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Family Matters

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My Great niece wants to be transgender.
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Saturday afternoon my brother and his granddaughter came by to visit. It has been over a year since I have seen them because of COVID.

A little background on my great niece. Her mother got pregnant young and then got into drug problems soon after. My wife and I took her daughter in to raise for years until her mother got cleaned-up and made a life for them. Jeri, my great niece, is now 18 years old.

Back to Saturday.

When they drove up, I first thought my brother was with some young guy, then I realized it was Jeri. She came and gave me a big hug and told me how much she missed me. She had her hair cut very short and in a man's style and had men's clothing on. I knew she had changed dramatically.

We went inside and talked about how the last year had gone crazy and caught up on the families. After a while, I excused myself and left my brother, Jeri and my wife to chat as I had a chest I needed to finish and get stained this weekend.

Jeri walked into my shop, looked at me, and asked, "Uncle Mike, would it bother you if I am wanting to be a transgender?"

I looked her in the eyes and told her, "Jeri, I love you, so all that matters to me is you are safe, smart and happy."

"I might need a place to stay because mom, hates my new lifestyle and is threatening to kick me out."

I knew she was into coz play, and I knew she never had a real father. Her mom, my niece, was always with some new guy and Jeri was becoming a nuisance. I figured if this was the worst, then I could live with it. It was more than likely a fad she needed to get through. Maybe.

"I have the travel trailer you can come and live in for as long as you need. But I use it every other month to go on a golfing trip for a week and go camping in it also. You can sleep in the house when I am gone with it."

"What made you decide you are a transgender?" I asked.

"When I was in coz chats, I talked to a lot of different people like me that have a single mom who was more interested in men than raising a child."

"One day a few of my female chat friends and I got to chatting and transgender life came up, and I decided that I wanted to be both worlds."

I thought about what she said for a minute, pretending I was working, and asked, "So, you want to be a guy?"

"I don't know for sure; I know it seems guys have it better, and my friends think so also."

"Jeri, I love you, and have always helped you when you needed it. I will not lie, it has caused me problems with your Aunt Lucy, but screw her. I love you and will support you, but I can promise being a male don't have the same advantages as being a female. Females can manipulate better than men. But all in all, I think both have strengths the other doesn't have so it becomes a wash."

"Men think women have it better so who really knows?"

About that time my brother came back to my shop and the subject changed immediately. He told Jeri they had to leave because he had to pick up her mom.

Three weeks later.

I am finishing the final clear coat on a desk I am building and my phone rings.

"Hello, this is Mike,"

Jeri is crying, "Can you come please get me? I need a place to stay."

"On my way, are you at home?"

"No, I am at a friend's, I will text you her address,"

"Okay, hang tight. Be there in about 45 minutes." I tell her.

I shower quickly, get in my truck and go to the address she sent me.

As I get out my truck Jeri comes out, hugs me, and starts crying again.

I don't know what to say so I say nothing. I open the passenger door, take her bag and let her get in and shut the door. I throw her bag in the back seat and take off toward the levee road.

"Where are we going?" Jeri asked.

"I picked up some lunch and we are going to the levee and take a break from the world, if you don't' mind."

"I love it, thanks Uncle Mike."

"Please, just call me Mike," I tell her.

We got lucky and found a nice shaded spot on the levee, there was some ships and barges moving on the river so the view was nice. We ate our lunch in silence until I just had to find out more.

"Jeri, please don't think I am trying to get you to change your mind. I just need some understanding. You are one extremely intelligent girl wanting to be an Anthropologist and now you don't even want to go back to school. I really love you and I want you to go back to college and finish. You have way too many years left to screw it up now."

"I always said the key to the world is a good education. It opens almost every door you want. Even in lifestyles. You need to think about all of this in a thinking manner, not an emotional one. Do not let this ruin your life choices. Bad things happen to stupid people."

After a few moments in thought Jeri said, "I will finish college I promise. I am not sure what else I want, but I want to experience different things in life, Sexuality is one of the ones at the top of my list. Do you know I am still a virgin at 18 years old? Something must be wrong with me."

"But I love you for taking me in and giving me a chance without attachments."

