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Falling in Love with my Sister Pt. 06

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My day with Elizabeth comes to an end.
2.9k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/11/2023
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I woke up close to an hour and a half later, it was almost 5pm and this had been the best and most memorable five hours of my life. Every second spent with Elizabeth was heavenly.

I've always liked my sisters' company, well apart from the few years when as she used to boss me to the point of cruelty, but that was teenage big sister syndrome which I would guess that anyone with an elder sister has experienced.

But she has always been a very lovely, very caring person and she often defended me when we were together in social situations, either with family or with friends. I was the youngest in our large extended family and therefore that made me the easiest target. But Elizabeth would often put her arm around me in a protective caring way, her way of announcing 'this is my little brother, leave him alone'. Absolutely nothing sexual of course.

But it felt lovely. It would leave me feeling warm and protected and I adored her for that.

But now it was very different. Now we were lovers, we were equals. Looking back, I guess those early years just helped to build this foundation of affection that has grown into this overwhelming sexual desire I now feel for her.

And as for my love of long hair, did that really come from Alexis on the school bus all those years ago, and now it just enhances what I see in Elizabeth? Or, does it really originally stem from Elizabeth, because I associate it with her? "Interesting philosophical question." I thought to myself, but either way, it doesn't really matter. I just know the combination of my sister and her gorgeous, beautiful, amazing long hair was just the biggest turn on I would ever experience in my life.

As I lay there looking at her still sleeping, it occured to me, isn't this the most most natural thing in the world? To fall in love with her? I mean I know her so well. I totally trust her. We have a shared history that I don't and won't ever have with anyone else and she turns me on incredibly. Falling in love with her, suddenly seemed like the most obvious and normal thing to do.

My cock started to grow thinking about this, but ouch... I was sore and it ached! Fuck, just looking at her lit up my whole body and soul!

Our bodies were no longer entwined, so I gently got off the bed, trying not to wake her up. I quietly walked to the bathroom, stepped into the shower and turned the water on. I needed it hot as my cock needed a gentle massage and I wanted to wash away all my dried sweat. I stood under the water enjoying the warmth. "When have I ever been this happy?" my inner voice asked, "Never." was the answer.

But then, reality started to dawn on me. I was going to college in less than 2 weeks to start my degree and although it was only for three years, it suddenly seemed like a prison sentence. How was I going to cope without seeing Elizabeth, at least very often?

"Get a grip," I told myself, "there are ways, we will make it work." Just then the bathroom door opened and Elizabeth walked in.

"Aha, good idea," she said, "can I come in?"

"Yes of course." I replied opening the door.

Elizabeth stepped in and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I'm very sore." she said.

"Me too!" I laughed as I joined her in the embrace.

We stood there for a few minutes under the water, holding each other.

"You know I'm back at college in two weeks?" I said, "Will you come and visit me?"

There was a moment of silence before Elizabeth replied.

"I'd love to, but how would that work? I mean, where would I stay?"

"In my room with me."

"Eh?" she said, "In your room? Your sister in your room?"

"But what if we told people you were my girlfriend? Who would know any difference? Who would guess that you are really my sister" I said.

Silence again.


"Why not? It might be fun apart from anything."

"But we look similar."

"Lots of people look similar, that doesn't mean they are related." I said.

There was silence again and Elizabeth was obviously thinking.

"Well, if I did come, I could only come for weekends. I've got work during the week."

"Yes of course," I said excitedly, "of course, I understand that. And other weekends I could come and see you. And also during term breaks."

"So we wouldn't be brother and sister for those weekends, we would be boyfriend and girlfriend," she said, "Hmmm, that's exciting! Let me think about it."

"Ok," I said hugging her a little tighter.

We held each other for a few more minutes before Elizabeth grabbed a handful of shower gel and started rubbing my body. Her touch was amazing and my cock desperately wanted to react, but it really did ache so I tried to think of something else to take my mind of it. It wasn't really very effective though and before long, I had a tumescent erection. Boy was it painful!

"Elizabeth looked at it. "I'd like to help," she said, "but I am so sore. How about I kiss it?"

"I'd really love that Elizabeth, but maybe not just now." I said with a pained look in my eye.

"I get it," she said laughing, "but I can't believe you're already turning me down though bro!"

"I know," I said wistfully, "any other time."

I moved towards her and kissed her. "Any other time." I whispered in her ear.

I stepped out. Elizabeth started washing her hair.

I dried myself and went and sat on Elizabeth's bed. I picked up my phone and saw I had a missed call from Dad. "I wonder what he wants" I asked myself. I thought about calling him back but decided to wait until Elizabeth came into the room so she was fully aware of the call - we don't want any loose chat or slip-ups! After a few minutes, Elizabeth opened the door and walked in, towel on her head and a large one around her breasts and waist.

