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Extending the MILF List Ch. 22

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How Much Sex Can One Man Have? Epiphany in D. Debra Major.
51k words

Part 22 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/16/2014
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Extending the MILF List Chapter 22: How Much Sex Can One Man Have? Epiphany in D. Debra Major

The Players

Sonny Duncan—the focal voice and main dick

Jamie St. Vincent—another son with a Mother and sister for Sonny to fuck

Tawny Duncan—Sonny's youngest sister, blonde to auburn

Georgia Duncan—Sonny's eldest sister, redhead with freckles

Dalia Duncan—Sonny's middle sister, brunette, looks like Momma

D. Debra Hamilton—Sonny's love and nemesis, blond

Dori Hamilton—D. Debra's Mother, loves fucking Sonny

Ellen Collier—works for Alissa Honeywell, short red hair and long on attitude

Candice St. Vincent—Jamie's mother

Xavia St. Vincent—Jamie's sister

Yvonne Saels—a real estate agent, one marvelous ass that is impossible to ignore

Sonja Maxwell—another real estate agent, black woman

Momma Maxwell—Sonja's commanding mother.

Theresa Fayre—still another real estate agent, redhead

Bit players at the end...

I expected Jamie St. Vincent to wake me Sunday morning and when he didn't, I slept long and hard. I'm not bragging, I mean I slept through the coming of the light, dawn, morning, sunrise, all of it. It was nearly ten o'clock before I stumbled out of bed to relieve the pressure. I staggered out of the loo and into the rest of the apartment only to find Jamie placidly reading newspaper, I mean with paper and everything. Does anyone do that any more?


He looked over at me like he had glasses on and was looking over the top of them, which he didn't, he just had the casual "what the fuck do you want" motion in his head. His expression said, "Oh, it's just you."

"Your phone has been ringing."

"What time is it?" My mouth asked with no regard for what my mind knew. I'd seen the clock but my body and mind were not fully integrated yet. If you'd shown a spotlight on me, my shadow would have had a spider web of light lines in it.

"After ten."

I checked my phone, pulling my robe around me. Jamie seemed too nonchalant by half after last night...did I remember that truly or had I, I never dream of guys coming into my bedroom and waking me up to tell me all the pussy in the place has drained away and he didn't know where. That had to have happened, the thought brought me up to speed then.

I opened the phone and checked the call list. Ugh. D. Debra...six times. That can't be good. Chris. Tawny! Tawny? Was her skin tingling because I'd been taking her name in vain? A number I didn't recognize, oh, and Dori D. Hamilton, the other half of the Sonny sandwich I'd made last night and not consumed. Or was it a week from Thursday? I need a personal assistant...hmm, I thought, I wonder if Hassum and his master would agree to fund that? That thought made me feel like I had leaned out off a very high building and seen buses the size of ants below me...the idea of an almost twenty-one year old kid like me having such a thing took away my breath. That was for actual adults...but then fucking a clutch of females wasn't kid's play.

Out of sheer curiosity and the feeling that the number I didn't recognize was familiar but too lazy to put 264-8812 together with anyone, I redialed that one just to see what was what.

"Mr. Duncan, good of you to return my call." Chilton St. Vincent's cool voice chilled me down from my glowing morning rush.

"Oh, hi..." I glanced at Jamie who was studiously ignoring me, so successfully I almost felt invisible. I rallied and wandered nonchalantly into the other room and casually slammed the door closed. "...Chilton. What's shaking? How's it hanging?"

I knew nothing was shaking or hanging but I had just fucked his daughter and ex wife and the follow up conversation to such an event was not in my edition of Amy Vanderbilt or any other guide to polite protocol. What does a guy say after that? "Thanks for the family fuck?" Why was I worried? It was his idea.

"Where are my ex-wife and daughter, Mr. Duncan?" His voice did not sound amused. Since I like to talk to amused people, I kept quiet. He waited. I waited. I out waited him because he spoke next and I dearly wished I would have had something to keep him from saying what he said. "My ex-wife has dipped into an emergency account we share for the good of our children and has helped herself to half a million dollars. You don't have any idea why she might do such a thing, do you?"

"I don't do numbers, is that a lot?" I asked. Now that seems like a stupid question to the casual observer but to some people a million dollars is pocket change...I had a feeling these St. Vincents were of that ilk. I wanted to see because if a missing million dollars was like dropping a nickle under the table in their thinking, I wasn't going to freak out and beg for mercy...I suck at begging but for mercy, but I can make exceptions.