"First, I will never abandon you, Second, there is nothing wrong with you for sure and nothing wrong with exploration, you know I have stayed in hot water all my life being an extrovert."

"Mike, if I asked you something personal, will you answer truthfully?"

"Sure, I will. Have I ever not been truthful with you?"

"Have you ever had sex with another person other than Aunt Lucy?"

"Also, have you ever been with another man?"

"Yes, to both, I have on rare occasions, I don't look for it, and I have turned most away. But sometimes, It's the right time and the right place." I answered.

"Thanks for being honest." she said.

We finished eating and got in the truck and went home. I set up the trailer and went to let Lucy know Jeri was staying with us for a while.

"Where is she going to stay for the weeks you play golf?" Lucy inquired,

"In the spare bedroom or in my office, I don't care." I told her.

"She can stay in your office on the twin bed, I am not having the spare bedroom messed up." Lucy said.

"Fine, I will let her know. You could try and be a little supportive, she has more than enough people who claim to love her being bitchy at her."

Jeri helped me in my shop and learned to hit golf balls on my inside driving range, and enrolled back into the University taking online courses. One good thing that came about because of COVID, online schooling is more available.

After a few weeks went by it was time for my weekly golf trip. Jeri moved into my office and I took off to the campgrounds to meet Jeff.

Our first night there we mixed some drinks and set out to meet the neighboring campers. As it started getting past dark, we went in, took a shower together and climbed in bed.

Jeff was medium build, average looking but had a very nice cock. It is a full 7 1/2" long and thick. I am a full 6 1/2" and not quite as thick as Jeff. We met at an adult video store and became friends after talking and meeting up at a motel one day.

Jeff was a good lover and a good friend. He was married also so we left town to play golf every other month at a course that was about a 2-hour drive away and next to a campground on a lake.

I liked being a bottom and was even a bit submissive with Jeff.

We showered and snuggled up naked against each other, embraced and started kissing.

I made my way down his body and started sucking his cock teasingly and slowly. He liked it when I held his cock down my throat and using my throat to massage his cock. Jeff turned and put us in a 69 position and we both engulfed each other's cocks.

Jeff pulled away from me, got over me, aligned his lubricated cock to my ass, pushed his cock against my ass and moved in, slowly at first then fucking me harder and harder until I could feel his cock erupting in my ass. It is amazing how it feels when a cock shoots hard while deep in your ass.

Jeff could tell something was on my mind because our sex was not as fluid as usual.

We talked about Jeri and came to the conclusion she needed to experience her feelings with someone she could trust.

The week never seems to last long enough so it was back to reality world again.

When I returned, Jeri helped me clean the camper. While cleaning Jeri told me she had been using my computer and found some stuff that had her curious.

"Ok, ask away." I told her.

"What's it like being with another guy verses being with a woman?" she asked.

"Well, I guess a woman feels a bit smoother inside than a man, and smoother mouth when kissing but a man knows how to give oral to another man better than most woman do. Also, a man has a cock and a woman doesn't."

"I would guess it would be the same for a woman and a woman verses a woman with a man." I explained to her.

"I like the best of both worlds, so I take it when it's right,"

She asked if she could have a friend over and I told her sure. I figured this is what me and Jeff talked about. She needed someone to trust.

Three nights later a car drives up and I see an older lady get out the car and walk to the trailer. Lucy started to say something and I told her to be quiet.

The next day I took Jeri to the park for a walk. When I asked about her friend, she said it was someone she had been chatting with online for a while and that was their first meeting.

"Jeri, please be aware that there are such things as predators out there looking for younger male and females to take control over them. They will push all the right buttons and make you believe they are all for you."

"Mike, we are friends. She would not do that."

"Did you tell her about your mom, your life growing up, your inside turmoil's?"

"Well yes, she asked questions and I answered as truthfully as possible."

"Jeri, she is playing you; I promise. You should see her again, but next time, you ask the questions. See what she really wants. Can you do that for me?"

"I will Mike. I will be careful in my questions and prove that you are wrong."

"That's what I want Jeri, I want you to be safe, smart and not be used."

