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Family Matters

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Cousin eggs her on, she shows she loves her uncle.
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The two girls ran and bundled their way through the gateway, running into each other and rolling to the floor on the grass behind the large hedge. They were giggling and panting loudly, struggling for breath after their escape.

"Shh, quiet, listen?" one said, rolling onto the other.

She clamped her hand over the mouth of the other to quieten her, pushing herself tight into her body to make them less visible. They heard the footsteps approaching, then run past where they were.

"Quick, they must have run around the corner," a male voice cried out.

They listened until the footsteps faded, then burst out laughing, lying in each other's arms.

"Phew, that was close. I can't believe you stole his cap," the one on top said.

The other stuck her tongue out, licking the other's hand to move it off her mouth. She laughed and put the cap on her head.

"I don't even like it, and it doesn't fit me either!" she laughed.

Jenny was the mischievous one of the two cousins. Brunette, 5' 7" tall, 34C with an ass to match, knew she was built to tease. Her cousin Tori was an inch shorter, with a petite slim body topped with a 30B bust. They both had similar shoulder-length haircuts except Tori was blonde, her hair more of a white colour than yellowish. That too was a head-turner for guys.

"You can get off me now Tori," Jenny laughed.

"I thought I heard them coming back, honest!" Tori giggled.

The cousins had been wandering around the local shopping centre for most of the morning, and for the last hour, the guys had been pestering them for a date. Jenny and Tori had kept them hanging on, teasing them until Jenny had called one over on the premise of kissing him, before snatching his cap from his head and the girls running quickly away, laughing loudly. Walking out through the gateway and back onto the path, Jenny put the cap on the gatepost and they wandered off.

The girls, both nineteen years old, lived in neighbouring streets, their gardens backing onto each other. They'd been inseparable from an early age, sharing the same classes throughout school and now attending the same college too. They weren't just cousins but best friends and soulmates, confiding in each other. They were often mistaken for sisters, both having similar features, and both looking like their mothers who were sisters. Tori always teased Jenny about being the better-looking one, getting the most male attention due to her bigger tits and arse, Jenny telling her she'd rather have her petite model-like figure.

"Shall we go back to mine and try these on?" Tori asked.

"Yeah, we could do that," Jenny responded.

Tori giggled, the bag she held up contained various items of lingerie and a couple of dresses. The girls had bought them for a party they were due to attend at the weekend.

"You only want to show off and hope my dad catches you," Tori laughed.

"No, I don't!" Jenny protested a little too much, and they both laughed out loud.

It was a standing joke between the girls that they both fancied each other's dads. It had started when Tori's dad Jim had been drunkenly dancing at a family party and had grabbed Jenny and started swaying her around, mistaking her for his wife Anna, Tori's mum. He'd blushed when he realised his mistake when they were pulled apart, Jim apologising profusely, his flushed red complexion contrasting against his silver grey hair.

Getting to Tori's house, Jim was sitting watching TV, wearing shorts and a vest top. He was tall, around 6' 4", and had quite a big frame. He waved and said hello, but continued to watch his film. Tori told him they were going upstairs and he just waved. The girls walked up and Tori emptied the contents onto the bed.

"Try the white ones first," she told Jenny, holding up a bra and thong set.

Jenny started undressing. The girls were always getting ready at each other's houses so were used to seeing each other naked, usually after showering, and were always swapping clothes. She casually dropped her jeans and t-shirt to the floor, unhooked her bra and slid down her knickers, standing naked she took the lace undies from Tori. She slid them on, then looked towards a full-length mirror.

"Wow, you look super hot in those," Tori told her.

"Mmm, I think the white colour would have suited you better, I should have picked the red set instead of these. I'll try on the black ones though. Are you putting yours on?" Jenny asked her.

Tori started undressing but didn't take her eyes off Jenny. Now wearing the black bra and thong, Tori whistled.

"They look great. Even I'd fuck you if you were wearing them for me!" Tori said.

Jenny laughed, and Tori nervously laughed with her. She was joking but felt her heart flutter, her eyes wandering across Jenny's body, a vision of perfection right here in front of her. She'd felt this feeling a few times, most recently when she fell onto her cousin's body, her hand over her mouth stopping their lips from colliding, lying along her body with their legs entwined and their breasts pushed together. She knew she couldn't say in case the strong bond between them broke if Jenny didn't feel the same, and even if she did they were cousins.

