, visually appealing - the upward turn giving an impression of 'thrust!'

"Gentlemen," repeated Sir John, "a toast to the ladies."

The men raised their glasses, the action causing their erections to stand the higher. It was a pleasing sight to Mary and she, like the other ladies, nodded in recognition of the compliment. The double compliment. The penes were fine and she knew them all: had at one time or another taken each within her body and permitted their release. She turned from David towards the man standing on her other side. Seated as she was, it was right there, right next to her, in her face, so to speak in all its freshly erected strength. It was a fine organ, as were all six presented in the room. Mary only had to incline her head a little, only bend a little towards him and it would be in her mouth.

Mary waited, her eyes on the pink swollen head with its stripped back folds of skin, now fully retracted, and its eye, for the moment closed and not even weeping. It was Lady Arabella's turn to speak. It was just the one word, "Ladies," and Mary moved forward allowing her mouth to close over the soft, smooth skin of her neighbour's knob. It was not only a return of the compliment the gentlemen had just made in raising their glasses - and importantly their penes to the ladies (and she was so pleased David had not disappointed) - but it was also nice to suck a penis anyway. Her tongue stroked over the smooth skin. She just loved the feel of a penis in her mouth.

Mary raised her head, her eyes sparkling and with a very pleasant warmth now developing between her legs to turn and look at David. His expression of shock a delight. It could not have been an unpleasant shock. Any man would have loved the feel of Arabella's lips on his penis, her pouting rosebud of a mouth excited comment wherever she went, it was a mouth any man would want to be sucked by. Mary had not missed David's look across the room towards her or the eager way he had engaged Arabella in conversation when he had discovered her standing ready to sit by him at the table. It had, of course, been Diane's doing. Like the man next to her, David's penis now glistened with the wetness of saliva. It would be kept moist, one way or another, for much of the evening.

Mary smiled at her husband and looked around. In the corner the girl's eyes had grown wide. She had seen the six erections, seen the six lipsticked mouths descend. Perhaps only now she was realising both the extent of her predicament and what she had let herself in for. Mary smiled at the girl. It was a friendly smile. The girl had almost certainly not fully appreciated what would happen.

Had the bound girl realised quite the perversions that would be performed upon her? Had she failed to carefully read the small print of the contract or simply been mesmerised by the size of the fee for an evening's work?

The writhing against the bonds was more pronounced. It was most realistic, as if the girl was really trying to get away. There was little chance of that. The six penes would need to ejaculate first.

It was not fair on the girl to be so tightly bound. It was only fair she should have the opportunity to stretch her legs. It was the women who retied the girl, it was Diane and others who loosened and rearranged, allowing the girl to indeed stretch her legs out. But they were left stretched, the ties at her ankles pulling at her making it impossible for her now to bend her legs. Moreover they were tied apart, well apart so that the girl was now totally spread-eagled, her sex peeked out from the open legs of her running shorts. Previously, bound as she was, there was no opportunity for the men to peek up those legs and glimpse what lay beneath, but now, though somewhat obscured, the diners were able to see at least part of her charms, seen up the legs of her short white running shorts. The girl was without panties. An unnecessary item within running shorts. A delightful little glimpse, a teasing glimpse of what was there. A glimpse of flesh is often so much more erotic than fully nudity. It was just as Diane had said. There, to the delight of all, was the little red squirrel. It was not merely the men who were appreciative. The girl's curls were as red as Mary had ever seen, a dark, rich red rather than an amber. There was a pause in the proceedings for the wriggling girl to be admired in her new and more revealing pose,

Fresh from the shop, carefully selected but never to have a chance to go for a run. Never to soak up a girl's intimate perspiration, the running shorts were soon rendered mere scraps of cloth by the judicious use of a pair of sharp scissors. Mary had been given the honour. The silver scissors handed around the group until they rested in her hands.

She had stood and walked to the girl. Her smile meant to be reassuring and friendly. The girl's eyes had been wide and staring at the silver scissors. Mary had reached out and slipped the fingers of her left hand up one leg of the shorts and out the other, drawing the material away from the girl's skin and those delightful dark red curls. Mary could feel her knuckles on the girl's sex. It was warm but not wet. Perhaps unsurprisingly the experience had not caused sexual excitement in the girl. A pity, but hardly unusual. With the material at a safe distance from the girl, Mary snipped. It would not do to draw blood. It would rather spoil the whole effect.

It was not a deflowering after all! Indeed that was not something the group had yet performed though it had been mooted. The men had been keen and certainly Mary could see that the idea of an orchestrated, rather formal and drawn out deflowering of a young virgin by the men - not man! - would be entertaining. The ladies would enjoy watching. It required, though, for Diane to find a willing virgin. It would perhaps be better done by someone acting the part.

The narrow strip of material between the two legs of the shorts now had a clear sharp divide. It was no longer a pair of shorts and would not be again. Carefully Mary set one, newly created, flap down and lifted the other up.

