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Extending the MILF List Ch. 25

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Open the Shadow Door to Darkness.
27.4k words

Part 25 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/16/2014
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Open the Shadow Door to Darkness

RECAP: The effect of the ambush and its consequences and Sonny's response continues. Change, transformation takes time. It is rarely linear, rarely smooth or easy or consistent. Sonny is stepping through a door into a different world. This continues his journey.

The cast is small here:

His sister, Georgia, Pet (Tracie) and Mavis.

Howard Percival


"It's Nova." The voice said in my ear.

Nova? Nova! She hates that name, she being my sister Georgia.

"Who is this?" I muttered in the Saturday hangover fuzz, not from a beer or ten but from the positioning of a son between his mother's legs, and not staying to plunder her nether reaches myself. Driving home I had second thoughts about that but the "walk away" always seems so powerful on TV, people never let it happen. When Jason chased me down, I had that fluttering moment thinking they wanted me to fill one of the two remaining holes but, no, they just needed to get the cuffs off.

"Nova!" My redheaded sister snarled in my ear. "Isn't that what you call me? It's Georgia, Sonny!"

"I know who Nova is." I snarled back and opened my eyes. "It's fucking six in the morning where are you?" I am not usually all worry wartish but for some reason I went to the disaster menu and started coasting through the options. "Did you just get your phone call?"

"Get my phone call? What are you talking about?"

So. Not in jail. My mind was finding its way into the home office and things were making a little more sense. I finally tagged what concerned me. My flaming sister sounded scared.

"Mom's on a tear!" That sister said in my ear.

Oh. That would do it.

"Where are you?" I was stalling but it turned out to be a very pertinent question.

"Downstairs." She said.

"Downstairs? We don't have a basement." Oh wait, we did have an upstairs, so downstairs? My mind was still spitting the bit. "What are you calling me from downstairs for? Just come up to my room." I opened my eyes and understood immediately. I was not in my room, in my house with that familiar downstairs where my sisters lived. Uh oh.

"What? Sonny, what's wrong with you? I am in the hotel, where you are staying, in the lobby, can you come down?"

"Now?" I asked getting out of bed. Mavis growled and rolled over. I nearly stepped on Pet curled up on the floor beside the bed. She squeaked and was on her knees without moving, an at once, adorable and unnerving skill. I shushed her and told her to go back to sleep. Her look in the silver morning light was so crushed I sorted through my standard explanations and found nothing that would do. I had the feeling I was missing something, maybe everything with Pet. Why no owner's manual? Seemed like I needed it would do any good, such things have to be read to have any effect. I am an average guy, I never read the instructions...oh wait, yes I do. Fuck, so much for that excuse.

"Yes. Mom will be waking up pretty soon and we need a plan!"

Now it's "we" and "plan" she says. She and the rest of the quivering cabal moved me into a hotel with moist Mavis without consultation and Mom is on a tear and...wait! Mom's in China, how can she...? My mind turned to pudding as the facts of life slowly fit into place. Not THOSE facts of life, I have a pretty good handle on those...well, the early fun ones at least. How can Mom be in China and be on a tear? Oh never mind.

"Just get down here." Nova said in her best "Nova" voice.

I had a moment right then. You know how things change right? Well, some anyway...they transition from one species to another with small imperceptible changes that turn a lizard into a bird over a million year. I was evolving in just that way. Lizard brain into bird brain...wait! No, that's not right. You get my point though. Things change but sometimes we just don't notice and then, Pow! It hits you. Things are different! Nova had just used her best "Nova" voice that peels paint and makes puppies mean and pee on the carpet and Sonny didn't flinch. Maybe for the first time in Sonny history. It was historic and I took a moment to have a moment.

Pet watched me in that aforementioned silver morning light. Mavis snorted and mumbled something about the casserole being done then returned to her whistling snores. I shushed Pet again.

"Don't wake Mavis, it's Saturday!" I hissed. "Go back to sleep!" The look on her face returned to mortification. Oddly, I understood. "No, not this time. That was my idiot blister Nova and let me assure you, you do not want to get between a guy and his, if he has fucked her at least, twice...well more than twice, and in all the holes..." I careened to a stop realizing I was being noisy unnecessarily. Jabbering. Mom on a tear? Nova got her noveness from somewhere and I doubt it was George. I couldn't just stop at "in all the holes" though...that was like leaving the last note of a song unsounded. "Sister brother stuff, Pet. Best for you to stay out of the line of fire."

