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Extended Family, Extended Fun

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A wedding party becomes an orgy.
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All people in this story are fictional and 18 years of age or over. Any similarities to any real people are purely coincidental.

I'm a 24-year-old Irish man with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a slim athletic build. My immediate family consists of my parents, my sister, and me, but my extended family on my mother's side is vast.

She has 9 brothers and 9 sisters. She is also the youngest of her siblings. My dad only has a brother who lives abroad, and I only see him and my cousins every couple of years.

It's pretty difficult to keep up with all my aunts and uncles, not to mention all of my cousins, and even some of my cousins have children. So I dont know a large chunk of my extended family.

One of my cousins who is older than me, in fact, the majority of them are older than me, was going to get married in a couple of days. He was in his thirties, and his wife was only a few years older than me.

He had managed to make a bunch of money from being a landlord, and so he was fairly well off. As a result of his wealth, he and his fiance decided to invite the majority of the extended family to their wedding.

I was looking forward to this wedding as I hadn't been to a family wedding before. Well, I had been to the church part of the wedding, but never the after party, they always said it was because of the drinking.

However, I had been to a couple of other wedding after parties of friends of the family, and they had alcohol there. I was always told I could come to a family wedding once I had become 18. Unfortunately, no wedding has happened until now, when I was 24.

I came home from work a couple of days before the wedding, and I had a small package inside my door that had been posted through my letterbox.

It didn't have a postage stamp on it, but it did have a letter attached. I decided to open the letter first to know what I was dealing with here. The letter read:

Dear Sam,

I can't reveal exactly who this is yet, but it is a relative. I had to deliver this old DVD by hand because I didn't want to risk it being seen by other people.

This is strictly family business. I also didn't want to digitalise it and send it to you via the Internet because it could be leaked that way. I can't stress enough how important it is to so much of the family and that you must keep this private.

All will make sense once you've watched the DVD, and once you have, we will all completely understand if you don't wish to part take. We also hope that in that event, you won't view us in too much of a negative light.

If you wish to be rid of the DVD, we ask you to simply gift it back with no indication of who it is from, or no other writing on the packaging, simply add it to the gift pile at the wedding and then leave. Someone will find it and know what to do.

Kindest regards,

A Relative.

I was then both terrified and intrigued to open the package and watch this DVD. Why the secrecy? Why the vagueness? Why a couple of days before my cousin's wedding?

I was starving, so I went to eat dinner first, then I went and found my old DVD player and set it up, then put in the DVD and let it play.

At first, it was just an old family wedding video. It had an older grainy quality to it, but it was clear enough. I didn't fully know whose wedding it was, but I guessed it was one of my older cousins who I didn't know that well at all. I believe they're about 20 years older than me.

Then it started to show some of the after-party. The people all gathered in, everyone chatting and eating, the groom's speech, the first dance. All seemed normal until the garter removal.

Some typical "sexy type" music began playing, and the bride sat on her chair in the middle of the dance floor as everyone stood around in a circle.

The groom crawled on all fours after doing his thrusting dance moves, then proceeded to get under his wife's dress and remove the garter.

They went with the joke version and used some big old white granny nickers. Everyone cheered and laughed.

Then my aunt Aoife shouted out, "THEY'RE MINE!" and then lifted her dress which exposed her bare pussy. She laughed and then nudged her brother Cormac with her elbow.

Cormac then pipped up and shouted out, I can give mine to the groom if you're going to do it the other way around later! He then proceeded to pull down his pants leaving his underwear on.

Aoife then got behind Cormac and pulled down his underwear the whole way. He then shouted out, "HEY!" and pulled up his underwear and then began to laugh hysterically with his drunk sister.

There was a cut in the video then, and it went back to people dancing. After a couple of minutes, Aoife and Cormac ended up flashing some more people. It seemed to have become their running skit and joke for their booze-fueled night.

Aoife would flash her bare pussy and Cormac would flash his cock. He had already taken his shirt and tie off, his shirt was long gone, and his tie was firmly wrapped around his head like a bandanna.