Jenny was looking at herself in the mirror, rubbing the palms of her hands over her hips and across her tits, imagining the looks she'd get in these. She heard a noise and turned to see Tori opening the bedroom door.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I dare you to undress, walk naked to the bathroom and back," Tori giggled.

"But, Uncle Jim might see me," Jenny answered.

"You're not chicken are you?" Tori laughed, doing chicken wings with her arms.

Jenny looked over onto the landing. The bathroom was about twenty feet away, it would take her around ten seconds there and back she presumed. She slid off the underwear, smiled at Tori, and walked out onto the landing. Just as she got to the bathroom, Tori shouted out.

"Dad, dad, come here!" she shouted out.

She laughed as she saw Jenny panic, and instead of simply darting into the bathroom, she started to tiptoe back to the bedroom, trying not to alert Jim. Just as she got to the bedroom door, Jim appeared at the bottom of the stairs just in time to see her bare arse disappear from view. Tori poked her head around the door.

"Sorry dad, I thought I saw a spider, you know I don't like them," she explained.

Jim grumbled and went back to his film, the girls laughing at each other. Tori showed Jenny she'd taken a picture of Jenny naked on her landing 'just in case I need to blackmail you some time' she laughed.

Saturday came and Tori sent Jenny a message.

"Will pick you up in a while, got a surprise to show you," she messaged.

"Pick me up?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, dad's bought me a car, it's a beauty," she said.

"Are you driving to the party then?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, a taxi there and back will cost us a small fortune and neither of us works, and it gives me an excuse not to get drunk and embarrass myself," Tori answered.

Tori arrived later, Jenny walked out to see her sitting in a black convertible sports car.

"Jeez, where did Uncle Jim find that from?" she asked.

"A guy at the garage he knows was selling it cheap, and he knew I need a car and couldn't afford one, so he'd agreed on a deal for it," Tori smiled.

The party was fun, with lots of loud music and people around their age dancing in virtually every room in the house, They recognised a few people from their college, but not a lot of the others. Tori was wearing a red and black dress, and crimson red lipstick to match. She also wore crimson red undies but had no intention of letting anyway see they matched too, keeping sober meant keeping her wits about her.

Jenny wore a figure-hugging black dress, a split up the side of one leg to nearly the top of her thigh. She'd whispered to Tori that she was wearing the black undies and she felt very sexy in them. They danced the night away, fending off advances, then eventually left at about 1 am. They hadn't driven very far when Jenny leaned over.

"Can I drive for a bit, we'll swap before we get back home though," she asked.

They were heading towards a straight part of the road, no other cars about this early in the morning. Tori agreed, although a little reluctantly. She pulled over and they swapped seats. Jenny started to drive, slowly at first and then playing about, accelerating quickly and then slowing down again. Suddenly, without warning, a dog ran across the road in front of the car and Jenny swerved to miss it, driving off the side of the road and down a grass bank into the hedge. Despite their efforts, the wheels kept spinning and the car would not reverse out of the ditch.

"Fuck, I'm going to have to phone my dad, he's not going to be happy," Tori said.

She phoned, coming back to Jenny, telling her he was more bothered about what time it was but more concerned that the girls were alright rather than the car. When he got there he surveyed the scene, Tori telling him about the dog.

"I told you not to take the car out tonight, you need to get used to driving it before bringing it all over here," he scolded.

"I'm really sorry dad, I didn't mean to," Tori sobbed.

"No, you can't take the blame," Jenny said, "I was driving Uncle Jim," she continued.

Jim looked her up and down, it was the first time he'd noticed her outfit, the split in her dress staring at him.

"I'm going to have to phone my garage guy, ask him to come and tow it back, then have a look at the damage to it," he said, "I fucking told you not to go out in it."

They all sat in Jim's car while they waited for him to come out. Jenny noticed him staring at her legs in the passenger seat, Tori sitting in the back. When the garage guy came he had a look around the car, then winched it up onto the back of his truck.

"The front wing is dented, and the side is all scratched, and I'll have to check the radiator," he told Jim.

Jim drove them back, nobody talking, Jenny noticed he kept looking in the rearview mirror. Getting back outside Jenny's house she got out of the car.

