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Fall From Grace Ch. 01

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First time is family time.
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Chapter 01

First time is Family Time

All characters are over 18 years of age.

"Oh Happy Days! " Dave Grace sang out with gusto. Then acting as his own back up choir, Dave quickly echoed the verse an octave lower "Oh, Happy Days!"

Dave did not normally sing old Gospel songs in the shower, but today was a special day. His daughter was home. Dave had gotten divorce 2 years ago when his daughter was 16. After that, his contact with his daughter had been limited to alternating holidays and some week-ends.

His daughter, Ginger, was newly enrolled in a local university. She was going to live at the old homestead so the family, read that as Dave, could afford the tuition bill.

Dave was happy, proud and thankful. He finished his song with a bone rattling bass,

"Ohhh . . . Happ—ppy . . . Dayyyyyy."

Dave turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. As he towel dried his hair, he was already planning breakfast. It had to be banana pancakes. That was his daughter's favorite.

Dave's pleasant thoughts were interrupted by a shriek from his daughter,


That alarming call was followed by a loud crash and a weaker cry,

"Help! Help, Daddy."

Dave instinctively dropped everything and ran to his daughter. He burst into her bedroom. Not seeing her there, he continued into the on-suite bathroom. He found her lying on the floor. There was blood on the floor by her head.

Dave rushed to her. He found the wound and gently applied pressure to stop the bleeding. Dave knelt beside his nude daughter. He asked,

"Ginger, where does it hurt?"

"I hurt my head and my ass . . . and now I've lost my dignity. God! I can't believe you're seeing me naked."

"That makes two of us, sweetie," Dave replied sheepishly. His manhood was inches away from Ginger's face. Dave had hurriedly rushed from his shower. He was still wet and unclothed. He said,

"Let's focus on the important stuff. I think I have your head wound under control."

Dave pulled his hand away to take another look at the laceration. The cut was not that big and the blood flow appeared to be lessening. He re-applied the pressure and then shouted,

"HEY! Hey everyone! We need some help here."

Dave called out loudly to the other occupants of the house. His ex-wife, Emma, had spent the night after bringing Ginger and her college stuff. Dave's mother, Hazel, was there too. She had come to town to spend a few days with her favorite granddaughter before school started.

Dave scanned his daughter's nude body. His first thought was "My God she's hot!" His gaze took in the large firm breasts, the tiny waist and her long, athletic legs. Ginger had acquired her toned and shapely legs from years of running cross country. His member swelled a bit in response to the scenery.

Dave shook his head and told himself, "Behave. Look for injuries."

Dave did not see any more injuries. He did notice a barbell piercing that went through one of his daughter's pale pink nipples. That sight produced another twitch in his dick and caused him to renew the conversation with himself.

"Damm that piercing is sexy. Bet that had to hurt,"

Dave thought as he stared at Ginger's erect nipples. The sight of a piece of steel skewering the tip of her left breast generated unwanted blood flow to his cock.

Dave laughed when he noticed a tuff of bright red pubic hair near his daughter's vagina. He and his wife had planned to name their daughter Raven. However, after seeing an abundance of red hair on her at birth, they selected a name better suited for a redhead.

"What's wrong? What's so funny?" Ginger exclaimed. Suddenly embarrassed and self-conscious, she slung an arm over her breasts and a hand over her crotch.

Dave apologized. "Nothing's wrong. I'm sorry honey. I'm not laughing at you. You're beautiful . . . spectacular. I was remembering the day when you were born. We've told you the story a million times about why we named you Ginger."

"Why are you remembering that now, Daddy?"

"Um . . . you're . . . soul patch," Dave said in a soft voice.

"My what?"

"Soul patch . . . . that tuft of red hair on your . . . abdomen."

Ginger ran her fingers thru her pubic hair and giggled. "Soul patch? I've never heard it called that. That's a cool name."

Dave watched his daughter's fingers dance in her pussy fur. His member was now parallel to the floor and getting thicker. Dave tried to will his erection away. He averted his eyes and looked out the window.

Dave took a deep breath to steady himself and slowly exhaled. He said,

"Ginger, you said your butt hurt. Let me take a look. First though, I need you to put pressure on the scalp wound."

Ginger brought her hand up. As it traveled toward the back of her head, her hand bumped into Dave's growing erection. Ginger giggled and said, "Sorry about that."

Dave chagrinned said, "Ahh . . . yeah. That's okay. Roll over on your stomach."