A week went by and Jeri came into my shop and told me, "You were so right about Mary, she invited me to a meeting with a few other women who claimed they had been used and abused by men and found a transgender life gave them all kinds of freedoms."

"I went and it turns out they are pretty much a man hate group and all they want is to get new members so they can pass them around as a sex toy until another new one comes around; I could not believe what I walked into. It took about 30 minutes for me to figure it out. All of sudden they were hugging me and then the fondling started. I broke away and left in a hurry,"

"I was being used, not wanted." Jeri started crying.

I held onto her and just hugged her tight.

Since it was the beginning of the summer break, she just wanted to find her space and complete her online college courses. She had tested extremely high in her ACT test and entry testing so she was able to test out of some courses immediately.

I had no shop work so I told her, " Let's go on a camping and hiking trip in the mountains. I know a place where we have the world to ourselves and can just live in peace and quiet. Nothing but nature."

She was excited to go but needed another week to finish classes for the summer. I told her my phone had a hotspot so she had access to the internet and could still do her assignments.

We packed up a few days later in the early morning and took off to a mountain property owned by a good friend of mine. We got the camper and an outdoor screened room set up.

It was getting late but we still took a short walk to the small stream that flowed nearby and waded around in the refreshingly clean water.

"Thanks, this is already making me feel a lot better. Being alone with someone I love and trust is awesome." Jeri told me.

Jeri worked on her classes in the mornings and evenings so we could hike, relax with a picnic and go fishing in the stream during the day. It took her 3 days to finish classes and final exams.

The third night a quick thunderstorm was passing over and Jeri jumped up off the couch bed and jumped in bed with Mike.

"Holy crap, Mike, that sounded like it hit us." Jeri said.

"Yeah, this little camper moves a bit in storms, don't worry we will be fine,"

Mike didn't say anything as Jeri climbed under the covers with him and wrapped herself around him as she fell asleep.

Mike soon felt a stirring in his pants and slowly got up to sleep on the couch.

He watched her sleep a while noticing how much she had changed over the years.

From the little baby learning to crawl to a full woman. She was 5"4", about 120#, nice more than a handful sized breasts, brown hair shoulder length, brown eyes and a killer smile.

The next morning Jeri woke up to the smell of breakfast.

"My gosh, I haven't slept that sound in it seems like forever," she exclaimed.

"Great, that's why we came. To unload, and unwind." Mike replied.

"Mike, why did you get up and move last night?" Jeri grinned.

Mike joked back, "I wasn't sure if I was in bed with a man or a woman, so I got up and slept on the couch. Ha-ha."

"I can be whatever you want me to be, I love you more than anyone and want to make you happy."

"Jeri, I love what you are implying but it's wrong. You have been used and misused for so long I don't want to be part of that. I cannot do that to you."

"You told me to explore my thoughts and make rational decisions and this is what I want. I will be using you."

Mike looked in her eyes and seen she was serious, he didn't know what to say so he said in jest, "So are you a male or female?"

"I want to be both, to see both sides of the fence."

" I'll tell you what, we are going on a long hike and picnic today, you think it over for 24 hours. We will do what you decide. But make sure you are all in. You can't learn if you don't do. Experience is the only teacher that doesn't lie."

They hiked 18 miles that day, cleaned up, ate and went to bed. Jeri passed out on the bed with nothing on but boxer shorts and a cut off tee shirt. Her perky breasts and nipples were showing and her clean shaved pussy and ass cheeks were glistening. Mike had to cover her and go masturbate.

Jeri woke up to breakfast cooking, got up showered and walked up behind Mike and gave him a hug. "Thank you so much, I haven't had such a clear mind in a long time. I made my mind up about what I want."

Mike all of sudden had a chill, and said," Okay, what does your mind say?"

"I want to be your female for one day then your male for the second day. On our last day I want to be yours both together."

"It's your call. I'll do as you want. I am not going to force you into anything, but I will take the lead when you are the female. Be aware, I might push the limits and some."

"Since you want to be a male the next day you will have to take the lead, then and you can do as you wish unless I say stop. On the third day it will be hodge-podge."

"The word Stop, means Stop, and has to be honored."