They showed up in a few more clips, every time, flashing people. Then, the flashing became more intense. Aoife had just left her left breast hanging out as she went around and just flashed her pussy at random people.

Then Cormac would pull down his pants, underwear and all, and Aoife would swing his dick around for him. Most people were too drunk to care at this point, and it presumably happened so many times people were used to it and expecting it.

After a few more brief clips of people dancing and Aoife and Cormac flashing people, they seemed to disappear. They were in almost every clip, I presumed they had been thrown out or even arrested at this point.

Then a few more clips later, you could see them in the background, sitting down near each other on some chairs. They were half slumped over on the chairs, but then I noticed Aoife was giving Cormac a handjob!

I was shocked but I enjoyed it. I couldn't help but focus on the two. Then the next clip had a young man and woman sitting near them. I recognised them from previous family gatherings I had been to, I remember them a tad bit older, and I couldn't quite remember their names.

The guy had his hand on the woman's leg, it was half on her bare thigh and half on her dress. Then he slowly slid his hand under her dress and rubbed her pussy, her eyes closed and her body tensed up. You couldn't see as much detail as her dress and underwear covered her.

This wedding video was getting raunchy. The following clips began to escalate even further. The original couple of Aoife and Cormac, then two young cousins, seemed to somehow get everyone in a "better" mood.

There was kissing, groping, to minor nudity. The music seemed to be turned down at this point. The chattering filled the room. I turned up the volume to see if I could catch anything they were saying.

It seemed to be a casual talk at first, and then I could hear loud moaning in the background. As the clips went on, so did the sexual acts. There was full-on making out, more and more nudity, more and more handjobs and fingering, then some blowjobs and cunnilingus. Then it seemed to turn into an outright orgy.

I was astonished. I was close with many of these family members. Whilst some were slow to start and only beginning to make out, some were straight-up fucking.

Then the cameraman started to get close-up shots of some of these acts, some weren't happy about being filmed, and others were super into it and became more enthusiastic for the camera.

Then the cameraman started doing the whole "Anything you want to say to the bride and groom?" whilst filming them as they performed their various sex acts, and people responded.

Mostly positive and enthusiastic, but some just made passive-aggressive comments to the cameraman to get him to go away. Things like, "Well, the wedding is great, but I'd appreciate not being filmed so much at the next family wedding."

I was now more astonished that there were some people not getting involved sexually. They were fully clothed and standing around looking and chatting with others still fully clothed.

Some of these people would occasionally check on some of their family members who were having sex, just bringing some food and drink. Then some would help the guys re-enter as they were pretty drunk and uncoordinated.

Then, amid the family orgy, a young woman, most likely 18 or 19, came crying to her mom. She had received a creampie from her uncle. Her mother was furious, she didn't seem to mind the two fucking but was furious at him for cumming without protection.

Her mother got on her knees as her daughter stood there sobbing, she used her fingers at first to get out as much cum as possible, then she got a water bottle and squirted water to remove even more cum from her daughter's pussy.

She then went to her brother who had just creampied her daughter and gave out to him as he sat there completely naked.

The next few shots were of her and a few other clothed people handing out condoms and putting them on people. The video ended with some clips of the bride and groom fucking in their room.

I was now super horny and I now had additional questions. I phoned my mother and told her I had received the tape about the family weddings.

There was a pause, and then she said she would talk to me tomorrow evening at her house and then hung up. So I waited till the next day and drove to her house.

When I got there, I knocked, and when she opened the door she gave me a big hug. She invited me in and we sat at the table. I asked so many questions and she answered them all.

She explained how that video was the first time it all had happened. No other videos exist, but this one is very important as it is how they induct new adults into the orgies. My Dad and sister were home, but they let my mother take over and explain everything to me.

There were now some rules as well. No talking or sharing anything about the events, everyone must wear condoms, no excessive drinking, consent is an obvious must and no sex with family outside of the events.