Ginger did as instructed and Dave stepped in-between her legs, knelt and exam Ginger's legs, back and butt. He did not see any cuts. He did see the beginning of a bruise on her rump and he was able to confirm his suspicion that Ginger had shaved her pussy.

"Wow" was the initial adjective that popped into his mind as Dave encountered his first bald beaver. He decided to have a little fun with his daughter. He teased her saying,

"Tisk tisk. You missed a spot when you shaved back here."

Ginger reached back and pulled a butt cheek aside and said,


"By the little brown hole," Dave said snickering.

Ginger twisted and stretched her body trying to get a better view. She pulled more forcefully on her butt. This caused her cunt and asshole to gape. Dave saw some serious pink. His dick was rock hard.

"What's the matter Dave?" Hazel called out as she topped the stairs.

Hazel and his ex-wife, Emma, hurried into the room summoned by his call for help. The two women found Dave and Ginger nude and on the floor of the bathroom. David had a huge hard-on. He was kneeling behind his daughter.

Ginger looked like a pin-up girl. Her torso was lifted off the floor, her back arched. This served to emphasize her large bust. Ginger was looking in the direction of her father while her hand pulled open her genitalia. She appeared to be offering Dave's cock access to the hole of his choice.

"Oh my God! What are you two doing?" Emma screamed.

"I fell," Ginger said simply. "I hurt my head and butt.

Dave added innocently, "She's got a small gash on the back of her head. Her backside looks okay."

Emma yelled, "Really? Why is that beer can of an erection pointed at your daughter's ass?"

Ginger let go of her rear. She snorted and started laughing as she realized how the scene must look from her mother's perspective. Dave got it a second later. He turned red and responded with the first innocent sounding explanation he could think of. He stood and said,

"Em . . . you know. Ahhh . . . it just morning wood."

Ginger said,

"God Mom! What a dirty mind you have. I was singing and dancing and fixing my hair. I slipped on the wet floor. I hit my head on the tub and my butt landed hard on the floor. I was hurt. I called out for help."

Emma was re-assured by Ginger's explanation. She bent over her daughter. Looking concerned, she asked,

"Baby, are you sure you're ok?" Emma brushed her daughter's long red hair out of her face.

Ginger said, "Yes Mom. I think I was more scared than hurt."

Dave said, "The bleeding from the head wound seems to be stopping."

Hazel said, "Ginger, I glad you are not seriously hurt. I've got to ask . . . How come you both are naked?"

Dave and Ginger answered in unison, "I just got out of the shower."

Emma pointed to Dave's erection and said, "Oh so you were having a little me time in the shower?"

"No," David protested.

Dave's mother laughed at his answer. She opened her robe and showed her impressive cleavage. She then shook her chest making her braless tits bounce about under her nightshirt. She said,

"You can take it from me Emma, the Grace men like big tits. If Dave wasn't hard when he came in here, seeing the nice set of boobies Ginger has would have done the trick."

Ginger blushed at her grandma's comment. Ginger eyes swung around and she focused in on her dad's stiff cock for first time. She found that it was not overly long, but it was stout. It wasn't the diameter of a beer can, but it was scary thick. She teased,

"Woah Dad. Now I understand why I'm an only child. You couldn't convince Mom to let you shove that big cock up her vaj more than once."

Dave's face turned red. So did Emma's. Hazel filled the void saying,

"Ginger, some traits run in the family. You and I have red hair. Dave has his father's thick dick and from the look of things you inherited your mother's impressive rack."

"Mom!" Dave whined.

"Really Hazel," Emma scolded her former mother-in-law.

"I call them as I see them," Hazel smirked and then added while winking at Ginger, "I'm an equal opportunity offender."

Ginger reached up and unsuccessfully tried to wrap her hand around her dad's hefty penis. She innocently said,

"I've never seen one this thick. Mom, do you like 'em big? "

Emma did not comment. Hazel again took advantage of the silence and said,

"Emma how could you leave a man that is so obviously built to satisfy a woman. Let me tell you I enjoyed grandpa's massive cock every chance I got. God rest his soul."

Emma reached out and knocked Ginger's hand off her father's dick saying, "Ginger, you shouldn't do that."

Hazel's hand took the place of Ginger's hand. Hazel squeezed her son's thick member and sighed, "I miss Pop-Pop."

"Please Mom," Dave implored. He stepped back pulling his erection out of her grasp.

