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Fallout 10: The Office Wife

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Wife and boss cheat, price is paid.
17.6k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/19/2021
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Fallout 10: The Office Wife

This is the tenth installment of a new series called, "Fallout" that deals with the consequences of cheating. The current plan is that each entry in the series can be read as a separate story.

The following was inspired by MajorRewrite's 2015 story, "Office Wife," in which a woman who has been married for years engages in a relationship with her boss, who happens to be much younger than her. If you have not read that story yet, I suggest you do so. The characters in this story are different, and the outcome is different, but the main premise remains the same. Yes, there are consequences for their betrayal...

Many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories. For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen. At least on paper...

Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. (Yes, I DO moderate comments) And please remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama...


Friday, 5:15 pm, office of Jack Wellstone, Murdock Holdings

Sylvia Brown stepped into the shower to cleanse herself after giving her anal virginity to her boss, Jack Wellstone. After pledging her love to the much younger man, she offered the last untouched part of her body to him, which he graciously accepted.

At first, she was nervous and a bit frightened. For starters, she was afraid that it might hurt, but to her amazement, it didn't -- at least not as much as she originally thought. Secondly, that was a part of her body she never offered to Denny, her husband of nearly 30 years. She always felt that anal sex was disgusting, and her husband never brought it up in all the years they had been married.

So why now, she asked herself. Why would she let Jack her that way when she would never entertain the idea with her husband? Perhaps, she reasoned to herself, that was just one way of compartmentalizing two of her most important relationships. That was something that only Jack would have.

But what about Denny? Was there any part of her that was exclusively his anymore? Until the last few months, all of her had been Denny's, and no one else's. She never even entertained the idea of cheating on her husband and she knew he only had eyes for her.

The company she worked for, Murdock Holdings, was a large investment firm with interests all over the country. By all outward appearances, it was really no different from any other company. But it was very unique in one way -- executives were not only allowed and encouraged, but required, to engage in a sexual relationship with a "personal assistant," or PA. The tradition was that the company only hired men to be executives.

It was an unwritten rule that was enforced by the higher-ups and it was a tradition that was started over 75 years ago. It was also a well-established unwritten rule that the subject was never to be mentioned outside the company by any of the employees -- ever. Those who did were quickly counseled and their employment terminated. Most of the women who worked as PAs were single, but a few were married and most of them had somehow managed to keep their "work" from their unsuspecting husbands. All of them were required to sign non-disclosure agreements.

While a number of the younger women in the company aspired to be an executive's PA, Sylvia never did. The reason was simple -- she loved her husband and had made a promise in front of God and everyone to "forsake all others" until death do them part. Raised in the church by strict parents, it was a promise she took seriously -- until Jack came along, that is.

About eight months ago, the company hired Jack from a competitor based in New York. At first, he was reluctant to go along with the notion of having what amounted to a personal company-provided sex toy -- especially after what had happened to him in New York when he carried on an affair with a married co-worker. But after meeting Sylvia, who had been temporarily assigned to him, he had a change of heart.

At first, she let him know in no uncertain terms that she was happily married and intended to stay that way.

"Just so you know, Jack," she said. "I'm only assigned to you until you choose the woman you want as your permanent PA. There are a lot of very attractive young women for you to choose from, and they would all jump at the chance to be yours."

"But I don't want any of them," he said. "I want you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life, and you seem to be the consummate professional. It is you that I choose."

"But you will be expected to have sex with your PA, Jack," she said. "And like I said, I'm very happily married to a wonderful man. Besides, I'm 49 years old -- old enough to be your mother. And I have a daughter who just graduated from college."

"You certainly don't look your age, Sylvia," he said. "In fact, you look to be ten years younger, at least. I tell you what I'll do. I'll select you as my PA but I won't ask for sex from you. We'll keep it platonic. If nothing else, you'll get a significant raise in pay and I'm sure the bonuses will certainly come in handy." She knew he was right about that. The company paid out $50,000 bonuses to the PAs every six months for their "services," on top of a very nice regular salary.