"Mr. Duncan, please don't get flippant with me..."

I had the temerity to interrupt him immediately.

"I am naturally flippant, sir, as I am sure your research has told you, so you're a little late making that rule I think. It's too early in the morning for me to step out of my nature and be someone more civilized."

"It's ten o'clock, Mr. Duncan." I heard that arch, Puritan disapproval I always hear in the British accent; projection I'm sure. Nobody can be that tight-assed all the time.

"Yeah, and it's late afternoon in your time zone, so what are you complaining about?"

I was trying to stall for time to get my mind working but he was having none of it. He ignored me, which speaks well of him.

"Where, Mr. Duncan, are my ex-wife and daughter?"

"You don't know?" I asked, flippant to the last.

The man grumbled and snorted. I almost laughed but that would have been rude. Ruder. Rude again.

"Mr. Duncan, do you know where they are?"

"No, sir. I do not." I decided it was time to stop dissembling and own up to my ignorance, not a difficult thing for me to do since I am so very humble, oh and I get so much practice. "Is that a problem? I'd assume you had tracking devices shoved up their butts." Okay, that was a little rude, maybe a lot rude. I claim lack of sleep...well, no, can't do that really, since it was nearly ten. No matter.

"Why not?" He cleared his throat. "I don't have any tracking devices...on their persons..."

I interrupted again, damned colonials... "Which is why you are calling me, I presume?"

"Yes, precisely."

I started to make another snarky remark but then remembered that Ellen had disappeared with them. Oh, that wasn't good. That was akin to Napoleon slipping back into Paris in 1814. Things would not end well, could this be Waterloo for our hero? You know what? After all the pussy I'd had the last 10 days or so, being dead might be a nice break. The thought popped into my head before I could stop it. Can the goddess of pussy read my mind? I surely hoped not.

"Uh oh." I said aloud, wanting to convey my sudden and enlightened chagrin to him so we had some sympathetic common ground. "This can't be good."

"You understand me. I don't mind the money but I usually insist on some warning before she goes on this sort of spending spree."

I gulped. Usually? This sort? How do you spend a half a million dollars on a spending spree? That thought was so far beyond me I had to hitch up my pants to keep from...I didn't have any pants on. I started to look for them so I could hitch them up.

"What do you mean, this can't be good? Just what is it that you are concerned about?" The voice asked in my ear, distracting me from my search.

"You know how they say that you are known by the company you keep?"

Chilton hummed and made some sound that I took to be an affirmative response.

"Well, I fear your female family are in the company of a genetic sport, a swerve that Lucretius would be astonished by, a phenomenon with red hair."

"Red hair, oh God's sandals!" Chilton got my drift implicitly. "No, that can't be good!" He seemed suddenly placated and I didn't quite understand why. "But any guidance is good for Candice."

I had the feeling that of the two, Xavia had far more mischief tucked between her tits than her mother and it amused me that the man would not think the same, Xavia clearly had him wrapped around her proverbial little finger.

"Listen, I'll try to find Ellen. If she's about, I imagine your females are with her. I'll call you back."

"Yes, very well." The man sounded relieved. I took that as a compliment but then felt the pressure of being complimented for something I had no idea if I could accomplish. Finding Ellen seemed far more like a Herculean task and I was Walter Mitty in many respects, those that matter, or at least in that respect. I do have my moments, I'll admit that. Chilton clicked off and left me staring at my phone. I opened the door.

"Sorry about that."

"What did my father have to say?" Jamie asked blandly.

My phone tinkled not so blandly and I answered it.

"Sonny, why is D. Debra telling me to come to her house?"

"Tawny?" I said stupidly.

"Who do you think this is?" My sister snarled at me. "Who else would be calling you?"

I about started to go down the MILF list but it didn't get to my lips before I put a stop to that. The morning was proving unsatisfactory in so many ways, I didn't need to add to it.

"D. Debra said to come to her house. Now." Tawny's voice quavered a little there and I got a funny feeling running up my leg. "Why?"

Why, indeed? What the heck happened to a week from Thursday? I didn't know but I confess I panicked a little.

"You better do what D. Debra says. She's no one to have puckered at you."

"I'm not scared of her, that, that..."

