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Extending the MILF List Ch. 21

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How Much Sex Can One Man Have? Family Saturday.
40k words

Part 21 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/16/2014
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Extending the MILF List Ch. 21: Family Saturday


Sonny—the point of view cock

Patricia Goodshall—American Import from Britain, read the last episode.

Mercy St. Vincent—Another American Import from Britain

Dalia Duncan—Sonny's unfucked sister, no wait, he fucked her in the last chapter.

Tawny Duncan—Sonny's other sister, everyone loves Tawny.

Annie Kingston—The Chinese wife of Sid Kingston, Read the entire series to get her.

Carol Lynn Northcutt—ex wife of Borland Nortcutt.

Lydia Favors—Redhead with daughter and son that Sonny...engages

Chris Wills—one of the original 5 motherfuckers

Sean Favors—Lydia Favors' son, you can tell by the last name.

Maria Callistrano—Too complicated to explain, I'm tired.

Holly Romelingame—Ellen with tits, big tits, nice tits, tits.

Alyssa Honeywell—One of the original mothers who got fucked, black attorney

Melissa Crawford—Alyssa's younger sister.

Jamie St. Vincent—some British guy with a swath of pussy to share or hoard.

Chilton St. Vincent—the patriarch who knows things but can't do anything about it.

Sam Honeywell—Alyssa Honeywell's husband, estranged and horny.

Sammy Honeywell—another of the original 5 motherfuckers.

Ellen Collier—ah Ellen, she simply cannot be explained, a happening.

Candice St. Vincent—mother to Jamie St. Vincent and ex wife to Chilton.

Xavia St. Vincent, called X by her brother, Jamie St. Vincent just not in this chapter.

I awoke groggy. It was dark and I was hungry. I lay in the bed, alone, disoriented until it came flooding back. Sisters, and nieces, and aunts, oh my! I remembered how I'd arrived alone in this bed and then the scheduler in my head beeped, rose up and poked me in the eye. I opened my eyes and gazed into the darkness. I was bone tired. I looked at the clock. It was seven twenty. I rolled out of bed and found my clothing on the chair by the door to the bathroom. Dalia was still mothering me. I found a little comfort in that but it faded as I faced the day. I had to deliver Alissa and Melissa back to Sam and Sammy and join in a little family union. I grunted. Then I had to go join Jamie St. Vincent to his mother and sister, if he didn't reject the idea and go postal on us all. All before noon. I decided right then I needed to get something to eat as I felt like I was diaphanous. I groaned as I moved into the other bedroom. How four women can sleep comfortably in one bed, I just don't know but they were all snoring softly, a concerto of alto snorts and wheezes with a little rhythmless percussion to go along with it. I thought about waking them up but didn't.

I was exiting the elevator before my brain came on and I realized I had to distribute them back to...where? Well, I had to decide. I went into the restaurant and ate and ate until my sides ached and my ribs had vanished. I felt like an onion. I sniffed to make sure I didn't smell like one still and was relieved I was passably aromatic. I went back up to the room. I'd been gone around hour and realized as soon as I walked in that I'd been foolish to leave four women alone in a room, particularly when two were my sisters and famously so. Inevitably they'd found something for me to do.

At first, this faux pas on my part wasn't evident at all. I walked in to find them all showered at least and that encouraged me. Patricia, however, was pacing, back and forth, back and forth on the far side of the bed, so about three steps. She reminded me of a super ball thrown into an oven. Her brow was furrowed and she had an intense look in her eyes, well, like she always had when she wasn't climaxing.

Tawny sat on the bed facing Mercy and Dalia who were sitting against the headboard. I patted myself after I entered the room to make sure I was really there. Pinching is too extreme for me. I thought about seeing if the dick was up but decided that would be rude.

Tawny turned around and looked at me.

"Call Chris." She said.

"You call Chris."

"Why won't you?"

"Because I don't want to talk to him. You want to talk to him, I'm sure its better if you call him. My sock puppet union card is expired." Tawny gave me the finger.

"You have to take us to, to...what's his name again?" Patricia said, her voice sounded like a rubber band stretched between a redneck and a gay guy.

"Chris. Chris Wills." Tawny said. "Sonny should call him."

"Call Chris Wills and see, see if we can come over." Patricia growled, though it was a wet and gooshy growl. I didn't grab my balls and dive for cover though it did sound suspiciously like a command.

"You call Chris Wills." I was grumpy. Not enough sleep.

"Don't have his number."

"Unlucky for you. What the hell?" I looked around the room. I caught Dalia looking at me with that adoring mom-look she has, the one that Mom has when I did something good that she could be proud of, yeah, that one time. "What are they babbling about, Dalia?"