Mike, "Agreed?"

Jeri, "Agreed."

Jeri giggled, "But how can I be the male without a penis?"

Mike laughed and said "Come on, we are going to the city."

It was a 3-hour drive, and Mike stopped at an adult sex shop and told Jeri to take his card and buy what she needed but be thoughtful of what she was buying.

"If I decide to buy a strap on penis, what size do I buy?"

"Something around 6" to 7" and about as round as you can put your fist around it, don't buy some monster that I can't handle" I told her.

20 minutes later Jeri walked out with a bag and a very nervous smile. "I am so nervous Mike."

"It's no problem, you want to see both sides of the fence and you will. It's just us and nobody else. It's not anyone's business to know what happens. Were you able to find what you needed?"

"Yes" Jeri stammered.

"You get lube?"

"Yes, the lady told me what to get, the water based does not ruin the toys." Jeri said.

"Then, the fun begins. You want to be male first or female first?"

Jeri thought a few seconds and said," Female, I need to get warmed up to all of this and I can quit at any time. Since I am a virgin, I need to go slow and learn."

"Good thinking!" Mike told her.

While in the city they ate a good late afternoon lunch, picked up some lite snacks for the drive back to the camper.

Getting back to the camper, Mike and Jeri took a swim in the stream and to ease tensions Mike started a water war with Jeri. Laughing and playing Mike grabbed Jeri around the waste from behind and acted like he was going to dunk her.

While holding her, he kissed her neck and started moving his hands across her very nicely formed breast, lightly brushing her large hard nipples. Mike turned Jeri around, looked in her eyes and moved his lips lightly across hers.

He could feel her shudder and then she kissed him a bit harder. Mike took her hands and moved them down to his hard cock while he slowly opened her shirt and kissed down to her large swollen nipples and lightly sucked on them. God her nipples were large, pointed and just beautiful. Her breasts were a perfectly formed match for her body.

Jeri's breathing was deep and slow so Mike moved his hands down between her legs and even through the water could feel how warm her pussy was. He could tell she had a fully shaved pussy.

Her hand was surrounding his cock and rubbing him up and caressing his shaved balls.

They started kissing again and Mike picked her up and brought her to shower inside the camper.

No words were spoken and Mike undressed both of them and started washing her body slowly and as sensual as possible. Mike started kissing down to her breasts and down more until he was licking and sucking her clit then moved to the inside of her pussy lips and finally sliding his tongue around and inside her anal button. He could feel Jeri's knees buckling so he had to hold her up when her orgasm started flowing the sweetest pussy juice Mike ever tasted.

He worked his way back up to her lips and Jeri started washing down his body and repeated the kissing he had done to her.

Jeri reached his fully erect cock with her lips, looked up, smiled and teasingly started sucking the tip of his cock and slowly moving her mouth up and down the length of it as far as she could. She then licked around his balls and returned the favor around his anal button and back up to the tip of his cock.

Mike had to stop her as he could feel his balls filling up with the urge to cum.

They dried each other off and climbed in the bed.

Mike opened a cabinet drawer and pulled out a large pad to put under Jeri. "Puppy pads, best invention ever for sex. Keeps the bed nice, clean and dry."

Jeri, being virgin did not fully understand what he meant. Yet.

Mike laid Jeri back on the bed and moved in between her legs. He slowly moved the head of his cock across her hot, wet and swollen pussy and just rubbed her clit easily while moving his cock in and around the entrance to her pussy.

Jeri could not believe the feelings she was having.

When Mike's cock started rubbing the inside of her pussy lips, Jeri arched her back to take in more until she felt a small amount of pain as his cock touched her hymen.

Mike, whispered in her ear, "Get on top of me, the first full penetration will not be comfortable being a virgin. It will go away and start feeling much better, just go at your own pace."

Mike rolled over and Jeri got over his cock and worked her pussy down slowly until he breached her hymen. After the initial shock and pain, it started being a little easier so she slowly but surely pushed her pussy further down Mike's cock.

Jeri grunted and Mike stopped her motion to let her pussy relax.

Jeri started moving slow up and down Mike's cock when her pussy unloosened from his cock.


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