"Okay, Jack," she said. "We can try it for a while and see how it works out." There were a lot of crestfallen faces when Jack made his announcement, and more than a few noses had gotten out of joint. Everyone wondered what Sylvia had that they didn't.

She told her husband that she had gotten a promotion, and even told him that she had been selected as an "executive assistant," but she never told him what the job was supposed to entail. After nearly 30 years, Denny felt he could trust his wife, so he celebrated the good news with her.

At first, Sylvia and Jack kept the relationship platonic. They got together in his office suite three times a week -- on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 4 -- 5:00 pm -- for what was called "PAs hours." While the other executives had sex with their PAs, Jack and Sylvia sat on the couch in his office and talked, mostly about her family and relationship with her husband.

"Tell me about your husband," he said one day as they sat.

"Denny -- that's his name, short for Dennis -- spent 20 years in the Marine Corps," she said. "He was an MP -- a military policeman -- and worked his way into criminal investigations. He served two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. By the time he retired, he had established connections with the local police force and they brought him on as a detective. About a year ago or so, he was shot pretty bad taking down an armed robber. He spent months in rehab and was finally given a medical discharge with a pension."

"Oh my," Jack said. "What does he do now?"

"He does some part-time work now and then," she said. "He works as a process server and helps a friend of his who has his own private investigation firm. He says it's mostly dull and boring, but he doesn't have to run or chase criminals like he used to. Most of the time, he's at home though."

"Sounds like an interesting man," Jack said. "I'd like to meet him sometime."

"Why don't you come by for dinner sometime?" she asked. "Dennis loves to barbecue and I'm sure he'd like to meet you as well. In fact, our daughter, Alisha, is in town as well. Maybe you can meet her too."

"I'd like that," Jack said. After conferring with Denny, Sylvia invited Jack to dinner, and Dennis cooked up steaks on the grill as she made mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. Alisha came by and they had a good time.

"That boss of yours seems like a pretty decent fella," Denny said after Jack left. "Not at all what I expected."

"What did you expect?" she asked.

"Oh, I don't know," he told her. "I figured since he came from New York he'd be something of an asshole. But he really surprised me. And I can see he's had an impact on you."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yes, you seem to enjoy your job and you seem to be happier than I've seen you in a while," he said. "There's nothing going on between you two, is there?" he asked jokingly.

"Of course not," she said. "Don't be silly. You're the only man I love and want."

"I hope so," he said. "I'd be lost without you."

"Well, you're stuck with me, mister," she said, wrapping her arms around him. That night they had sex with her on top. Since being shot, Denny found that he wasn't able to perform nearly as well or as often as he could before, but he did everything he could to keep his lovely wife happy.

A month or so after selecting Sylvia as his PA, Jack found himself facing Aaron Harkness, the executive who recruited him into the company. Aaron sidled up to Jack after a meeting and asked to have a word with him in private.

"Anything wrong, Aaron?" Jack asked.

"Listen, you know how things work with the PAs, right?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, I do," Jack said.

"Tell me, are you really having sex with Sylvia?" Aaron asked.

"Well, no," Jack said. "We've become good friends and I've met her family. She's married, you know, and she says she doesn't want to do anything to hurt her marriage. I just want to respect her wishes."

"I understand that," Aaron said. "And I appreciate how you feel. But the PA position was designed for a specific purpose. I don't want to give an ultimatum, but you need to make a choice. Either become intimate with Sylvia, select a new PA or I'm afraid we'll have to replace you."

"So, I either fuck her, someone else, or be forced out?" Jack asked, shocked.

"I'm afraid so," Aaron said. Jack nodded his head and went back to his office. He called Sylvia inside and closed the door.

"What's wrong, Jack?" she asked.

"I've been given a choice," he said. "I either have sex with you, select another PA and have sex with her or get my walking papers."