"I'll pay for any damages Uncle Jim, it wasn't Tori's fault so don't blame her please," she said.

He grunted and drove off.

The following afternoon Tori sent her a message, asking her to come around. Jenny asked if her dad was in a mood after last night, Tori told her he seemed fine considering. Tori told her to bring her costume and they'd sit out in the garden.

They'd been outside for about an hour in the warm sunshine, Jim had been out to see if they needed drinks, her eyes darting over Jenny's body as she did so. The girls heard talking and went inside. Jim was just finishing a phone call.

"£500 the damage is going to cost," Jim told them, "and that's only because it's mate's rates."

"I'll find a way to pay somehow, but I can't afford to pay all that in one go," Jenny said.

"Maybe I should ask your parents to stump up the money?" Jim replied.

"No, please, dad will go mad, he knows I'd been drinking," Jenny pleaded.

"Please can you pay dad?" Tori pleaded, "Jenny will find a way to pay you back won't you?"

Jenny looked at Tori as she spoke, there was a slight grin on her face and a glint in her eye.

"Anyway, I'm going to shower and change so we can go out later," Tori said, walking off out of the room with a smile.

Jenny stood around for a short while, then realising she was still standing in just her bikini, told her Uncle Jim she was going to get dressed.

"Give me a hand first?" Jim said, brushing his hand through his slick silver hair.

"Doing the drinks, okay I will," Jenny answered.

"No, give me a hand first," Jim repeated, this time pulling down his shorts.

Jenny gasped. Not only was she not expecting it, but Jim's cock was bigger than she would have imagined. He was already erect, his cock around eight inches long and fat, very fat.

"Uncle Jim, what are you doing?" she said, trying to sound shocked.

"It's the least you can do to start paying off your debt," he said sternly.

Jenny was trying desperately not to look, but Jim had grabbed his cock at the base and was pointing it in her direction. He pointed a finger towards the ceiling.

"Anna isn't in and won't be back for a good while yet, and you can hear the shower running so you'll know when Tori is finished," he grinned.

"No, there has to be another way?" Jenny asked.

"Yes, there is. I can tell your parents. Now the sooner you start the sooner we don't get caught by Tori," he said.

Jenny gulped. While they'd joked about fancying each other's dads, she never once thought anything would happen. Reluctantly she reached out and wrapped her hand around his shaft. It was hot to the touch, and Jim threw his head back and moaned. He put a hand on hers and started her stroking him, then moved it and left her to it. Jenny tried to finish him quickly by rubbing her thumb over the tip of his cock as she stroked him, upping her pace until her hand was a blur.

"Bend over and reach back and wank me," Jim instructed.

Jenny did as she was told, his cock brushing against her thighs as she stroked him as fast as she could manage. His breathing was getting heavier, and then suddenly the sound of the shower stopped.

"You'd better hurry," Jim laughed.

He altered his stance slightly, moving right behind her now. As she stroked him, his cock slid between her legs, brushing the inside of her thighs. Only the fabric of her bikini bottoms stopped his cock from sliding into her, Jenny wondered if he could feel how wet her pussy was becoming. Suddenly he groaned and started cumming, spurting over her bikini bottoms and thighs, a river of his semen running down to her knees. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

Tori walked into the kitchen, her dad facing the kitchen sink, Jenny had very quickly thrown on her t-shirt and shorts. She could feel the sticky mess still on her arse and hoped Tori wouldn't see it.

"I'm off to shower too, I'll see you later," Jenny said, making her excuses and rushing out of the house.

Jenny couldn't wait to get in the shower, she could feel Uncle Jim's drying jizz on her thighs and the small of her back. Undressing and climbing in, she closed her eyes as the water streamed through her hair and down her body. She bent her knees slightly and with her eyes still closed, reached behind her for the shampoo bottle. Picking it up, she realised the round bottle was around the same thickness as Jim's cock. With her eyes closed, she pressed the bottle against her buttocks. She felt her stomach flutter, imagining it was Jim behind her.

Washing her hair and rinsing the lather out, she closed the lid of the bottle. She reached down between her legs, a hand rubbing along her pussy, leaving a soapy trail. Lathering her hand up she turned the bottle upside down and rubbed soap around it to lube it up. Holding it on the floor of the shower, water still cascading over her, she straddled and lowered herself onto the bottle.

