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Extending the MILF List Ch. 13

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How Much Sex Can One Man Have? Part 2: Friday.
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Part 13 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/16/2014
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How Much Sex Can One Man Have? Part 2: Friday

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I woke with a woody. My fucking cock regenerates faster than public debt after congress balances the budget.

"Nice timing, asshole." I grumbled as I rolled out of bed. The day was bright and it hurt my eyes. I squinted, checked the time. Yep, I was late. I missed my first class. I did check to see if Norma was tucked in mom's bed. She was. She lifted her head when I peeked in at her. She waved and then flopped back to sleep. Otherwise the house was empty.

I sprinted to school, and by sprinted I mean I hurried, but did not walk. I was rushing to my second class when I came face to face with Dr. Olivette. I thought she would walk right past me, I hoped, because it was her class I missed. She didn't.

Her hand snagged my upper arm and we did a little dossy doh to face each other.

"Mr. Duncan, nice to see you got out of bed this morning. Missed you in class this morning."

I said nothing. Truth is I was staring down her cleavage. I know she noticed because she reached out and lifted my chin for me, right there in the flow of students in the hall.

"Mr. Duncan, I have my eye on you." She said archly. "I have a long memory, so please, continue to give me a good impression of your..." her hesitation turned into a smile. "...uh...performance. Do you understanding my meaning."

I smiled. Memories of Ahmay fluttered in my putter and I knew I was ready because the touch of this woman's finger on my skin launched my missile. "I understand you mean what you say. Is that enough?" I offered with a smile, finally lifting my eyes from her breasts bunched up in her tight blouse and bluesy bra. "I have my eye on you too, Mrs. Olivette." For a vast second I thought I'd gone too far and I was going to get bitch slapped.

She stared hard into my eyes. Then, suddenly, they changed. "Oh my god." She whispered. Her finger left my chin and she stepped back. She pulled her coat about her, turned and sailed away into the ice floes of the student body. I watched her wriggle away, wondering what had just happened.

A betting man would say she had a moment of recollection that had eluded her that included being naked in a stairwell. I couldn't say for sure. I was going to be late if I didn't get a move on. I moved and bumped the hip of a voluptuous woman with my hard cock. She took it personally, offering me a broad smile, licking her lips as she slid past me.

So much for my adventures in higher education. I sat through the next class barely present. My mind projected forward to meeting Ahmay with a far better contingent of skills than I exhibited last night. That is not to mention the thrill of drilling for black gold in my black mistress. I was feeling like the king of the world. With class behind me I met Ahmay at our arranged place, a bus stop that connected directly to her home. She left home and we connected precisely.

She climbed in the car.

"Sonny, hi, god, its cold. Glad you are bang on time. I'd have frozen my tits off if you were late!" She giggled.

"Mustn't have that. Those tits are a national treasure."

She giggled and leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I pulled away, the burning kiss cold on my skin. She was cold but hardly frigid.

"Oh Sonny, about last night..."

"I am sorry about that. Turned out the line was longer than I anticipated and I used up all my Christmas energy before I got to you."

She laughed. "But today I am first in line, right?"

I nodded, keeping my attention on traffic, despite the sizable distraction she presented.

"Oh god, Sonny, I am giddy. I, I think that last night, seeing, seeing things go awry like that, I was so nervous, so scared but now, now I realize that sex is a constant process. Every time, you just try your best and sometimes it works but, but, but if you have the right attitude then it will always be fun. Shucks, last night was a total bust but it was still fun. Know what I mean? I mean, see, look at me! I'm giddy with excitement! I couldn't sleep last night."

"I can't, May, I'm driving." I did glance at her but quickly focused on the road. "I can't look at you I mean, much as I want to. You make my corneas happy."

She giggled again. She was giddy. I could hear it tinkling in her tone.

"I kept thinking about Mrs. Honeywell having sex in her office. I have not been to her new office. I say new, she's been with PBK for how long? Two or three years, maybe five? I remember visiting her when Aunt Elainah adopted us. Mrs. Honeywell handled that and well, it worked out well. It was tricky because Dad and she weren't married. He...I am rattling. Have you meant Aunt Elainah?"

I searched my memory and had no match. "Not that I know of. Should I?"

