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Fallout 01: Wife's Office Party

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Wife learns hard lesson about cheating.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/15/2023
Created 01/19/2021
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Fallout 01: Wife's Office Party

This is the first of a new series called, "Fallout." The current plan is that each entry in the series can be read as a separate story. This story was inspired by Lindseeee's 2019 story, "My Wife's Office Party Reveals..." in which a husband learns of his wife's activities at her company events. The characters have been changed and the initial premise remains, however, the ending is quite different.

Many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories. For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen. At least on paper...

Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. (Yes, I DO moderate comments) And please remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama...


I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Simone, my wife of five years, was topless, bouncing on the lap of one of the guys in the hot tub below. From the look on her face and the look on the guy's face, it was pretty clear to me they were actually fucking. What the fuck? Angry, I pulled out my phone and took a short video.

I thought about changing into my swim trunks, but changed my mind. I sat on a chair in the room and thought back. No wonder she didn't want me to come to this party with her. She had been working as a secretary for S&G Funds, a hedge fund company, for about a year or so, and she really seemed to be happy. Now I know why.

Earlier that week, I saw a text come up on her phone, letting her know there would be a company Christmas party this weekend, and she was allowed to bring a "plus one." When I told her about it, she tried to dissuade me from going.

"Oh Carl, you'll just be bored anyway," she said.

"I don't get it," I said. "Why don't you want me to go with you?" I asked. "Are you ashamed to be seen in public with me or something?"

"Of course not, silly," she said. "It's just that these are financial gurus. There's probably going to be a lot of boring talk about money and stuff and you'd just get bored."

Her company had a habit of holding these parties about once a month, and they had always been staff only. Most of the time, Simone was gone until late that night, or even sometimes late the next day. I never made a fuss about it, but now I had a better idea of what actually went on at these things.

"I see," I told her. "Well, maybe I'd like to spend the evening with you anyway."

"Have it your way," she said. "If you're going, you'd better get your tux cleaned. But trust me, you're probably not going to have a lot of fun."

The day of the party, she suggested I bring a pair of swim trunks. Swim trunks? For a Christmas party? It's December, for crying out loud, and it's cold outside.

"Swim trunks?" I asked her. "It's awful cold outside for swim trunks, don't you think?"

"Nah," she said. "We usually end up in my boss' penthouse after the main party and he has a real nice hot tub."

"I see," I told her. "So, you do this often, then?"

"Yeah, pretty much every time," she said. "Now, promise me you'll be on your best behavior tonight, okay?"

"I always am," I told her. This didn't sound too good. Why would she tell me this? "Why are you telling me this?"

"Oh, it's just that these parties can get pretty wild sometimes," she said. "I don't want you getting upset with anything you might see. The guys there are quite friendly and can get pretty handsy, if you know what I mean."

"Well, as long as everything passes the husband test, there shouldn't be any problem, right?" I asked in response. She smiled and said nothing, but gave me a kiss on the cheek.

When we got to the main party, Simone introduced me to a friend of hers, Linda.

"Linda, this is my husband, Carl," she said. Linda looked me over and smiled.

"Husband?" she asked. "This is going to be fun. You really are a wild and crazy girl, you know that?" she asked with a smile. I wondered what she meant by that. Simone smiled as she giggled.

"I gotta go mingle, sweetie," Simone told me. "Could you get me something to drink? Maybe some wine. C'mon, let's go," she told Linda without giving me so much as a backward glance. I made my way to the bar and got her wine and a beer for myself. I looked around but I didn't see Simone anywhere. I walked around, looking for her, but to no avail.

After a half hour, I sat at an empty table and hoped she would come look for me. In the meantime, I watched as everyone danced and had a general good time. No one said anything to me and walked around me as though I wasn't even there. I guess she was right -- I wasn't having any fun at all, and I was getting more than a bit pissed off that my wife would simply abandon me like this.

After nursing my beer for a couple hours, I said 'to hell with this shit,' and got up. I figured if Simone wasn't even going to spend any time with me, I'll just go home and leave her to her friends. I started walking to the entrance when Simone and Linda came up to me. There were three other guys with them, and one had his arm around Simone's waist. Simone didn't bother to make any introductions.