With the thickness of the bottle, it took some doing to get it inserted but once done the smoothness of the bottle helped her pussy slide down onto it. Jenny groaned at the feel of it stretching her, pulling it out and thrusting it back in again. The smooth plastic stretched her, but the feeling wasn't doing anything for her. Leaving the bottle impaled in herself, she reached up and took the shower head from its fixed position, aiming the jets of water directly at her clit.

With her pussy full, she lay on her back and closed her eyes, the jets of water making her clit tingle, her mind raced thinking of Jim. She pushed the bottle as far in as she could, just the thin cap sticking out, and opened her legs as wide as possible. Not long after her body shook, her back arching as she came hard, pushing the bottle out of her pussy as she came.

She lay still, contrasting thoughts running through her head. He's your Uncle, but he's not a blood relative. It's wrong, and yet the feel of his cock in her hand was so right. It will blow the family apart, but she wanted him anyway.

On Wednesday morning before going to college Jenny's mum Hayley reminded her they were at Jim and Anna's house that evening for a barbecue and whether she was going straight from college or not. Jenny had forgotten, and Tori hadn't mentioned it. Jenny told her she'd probably change first, she had jeans and a t-shirt on as it was cloudy but still warm, but the weather forecast said it would be hot and sunny by late afternoon.

Talking to Tori at college she told her she was wearing a dress, so Jenny should too. She got home to a note saying they'd gone around already. Jenny went upstairs, her heart beating, it would be the first time she'd seen Jim since the other night. She picked out a royal blue dress that reached down to the middle of her thighs, with thin shoulder straps that pulled up the front of the dress. With this one, she could get away without wearing a bra and picked out a red lace thong to wear underneath.

There were a few others there when she arrived, Jim saying hello but then moving away, Jenny did notice he looked back and smiled at her, but for the next hour, it was like she wasn't there. Inside Jenny wasn't happy, did he think that little of her? Did the other night not mean anything? She had to know if it was one-sided, or if he really liked her. Her heart told her to leave it, he was her uncle. Her head saw him glance towards her, nobody by him, Jenny lifting a leg and putting her ankle on her knee, giving him a quick upskirt flash. She saw him grin, and then she quickly put her leg down when her Aunt Anna went to talk to him.

Later that evening Jenny told Tori she was going to the toilet. Getting to the top of the stairs she saw Jim, who'd just been himself.

"Ah, pretty little Jenny, pretty little teasing Jenny. Nice red thong, did you wear that just for me?" he asked with a slightly drunken slur to his voice.

"I might have done, maybe you'll never know" Jenny teased.

He lunged and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her to him, his semi-erect cock pushing into her stomach. Towering over her, he held her tight to him.

"Do you want to pay off some more of your debt?" he laughed.

"What did you have in mind?" Jenny pretended to be shocked.

He pulled open the buttons on his jeans and pulled out his cock.

"Blow me," he instructed.

Jenny looked at him shocked.

"Now, here," he told her.

"What about if someone comes up?" Jenny asked, mild panic in her voice.

"You go in the toilet, I'll run into the bathroom. Now get your mouth around this and don't stop until you've made me cum," he urged.

His hand went to her head and he pushed her down firmly until she squatted in front of him. Instinct took over as Jenny started to wank him into her mouth, feeling him grow to a full erection. She took in as much as possible, sliding her mouth onto him, using a hand to cup and squeeze his balls to try to make him cum quicker. His grunting got louder, and Jenny felt the shoulder straps pushed away, her tits uncovered for his viewing pleasure.

Jim gripped her head as he started spurting down her throat, Jenny pulling her mouth off him as the rest spilt across her face and chin, hanging down and sticking to her neck, the last couple of spurts across her tits. Just as he'd finished, a door opened downstairs. Jim quickly pulled her to a standing position, then went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Jenny quickly darted into the toilet.

The door knocked as she sat down.

"Nearly done," she said, using toilet paper to wipe herself down.

"Hurry up," she heard Tori cry out.

Phew, that was close. Her heart was racing knowing how close she'd been to being caught with her Uncle by her cousin.

"I thought you'd got lost," Tori laughed when Jenny finally emerged.


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