"She'd like you. She'd take you to bed. When I say she isn't married to Dad I don't mean she isn't having sex with him, they just think we don't know. Why do adults think they can fool kids all the time? Because they do, so often, I guess." She reached over and clutched my thigh with one of her hands. "My god, Sonny, I am buzzing like a bumble bee in a balloon. I feel like I am going to bust."

"Are you wet?" I asked casually, testing boundaries. I felt immediately I'd overstepped.

We drove in silence for a long while.

"If you wanted me to be quiet, all you had to do is say so. No reason to be crude." Her quiet voice contrasted with her loopy enthusiasm.

"Shit, Ahmay, I'm sorry. I, I have been boning MILFs so much, I don't know what your rules are. I mean, most of the MILFs, shit, they are crazy batshit nutso and I have to strain to even see their limitations, much less push beyond them. And you, you are a crazy mix of not-in-your-lifetime and what-is-taking-you-so-long. I have a difficult time figuring out what is and isn't kosher with you."

"Kosher? You're Jewish now?"

I thought I heard a hint of a tease in her. I dared not look as the traffic was thick as pigeons in the park.

"No. I poach things. I like to use 'shag' in a sentence, it makes me chuckle, like I am all metropolitan and shit. That's British for fuck but I have no idea if its polite or not. In American it means chasing baseballs, so, you see my problem." I grinned and grunted.

I swear I felt her relax. Her hand reappeared on my thigh, and by "appeared" I mean I felt it on my thigh once more. She squeezed gently.

"Sonny. I promise I will have sex with you, whatever you do or don't do. I will. I don't know when or how but I swear I will. When the time is right, I'll welcome you between my knees like you were family."

I nearly choke at that expression. I don't think she understood what she had just said. I did not point it out to her.

"I just, I like you, a lot. And, well, with all your experience and all, all your options it scares me a little, like I'd be just one of the little people in a star's big show, just another starfucker filling your time." She giggled, "or filling me with your time, as it were."

I started to object, to dither and squirm under that characterization. I didn't. I took a deep breath and told myself not to argue when she was telling the truth. I relaxed just as our exit appeared and I veered out of the chaotic order that is freeway traffic and rolled to a stop at the traffic light. I looked over at Ahmay. She was staring out the window.

"Ahmay, are you disturbed by that?" I asked, seeking an answer I could use.

She turned her head to look at me just as the light changed. "I feel like I should be and the jury isn't in yet. I mean, sometimes I feel one way, like I want to tie you up and keep you in my closet to use when I want, like a new pair of shoes I pay too much for so am too scared to wear. Other times, though, I want to be there, to watch you with them, the others, the other women. I want to feel how it is when you do whatever you do with them." She grunted.

"I know that is a mind fuck. Which Ahmay will I be today. Or in the next minute, for that matter. How do you know where to step if I keep moving the land mines around?"

I thought that was incredibly sensible on her part. I was going to mention it but had to navigate to get to the parking structure near Alissa's office building. That and my cock got hard, little Richard has a proximity sensor that goes off within four blocks of sure things.

I'd say it was a false alarm but that would be a lie. King Richard the Hard knows his shit. I may get confused by the dick always knows!

We parked and sat in the quiet for a moment. Her hand rested on my thigh. I looked over at her, she was staring straight out the windshield. I took light hold of her hand.

"Ahmay, I don't have any map for you. I just want to take one step at a time and see what happens. If, if some day I find one woman who contains me, I'll leave the others alone. Right now, I have more pussy flying at me than grasshoppers hitting a windshield in an Illinois summer. I have a theory that once you refuse one woman, they all sense it and the whole supply dries up. I don't know why but it seems like if you don't say no, women want to want you, so long as they know they have a shot."

"Women are competitive when it comes to dick." She whispered. "Even I know that." She opened the door. "Let's do this." She twisted on her seat and put her feet on the pavement. She twisted around to look at me, showing me her flexibility. She smiled carefully. "I suppose I should say, you will do this. I forget that you are doing me a favor. What guy would agree to let me watch while he..."

I waved a hand at her. "Guys would let you floss your teeth or theirs for that matter if it meant you'd, you'd..." I stumbled on the verb.

"Fuck them." Ahmay finished. She stood up and shut the car door.

She took my arm and walked beside me like I was her latest purchase or she was mine. Who owned whom was far from clear. For a moment I had the oddest sense that this was what it meant to be a couple, a curious, asymmetric but mutual ownership. I got a thrill running up my leg when my mind touched on the idea that I in anyway owned this woman. With women, you only own what they give you and what Ahmay was giving gave me the real thrill.