"Oh, they want to know if Chris is at home."

"You mean Tawny wants to know if Chris is at home?"

"No. We all do. I just found out that you have been holding out on your sisters. Bad Sonny! We potty trained you, house broke you and everything and this is how you treat us?"

"What the cock are you clucking about?" I said, then had to go back and check my memory to see if I made any sense. Close enough.

"Tawny has been regaling us with tales of the rail." Mercy said.

"A device which you have not seen fit to share with your sisters." Dalia said.

Now, when I get defensive I tend to hit myself in the noggin with my sword, not that sword, my yoga isn't that advanced. If I could hit myself in the forehead with my own cock, I'd be able to suck my own cock and I'd never get anything done. If you can suck your own cock, does that mean you're gay? What would that make you? Auto-gay? Naw, that's any pink car.

"I did too. Georgia's been on it. Tawny's been on it." Then I had to check. I think Georgia had been on it. Suddenly, I wasn't sure. Surely she'd know.

"And you neglected me! Again!"

Man, I didn't like that sound coming out of Dalia. Its like hearing an alligator's stomach growl. That means you either have incredibly good hearing or you're way too fucking close!

"Not neglected. I was, uh, teasing you, making you wait."

She glowered at me, really not happy.

"There is a huge difference between ignorance and anticipation." She said, her sunny disposition suddenly vanishing behind a Sonny cloud. "Sonny, how could such a thing exist and you not arrange for a little demonstration?"

I couldn't tell if that was a legitimate question or rhetorical. Rhetorical questions a guy can ignore, right? Suddenly I wasn't sure. Man oh man, I had my morning all blocked out all nice and neat and suddenly this comes up. I had to stop and think. Did I need to extract Carol Lynn and Anne from Chilton's clutches or maybe it's the other way around? I had to collect Alyssa and Messy from Jamie and give them time to recover so they could go fuck Sam and Sammy, oh, and me if they wanted the triple play I had planned. And then I had to go have sex with Jamie's mother and sister while he watched, or perhaps we'd do them together...listing my plans for the day gave me headache.

I was face to face with what I'd become or what I was at any rate, a real motherfucker. Now, here and now, my sisters were agitating to take a ride on Chris' little invention and had apparently regaled Mercy and Patricia with tales of tail on a rail and now Patricia had it in her mind that she deserved a ride of her own.

I shook my head.

"Where's my phone?" I muttered. Annie and Carol Lynn I had to retrieve, I could take them to Chris' with us...but then it was onto Alyssa and Melissa...I was getting lost in the forest of pussy and had no will to escape. In my fairy tale, when the big bad witch threatens to eat you, you just lay back and enjoy it.

I punched up Chris' number.

He answered, panting into the phone.

"Sonny? What do you want?"

"Jesus, Chris, its early on a Saturday morning. Don't tell me you're working out." I meant at the gym but he didn't quite get that from my question.

"Mrs. Favors and Maria are on the rail. Mrs. Romelingame has developed a real affinity for the dangle."

"Dude, are you fucking them all by yourself?"

Chris chuckled.

"No, Sonny. I'm learning from you. I'm sharing. Sean is here. He's disappointed that Mother isn't here for him to fuck."

"What about Quilla?"

"Oh, she's tied up with some guy you handed Lydia off to. Lydia's hiding from him here so they can fuck in her bed without her. She says she's jealous of her daughter and wants us to fuck that out of her. She says its unbecoming. Unbecoming!" Chris chuckled.

"Do you have play practice today?"

"Yep. At three, or maybe four. They'll call when I'm needed. Dress rehearsals start next week. Did you call for a reason or are we just gossiping?"

"I want to bring a tour group around to your basement."

"Tour group?" Chris didn't catch my meaning immediately. "What the fuck, Sonny? You doing sex tours now?"

I figured I'd fuck with him.

"A couple of friends of Tawny's, oh, and Dalia wants to see how the rail works."

"Dalia?" Chris squeaked like an unoiled hinge. "Dalia? Really? And Tawny?" He exhaled like a hurricane with a cell phone. It sounded like half an obscene phone call. "You're not fucking with me are you, Sonny?"

"No kidding. Listen, I'm running a little short on time. I was wondering if I could bring them by here pretty soon?"

"Now? You mean now?"

"Well, not now. I'm not outside your door or anything."

"Before noon?"

"Before breakfast."

"Oh shit. Oh shit. Tawny? And Dalia?" Chris was hyperventilating.

"And a couple of their new friends. They got kicked off the Swedish bikini team because their tits got to big."

