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Family Lust

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Rich father lusts after his young daughter-in-law.
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I remember, very well, the day of my father-in-law's 50th birthday. It was a sunny day in early June, 2019 and it was quite a party with no expense spared.

He owned a big house, in its own grounds, on the outskirts of Chelmsford. An ideal setting for the big event. I knew it was going to be something special, because, everyone who was anyone seemed to be there. As well as every member of his extended family, there were friends and business colleagues as well.

For the occasion, Walter, (that's his name) had hired a marquee and a small army of caterers. The excellent birthday lunch was served up with plenty of bottles of top class wine and champagne. It was a beautiful sunny day and we all sat around big tables which had been set out with our name

I'll be quite truthful and tell you that I had been looking forward to it for quite some time. I had bought an expensive summer dress and other accessories and I felt really special, as I walked in on my husband's arm. My dress was a bit on the short side, and, I remember feeling a bit self-conscious, knowing that in comparison to the other ladies, I was showing an eyeful of long tanned leg. However, a couple of glasses of white wine later, I felt relaxed and happy and forgot about my clothing faux pas. For me, life had never been better. I had been invited, of course, because, I was married to Mike, his second son.

I was 24 at the time and we had been married for less than a year. In case you're wondering, Walter was a very successful businessman who owned his own company. At the time of my marriage to Mike, I had been reliably informed that his old man was a millionaire, and, from what I could see of their possessions and lifestyle, I could understand the truth of that. And, to be fair to Walter, he had helped us considerably, in buying us a nice three bedroom detached house on a nearby private estate and giving my husband, Mike, an excellent job in the family business.

As a result, we had an affluent lifestyle, along with Mike's other brother, John, and his wife Eva, who also worked in the company.

Well, back to the birthday party. That was the day I was shocked to find out that my father-in-law was a randy old man. This I found out through personal experience.

It was a long drawn out lunch with speeches and toasts, and, with the party in full swing, I got up and went into the house to visit the toilet. To my dismay, there was already a little queue of ladies to the toilet that had been allocated for the guests. So, I figured, that as a member of the family, I was entitled to use their bathroom upstairs in the house.

Little did I know, however, that Walter had followed me and was lying in wait after I came out. There I was, straightening up my dress, when he pounced on me, catching me unawares.

"Lucy!" he growled excitedly , how about a little birthday kiss?"

He pushed me hard up against the airing cupboard and pressed his very obvious erection into me. I could also smell the alcohol on his breath, with his face close to mine.

If it had been just a little kiss he had been after, of course, he could have had one, no problem. I had no intention of offending my father-in-law, certainly not on his birthday. But, as our lips touched, I felt his hand sliding up my dress feeling bare thigh up above my stocking tops.

"Walter, no," I said, quite alarmed, as his hand roamed dangerously high. "You're not having that as your birthday present."

"But it's what I WANT" he growled, pushing his hand back up my dress and trying to get his fingers inside my white lace panties. I gasped at his effrontery and pulled him by the wrist firmly out of there.

"You're being very naughty Walter," I admonished. "Also, I think you've had far too much to drink."

Somehow, I managed to fend him off, but, he still blocked my way to the stairs. "You can go, if I get my kiss...but it has to be a proper one, mind."

"Alright then, a little birthday peck for your birthday," I conceded, "but you must behave yourself."

Then, for my trouble, I got a full, open mouthed, wet kiss with his tongue searching out mine in the process. And, if that was not disgusting enough, the old rascal had his hand up my skirt again, feeling my bare thighs.

Fortunately, although I was feeling tipsy with all the wine I'd drunk, I eventually managed to push him away.

"I'll tell Mary and Mike, if you don't stop this nonsense," I threatened.

"No you won't" he grinned, confidently, shaking his head.

I bit my lip in frustration. He was right of course, the old buggar. It was just an idle threat. He knew that I wouldn't make a fuss, not on his birthday. I wasn't the type. In any case, Mary, his wife, disliked me enough as it was and I knew Mike would just blame me for leading him on. He wouldn't have a bad word said about his Dad.

It was an impasse. I couldn't get past him and I could see he had no intention of letting me get away scott free.