I saw the same sort of thrill in the men walking by us. Their eyes would flick over and stick to Ahmay, even tucked into the winter coat, gray with white, gray, and black fur on the lapels, bushy and long. She strutted and I had to strut just to keep up. Her voluptuous long black hair lured eyes and then seized the mind of those passing us. The giddy eagerness flitted around us, returning with increasing intensity till she fairly quivered with it when we mounted the elevator and rode it up into the sky towards my sure thing.

I had a moment when the door opened, realizing I was cruising into a very professional context with the sole intention of boinking the head female in the place. It just seemed surreal, like a sort of inverted deja vu, where it was familiar but felt utterly strange and new.

Alissa wasn't in.

"Oh, Mr. Duncan, I'm sorry, Mrs. Honeywell isn't in just now." The receptionist piped at me when I inquired.

Shit. I thought.

A group of people emerged from one door herded by Herr Bickerstaff. There were eight or ten people and they sort of washed us to the side. Ahmay pulled me over to a chair and we sat down, waiting for the flooding crowd to ebb.

She leaned into me. "You didn't call, I gather?"

I grinned despite myself and then felt stupid. I said what I had been thinking rather than dissimulate. "I was going to surprise her." I whispered. "C'est la vie."

"What now?" She whispered.

I stood up and shouldered through the muttering mass of tight asses to the receptionist desk again. "Excuse me, ma'am, when do you expect Mrs. Honeywell back?"

The woman shrugged. "She left on some emergency. She took Clara with her, so I don't know any more. I am just filling in. They don't tell me anything." She smiled at me. "I know who you are though. Shall I call Mrs. Honeywell and tell her you are here?"

I shook my head. "I was never here. I was going to surprise her but telling her I was here would ruin it, wouldn't it?"

She nodded.

The crowd was flowing towards the elevator. I eased through the current and settled back in the chair beside Ahmay.

Shit. I thought. Shit.

I was considering our options while the lobby emptied.

"Well, Sonny? What now?" Ahmay asked.

"I think we'll wait." I said. That was one of several choices but I decided to see if the giddy anticipation would flag or increase while we waited. I think it depended on if Ahmay thought it was going to happen or not. Dicky went to sleep, fully convinced there was nothing to see, hear, or feel here.

We sat for maybe half an hour before Portia Kline appeared. She pushed through the entrance doors like a movie star fleeing the press. She stopped stock still when she saw me.

I, for my part, was uncertain if we knew each other or not. I didn't know whether to acknowledge her or just stare at her heavenly body in the tight dress. She wore black and red, the black tinting the scarlet at the tight skirt and the scarlet tinting the black across the plain of her belly and around the crested ridge of her breasts. The thing hugged her like a poor aunt hugs a rich boy.

She smiled warmly and came right over to me.

"Sonny Duncan! How nice to run into you. I have been..." Her eyes shifted to Ahmay.

I confess that my cock only swelled when I saw some awareness in Portia's eyes that Ahmay was with me. Disappointment smothered her enthusiasm. I stood and we shook hands.

"I ah, I was just here to see Wilfred. We, I..." Her face displayed her confusion, confusion I had caused.

I felt so proud. Dick wasn't wrong because this was a sure thing too.

"Well, I'll see you later. Good to see you." She said and flounced away through the left door into the offices beyond. The receptionist stared frankly at me.

When I met her stare, she cocked her head. "Amazing. That woman never acknowledges that anyone else is worth speaking to. What a stuck up bitch!" Her face shifted to terror when she realized she'd spoken aloud and I had heard her.

"I'll bring her down a peg or two, just for you, if I get the chance." I said, whispering.

The woman grinned a sickly smile, aware her knickers were down at her knees.

I sat down. I immediately felt Ahmay's hand on my forearm. She leaned into me, pressing her breasts against me, now free of the cloying winter coat and encased in a rich brown dress that clashed with her skin tone. An odd choice I'd thought when she removed the coat.

"Her, Sonny. Her." Ahmay said. Her voice quavered. "Who, who is that?"

"Portia Kline, Mrs. Kline the second." I replied. My mind and body ignored the initial phrases Ahmay spoke to me, again encountering the strangeness of this territory for me.