Mavis sat up then fully awake, eyes finding me in the glittering brilliance of the pending day. "Georgia is here?" She said in the most normal voice.

"Yes. But she doesn't want you..." I hesitated then added, "...yet." Just to be a bitch about it. "Go back to sleep."

Mavis's eyes blinked a time or two then she simply toppled backwards like a felled lodgepole fir. Thump. And she was whistle snoring again. I made a mental note to check if she remembered this moment later, B flat it was I think. I pointed to the floor beside Pet and with a small hesitation, she did the cat thing, circled a few times and then curled around herself into a tight little Pet ball and was still. By that time I had my shoes on and I could leave. Yes, pants too.

Georgia was standing in the lobby being eyed by the staff. The way she was dressed I couldn't blame them.

"Been shopping?" I asked, the garters and stockings looked good with the flared green pleated skirt but the equally green flannel shirt confused the oeuvre and thus the overall effect. Her hair was a rat's nest so chaotic it looked intentional, like it had been teased by a professional cock, that's not right! I was still waking up, so I hoped.

She looked down at herself and seemed to see her "halt" couture for the first time, a baby discovering that fabled foot and stuffing it in her mouth. "Oh, this old thing, I just threw something on! I couldn't sleep. Mom's on a tear."

I glanced around and found everyone in the nearly empty lobby watching us and got stage fright. "Maybe the coffee shop? We could sit? Your feet are killing me." Trainers with garters and stockings made my eyelids twitch. I just didn't want to know the story. We adjourned. Nova was not the fastidious fashionista in the family and this was a prime example of what she was not. No wonder people stared...hard to imagine anyone ordering up this combination from the escort menu. Little did I know what strange quirks get served if you avoid centralized government.

We sat down. She ordered breakfast, put it on the tab but didn't eat it when it came...which was fast! So I had some. She seemed to be gathering herself and since I was a bit scattered myself I joined her in the silence. The food came. She didn't eat it. I did.

"Mom's on a tear." She said finally.

"You did mention that. What has you all tangled up? Why is Cici Duncan on a tear and why does it concern you so profoundly...she is out of reach?"

Nova shook her head vigorously. "Mom is never out of reach. She's going to get Alissa fired!"

That woke me up. "What? Why?" She did have an IN with a very influential client of the firm Alissa worked for, but get her fired? I was missing something. "How?" I added, then appended the rest of the journalists' watchwords. "When? Who?" Adding redundancy to thoroughness.

"Alissa. I just said so!"

I went back to the salient point I'd skipped over in the thorough eagerness. Eager thoroughness? Whatever. "Why?"

"You're the only one who can stop this. She'll listen to you!"

"Oh? Who? Mom? When did that happen? Did she get a concussion and no one mentioned it?"

Georgia closed her eyes. When they opened she spoked in an unusual and unfamiliar monotone. "Sonny, I am sorry." She said. "We all are but we have to tell you each ourselves, no blanket apologies. Mother was clear about that. Emphatic in fact." She shuddered and I suddenly lost all journalistic curiosity. If Nova was shuddering this motherly tear may be way off the scale.

I waited.

"Sonny, Mom thought we were playing a joke on you and, well, I may have given her that impression so she had Alissa and the rest participate in"

"Ambush?" I said helpfully.

She glared but when she noticed I was invulnerable this early in the morning, it melted and she nodded. "Intervention." She corrected to make herself feel better. "You got ambushed and Mommy is rushing to help her little Sonny!"

For a moment all I felt was numb, but not the emptiness of void but the echos of every past event when my three sisters had called me a momma's boy and mocked Cici's tendency to protect me from their jealous pettiness. It didn't help when she admitted she had a soft spot for me because I looked just like George...the father I had and lost, so never had. Gone before I came down the chute to plague my blister sisters. But then, I was just white hot furious. I stood up, tossed the little smokie sausage I'd pilfered from her untouched plate onto the table.

"Fuck you, Georgia." I said in as even a tone as I could manage. I did okay. I walked away. She caught me just before the waitress caught her. I ended up mediating the bill, which is to say Mavis paid for it. When the waitress was gone, I looked at my sister, saw her finally. Her eyes were red, her freckled face splotchy which is a bad combination and her lower lip trembled.

"What did I say?" She said tremulously.

The thought that went through my mind was irrepressible and at the same time, I noted how incongruous it would seem if it got any oxygen. I gave it the necessary suscitation...if you resuscitate someone who was alive then dead, wouldn't that mean letting something live the first time would be suscitation? Spell checker is skeptical. But what does she know? I turned the thought into words and released it into the evolving wild for the first time, a familiar sport...there's a real but surprising oxymoron for the geneticists in the audience.