"Aren't you cold sitting there like that?" she asked me.

"A little, but I'm ok. Hey, we've had a missed call from Dad." I said.

"Oh I wonder what he wants." Elizabeth said.

"My thoughts exactly. I'd better call him back."

Elizabeth sat at her dressing table, took the towel off her head and started rubbing her hair, looking at herself in the mirror. I picked up my phone and hit redial, putting it into speakerphone mode. After a few seconds, we heard Dad.

"Hello Andrew."

"Hi Dad," I said, "I'm just calling you back as I saw you'd called."

"Yes I did. How's things? Is your sister giving you lots of exercise?"

I look across to Elizabeth who sat about five feet away and smiled. She giggled quietly.

"Yes, we've been doing a lot. She's getting nicely settled in now." I said.

"Good, well done. Mother just wants to know what time you're home for dinner."

"Oh," I started to say, stumbling a little, but before I could continue Elizabeth spoke.

"Hi Dad," she said loudly, "I was going to take Andrew out for a pizza if that's ok? I think he deserves it."

I smiled.

"Oh yes of course," he said, "that's nice of you. I'll let Mother know."

"I'll drop him home afterwards, probably around nine or ten o'clock, ok?"

"Ok sounds good. Everything else ok?"

"Yes everything is great thanks." Elizabeth said, throwing me a smile.

"Good. Ok, well that was it, I'll leave you to it. Mother says hello."

"Thanks Dad. Say hello back."

"See you later." I said, pressing 'Call End'.

"That was short and sweet," I said looking at Elizabeth.

She was still smiling... slightly chuckling... "lot's of exercise, ok!" she said picking up her hair dryer and turning back to the mirror.

She plugged it in and turned it on. A blast of noise filled the room and her hair took off like we had just walked into a hurricane.

I sat transfixed as she blow dried her fabulous hair. Of all the times I had brushed it for her, I had never actually witnessed her washing or blow drying it, so this was a new experience to me. It was lovely. She sat in a world of her own, eyes half closed, running her fingers through her beautiful long hair, detangling and drying, her hair dancing in the blast of air. And whilst this was clearly just a normal event to her, to me it was mesmerising and sensual.

After a few minutes, Elizabeth turned the dryer off and turned to look at me. "Sorry," she said, "if you're bored turn the TV on."

"Oh I'm not bored, this is much better than TV." I said with a smile.

"Really? What watching me?" she said starting to smile, "Could be a little creepy y'know." she joked.

"Sorry," I said, "but this is still so new to me and you are just cocaine to my eyes. I can't believe how lucky I am."

"Cocaine to your eyes huh? I like that, you should be a poet. Ok, I'm not creeped out. But I am sad." she said looking down to the floor.

"Why?" I asked worried.

She looked up. "Because you haven't tried to kiss me in about 15 mins!"

I wanted to smile like a goon, but I kept my cool. Standing up I slowly walked over to her. I put both of my hands either side of her face and pushed my fingers into her damp hair, grabbing her head gently. I pulled her to me and our lips locked. I kissed her, tenderly, lovingly, passionately.

"Don't be sad sis," I said to her trying to be serious, "you are my number one priority from this moment on."

"Oh! Just from this moment on huh? Not an hour ago? Or when you had your wicked way with me yesterday?" she said.

"Funny girl! Seriously, I mean it. You are MY girl now and I am going to do everthing I can to keep you happy."

Elizabeth smiled. "Again!" she demanded.

Our lips locked for a second time.

Elizabeth continued to blow dry her hair and after she was finished, she handed me her hair brush. "It need some love." she said.

I spent the next 20 mins brushing her hair, caressing her, kissing her neck, holding her. It was highly sensual and very loving.

We continued to talk, laugh and play fight whilst getting dressed, but unfortunately nothing could take away our soreness, so there was no more sex, despite feeling incredibly turned on.


The time was now just passed 6:30pm.

Elizabeth picked up her phone and starting searching. Within a couple of minutes she dialled a number.

"Hello... is that Pedro's Pizza? Yes... yes, do you have a table for two this evening? Oh that's great. Yes, I'd like to book. Oh urmmm, say 7pm? Great. Yes, my name is Elizabeth *******. Ok thanks, see you soon."

She looked at me. "I heard that Pedro's Pizza is really good, so fingers crossed."

"Hey, this is like our real first date." I said.

"Well you'd better be nice to me then," she said, "or I might not sleep with you, and certainly not on the first date!"

I burst out laughing. "Oh really?" I said, smacking her bum lightly.

I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards me. I held her tight and kissed her, my right hand slipping into her silky mane, locking her lips tighter onto mine. Our tongues entwined.

"Come on," she said, "let's go and get a pizza!"

We spent another few minutes getting ready and then walked downstairs and out of her door. Elizabeth closed and locked it behind us before walking to her car.