"Show me your legs, then," he said, suddenly. His eyes blazing with lust. "I won't let you go downstairs until you lift that dress up for me."

I gasped at his brazen request and didn't want to do it, of course. I knew it would just encourage him. But, I was desperate to get away from him and re-join everyone downstairs. He should be down there too. People would be wondering where we were. After all, he was the host and should be attending to his guests.

So, foolishly, looking back on it now, I lifted up my skirt and showed him my legs, all the way to the tops of my stay- up nylons. Meanwhile, he just sat at the top of the stairs, looking up at me and enjoying the view.

"Not good enough," he growled. "I see more leg than that when you are sitting on the sofa downstairs."

Goodness, I thought...he's been ogling my legs.

At the time, it seemed like a bit of a party game thing and it was a party after all, (his party)

I had been to parties where the girls had to pull up their skirts for some forfeit or other. So, I decided to just go along with it. Anything was better than being mauled and sloppy kissed by Walter.

Well, bit by bit, he cajoled me into lifting my dress higher and higher. Maybe, I was a wee bit tipsier than I thought, and, maybe, it was the man's strong will power, but, I kept pulling up the hem each time he asked me to. Meanwhile, he went into a kneeling position, looking up to get a better view.

Afterwards, I scolded myself for giving into him so easily and feeling undeniably excited as I did so. I knew I had a good pair of legs and was very proud of them. Deep down, I suppose I liked to show them off. Anyway, eventually, he got what he wanted. By then, I had pulled my skirt up just about waist high and he could see my sexy lace panties and bare thighs.

"Jesus, Lucy," he growled. "You've got a great pair of legs. I never get tired of looking at them... Get in there, girl, I want you on the bed...NOW..."

Then he tried to push and order me through the open doorway of the master bedroom.

I gasped in alarm, as red faced and flustered, I managed to squeeze past his clawing hands and scamper downstairs. But, it was a close run thing, because, I swear he had every intention of having me, right there on their king size bed.

"Walter for goodness sake...BEHAVE yourself" I spluttered, as shakily, I made it down the stairs and out into the sunlight.

I was shaking for a few minutes after that, but, eventually, regained my composure.

After that little incident, I was pleased to see he was on his best behaviour, right to the end of the party. That's when I got a crafty little pat on the bum as we were all saying goodbye. It was a sort of reminder that we had done something naughty together. I felt myself blush alarmingly, but, fortunately no one seemed to notice.

As we drove away from the house, I put his behaviour down to the fact that he was probably drunk and, of course, I shouldn't have pulled my dress up when he asked me to. Anyway, I never breathed a word about the incident to anyone, which was a mistake. I see that now because it just fuelled his lust for me.

Late June, 2019

Walter and Mary hardly, if ever, visited us at our house, so, I felt relatively safe there. I had my part time job at the library and when I got home, I made sure the doors were locked. I knew that Walter was easing back on his work commitments to give himself more leisure time and so I couldn't rule out a surprise visit.

But, the surprise for me, when it came, was for an invitation to accompany Walter to a business dinner in Chelmsford on the following Friday night. Apparently, his wife Mary was feeling poorly and wasn't up to it. On the other hand, he needed a partner and Eva, his other daughter-in-law, had other plans for the evening. Well, you can imagine, I tried all kinds of excuses to wheedle out of it, but, it was no good, because Mike, was desperate for me to go in his Mum's place.

"Darling, you have to go...You can't let him down, not with something like this."

So, I sighed and gave up. Then, I went upstairs to check my wardrobe and see what I could wear. At least we were going to be in a public place which, hopefully, would restrict his hanky-panky.

In the end, I chose a little black cocktail dress which went well with my dark brown hair and brown eyes. It was tight fitting and clearly showed off my womanly curves and cleavage. Underneath, I wore black stay- up stockings and black lace panties. Looking at myself in the full length mirror, I was quite pleased. The dress made me look feminine, sexy and classy all at the same time. It cheered me up no end. Maybe, it would be an enjoyable night out after all.

After I took everything off, I just stood there in the nude and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Then, I thought about my father-in-law and his complimentary words when I had showed my legs to him. "Lucy, you have great legs," he had said. For all his faults, the dirty old sod had taste.