"Okay," she said. "I'll leave so another can take my place."

"No," he said, putting his hand on her arm. "I don't want any of the others. I only want you."

"But, there are plenty of single women here much younger than me who would be a better fit," she said.

"You're the most beautiful woman in this company, Sylvia," he said. "I want to make love to you." She looked in his face as she thought about what he had to offer. Yes, he was much younger than her, and he reminded her so much of Dennis when he was younger. And she had developed feelings for him as well. But what about Denny?

She was undecided until he took her face and kissed her, full on the mouth. She responded eagerly and soon, found herself removing her clothes. When they were naked, she rode him to a mind-blowing orgasm, letting him cum inside her pussy. She wasn't worried about getting pregnant, as she had her tubes tied after Alicia was born.

When they finished, she was wracked with guilt. She had just cheated on her husband of nearly 30 years. Until today, Denny was the only man who had ever been inside her. Now, she had broken her vows and had become an adulteress.

"That was wonderful, Sylvia," Jack said. "You're an amazing woman and I could easily fall in love with you." She smiled at his compliment and kissed him on the mouth before climbing off.

"I'd better go take a shower," she said. "I don't think Denny will appreciate me coming home with your stuff inside me."

"I imagine not," he said. "What do you intend to do about your husband?"

"You mean, do I plan to leave him?" she asked. "No. I intend to stay with him. Despite what we just did, the fact is, I love him with all my heart. I also have feelings for you. But if it ever comes down to a choice between you or him, I'll quit my job and stay with him."

"I understand," he said.

"We also need to establish some ground rules," she said. "First off, there will be no trashing of my husband. If I ever hear you disrespecting him, we're done. Second, I will not give him sloppy seconds. Ever. Third, do not ask me to cut him off from sex. If you do, we're finished. Fourth, do not expect that we will do this in my house or in the bed I share with my husband. And never ask me to have sex with any of your friends or clients.

"We need to be very discreet about what we do and where we do it," she added. "What happens here in the office, stays in the office. And do not ever give him any reason to suspect something is going on between us. If we are at a public event and I am with Dennis, you will treat me as you would any other co-worker. Any questions?"

"No, none," he said with a smile. "I think you pretty much covered it all." She smiled, kissed him and went into the bathroom where she took a long shower. That's how her career as Jack's paid corporate sex object began.

Over the next few months, things progressed between Sylvia and Jack. He showered her with gifts and treated her like a queen. Except on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 4:00 and 5:00 pm when he treated her like a slut. She loved what he did to her and for her and it didn't escape her notice that he held up his end of the bargain.

He never trashed Denny and he never asked to have sex in her house. When she attended company events with Denny, Jack treated her like he might any other colleague. Denny never had a clue what was going on between his wife and her boss.

When she got her first bonus check, she spent almost all of it on a new Ford F-150 pickup for her husband. He still drove his 2010 Ford, and was floored when it was delivered to the house.

"What's up with this?" he asked his wife.

"A present for my loving husband," she said.

"Can we afford the payments on this thing?" he asked.

"Not necessary," she said. "I got a nice bonus check and wanted to surprise you. I figured you deserve it for being such a wonderful and supportive husband."

"This is the nicest present anyone's ever given me," he said, taking her in his arms. "You're the best wife a man could ever want, you know that?"

"You're the best husband," she said, tears forming in her eyes. If he knew what she had done to earn the money, she thought, he wouldn't be so kind.

The relationship between Jack and Sylvia grew to the point that they began thinking of each other as "work spouses." It wasn't unusual for executives in this company to end up in long-term relationships with their PAs, and a few had even gotten married. One day, Jack proposed to Sylvia in his office, dropping to one knee.

"I love you so much, Sylvia," he said, holding an expensive pearl necklace. "Will you be my office wife?" She smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes, my darling Jack, I'll be your office wife," she said, kissing him. He put the necklace around her neck and admired the way it looked on her.