For the record, stuttering never convinces anyone that you're not scared. Neither does that warbling quaver in your voice. It's far better to keep silent than to do that, hence the strong silent time which can hide stuttering or the more usual not being articulate in the first place. I think my sister figured that out. She stopped talking.

"It's just you and me, sis." I said and noticed immediately that Jamie lowered the paper and slowly turned his head to look at me. I met his gaze and we had a stare down going which was unfair because I was talking to my sister and he'd misplaced his; I called, foul! And looked away.

"It's okay to be a little scared. I would be but my cock shrivels when I get scared and that would really offend her, so I keep with the usual bullshit. You know, cocky, insolent, arrogant."

"You can't do arrogant, Sonny. You're too adorable!"

I started to glow but then felt to see if my balls were missing. That's a weird feeling to not be able to tell if you'd been prematurely emasculated or had been honored and complimented. I stayed silent, taking my own advice...for once.

"Sonny? Are you there?"

Crap, it was my turn to talk and I forgot. Timing is everything.

"Just a sec." I looked at Jamie who had his two lazy eyes fixed on me like he was inspecting a nag, just like his mother could, so I knew where he got that talent. I ignored that aspect of his manner. "Would you mind awfully if we fucked my sister and my girlfriend this morning...oh and likely her mother?" I spoke with my hand covering the phone. Jamie blinked a time or two and then swallowed. He looked away, and that was the best I could do at cracking his preternatural calm and poise.

"I believe I'd enjoy the diversion, since I take it that you have no idea where my mother and sister have scarpered off to?"

I ignored his question.

"Tawny, have you had breakfast?"


"Have you had breakfast?"

Silence. I thought that was a reasonable thing to ask. I might have been wrong.

I waited, profitably. When my sister spoke there was a burr of anticipation in her tone that gave me that peculiar little eep that I just love.

"She said she gets to watch you fuck me."

Oh! There it was.

"Sonny. What did you do?"

Now, that may seem like another simple question, but surely anyone who has been following along knows that it is simply replete with potential misunderstanding. I just can't lie to my sister.

"I fucked them all." I mumbled.

"What? Are you speaking English?"

"I said, I fucked them all." I said more loudly.

"Oh, I know but did you have to make that woman our audience?"

"I thought you liked audiences?" I muttered.


"Oh my fucking god, Sonny." My sister swore in my ear but her tone was licking it.


"Brunch." She countered, the lurid slink in her voice vanished. "Pick me up."

"No. Not till you go on a diet."

"Fuck you, baby brother." She spoke with a light tinkle in her tone. "I mean..."

"I know what you meant. Give me, say an hour?"

"I'll shine up the silver, polish the crystal and warn the staff."

I had no idea what the bitch was talking about but it sounded perfectly perfect, whatever it meant.

"An hour." I clicked off. I looked at Jamie. Suddenly, my initial regard for the guy returned. I was about to hand him my sister and D. Debra, with Dori D. added for good measure. He'd love me too, when I was done. Of course, I'd have to find his mother and sister...shit! We still had to double do Candice. She'd never forgive me if this moment in her life passed and she didn't get that box checked, er, filled. I wasn't sure how much to fear that but I had no desire to find out. "Get ready to go." I said to Jamie.

I turned on my heel and walked back to collect my clothing. I had a room some where...not in this hotel. So no fresh clothes...Jamie and I worked together like we'd been doing it for a lifetime. We went to his room where he showered and changed. We went to my room and he waited while I showered and changed. By the time we aimed the Chrysler towards my sister...we were already late and I realized I didn't know for sure where she was. I called to find out.

She was at our house she assured me but only after bitching that I was late and suddenly she was starving. I made some comment about her weight and she hung on intended. I drove to my house without much conversation. Jamie carried the paper and had his nose in it, which I thought was little rude until I considered that he might be nervous. That made me feel better. I turned onto my street when I felt the pangs of despised class embarrassment...visiting my house would be like going to the zoo for Jamie. He seemed elegantly bland as I pulled up until Tawny appeared, flitting out the door and into the back seat before I even got the car into park.

"Sonny, go." She huffed.


"Just go! Nova's on a tear."

I went.

"What did you do? It's Sunday, how can you screw up Sunday?"

"We, Dally and I went to Chris' without her. She didn't know where we'd gone, our phones both lost power...Dalia started to tell her about Patrica and Mercy and yesterday at Chris' before it dawned on her that we'd left Georgia out entirely."

"And you left Dalia in there with Georgia?"