"Oh there you are," she said. I could tell she had been drinking. "We were looking all over for you." Yeah, sure you were, I thought. When she kissed me, I could detect the taste of tequila and something else.

"Yeah, I was just getting ready to go home since you abandoned me two hours ago," I said. "Where were you?" She blushed and looked down as the guys with her smirked at me. I felt like punching them in the teeth.

"We were just having a few shots," Linda said. Simone looked at her funny. I wondered what the hell was going on here.

"Shots of what?" I asked Simone. "I can taste tequila, but there's something else."

"Oh nothing," Simone said. "Hey, listen, we're all going over to Ben's place. He's got the hot tub warming up. Are you ready?"

"I guess," I said. "Am I going to get to spend some time with you or are you planning to abandon me again tonight?"

"Oh, don't be silly," she said. "You'll see me later. I'll ride over with Linda and the guys if that's okay with you."

"Why not ride with me?" I asked. One of the guys grabbed her by the hand and pulled her away.

"You can follow me, dude," he said in a tone of voice that pissed me off even more. Simone and Linda followed the guys and I could hear them laughing as they left. I got my car and followed them. When we arrived, I saw that Simone had already changed into her bikini. What the hell was going on here?

When we got there, Simone had already gone into the hot tub with the two guys, who I later learned were Ben and Dale, the two senior partners in the firm. Both of them struck me as little more than rich frat boys. Linda came over to me after they were outside.

"So, you think that maybe we can hook up later tonight?" she asked.

"What makes you think I'm even inclined to do that?" I asked. "I'm married."

"Oh," she said. "I thought you guys had an open marriage or something."

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"Well, the way Simone carries on with all the other guys," she said. "I thought you were into being cuckolded, especially the way she kissed you earlier."

"What the hell makes you say that? What do you mean the way she kissed me earlier?" I asked.

"Well, she had already sucked off Ben and Dale," she said. "She still had their cum in her mouth when she kissed you. Did you enjoy that?" I felt like throwing up. Her expression changed when she saw my reaction. "Oh my God, you didn't know, did you?"

"No," I said. "How long has she been doing this?"

"Ever since she came on board the company," Linda said. Oh my God, I thought. That's been over a year now. All this time she's been their whore and I had no clue.

"Is that what she was doing at the party?" I asked. "Fucking and sucking those two guys?"

"And a few others," Linda said. "I'm sorry. I just assumed you knew. She really does love you, you know."

"Yeah, I'm feeling the love," I said.

"Look, why don't you go upstairs and change," she said. "Maybe she'll keep herself under control tonight since you're right here."

"Yeah, right," I said. I headed upstairs and that's when I saw her fucking those two guys. As much as I loved her, there was no way I was going to tolerate this. I decided to confront her about this and went downstairs.

"Oh there you are," Simone said as I got to the bottom of the stairs. "Why aren't you in your bathing suit? Aren't you coming out to the hot tub with us?" I grabbed her arm and pulled her into what looked like a study and closed the door. "What's the matter, Carl?" she asked.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Were you ever going to tell me about having an open marriage?"

"What?" she asked.

"That's what Linda told me," I said. I pulled out my phone and played the video of her fucking the two guys in the hot tub. "What's this all about? Thought that maybe you'd just humiliate me even further after abandoning me at the party? And is it true you fucked and sucked those guys off at the party so I could taste their cum in your mouth?"

"Oh come on, Carl," she said. "We were just having a little bit of fun. Yeah, I sucked them off. So what? It doesn't mean that I love you any less. And yeah, I fucked them as well. It doesn't mean anything." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She admitted to having sex with them and I was just supposed to go along with it.

"It means everything," I said. I pulled off my wedding ring and put it in her hand. Then I grabbed her left hand and pulled off her rings.

"Carl, what are you doing?" she asked.

"You're a disgusting pig and right now, I hate your guts," I said. "Merry fucking Christmas. I hope it was worth it to you. Don't bother coming home. I'll be seeing a lawyer about a divorce on Monday."