Ginger sat up. In all seriousness she asked her mother and grandmother,

"How can you handle a cock that size?"

The two older ladies responded in unison, "With pleasure."

Hazel giggled and it was Emma's turn to blush as she remembered the joy she experienced making love to Dave.

Hazel added, "Dear, with a caring, experienced partner you can accommodate a dick this size and love every minute of it."

"My last boyfriend was longer," Ginger confessed, "But he wasn't half as thick. Mom, dad's handsome, he has a good job and he has a great cock. Why did you get divorced?"

Suddenly Emma's eyes filled with tears and she began to cry. She responded,

"I was so stupid. I didn't know how great I had it. I thought that I had missed out on life by marrying young. Your father was my first and only lover. I let some sweet talking man convince me to have an affair. That was the biggest mistake of my life. It turned out that he wasn't half the man or lover that your father was."

Emma paused to wipe the tears out of her eyes. She continued,

"I got pregnant. The other guy ran off when I told him. After cheating on your father, I couldn't pretend that the child was his. He deserved better than that. I started arguing with your father over anything and everything. Then I demanded a divorce."

Emma had never told anyone this story. She looked around at everyone with tear-filled eyes and said,

"I forced a quick divorce. Later I miscarried."

Emma broke down and sobbed. Ginger and Hazel were stunned by her brutal honesty and obvious pain. The women walked up to Emma and just held her.

Dave stood back and let it all sink in. This confession explained so much. Emma's demand for a divorce had caught Dave completely by surprise. All his suggestions to talk or go to counseling had been rejected. Emma was adamant they get divorced as fast as possible. She got her wish.

Dave never knew about her affair or the love child. Finally, Dave understood the situation that had blindsided him. He still cared for her, but his love was buried under a ton of resentment brought on by the unfair treatment he had been subjected to.

However, today even "angry Dave" could see how sorry Emma was. He too joined in the group hug. They all cried for the love that was lost.

Minutes passed without a word spoken.

Ginger like many divorced children kept alive the hope that her parents would get back together. She saw this as a chance to help them reconcile. Ginger said,

"Mom, you seem truly sorry for what you did."

Emma said, "I am. It was the worst mistake of my life."

Ginger continued, "Mom, I don't remember you dating much after the divorce. You still care for Dad, don't you?"

Emma sobbed and nodded.

Ginger tried to read the expression on her father's face. He appeared guarded. Ginger was young, but not so young that she didn't know how to influence men.

Ginger reached back and grabbed her Dad's cock. She stroked it. Hazel was thinking along the same line as her granddaughter. She too reached out and joined in on stroking Dave's prick. Hazel said,

"Dave, you still have a soft spot in your heart for Emma, don't you?"

Emma stopped crying. She looked up full of hope at Dave. She ached for forgiveness. She peered into his grey eyes. Dave started to answer, but remembering all the pain he had endured he hesitated.

Emma took a chance and said,

"Dave, after what I have done to you and all that I have put you though, I don't deserve a second chance. But if you could find it in your heart . . . "

Emma reached out to Dave's hard cock and thumbed the crown of his dick while the other women stroked his shaft. Dave felt his knees buckle. He had longed to feel her loving touch again for so long. Emma continued,

"Dave, even now being one of three women sharing your cock makes my spirit soar. It doesn't have to be like before. "

Dave asked, "What are you saying?"

"Well, I wouldn't demand you marry me or be exclusive. I threw that deal away. I want to be part of your life and have you in my life."

Dave's dick twitched in response to his ex-wife's comment. In support of her mother, Ginger asked,

"Dad, can you give mom a second chance?"

Dave's mouth was dry. He cleared his throat and said,

"Err . . . Emma, we could try again."

He reached down and took Ginger and Hazel's hands off his dick. Then he said,

"I . . . I don't know what to do with you two," Dave said.

Hazel wisecracked, "Maybe you could throw this old broad a bone occasionally!"

Hazel loving stroked David's cock again and said, "After all I was your first."

Emma and Ginger both gasped.

"No way! Spill," Ginger demanded.

Hazel had a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she began her tale.

"When Dave dated in High School, he would go out with a girl for a month or so, break up with her and then start dating someone else. I thought it was just the normal dating around process. Little did I know, there was more to the story."

"No Mom, please don't," Dave begged.

"Tell us. Tell us," Ginger egged her grandmother on.