It was then that I twirled around and examined my beautiful female figure in all its naked glory. "Well, Walter," I whispered, "what if you could see me right now? What would you say then?"

After that, I paid full attention to my make-up, taking my time with everything. Face cream, Eye shadow, lipstick, the works. Finally, I examined my face in the mirror and was satisfied that I was looking my best. A classy, sexy lady, ready for the evening entertainment.

Walter picked me up at 8.00 p.m. prompt, in a chauffeur driven limousine and I got a wolf whistle as I manoeuvred myself into the back seat alongside him, hoisting up my tight dress as I did so.

"I hope you are going to behave yourself, Walter," were my first words.

"Of course," said Walter innocently.

"Oh! Yes," he added. "I see you are remembering my behaviour at my birthday party? ... It was just a bit of fun, Lucy and we'd both had a few drinks"

"So, Please forgive me." He added.

"I will," I said, "if you promise to behave yourself in future."

I got a sly smile in response, but, that was all.

I must confess that I enjoyed the evening in the posh Chelmsford hotel. The meal was really special and the wine was excellent, even though a little strong for my tastes. Slowly and surely, I felt my head getting fuzzy, a sure sign that I had drunk too much. But, I felt good, especially with all the complements that came my way, even if they were from men of Walter's age or older. A couple of them thought I looked like a young Jennifer Love-Hewitt, a line of comment which I had heard a few times before. I certainly had her superb figure, at least that's what I thought.

The main problem I encountered, was that Walter held me a bit too close on the dimly lit dance floor. Try as I might to keep my bum away from his roving hands, he seemed to take great delight in pulling me in, so that his ever present hard-on bounced against me. Thankfully, by that time, people were so inebriated that no one took a blind bit of notice.

"Walter, please stop that," I pleaded into his ear, but, he just grinned and ignored me. His hands kept dropping lower and lower, possessively, onto my ass and there seemed nothing I could do to shift him. In the end, I just gave up and let him have his way. I suppose my annoyance at his roving hands was muted by the pleasant atmosphere in the hotel and my semi-inebriated state.

"Please remember that I'm married to your son," I reminded him, but my words seemingly fell on deaf ears.

"You've got a fabulous body, Lucy," he growled in my ear, as his hands left my bum for once and ran up and down the curves of my figure instead.

What can a girl say to that? All I could do was look at my watch and tell him how late it was.

"You're right," he said whipping out his mobile and whistling up our driver. Then, we were walking out into the cool night air and he couldn't resist another pat on my bum, as I hitched my dress up again to get into the car. It was only when the car pulled away that I realised that I had trapped the material underneath me when I had sat down. I gasped in horror when I saw how much leg I was showing. And Walter was sitting so close to me that I knew I wasn't going to get it back down again in a hurry.

I expected Walter to put his hand on my leg and that's exactly what happened. With the darkened partition between the driver and his passengers, we were in a world of our own. I suspected that this was the real reason Walter had arranged for the limousine in the first place. He ignored my whispered warnings and started with the back of my calf to move upwards. Then I felt my stocking rip as he started to feel just above my knee. His watch bracelet had snagged into the material.

"Look what you've done," I admonished him. "My best stockings and you've ruined them."

"Take them off for me and I'll buy you 10 pairs" he told me.

For some reason, I found this very funny and started to giggle. "You're incorrigible," I told him.

He started to laugh too. "What about it, then? Is my offer accepted?"

"You just want to look at my legs, don't you?" I said accusingly.

"Yes," he admitted.

"O.K " I said, my head still spinning with the drink. "But, you have to promise you won't touch." I said pulling back my dress up to the tops of my stockings.

"Hold on, I want a better view" he insisted and he pulled down the small seat opposite and sat facing me. There was plenty of room in the big limousine and I didn't feel cramped for space. So, I rolled down the stockings of one leg and watched his eyes as I did so. He was so excited, it encouraged me to do it as slowly and sexily as I could.

"I can see your black lace panties," he drooled. "God, that's so sexy."

"Now do the other one...please."

I repeated the leg show for him and he watched enthralled as I peeled off the stocking on the other leg.