"I uh, Sonny, if, if I am presuming, if I presume too much, just say so. I mean, if I want something that you cannot or should not give me, if I want you to do something you shouldn't do, you tell me, just say so, okay? I don't want to experiment with high risk behavior. Not yet. Not now. I, I just want to, ah, I just want to feel what there is to feel. Empirically, you know?"

I nodded. What she said made good sense but that is not to say I understood her. I waited. I had a moment in that pause when I reflected on my willingness to wait, my ability to keep my fucking mouth closed when I have nothing to say, or worse nothing good to say. I had an odd feeling that I might have learned something, grown up a little. Naw, I must be mistaken. Still, I remained silent, waiting. Perhaps that is better...better or worse I kept quiet and Ahmay clarified the confusion.

"Sonny, god, I can't believe I am saying this but, but, oh god, I want her. I mean, I mean I want to see you, see you do her. Mrs. Kline the second." Ahmay giggled then, nervously. "Is that wrong of me?"

I had the immediate feeling that I was indeed blessed. I stood up, feeling Ahmay's nervous chagrin pulsing behind me. I leaned over the receptionist's desk. "Excuse me, Miss er...?"

"Langston. Mrs. Nell Langston."

"Nell, do you happen to know if Mrs. Honeywell's office is open?"

She nodded. "I think so. I can open it if you like." She smiled that slightly fearful smile. "For you." Her voice was all smarmy reassurance.

I vaguely hoped she did not feel vulnerable to me but then it struck me that she might be thinking I was going to bugger her on the desk. She had that flighty nervousness a woman sometimes evinces in the presence of a man she would boff if he winked at her. I'd never considered myself that guy but given the adventures of Sonny Duncan in this office, I rather doubted that my proclivity for boinking women was any secret.

"I think we'll wait in her office, if that is acceptable." I said with a slight burr of authority in my voice.

She nodded and rose at once.

I turned to Ahmay and said the same thing. She came over, took my arm and we followed Mrs. Langston back through the corridors. She had hips and her thighs swished together, making a curious noise in the humming office. The heat came on with a dull roar and the erotic sound of her thighs vanished.

Nell opened the door and stepped to the side, her back against the door jamb. Her breasts projected into the entrance and I had to squeeze past, pulling Ahmay past her too. She lingered, back against the door jamb.

"That will be all, Nell. Thank you." I said softly.

Her offer was so obvious and so clumsy I had to put her off. She'd get fired if I fucked her while she was supposed to be guarding the front door and answering the phone. Jesus, I asked myself and him again, how much pussy can one man take in a week's time?

She sauntered away. I closed the door. "Wait here." I said.

"What?" Ahmay was totally lost.

I grinned. "Great idea. I want her too. I'll, I'll need to collect her for us. So wait here. I'll be back with your request, Mrs. Kline the second." I left her standing in the office looking perplexed but a little amazed and dubious at the same time. I closed the door behind me.

The receptionist looked frightened when I reappeared, only relaxing when I resumed my seat. I waited for twenty minutes. I wondered what Ahmay was doing. I fantasied that she was searching the office, looking for Alissa's most intimate secrets. The "fuck me" skirt she kept there for lifting when she didn't want to ruin a Marc Clark skirt or some such shit. I wondered if she kept toys or any of that. I was about to go back and search her office myself when the door opened and Portia appeared.

I remembered the camera in the office and had a new thought, I didn't want them to have Portia on camera fucking the help.

Portia saw me and came over and sat down.

"My god, who is that luscious little dish you were with before? Where did she get off to? Powdering her nose? Does she need a hand?" Portia gushed. "What an entree, Sonny. God, you do amaze me."

"You'll be less amazed when you hear the truth." I muttered.


"Wait a tick. Let me make a call."

I checked my phone and yes, I had Ellen's number. I dialed and she answered promptly.

"Yes Sonny, anything you want Sonny. What do you want, Sonny?"

I couldn't tell if she was mocking me or not. I liked the words even if I was unclear about the actual sentiment behind them. "Ellen, do you know how to turn off the camera in Mrs. Honeywell's office?"

Portia's eyes blazed brightly. One of her hands lay against her throat, like she couldn't breathe.

"Hello to you too, Sonny."

"Ellen...hello. Can you?"

"Yes. Do you want me to? Shut it down so it doesn't record what you are going to do there?"


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