And there was the little red squirrel in clear sight. The girl's legs so spread and her sex so revealed. Her red curls forming such a delightful framing to the girl's now visible and intimate charms. The entrance to her body, the sexual entrance now displayed to all. All so soft, so pink and so frilly. It reminded Mary of Lady Arabella's. Rather frilly labia minora and a pronounced clitoral hood, though the girl's sexual entrance rather more discrete. Perhaps less often travelled. Diane would know, she would have asked questions. Well travelled or not, it would be opened shortly and all the men, perhaps, would leave their calling cards within. That was a matter for Sir John. He would call the order.

Mary looked and could discern no let-up in the firmness of the gentlemen's erections. David's face and his rapt attention almost amusing. He had not seen his wife touch another woman intimately before. The ladies still sitting were watching with no less attention than the men. She knew her friends. Mary did not doubt their nipples were as extended as the men's penes, was sure within their frilly knickers, for those who had bothered to wear any, soft vulvas would be gently dripping sweet lubrication. Mary had not herself worn such a garment within her dress and could feel the pleasant wetness there. Suspender belt yes, stockings yes - she so loved the feel of the old fashioned lingerie - but had dispensed with knickers, even fine silk knickers. Going 'commando' seemed a rather course expression unsuited to the fine clothes she was wearing - nonetheless she was without panties. Mary lent a little forward, was the charming girl perhaps wettening? She would be very wet shortly if the usual proceedings carried through.

A further series of judicious snippings of the scissors, with pauses for all to admire the steady revealing of the girl. Snippings by the silver scissors, until shorts, top and sports bra lay in tatters on the floor.

Sir John picked the bottle of white wine from a silver wine cooler full of ice and stepped away from the table. A fine figure of a man with a military bearing. Ram rod straight - as was his penis, not a hint of a curve and very upright. Mary had duelled with it and 'lost' but, of course, she was a stranger to none of the penes in the room. She had mounted or been mounted by every single one at one time or another - even, perhaps, all, or at least several, of one evening. It could be difficult to keep count at an orgy. Tonight was not an orgy, at least not in Diane's terms. They were not wearing Roman costume, after all!

The cool sweet white wine was poured, splashing onto and into the exposed flesh. The girl's sex reacted delightfully against the cold, closing a little in upon itself. Mary saw Diane's tongue move across her teeth, anxious as always to slip it into the girl of the evening, keen to feel both the soft flesh and the fresh coolness from the wine. To enjoy its sweetness before the girl's sex was warmed by the men's plunging penes. Of the women, Diane was most into Sapphic pleasure, had been well into those pleasures at school. Much more than had Mary. She had been less than interested at first but eventually she had succumbed. It had not been easy pleasuring herself, and discovering her own body, when all around her in the darkness of the dorm there had been giggling and the wet sounds of girls discovering each other. She recalled Diane first coming to her bed in the dark, the warm feel of a naked girl getting in beside her, the hard points of Diane's nipples against her skin and then the touching.

"Mary, would you taste the wine for us?"

It was Diane being her usual part mischievous, part manipulative, part controlling self. The choice of Mary, rather than one of the other five ladies, was deliberate. Much more pleasing for all, thought Mary, for the puckered rosebud of Arabella's mouth, the lipstick fresh applied, to have descended to the girl's soft flesh - it would have been the prettiest of kisses. But that was not Diane's way. She wished to see David's reaction to his wife's lips, the lips he had so often kissed, caressing the flesh of a girl in a most intimate way.

"Of course."

How could she refuse? Much better from her point of view to have a fine young man writhing in bondage, preferably a strong young man with his muscles straining to no avail. His lovely penis soft and flopping and quite unrestrained by the bondage but now wet from the pouring of the wine. How nice to be not only asked to taste the wine but to erect him. Her lips closing around the little soft thing, perhaps absorbing it all, tasting it wet from the wine. Feeling it at first cold from the poured wine but then a warming and a growing in her mouth as she manipulated it with her tongue. How pleasant to release it to warm applause. She having performed her allotted task.

A transformation scene indeed. The penis at the start disappearing into her mouth or soft and malleable but coming out hard and rigid. The young man now not only helpless in bondage but readied for the women's pleasure - unable to resist them taking him. Diane would, of course, be prepared to join the other women but not with her usual enthusiasm. She could of course take the male appendage, had just the place for it: it just did not enthuse her quite so much if the truth was told.

And what of the men? The boy's bottom smooth and tight. Pleasing to Mary. She might fondle it. The men would not. Diane had often suggested such a thing, had said it must happen one day and, certainly it added a certain frisson to proceedings. The men never knowing if that particular evening Diane would require sodomy. Mary knew David would be horrified at the thought - quite abhorrent to him. She had, as a precaution, spoken to Diane. Had established the entertainment would be the red headed girl. It was not yet what Diane referred to as the possible 'Greek' evening by way of allusion to the Ancient Greeks seeming preference for a fine young boy for sexual recreation.

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