"If we are going to talk, I am going to fuck you." I said in that same voice that needed texture to get any inflection into it, matching blisterly calm with a monotone calm of my own. Some people talk that way all the time so it's not a thing but with me who runs up and down the scale just because I don't want any notes on it to feel left out, it had an effect. I did the "walk away" again, turning to the elevator and hit the up button.

For the first time I got why elevators make people nervous...they are inherently sexual. UP. DOWN. UP. DOWN. All day. All night. Fuck, now I'd get wood when I got on an elevator. No more riding a real crowded one unless it was with the Swedish bikini team. Crap. Like that's ever going to happen. Wait, considering the first 50 dates I just had with different females, fucking them that could happen! I'm a one date wonder!

I felt Georgia take my hand. When I flinched which put pain in her eyes, she held fast to my wrist, with both hands.

"I'd like that." She whispered. "Would you? Really?"

I turned to look at her and then shrugged. "Are you mine?" I asked in that same chilly tone. Even made me shiver a little, well I wanted to, I almost did but suppressed it with prejudice, I would have, honest, had it mattered.

Georgia nodded. "I am. I think I forgot that. We all did."

I turned to her, freeing my wrist. She took the hint and let her hands go lax at her sides. I unbuttoned the flannel shirt, exposing her bare tits, no bra. She shivered as my fingers brushed her freckled pale skin. Her freckles always made me want to take a scrub brush to her skin before. It was so white, the freckles had seemed like imperfection before but now, as I unbuttoned her shirt there by the elevators, in the mostly empty Saturday lobby, she seemed to be perfection and I wanted her. She wriggled her shoulders when I pushed the shirt down her arms and removed it, making her vast tits flirt and bat their eyelashes at me. I was duly charmed. I stared into her eyes and saw that her visit was not just fear and loathing, there was lust there, familiar, filial not sibling. For the first time maybe, she seemed actually shorter, smaller, more delicate than me. I held the shirt beside her then with a sort of distasteful disdain, I tossed it aside, sliding across the the slick marble floor to end crumpled against the opposite wall. Georgia shuddered and took hold of my wrist again with both hands, again just as the lift bell dinged. Her lovely tits waved at me.

Up. Down. Up. Down.

Fuck! I'll never be the same!

I let her keep hold of my wrist, with both of her hands, like she was cuffed and I held the chain between them. I led her onto the lift, topless, and, amazingly, silent. She gripped my wrist all the way to the room. Someone, someone had left the curtains open and the sun was making waves and particles filling the room where Mavis slept with the pillow over her head and pet sat on her knees, very naked, very awake. She squeaked when we entered the room.

"Who's that?" Nova asked, releasing my wrist with her two hands like I was hot. I am. Not what I meant. Her hands rose up and cupped both breasts, at first as coverings then but then she began to knead them as I needed them and a soft moan left her lips and painted the glaring room scarlet and pink or was that the sun?

"Mavis. Have you met her? The wife of the man you are fucking? Should I wake her up? She's not a morning person."

"No. Her." Georgia hissed as she shook her head taking my implicit warning to heart. She gestured at Pet, with her chin, and one elbow, hand bras making conventional pointing unlikely. I swear pet's eyes were huge, like the moon when sitting right on the horizon. She blinked a few times. The sun blinked back with its greater light and blinded her. I closed the curtains, dulling the day.

"That's Pet." I said. "She's going to eat you while I fuck her. Strip." I was casually casual, all tangled up in my own conundrum, too much so to be fully affected by whatever had Nova in a twitter. My initial plan had been to have Nova eat Mavis, but I'd find it difficult and distracting to fuck her and try to interrogate her while she was nose deep in Mavis's cunt, which would make it sort of impossible if not impolite, not to mention Mavis didn't seem all that enthralled at the moment either, so there's that. Things added up to me fucking Pet while she ate Nova. I could get the story from Georgia then.

The whole fear about the pussy gods seemed to be adolescent legend, like masturbatory blindness and tiny Asian dicks in previous generations. I pointed to the foot of the bed. "Sit down, Georgia." She'd not moved yet but turning her eyes to the bed and then to Pet, she whispered, "Eat me?" I nodded. She removed the skirt and unfastened one of the garter straps. "Leave them." I said, seeing her cunt was bare, pursed, pale pink, pantieless, and when she turned right in the diffuse light, glistening. She perched on the end of the bed, knees clinked together, hands bra-ing her tits. I moved close to her and bent to tap her left knee. "Open for us, sister." I said softly. The pillow came off Mavis's head. Nova's knees slowly spread wide and I swear I heard this soft "squelching" sound. Sister Georgia was squishing wet. Interesting.