"By the power invested in me... by me, I declare us Office Husband and Office Wife," Jack announced with a bit of flair. Sylvia smiled as she looked into his eyes.

"You may now fuck your Office Bride," she told him.

"That's the best offer I've had all day," he said.

"Just one thing," she said, pulling her wedding and engagement rings off her finger.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

"From now on, when I'm at work, I'm your wife, totally devoted to you," she said. "And when I go home, I'm Denny's wife, totally devoted to him." She put her rings in her top desk drawer and closed it. "Now I'm ready, my Office Husband. Fuck me silly."

Their relationship blossomed after that. Jack, who was already quite wealthy, had purchased an entire wardrobe for Sylvia and insisted she wear what he provided when in the office. She happily obliged, changing clothes upon arriving at the office and changing again before leaving.

She also took the photo of her and Denny off her desk and stashed it in the bottom of one of her desk drawers. She wanted nothing at work to remind her that she was already married to Dennis.

Sylvia and Jack also increased the frequency of their trysts. By now, they were having sex every day of the work week, most of the time in his office. A few times, he took her to his condo. They chose not to use a hotel out of concern someone might see them together. Sylvia also began working a bit later than normal a couple days a week, telling Denny she had to work late to meet a deadline. In reality, she and Jack were screwing each other senseless in his office or his condo.

A few times, she accompanied Jack back east for seminars or meetings with clients. Of course, they shared a hotel room and spent their nights fucking like rabbits. She told Denny they had separate rooms, and would always make it a point to call home in the evenings, telling Jack to keep quiet so Denny wouldn't get suspicious.

As far as she knew, Denny had no clue what was really going on between her and Jack. She would often smile after her evening showers while admiring her body in the mirror. Yes, she thought, she had it all -- a loving, devoted, clueless husband at home, a great job and an equally devoted lover who brought her to the heights of sexual pleasure every day.

The only question now was, how long could this go on? How long did she want this to continue? Although she still looked good at 49, she knew that at some point Jack would want someone closer to his own age. And she knew that at some point, her body would start to show her age.

As she showered, another concern crept into her mind. Over the last few days, Denny had changed a bit. He was no longer the outgoing, happy-go-lucky guy she married nearly 30 years ago. He had become withdrawn and quiet, barely saying anything to her. He had started smoking again -- something he only did when he was really upset about something. She also noticed he quit driving the new truck she bought, keeping it covered in the garage.

"Why are you driving that old truck of yours?" she asked. "Is something wrong with the new one?"

"I don't want to get too many miles on the new one," he said. She tried talking to him, hoping to find out what was bothering him.

"Denny, is everything alright?" she asked one day. "You're awfully quiet. I'm worried about you."

"Everything's just peachy," he said in a neutral tone of voice. "Mac's got me helping him with a cheating wife case and it's really got me bummed out." Mac was Mike McGregor, the private investigator Denny worked for from time to time. The two of them served together in the Corps and he started his company after retiring from the police force.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really," he said. "I just don't get it, though. Why would a woman cheat on her husband, then tell him she loves him. Hell, if she wanted to screw around, why did she marry the guy to start with. I tell ya, if it were me, someone would have to die." She flinched at his words and wondered if he really meant what he said.

"Well, you'll never have to worry about that, dear," she said. "You know I'd never do anything like that to you." He looked at her hard for a few moments before responding.

"Yeah, I guess I'm a lucky guy, aren't I?" he said, flashing a smile that showed no warmth. She smiled back, but in her mind, she began wondering if he knew about her and Jack.

Coming back to the present, Sylvia finished her shower and climbed out to dry herself off. She took care to make sure she was completely dry and her hair brushed just the way it was when she left for work that morning. She went to great lengths to hide her trysts from Dennis, even using the same soap and shampoo she used at home. She put on the clothes she wore to work and went into the office. She gave Jack a searing kiss before she left his office.

"See you tomorrow," she said.

"See you then," he told her. "I love you."

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