"She's locked in the bathroom with her iPad. Thanks to you we girls have good locks on our doors."

I groaned. Sonny would be in line for a little fire from the family red head...shit does flow down the family tree after all. Wait, that's upside down. Not sure how it could be my fault but it would be...always is, it seems.

Tawny was behind me and I swear I felt her attention turn like a spotlight to Jamie. I stepped up before she made her demand.

"Jamie, this is my youngest sister, Tawny."

"I'm older than he is." Tawny added, her voice ripe with curiosity.

"Better looking, too." I said.

"Yes, my friend, I can see that clearly with my eyes." Jamie said.

I heard Tawny gasp.

"She has the look of a very ripe little bit of stuff. You needed add nothing to her, I think but I take it that the offer once made cannot be revoked."

I grinned to myself, but only because Tawny squawked like a clucking hen passing a double yolked egg.

"Don't dismiss your mother and sister, buddy," I said chuckling. "They make any trade a strain and a stretch."

"Jesus puckers twice." Tawny whispered. "Sonny! What did you do?"

Jamie turned around then to look through the break in the seats at my sister.

"He has offered you and his girlfriend to me as..." Jamie looked at me askance on his face. When I didn't react, he finished the thought as he thought fit. "As a balancing compensation for the use of my own mother and sister, which he forced me to shag last night...against my will, I assure you." Jamie grunted a chuckle that sounded like he was hawking up an olive pit.

"I'm sure. Sonny has that effect on people. One moment you're a normal human being and the next your fucking everything he offers you. Sonny, how the fuck do you do that?" Rhetorical question. I only know because she didn't wait for an answer. "Oh, Sonny, where did you find this one? You gave me to him?"

The question gave me pause but my sister's lurid pleasure in the asking of it brought me hope. The next moment I had to confront the other reality dangling in my immediate future.

"Well, ahem," I started but lost heart and turned on my blinker and changed lanes. "Before Jamie mounts you, sister dear, you and I have to perform a little of the double-backed beast bop for Miss Hamilton."

"Excuse me?" Her voice twanged like a breaking guitar string.

I felt her swelling up behind me like a little nova imploding...heh heh, a little Nova. I have such a way with words sometimes.

"When Miss Hamilton agreed to fuck me," I started to explain our "arrangement" but glanced at Jamie who had a cocked eyebrow and a look of crystalline interest. I decided not to go there. "To have her and her mother together, which is one of my several little delights in life, she insisted that I had to show her I fucked family too. I think she picked you just because you two have met." I glanced up in the mirror and found Tawny's face there. She was blushing like a Caribbean sunset. I almost laughed but didn't. Almost, doesn't count with laughing, unlike hand grenades and horseshoes...oh and dancing.

"You, you have to have sex with your sister so you can, you can what?" Jamie's voice sounded truly astounded. I felt so proud.

"I have to fuck Tawny while D. Debra watches, before I can have sex with her and her mother, together I mean." I may have muddied the water a little...frankly, I couldn't quite remember what I'd agreed to with D. Debra but I knew it involved fucking my sister. I kept that clearly in mind. "Together, I mean, mommy and daughter, that's a thing you know."

Tawny smacked the back of my head.

"Hey, I'm driving?" I was too, no mistaking that.

"You are going to fuck me while she watches?" Tawny asked, her voice was a twist of erotic fascination and conventional horror.

I looked at Jamie who was still studying me.

"Sorry, buddy, you get sloppy seconds."

I had a feeling that I wasn't thinking clearly as I whirled into a u-turn.

"What are you doing?" Tawny asked from the back seat. "Chickening out?"

I was headed back to the Nova in our house but didn't speak of it until Tawny realized what was happening.

"Oh fuck no!" She growled and grabbed a handful of my hair. "You turn this boat around and head back to Saigon, bitch." She hissed. My sister could read my mind, which was unnerving. I shook my head.

"Ow! I'm driving, little blister." I whined. She did not relent.

"You are not going to add sisters to this act." She said, her voice so level, so calm, I shivered from the effect. Tawny calm in this situation was not cluelessness, it was something considerably more foreboding. I parked in our driveway before the garage door.

"Go invite our sisters to join us." Jamie gave me a look from behind his shattered preternatural calm.

"Sisters?" The earlier references seemed to have escaped him. I liked that idea until I realized his acquisitive Capitalist nature was presuming he was going to get all three of them as part of my conciliatory demonstration of my pending friendship with him.

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