Elizabeth drove for about 10 minutes and then spent another few minutes trying to find somewhere to park. We chatted and laughed all the way. "I love our chemistry" I thought to myself, probably the DNA thing again!!

We got out of the car and Elizabeth walked over to me, reaching out her hand. I looked at her slightly confused.

"You're my boyfriend, hold my hand." she demanded.

"But, is that wise?" I asked. "I mean... well y'know!"

"Oh come on, we are miles from home, I mean Mum & Dad's, and where we grew up. So in your words, who's going to know?"

Elizabeth looked at me like an excited child looks at their unopened Christmas present, still holding her hand out. "Holy shit!" I thought, "yes!"

"God yes!" I said excitedly.

I grabbed her hand and felt immediate electricty. We walked together like boyfriend & girlfriend towards Pedro's Pizza, occassionally looking at each other, smiling like Cheshire cats. We passed some people on the pavement and she whispered "if only they knew!". I laughed.

"Fuck Elizabeth, even this is a turn on." I said to her. My heart was beating... hard, and I felt like the cat that got the cream.

We walked into Pedro's and over to the reception desk. Elizabeth let them have our booking and whilst we waited to be seated, I walked up behind Elizabeth and put my hands on her shoulders. This felt so wrong but was so very exciting. My cock, which was a little less sore than a couple of hours ago, twitched and tried to sprang to life, very happy for me to be touching my sister in this way as I gently caressed her hair, running my hands the full length. I wanted to do this over and over, but we were in a restaurant and sense got the better of me. My cock still ached, but I was beyond caring - sometimes just being sensual can be almost as good as sex and my head was exploding!

The waited returned to show us to our table so we followed him. I pulled Elizabeth's chair out for her to sit down.

"You've never done that for me before!" she exclaimed.

"You were my annoying big sister until only yesterday!" I said jokingly, before suddenly realising that I had said that in a loud voice in front of the waiter!

The waiter looked at me, surprised and slightly shocked.

"It's ok," I said to him, "I'm only joking. People always say we look alike so it's an 'in-joke' between us."

"Aha," he said smiling, "you do indeed look a bit similar." He turned and walked away.

"Bloody hell, that was quick," Elizabeth said, "but be careful!"

"Fuck, yeah sorry." I said with a relieved laugh. But my heart was racing with the excitement.

For the rest of our 'date', we ate, laughed, touched hands, looked into each other's eyes, joked, flirted, played footsie under the table and just had an amazing time. We were two seeds in a pod and I just couldn't imagine having a better time with anyone else... ever!

Time flew by and before long it was time to get the bill and for Elizabeth to take me home.

Elizabeth called the waiter over and asked for the bill. After a few minutes, he brought over the freshly printed bill and handed it to me. 'Sexist' I thought handing it to Elizabeth as the waiter looked at me down his nose!

"...well she is my big sister after all!" I said to him, emphasising the word 'is' to highlight the joke. But little did he know. Elizabeth glanced at me trying not to laugh.

She handed the waiter her debit card and typed in her pin. The payment went through and the receipt buzzed out of the hand held cash machine.

Standing up, I stepped forward to Elizabeth and planted a kiss on her lips right in front of the waiter. She pressed her lips to mine and we stood for a couple of seconds enjoying our moment. "Thanks sis" I said looking towards the waiter as I pulled away. Elizabeth laughed.

"Now you're wondering aren't you?" I said to the waiter.

"Very funny" he said.

We walked to the door and outside and into the cool evening air and after a few steps away from the restaurant, Elizabeth burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you did that!" she exploded, immediately causing me to join her in laughter.

"Me neither," I said, "but it was such fun!"

"And so fucking HOT!!" she said. "Will you come over tomorrow?"

"Yes please!" I said immediately. "If you text me your address, I'll drive over to you."

"Deal." she said.

I grabbed her and pulled her to me, wrapping my right arm around her waist and my left arm over her shoulder. Elizabeth grabbed me round the waist and we stood there on the street looking at each other, faces less than two inches apart.

"Fuck I love you Elizabeth." I said.

"Me too Andrew," she said as she leaned forward, our lips connecting. What started as a gentle kiss, very quickly exploded into a passionate snog and my hands were all over her head! People were walking passed, it could have been anyone, but we had judged that we were far enough from home to not be found out. Stupid? Reckless? Yes it was, very, but we we didn't care. In fact, it made it all the more exciting.

We broke our kiss after 30 seconds or so and Elizabeth told me that she'd better get me home. She was right of course, but I really didn't want to go. I wanted to stay with her.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Romantic, loving, so beautiful... thank you !

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good work bro .. waiting for next part

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


My eyes were half teared up!


dlearyousdlearyousabout 1 year ago

Very good! Is there another chapter coming? dlearyous

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love this story.. please continue

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