Mercy stuck out her tongue at me. I returned the favor. Patricia rolled her eyes. Tawny was watching me like a fat cat on a diet watches a mouse. Dalia's eyes were closed.

"I have an errand to run and then I'll bring them by, if that's okay?"

"Okay? Shit, I'll owe you...and god, Sonny, I can't repay you now!"

"You can tie up your aunts and let me fiddle with them."

He gasped.

"God, my aunts!" I didn't know what that meant but I pushed on.

"I'll be there in, say, an hour? I may have another guest but I think I'll bring Annie with me."

"Jesus, I need reinforcements." He groaned. "And I have to leave at three. Shit. Sonny, why do you always do this to me?"


"Shit yes, I wish I was twins so at least one of us could stay home and fuck the home fires."

"In an hour then?"

"Fine. I'll leave the front door open. Come on in when you get here. When's Mom going to be back?"

"When will you be tired of Holly?"

"Oh. May then."

"Or April, or Wednesday. See you in a few." I hung up and looked at the four women on the bed. "Well, bitches, you going to get ready to go or just sit there staring?"

There was a flurry and a dash, then. They grumbled about food and I suggested bagels or something to eat in the car. I was prophetic. The women all ended up sharing the shower, two or three at a time and I was tempted just to lock the door and join them but I had other obligations.

My brain got stuck on Alyssa and Melissa and how I was going to integrate them with Sam and Sammy. I laughed at that thought, integrating four black people. Mercy looked at me like I'd been talking to myself, telling myself jokes, some I'd heard and some I hadn't. Integrating Alyssa with Sam and Sammy? I couldn't tell if that was PC or what. Integrating to black women with two black men? That just struck me as funny!

Still, the thought tickled the back of my neck like I was trying on a brand new guillotine for size. If Alyssa blew that up, I'd be...then I had a very curious thought, a potentially very cool thought! I had to chuckle again and Mercy looked genuinely worried. I waved her off and checked my phone. I found Chilton St. Vincent's number and called him. He answered after the twelfth ring, I counted.

"Hello?" His voice sounded wrenched out of shape, like he was trying to pass a hatrack.

"Mr. St. Vincent? This is Sonny Duncan."

"Oh, yes, Mr. Duncan."

"I wondered if I could retrieve Annie and Carol Lynn. If you were finished with them?"

"Yes, please. Take them away before I lose the rest of the marrow out of my bones. I must say, they seem to be very chummy. I have never seen two women fit together like these two do. Are they a set? They seem unwilling to separate and I must keep prying them apart with my little crowbar." He chuckled, that sort of desperate sound a man makes just before he collapses into a puddle of his own erotic satisfaction.

I got all sorts of funny feelings that presaged my day.

"Are you still planning to have sex with my ex-wife and daughter today?"

I almost groaned but managed to head it off at my incisors.

"I am. I think it may be this evening though, if that's not too late."

"Any time you can fit them in will be fine." He chuckled like he was high. "Or fit in them, perhaps I should say. When you come by for the blonde and the Oriental holes, I'll have a key card for their door so you don't have to knock. Any thoughts about Jamie and them? Will he watch while you despoil them?"

"I hope he helps. We'll have to see. I'll be there in few minutes."

"Yes, please. I need a sauna to rehydrate."

I hung up. The women were nearly ready to go. I thought of calling Jamie but figured I'd wait until I was on the way. I had a plan and it seemed beautiful to me. If something blew up, it'd be like an exploding Rose parade float, a flash of beauty before turning to ashes. I had that awful feeling that having everything collapse might be nice. I realized I likely needed rehydrating too. I wasn't sure a sauna would do the trick though. Isn't that backwards? I shrugged.

We went down to the car and I drove over to the Marquis. The hotel had a parking place where the car could sit, packed full of hot pussy as it was, I still left it running to keep them warm. They chattered like small town girls headed for the big town mall. Funny how having sex with each other can make females friends.

I made my way through the lobby and up to Chilton's room. I knocked and he opened the door. Annie and Carol Lynn stood kissing, grinding and humping in a lewd clinch. I walked in and they ignored me. I watched, amazed. Carol Lynn seemed to have sloughed off her reluctance and become something of a rake. She had a hand on Annie's ass and the other knotted in Annie's black hair. She was slightly taller than Annie so she bent the Oriental woman's head back making her the clear aggressor. Annie gave as good as she got but she was clearly got.

I cleared my throat.