All of these rules help to keep everyone safe and to keep the whole thing a secret. She then decided that it would be a good idea to watch the film again so she could explain some of the relationships between the family members.

We went to the living room and put on the tape. It felt weird at first to watch this raunchy tape with my mother, but as she enthusiastically explained all the relations and gave some clips more context, I relaxed and got more into it.

She also told some stories of weddings since the first event. By the end of it, I was looking forward to it more than ever.

Just 24 hours or so to go, and I'll be in the midst of a family orgy. I went home and somehow got to sleep despite the excitement.

I woke up in the morning, got dressed in my suit and drove out to the church. I met my immediate family first, and then we started chatting to everyone outside the church as we waited for the priest to tell us to go in.

I chatted to the members of my extended family I was closest to first, I then started some small talk with some other women of the family I found attractive.

I mainly had my eye on one of my cousins and the third youngest aunt who still kept in shape. I learned after a couple of minutes of talking that they were mother and daughter.

My cousin, Andria, was about 5'5" with long blonde hair down to her mid back, she had a petite frame with small breasts and a nicely shaped ass.

My aunt was about my height, 5'9", she had short grey hair, slightly bigger than average breasts and wide hips with a slightly flabby ass. I liked it that way because it jiggled a nice amount. We all went in and proceeded with the wedding. Everything was beautiful and well organised.

After the wedding, we all got in our cars and headed for the after-party venue. It consisted of three very large buildings, each almost like a hotel with plenty of rooms but the whole thing was specially built for large wedding venues.

The middle building had a large hall for the main after-party, and then upstairs, there were rooms. Then, two other buildings had rooms on both levels.

The buildings were on a large plot of land with nicely kept gardens all enclosed by an old large stone wall. You could rent out the entire building and have catering and a bar set up for you.

You could also pay extra to have no staff present so it's completely private. The only staff there was security at the gate and some other staff for emergencies, but they were set up a couple of minutes down the road in a different house. It was perfect for the type of evening we had planned.

There were bain maries left with an assortment of food so we could have a buffet style meal. The food was delicious, and the bar was nearly being used more than the bain maries.

Then the speeches were made by the best man and anyone else who wanted to. Then we got the music going and danced a little bit before the removal of the garter.

The bride had disappeared for a short while and then came back in some white frilly lingerie. She kept her veil, and her underwear had a train like her wedding dress.

When she appeared, everyone cheered and wooed. She sat slouched on a large throne-like chair so her ass was off it. Some sexy music began to play, and the groom crawled on all fours towards her, then proceeded to slowly take her panties off.

As he began to do so, the DJ of the family changed the music to a drum roll. Everyone else joined in by clapping their knees. Then, she finished the drum roll once her panties were off her legs. He then went down on her, and everyone knew it was time to get mingling.

It was crazy to see so many people taking their clothes off entirely straight away. It was especially invigorating for me to see all the women taking off their clothes.

I began to follow suit myself. I turned around as I was getting undressed and saw my immediate family getting changed. I was now seeing them in a different light.

My dad is a carbon copy of me, but of course, he's older. My mom is short, about 4'9", with long black hair and a nice curvy body.

My sister is roughly 5'6", has blonde hair to the bottom of her shoulders, and has average breasts with a nicely shaped big ass. Mom started sucking dads dick almost straight away.

Mom and Dad mostly stuck with each other but they would occasionally fuck other people if the other was getting too tired.

My sister looked around and then before she made a move, one of my guy cousins came over and started kissing her. She was happy to see him, they had been close over the years, but I didn't know they were that close.

His name was Dan. I then looked around and spotted Andria and my aunt kneeling in front of my aunt's husband. They were sucking him off, but I decided to go over anyway. When I got over to them, my aunt was currently not sucking his dick and waiting her turn.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, and she turned to look up at me. Then she smiled and said, " Oh, Sam, you wanna join us?" I said yes, and she grabbed my dick but then stopped and looked back up at me.