"Fantastic," he breathed, leaning forward for a yet closer look at my bare thighs and panties.

"You promised you wouldn't touch," I reminded him, as I handed him both stockings.

"And you'll find I never break a promise," he said seriously. "Thank you very much, that's the best treat I've had for ages."

Then he produced a wad of twenty pound notes and peeled off 5. "There, that should cover it," he growled.

"You're very generous," I told him, thinking already what I was going to do with £100...a new dress, a nice pair of shoes, I couldn't wait to spend it.

As a bonus, I left my dress up fairly high and allowed him to feast his eyes on my thighs for the rest of the journey.

For the first time ever, I was beginning to feel comfortable in his company. But, maybe, that was down to the amount of drink I had consumed.

The next morning, in the cold light of day, I was to regret my impulsive action in the limousine, but, as he dropped me off at my house, I floated indoors like a movie star.

July 5th 2019

Today, I sat at my bedroom window smoking a rare cigarette and brooding about my moment of madness on the way back in the limousine. It was definitely not the behaviour expected of a daughter-in-law. I looked at the pile of £20 notes on my dressing table and shook my head. If Mike ever found out he would go bananas...

Then I thought about Walter. What a rascal the man was. Still, he had made a promise not to touch me when I took off my stockings and he had kept his word. That was something. Maybe, we could have a decent relationship after all. There was no need to involve Mike, I decided. I was doing very well on my own. If I couldn't get Mary to like me then I would work away on Walter.

July 21st 2019

One of my mother-in-law's main interests in life was the Chelmsford branch of the Women's Institute, and, this year she was President of the Fundraising Committee. To get into her good books, I had joined the Institute's, Young Wives Club and they had plans to dress up as nurses and push a bed around the City Centre. This seemed appropriate, as the charity was for local hospital funds. However, Mike wasn't keen of me dressing up and running through the streets in a nurse's uniform and black stockings. I was finding out more and more that he had a prudish streak in him. He obviously didn't take after his father on that score. He was more like his mother.

On one of our visits to his parents, I heard him blurt out that I possessed an X-rated version of a nurse's uniform which would have brought the traffic to a halt if I'd worn it. I heard Mary gasp at the very idea, but, Walter perked up when it was mentioned and I could tell by the expression of his face that he was desperate to see me wearing it.

He rang me the very next day and offered me a sizeable donation to my fundraising effort, if I agreed to wear it for him. "Walter, you wicked man, I shall do no such thing," I told him. But, being the sort of girl I am, I was desperate to show it to someone, and, I knew Walter would keep it a secret. He could probably tell by my voice that I wasn't totally against the idea, so, he kept persisting. Every other day, when he knew I was in the house alone, he would ring on some pretext or other and get round to it.

"It's not that revealing" I assured him. "You would be very disappointed."

"Let me be the judge of that" he growled.

I had tried the outfit on in the privacy of my bedroom and had been shocked to discover how short it was. There was precious little to it below the wide belt and I guessed it had been originally bought by someone in an adult porn shop. What I hadn't told Mike was that I had spied it in a charity shop and had bought it for just a fiver. I could either wear it with fishnet tights, stay up stockings, or, even with suspenders. I tried each one in turn to see which was best but couldn't make up my mind. I had initially thought of the idea to surprise Mike and turn him on. But, surprisingly, he waved me away and told me to "get out of those disgusting clothes" It had been a complete waste of time and money... Or had it?

August 1st 2019

I know I shouldn't have, but, I finally gave in to Walter's persistent requests. He had made some excuse about dropping off something for Mike, so I agreed to let him see me wearing the outfit. I didn't think I should disappoint him when he had set his heart on it. And then, there was the fact that he was going to give £50 to the hospital charity fund. So it was a good thing we were doing, right?

I fixed him up a drink and sat him on the sofa, while I went upstairs to change. To make it seem more normal, I let him see me in a couple of dresses I had bought recently. Then, taking the plunge, I slipped on the nurses sexy uniform, along with the fishnet tights and paraded downstairs, after I buttoned up and tightened the belt.

"Oh yes," he growled, as I walked backwards and forwards in front of him, He seemed hypnotised by my legs and the sway of my walk.

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