"Don't mind them. They have been at each other since last night. I swear, I've never seen two women more enthralled than those two." Chilton grinned a raffish grin that made him seem callow and young, despite the wobble in his stance. "Here, my good man, this is the pass key to my ex-wife's room. If you are sure you won't have need of them until this evening, I may take them out to do some local shopping. What time do you think you'll be ready to bed them?"

He sounded like we were discussing redecorating the kitchen.

"Let's say six? Have them eat before then, so they have their strength."

"Good man. Six it is."

Annie had shook loose form Carol Lynn and while the blonde nibbled at her neck, Annie watched me with those dark eyes. Her mascara was darker, thicker, giving her an even more rapacious look. In that pose, she appeared to be the queen being mauled by a servant girl and Carol Lynn's apparent aggression transformed into desperate passion. Annie met my eyes and nudged Carol Lynn off her neck and then kissed her, open mouthed and passionate. I heard Carol Lynn moan. Anne's eyes remained slitted but open, fixed on me as though waiting for me to respond to her rape of the woman clinging to her. I tried to ignore them, honest. I knew Anne was performing but god, it was mesmerizing. So I stared.

Chilton was watching them too. He shook his head.

"I swear, they have been like that the entire time. Have they been lovers long?"

"They just met yesterday." I mumbled.

Chilton grinned again, surprise in his eyes.

"You have Cupid's touch, then, my good man. Jolly good! Jolly good."

As if to establish my dominance, I walked over to them, extracted Carol Lynn's hand from Annie's hair, replaced it with my own and then knotted my other in her blonde hair. I turned their heads to me and kissed them each in turn and then again.

"Come along. Get your coats." I said, pulling them apart, like a referee at a prize fight between two gay middle weights. I shook hands with Chilton. "I'll see you at six, then."

"Oh no, I surely won't be there. You just go on in. Their suit is 2801 I believe. Yes, that's correct. I'll deliver them there in plenty of time to wash off the grime from shopping, well-fed and ready to be bedded. I do so love that expression, bedded! I find it quaint and reassuring."

I ignored that and gestured to Annie and Carol Lynn. We walked out to the elevator and boarded it. I positioned them under each arm, clutching them like a politician hugs a lobbyist.

"Carol Lynn, have you had enough? Or would you like to accompany us on a little tour of one of the world's truly great sex machines?" I realized I may have overstated my case a little.

She looked up at me, her eyes bright.

"Mr. Duncan, I said you could have me, do with me as you like. After last night..." She sighed. Jesus on crutches, she sounded like she was in love. "This lovely creature is the most sensuous woman I have ever...bedded." She giggled. Annie wriggled under my other arm but didn't speak. When I looked down at her she merely stared up at me and didn't blink or smile. Her body was plastered against me, clinging to me like paint on a pine tree. I looked back at Carol Lynn.

"I'm going to put you in the back seat with three lovely young women who will surely molest you as they like. I'll suggest that you desire an orgasm or two and see if they are up to the challenge."

Carol Lynn's glassy eyes got wider and glassier.

"What about Annie?" Carol Lynn whispered.

"She'll ride shotgun." The elevator opened and we sashayed through the Marquis lobby. People stared but I'm sure they barely noticed me. I had the two perfect accessories to grab and hold the eyes and Annie and Carol Lynn did that of a certain. There's just something about a blonde and an Oriental woman in the same context that compels one's attention, rather like a busty woman with one breast exposed.

I confronted the car and realized I'd underestimated the amount of pussy I had and over estimated the room in the car. I had six women to cram into it and room for four at best. Dalia and Tawny were by the doors in the back with Patricia in the middle and Mercy rode shotgun.

I opened the back door.

"Squeeze together. You have to make room. This is Carol Lynn. She's joining our little tour."

"Hi, Mrs. Kingston." Tawny said brightly from the other side of the car. Dalia looked up, her eyes smoldering. She looked distinctly disappointed when I gestured at Carol Lynn.

"Carol Lynn, you sit back here."

"How about I just lay across their laps?" She whispered.

I shrugged.

"I'll stop and get you all something to eat." I muttered and then watched as Carol Lynn crawled over Dalia and lay down on her back across the other three women. Her coat parted and exposed her delicious body. Patricia looked like a fat Roman who'd just been handed a spoon.

I gestured for Annie to go around and I got into the driver's seat. Mercy cuddled up to me. I realized I'd forgotten to introduce her and Patricia but then I heard kissing in the back seat. I turned around and found Patricia leaned over kissing Carol Lynn with one hand up between the blonde's legs and the other massaging her breast. A curious method of introducing one's self but difficult to complain about. Dalia stared at Carol Lynn's legs, holding her by the ankles and Tawny stared at the two women kissing in her lap.

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