She said, "You forgot your condom," with a slightly disappointed look, then smiled and reached for her bag. She pulled out a condom and then slipped it on my dick.

As she was looking in her bag, her daughter, Andria, lifted her head off her dad's dick and looked over to see me. She smiled instantly and laughed giddily.

She watched her mother slip on the condom and then suck me off for a moment before sucking her dad's dick again. Her tongue came out of her mouth and supported the length of my dick before taking me into her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around and then started to pull me in and out. Once she was comfortable with my size, she took me into her throat and licked my balls with her tongue.

I hadn't received a blowjob with that level of skill ever. Not that I had had many different women. I felt like coming, but I held off because I didn't want to ruin any chance I had with her daughter.

After a few minutes of a blowjob, she got up and sat on a couch behind her. She lay back and lifted her legs and asked me to fuck her. I obliged and stuck my dick in her.

She was already wet and ready to take me. I leaned in and kissed her as I thrust in and out. I then kissed her neck and moved down to her breasts before returning to her mouth.

I rubbed her clit with my thumb and held the side of her head with my other hand. After a few minutes, she began to cum. I felt her pussy tighten on my dick, she clenched hard which nearly sent me over the edge.

She had done her exercises. She then signalled for me to get out of her by pushing on my stomach. She then got on all fours and faced her daughter and husband who I only realised were now fucking in the same position as we were.

She then smacked her ass and looked at me with a big smile. I knew she wanted me to fuck her in doggy style. I slid back in and began thrusting as I watched her kiss her daughter as she got fucked by her dad.

It wasn't long before my favourite aunt began to come again. She almost collapsed down fully onto the couch. Once she was done, I slid under her in the 69 position and began to eat her out, she followed suit and sucked me off, much in the same way she did before

I then felt a smaller pair of hands fondle my balls. I guessed it was Andria showing an interest.

I then heard a man moan and then a few moments later I felt an additional tongue lick the base of my dick. My aunt then said, "Oh sweety, has your dad finished?" My cousin said yes and then my aunt sat up, then got off my face.

I then sat up and was face to face with my cousin. We smiled at each other and then leaned in to kiss. our tongues slid into each other's mouths. I began to grope her breasts.

She reached down and grabbed my dick which was now soaked in her mother's pussy juices. She then pulled away and went down to my dick.

She didn't have anywhere near as much technique as her mother but she made up for it with her sheer enthusiasm and willingness to please.

She bobbed up and down rapidly and took me deep into her throat. I lay on my back as she continued to suck me off. After a few more moments, she climbed on top of me in cowgirl position.

She leaned down and whispered to me "Do you wanna fuck me?" I replied "Of course" then she promptly inserted me into her pussy. I looked at her sweet smiling face and then down to her small breasts then returned to her face.

She rested her hands on my chest and I rested my hands on her hips. She transitioned from writhing to bouncing on my dick, to writhing once more.

Soon she began to come and so did I. She collapsed into my chest and moaned as her legs and hips spasmed. I hugged her close as I shot my load into the condom.

Once she was done, she whispered in my ear again, "Meet me at room 180 at midnight. It will be worth your while." I replied, "Sure, room 180 at midnight, see ya there." We then got up and went our separate ways.

I was flaccid now with the condom still on, filled with my cum. I glanced around the room looking for my next adventure for the night. It was still early enough in the night so I had plenty of time to kill before midnight.

I began walking around the room, watching family members fuck. Then I heard a woman call me. I looked around and noticed it was one of my aunts.

She was hard to see as she was surrounded by men who were waiting to fuck her and grope her. She was in a corner which was obscured by some tables and couches.

I went over to her and she signalled some of the guys to get out of the way. She asked if I wanted help with my full condom. Before I could respond she pulled it off my dick and began pouring my cum on her pussy.

She was in the middle of being fucked by one of the older cousins. She rubbed the cum all over her pussy and onto the dick of the cousin fucking her.


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