"You can't mean that," she cried. "I love you. I don't want a divorce."

"I don't care what you want anymore," I said. "I know the truth. I know why you didn't want me to come with you. I won't be your cuckold. Goodbye, Simone." I turned and left. One of the guys, I don't know which, called after me.

"Hey, brah, you leaving already?" he asked. "You know, that's one hot wife you got there."

"Glad you like her," I said. "She's all yours from now on." I left the penthouse, went downstairs to my car and drove home. Simone began calling and texting me after I left, but I ignored her calls. When I got home, I deleted her messages and blocked her number.

I changed out of my tux, grabbed some trash bags and began tossing her clothes and things into them. I put them into her car and pulled it out of the garage. I removed the garage door opener and changed the code so she couldn't get back inside.

By then it was about 2:30 am and I was dead tired. I fell on the bed and instantly went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to the sound of our house phone ringing. I picked it up without thinking.

"Yeah," I said when I answered.

"Carl, it's me," Simone said. "Please come get me."

"Fuck you, bitch," I said. "You're not my problem anymore."

"Carl, please, we have to talk," she begged.

"No, we don't. If you have anything to say, you can say it through my lawyer. You do need to come get your car out of my parking space. I've already packed all your shit in it," I told her before hanging up. She called right back, but I unplugged the house phone. I had no desire to ever see her face or hear her voice again. I fell back on the bed and went to sleep,plugging the phone back in when I got up.

That afternoon, after I finally woke up enough to be coherent, I looked and saw that her car was gone. Good. Maybe she finally got the message. I started looking online for a divorce lawyer and read all I could find about the divorce laws in our state.

This was a community property state, but we didn't own any real estate, so that wouldn't be an issue. We had no children, so there would be no child support. She made as much, if not a little more than me, so I didn't think there would be any alimony.

I also found that while most divorces in this state were "no fault," there was a provision to file on the basis of adultery, cruelty or abuse. That would make the divorce more costly and take more time to resolve, but I didn't care about that. After looking, I noted the number for one Jenny Hawkins, Attorney at Law, and decided to give her a call on Monday.

As I was making my notes, my cell phone rang. I looked but didn't recognize the number. I figured Simone could have been using someone else's phone to call me. But it could have been anyone, so I decided to answer it.

"Carl?" asked a female voice.

"This is he," I said.

"Carl, this is Linda," the woman said. "I just wanted to let you know Simone is staying with me for a few days. Are you really going for a divorce?"

"Yes, I am," I said.

"Carl, she's a wreck," Linda said. "She's in her room crying her eyes out. I'm afraid she's going to have a nervous breakdown."

"I don't care," I said. "She brought it on herself."

"Don't you have any feelings for her at all?" Linda asked.

"Yeah, right now they can be described as hatred and disgust," I said. "She's been fucking around on me for a year or more and she had the audacity to humiliate me in public. We're through."

"But she loves you," Linda said.

"So she claims," I said. "Tell me, what did she do after I left? How long did you two stay at the penthouse? Did she fuck Ben and Dale again?"

"She was upset," Linda said. "We all were."

"You're not answering my questions," I said.

"Okay," she said. "Yeah, we all hooked up last night after you left. But only to help Simone feel better. You could've had a good time as well if you'd only stayed."

"Where the fuck do people like you come from?" I asked, incredulous. "I gotta go, Linda. Goodbye." I ended the call and that's when I noticed two text messages from numbers I didn't recognize. The messages came in early this morning after I had gone to bed. I pulled them up and noticed that videos were attached to them.

"Missed one helluva party, bro," one message read. I played the video and saw Simone getting made airtight by three of the men at the penthouse. I recognized Ben and Dale, but didn't recognize the other. Linda stood next to them, naked, and masturbated as she watched. When they pulled apart, I saw cum dripping out of Simone's ass and pussy. The man I didn't recognize looked into the camera and spoke.