"Well, Dave was having a problem. Oh wait, I need to set this up. We were not nudists, but it was not a big deal for us to see each other naked. We'd swim in the lake sometimes without bathing suits, we all shared one bathroom, that kind of thing."

"I told you my husband and I were crazy about each other. There might have been a time or two when Dave came home unexpected and caught his father and me being frisky in the laundry room or in the kitchen. Okay, you with me?

Ginger and Emma were listening intently. They nodded.

"So Dave has a problem and he asked his Dad 'What can you do when a girl tells you she is scared to have sex because your penis is too thick? How did you and Mom work it out?'"

Ginger said, "I can totally understand that. It's hard to imagine a dick that thick not doing damage to my vajajay."

"Exactly," Hazel said, "His Dad told him he had had the same problem and that for him the problem was solved when he met me because I guided him thru the process of making love to a woman. He told Dave to talk to me."

"I bet he loved that answer," Emma said with a smile.

Hazel laughed. "Dave did not come to me, but one Friday night after dinner his Dad said, 'Dave is finding that the girls are scared of his cock. Can you give him some tips or show him how to have sex without hurting his partner?' His father then announced that he was going fishing and he'd be back Sunday afternoon."

"Can we please stop this story before I die of embarrassment?" David pleaded.

"I confess my Mom taught me everything I know about sex. She told me how to make girls comfortable with a thick cock. She showed me how to prepare their bodies to have enjoyable intercourse. And yes the training was hands on. Everyone happy now?" Dave's face was as red as a beet.

Ginger raised her hand. An exasperated Dave asked, "What is it Ginger?"

"Are you telling us your Mom took your cherry?"

The women all laughed. Dave hung his head in shame. Hazel answered,

"Yes Ginger, I was Dave's first. It's a parent's job to make sure their children are prepared to live as an adult. This was an important life lesson. Awkward, unconventional . . . yes, but necessary."

Turning towards her son, Hazel continued,

"Dave, I helped you in your time of need. Since Emma says it's okay, how about helping me live a more satisfying life?"

Dave gave in. "Mom, I love you. I promised Dad I would take care of you. If this is what you want . . . "

Ginger asked, "What about me?"

"What about you?" Dave asked, "You're young and gorgeous. I'm sure you could have any guy you want."

"I want what you had . . . a teacher," Ginger said solemnly. Then she started crying. Dave was confused and just looked at her. Hazel and Emma enveloped Ginger in a warm, loving embrace.

Between sobs Ginger told her story.

"The guys that now ask me out look at my big boobs and expect that I'm knowledgeable. You know, experienced. And I'm not. Other girls began learning the basic stuff in their early teens. I missed out on playing "Spin the Bottle" and "Seven Minutes in Heaven". "

Ginger paused to compose herself. Then she said,

"I was never invited to those parties. I was passed over because for one thing, I was 5' 9" tall at age 13. The boys were only like 5' 2". I was no one's dream date. I was too tall, too skinny. I had super frizzy "Bozo the Clown" colored hair and the real deal killer was the fact that I was as flat as a board until I turned 17. I missed out learning about sex and boys when it was okay to be naive, scared, clumsy and clueless."

Ginger paused again. Hazel handed her a tissue. Ginger blew her nose and dabbed at her tears before continuing.

"Guys my age expect me to know how to do things and to be comfortable with sex and I'm not. I went from being teased and humiliated for being the only flat-chested girl in the junior class to now being laughed at for my bumbling sexual efforts."

With big tears in her eyes Ginger pleaded, "Dad, would you teach me?"

Dave could hear the pain in her voice. Her words struck a chord with him. His High School dating career had also been a disaster until his mother helped him. How could he deny his daughter the same assistance? Dave said softly,

"I know what it's like to have intimate moments go horrible wrong. I can show you how a man should treat a woman. I will give you a safe place to learn how to respond to a man and how to make love to a man. Your mom can cover blowjobs . . . emmm . . . I mean how a woman can please a man. Okay?"

Ginger smiled broadly. She was thrilled that she would get a lesson in love making. She had been totally embarrassed by the 'trial and error' method she had been using. She figured if she learned how to deal with her father's thick penis, she could handle any cock.

Ginger asked, "Can we start today? College starts in a few days."

Dave nodded. "How about now?"

He grabbed her robe off the hook on the back of the door and helped her put it on. Emma and Hazel gave Ginger encouraging smiles.


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