The aroma of aroused female wafted around me like a swarm of drunk shoo flies. When I looked at Pet, she had this look of delighted horror on her face that made me chuckle. "Pet...time to lick Sonny's naughty sister."

Mavis sat up. "Sister?" She croaked? Her eyes focused, found the fine freckled lines of my sister's bare back and then some little body gnome cranked on the f-stop control and the focus shifted to me.

"Pet." I repeated and was about to snap my fingers when Pet blinked into motion and was kneeling between sister Georgia's knees, pushing them wide, her hair tousled around her face. Pet leaned in, licked. Georgia's hands left her tits to be covered by my lustful eyes, which are crap at covering anything, being all generous and tending to share with the world, and fluttered down to Pet's head and alighted there like the timidest of butterflies. Sister Georgia blessed my little pet acolyte, her hands stroking Pet's gossamer fine hair.

I leaned over and patted Pet's lean hip. She leaned forward and god! If she wasn't a noisy eater. Lips smacking and slurping and audible sucking like a table of backwoods country Chinese guys showing off for the visiting Communist commissar. Georgia added her bassoon approval to the Pet piccolo overture being made to her dripping wet cunt. Her hips surged up giving Pet a moving target, which had no distracting results. Poor Georgia was trying to lean back to get humping leverage while keeping both hands resting on Pet's head. If you follow the physical physics of that attempt, it won't work, no matter how the majority votes. Physics is just not democratic, quite autocratic in fact. But like the nattering idiots of not-yore, she gave it a good try.

"Oh god, oh my jester's crust!" Georgia groaned when the immutability of her position frustrated her will. Her love of words apparently was petty and jealous. "She'!" The surprise tinged with delight arrested my fascination and refocused my desire to suss out what I'd seen in my dear sister's eyes. She was not on an Obama-like apology tour. She had some purpose percolating between her ears and I wanted to know what it was...and why.

Pet was good...what was I supposed to do? An orgasm would turn all of my sister's syllables sideways and I'd not get anything out of her, or nothing intelligible. I had to act fast. I had an "aha" moment that would change things for me forever, and with no prior proper planning permeating my performance and less understanding of the far reaching results and implications.

"No. Pet, do not let my sister orgasm!" I said, missing the mark by a mile. But it seemed like the right spot to aim for my purposes and sure enough, Pet's head started to rise. Georgia's humping hips tried to follow her until she just tipped over onto her back. Her hands cleaved to Pet's head, pressing it back down between those thirsty thighs while she showed her core strength and just sat up again. Look Mom, no hands! With Pet holding her knees down, it was easier than it looked with her tits warbling at me in some subdural tone.

"Georgia, no." I barked, much louder than I intended for I saw my intent was being thwarted by my sister's intent...a longstanding condition I'd mostly suffered and endured. No more. Not this time. "Release her, Georgia." I said in that monotone voice and lo! And behold! She did. Her hands drifted away with that "nothing to see here" casualness invested in Jazz hands that makes observers giggle. Her innocent hands drifted away from her guilty thighs and ended planted behind her so she could lean back and hump Pet's best efforts, which appeared to be pretty good. With that little victory in hand, I pressed the advantage. "Sister, you don't cum unless I tell you to cum. It might help if you stop humping Pet's face."

"What? No. Why should I?" Georgia snarled at me.

Nothing is ever easy with a redhead and certainly not with the naked red hot sister I knew and loved. The "moments" seemed to be coming...okay fine, numb nuts...arriving...that okay? Arriving one after the other with the main difference from my not too distant past being that I noticed and mostly understood this one. That snarl that once curled hair and shriveled even the bravest of erections bounced off of me. In that moment, I swear on elephant balls, I thought of Mr. Blue and thought to myself, if he thinks I have potential, then I must have potential! My Nova sister's snarl snapped by me unnoticed or at least unacknowledged. I felt like I was waking up, a little at a time from a devoted religious coma. I lifted my eyes from Georgia's swaying and fascinating tits which is their default condition in life (my eyes and HER tits), and found her eyes, all twitchy and jerky from the licking her cunt was getting while she held Pet's face in the proper position.


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