"That's quite a wife you have there, brah," he said with a shit-eating grin. "Too bad you weren't here. You coulda had a great time eating our cum out of her ass and cunt." They all laughed as he said that. Even Simone laughed. Yeah, I thought. So much for loving me.

The second video was more of the same, except it ended with Ben smearing his cum on my wedding ring as Simone held it in her open hand. She looked at the camera with a smirk and licked his cum off my ring. My hatred for her only grew exponentially. I transferred the videos to my PC and made a copy of them for the lawyer.

I thought about sending the videos to all of her friends and her family, but decided against it, at least for now. The info I got from Jenny's website indicated that I needed to be very careful about how I reacted to her actions. Any negative reaction on my part could easily undo my case, her site warned. Okay, so I decided to hold off for the time being.

I didn't hear anything from Simone or Linda the rest of that day or the next, which was a good thing as far as I was concerned. I spent the rest of the weekend exorcising Simone's presence from the apartment. On Monday, I called my boss, explained the situation and took a few days off for vacation. I knew I would be basically worthless and my boss understood. He had gone through a divorce from a cheating wife so he understood how I felt.

I called Jenny's office and arranged for an appointment that afternoon. On the way to my appointment, I stopped at the bank and did everything I could to separate her from our joint account. I paid off her joint credit card, then canceled it. I took out half of everything and opened a new account in my name only.

Jenny explained the divorce laws in our state and asked if I wanted to pursue an alienation of affection lawsuit against her bosses. She explained that it might not go very far, but there was always a chance, given the evidence I had. I told her to do what she thought best.

"Where would like them served?" she asked me.

"At their office," I said. I wanted them to experience a bit of the same public humiliation they had heaped on me this past year. She nodded her head and made notes. When we finished, I paid a retainer, then headed home. On the way, I got a call from Linda.

"Hello," I said when I answered.

"Carl, would you be willing to meet with Simone and I someplace this afternoon?" she asked.

"Not really," I said. "I just finished seeing my attorney and she suggested I stay away from her. If she has something to say, she can do it through my lawyer. Would you like her contact information?"

"Hold on," she said. I could tell she had placed one hand over the phone and I could hear her talking to someone, but the voices were muffled. A few moments later, she came back on.

"I guess that'll have to do," she said quietly. After I gave her Jenny's contact information, she tried to lobby for Simone one last time. "She really does love you, Carl, and she's willing to make this up to you. Can't you please find it in your heart to forgive her?"

"Well, she has a damn funny way of showing her love," I said. "And how, exactly, will she make this up to me? Can she unfuck herself? Can she turn the clock back a year? I don't think so. The answer is no. I will never forgive her for what she did."

"Okay, if that's the way you want it," she said. "I'll pass that on to her. But you know you're going to have to talk to her sometime."

"Not if I can help it," I said. "What's done is done. Tell her she can expect to be served with papers soon." I ended the call and drove the rest of the way home, stopping only to pick up a 12-pack of beer and a couple packs of cigarettes. I had stopped smoking when we first got married, but I felt that I needed to do something to keep from punching holes in the walls.

Shortly after I got home, the house phone rang. I answered, wondering who was calling now.

"Hello," I said.

"Mr. Jacobs, this is Ben Carlson, your wife's employer," the young male voice said. I recognized the voice from the party. He seemed to have adopted a more professional tone now that he was back in his place of business.

"I know who you are, Ben," I said. "What do you want?"

"Look, I know you're upset about what happened Friday, and I want you to know that we all thought you were okay with your wife's, er, activities, at the company gatherings," he said.

"So you knew she was married during all this?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "But honestly, she told us you guys had an open marriage and that you were okay with what she was doing."

"And you never bothered to ask me about it?" I asked.

"I didn't think I had to," he said.

"And the videos you guys sent me Friday night?" I asked. "What was up with that?"

"Those videos were her idea," he said. "Look, I'm really very sorry about all this. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Yeah," I said. "You can let me kick your balls into the middle of next week after you testify against her in court. Oh, and I intend to sue you for alienation of affection. If you really want to make it up to me, you'll accept my terms without any argument. Anything else?"

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